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I guess you could say since earth is part of the solar system, the earth phenomena are space related (it’s all about diversity anyway, why not include algae?). Plus what amateur astrophysicist hasn’t had to deal with a cloudy night ruining a night if star gazing?


You know they already knew that he’d do that, why even tell them and make it obvious? It’s been GOPs MO since long before I was born.


Reminds me I still have a completed Undertale pacifist run I’ll never go back to because everyone is living their best life in my install.


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  • taiyang,

    You know, part of me wants to do a Civ marathon and try to remember the rules in the first few games I haven’t played in decades. Alpha Centari would be on that list, though.


    The best I’ve got is O3.


    I am gonna steal FTFY, so whenever I use that, remember that’s what I’m saying to you.


    Omg, haven’t been this hyped since the live action Dragon Ball movie.


    Oh yeah, I remember how it bitched I didn’t have enough room because it was trying to clone my fucking documents folder without being asked.

    And heaven forbid actually using it. I stored work files on a paid account and it cloned it locally on my laptop nearly killing my 500gb hard drive I the process. Again, unprompted. It’s such a garbage system.


    Jokes on you, car in front is really a large truck sporting a large ramp and I’m about to do a cool stunt jump and finally get my achievement for all the jumps.


    Arguably better than:
    Pee is stored in the walls and…
    Bee is stored in the balls.


    I did kind of enjoy the time my brother and I got salmonella growing up. One bathroom, we were destroying it every 15 minutes taking turns. At some point you just have to laugh through the pain!


    Hmmm… grade is…
    1 / 1 For effort…
    1 / 1… Oh, perfect scores!


    I mean, I did mine without dividers to run it. Let me try again with four scores:

    1 | 1i
    11 | L

    That’s 1 point from the first judge, a 1i for the second, an 11 from the third and an L from the fourth. All four judges have no idea what this is, all I asked was a thumbs up or a thumbs down.

    What are some excellent free games/total conversions that are worth playing the whole thing?

    I used up play a ton of Doom mods years ago and a lot of the TCs were fun but lacked substance beyond the surface. Some of the new ones are cool but overly complex. (The Sonic cart game has an hour long tutorial before you start). I was a big fan of Simon’s Destiny, the Castlevania mod for Doom....


    It’s been a long time but one of my favorites was the Star Control 2 remake Ur-Quan Masters. I believe there is a free HD version out there, too. Plus if you like it, the OG creators have current projects you can support (they left that IP after 2).

    Not sure what genre it is; certainly not action packed like your examples but those space battles were fun.


    Thanks for linking that, I didn’t have anything handy since it’s been ages.


    Peak SC.

    That said, I wait for retroachevements before I dive back into my gcn collection.


    It varies. It also turns brown naturally if exposed to air for too long, though, so hopefully it’s not that. My dad would leave it in the cupboard still open and it turned brown in no time— but in a store, they better not be opened!


    I knew who they were from the moment I saw the thumbnail. Not a good gay test, though, as I’m mostly just a cartoon fan.

    Btw, it’s a slow burn but Adventure Time gets really good near the end, with those two actually canonized as in a relationship by the end. Their special epilogue episode (which I think was on HBO) was also super cute.

    (Later seasons are probably Rebecca Sugars influence, she was on Adventure Time staff until she started Steven Universe, but often ended up working on later stuff with them too, including songs in their latest HBO stuff)


    I also looked for it but no luck. There is an interesting list on Wikipedia of unusual articles though, which is a fun rabbit hole if you want to waste the rest of your day.



    I will be looking deeper later myself when less busy, haha.


    As a now-adult, I think my dad ruined Lincoln Park as a go to “oldie” in the car because he played it frequently (especially after the lead killed himself). My brother went the way of the Jack Johnson while I turned to… well…

    My kids get to listen to video game music because their parents are a particular kind of cringe, haha.


    I played with my toddler FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!


    Child abandonment FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!


    Ah I see what you’re doing, you’re trying to get more of that sweet sweet Trump hentai created and distributed. You can’t fool me!

    Seriously though if you want seo to favor the good stuff you gotta give it a fair number of clicks. I for one to not volunteer as tribute.


    Natural next step, given the riveting narrative of the games. Truly a masterpiece in story telling.

    Real talk though, you haven’t lived until you played Minecraft in VR and looked an enderman in the eye. It hits on another level when it’s literal eye contact, like looking at the wrong guy on the bus and getting murdered for it.


    If only we could be done with it. I guess we can do as some Brits used to do and slash them tires… except that was kind of frowned upon.


    I have the Nintendo one, originally for animal crossing and now it’s more because my 2 year old likes Super Mario 64 and I do not want to set her up on a PC to emulate it quite yet. Switch is a lot easier on her tiny baby hands, plus handhelds are more intuitive.

    My stepdad has Xboxs thing, which works for him anyway. Given he’s retired and has time but not a lot of money, it’s a better bang for his buck (plus he’s not exactly planning on living forever).


    Gosh it’d be nice to have a spoiler candidate take GoP votes for once. I heard it happened before but certainly not in my lifetime so far…


    My Genesis has certainly brought me more joy than my smartphone, and that’s including the fact that I can emulate Genesis games on my phone.

    It was just… A simpler, happier time being a kid.


    Well, technically the Genesis was a gift from a drug addict boyfriend of my mom’s because of how uncool I was about her divorce. So… No?

    But that’s why video games rule.


    I mean, phone calls and texts are a strong negative. Lol

    I hate leaf blowers with the passion of 1000 suns.

    Everywhere I am there is a guy running a leaf blower. At my house, leaf blowers everywhere all day long. At work, of course, leaf blowers blowing dirt and allergens into the air. It’s such a special noise, it goes through walls and headphones so effectively. They are the most pervasive, annoying things on the planet. I hate...


    Wish that worked. I was in a city that had banned gas blowers but they still used them instead of the quieter electric ones. Cities never seem to enforce that stuff, and maybe because it’s difficult to enforce.


    Here’s a “fun” story: my old place had at least four different agencies doing leaf blowing of a fire lane right out my window.

    1. The condo I was in hired one weekly
    2. The condo across the lane hired one weekly.
    3. The city hired one weekly.
    4. The county(?) hired one weekly. (Or maybe the fire dept? Not sure but it was four a week total)

    Despite a ban in Culver City, they all used gas blowers (yes, the city even paid for one) and the gas fumes went directly into my window and lingered because it was essentially an alley and I was on the second floor directly above. I had to close my window almost every day, even during heat waves, but the noise echoed loud enough that it barely mattered.

    I’m so glad to have moved.


    I wonder if anything happened at NYT in the last two years; they were quite positive about e-bikes in 2020 to 2022.


    Oh no, they’re banning the visible spectrum! Certainly dark days ahead for Florida.


    With how Subway frantically franchises, it’s possible there is a subway on that ship.


    Ah, I remember the days when my crazy ex just created more AIM accounts to contact me.

    Yes, my back hurts, why do you ask?

    rule (lemmy.cafe)

    as much of a PSA as this is a meme lol. don’t seek dietary advice from randos on the internet. everyone is different and the advice you see from @bonerfart on !memes can be dangerous and should be taken with a grain of salt (metaphorically, not a dietary recommendation 😜). instead consider one or both of:...


    Cool cool, but this game I’ve been playing had me gather Drywall from a mining site for a culinary themed questlime… twice. Yum!

    So take it from me, rando Internet person: mix drywall with all your soups for extra flavor and nutrients!


    Feels like an insult to guys in photos just living their best life with rubber ducks.


    Breaking for breaking sake is bad, like any game mechanic added for tradition reasons (i.e. we do it because that’s what you do). I often can this Anti-QoL, and that concept is killing me in these retro inspired games lately.

    Consider why you break weapons and you can see when it can be done to a positive effect. BotW, I think, adds it for the sake of encouraging you to get more weapons or find steady supply of decent weapons, since they generally respawn. That seems fine, and honestly plays fine when you get to mid game and can utilize weapon spawns effectively (I think it’s lame just how easy they break, and that they break even if you are breaking rocks, but that’s a balancing issue, imo.)

    Dark Cloud noticably does not do a good job justifying it’s breakage system. It’s more about fusing new ones, so you already have a way to recycle and encourage new weapon usage (plus, weapons are kind of rare). Not to mention, weapon customization is a big part there and iirc, you even lose the stones you put in the weapon if it breaks. So, at this point, the breakage is more a harsh punishment for an easy accidental crime- fighting too damn hard. Clearly not a well thought out feature included for inclusion sake.

    A good system is going to use perma-breakage to encourage use of an abundance of weapon and armor drops, and temporary breakage to encourage resource management, be it repair items or stat bonuses, or in the case of Monster Hunter (mentioned in another comment), valuable seconds and potential vulnerability when sharpening the weapon. There are probably other good rationales, but punishing players is not one of them.


    I initially misread the question as, if I was to shit my pants in 2 to 6 hours, how/where should I do it. Optimally, for maximum impact, probably on TV at a major event.


    Ugh, same. I’m still picking sand out of my crack from the twenty years I was banished to a barren desert betwixt our reality and another. Those and Dodge Chargers really grind my gears.


    Middle Managers and 2nd rate psych students. But, having surveyed my undergraduate classes in the past, about 50% of them believe in astrology so it’s no wonder the Myers-Briggs speaks to them.


    Might vary from school to school. The bigger thing is upbringing, many first gen kids don’t have that going into college so it’s more a task to teach critical thinking to them. More privileged kids get that out the gate, especially if they’re coming from private schools that encourage critical thinking and not following orders / memorization.

    I teach at a place with mostly first gens, so thats how it is.


    I mean, some people like BuzzFeed quizzes, but it’s easy to tell that it’s for entertainment, knowing they’re not scientific. When it’s an documented personality test with a long history, it’s easy to assume it’s scientific. But social sciences weren’t all that scientific until the last few decades, anyway.

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