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“You are welcome, comrade biden”


Of course, the solution to children using deadly weapons is to give them to more children. Genius!


Or - get this - it’s because I’m from a country where having more guns than citizens isn’t considered normal.

Children aren’t old enough to vote, why the fuck would you think it’s a good idea to give them easy access to ranged, deadly weapons?

“Gunphobic” is an absurd term, because a phobia implies an irrational fear, so fearing misuse of objects explicitly created for killing things isn’t exactly a “phobia” so much as it is a legitimate concern for the country with the 2nd highest rate of firearm homicides per capita on the planet.

In my country, we don’t do “school shooting drills”. We don’t need to.


Yeah I guess waydroid is probably the way to go for TFT on Linux


The swastika doesn’t have the same associations with the Nazis in Asia


Seems like you’ve just misinterpreted that sign?

Like yeah, it’s not a great sign - partly because it’s easy for people like you to intentionally misinterpret - but it’s pretty clear it’s saying that the Israeli killing of 1.5% of the population of Gaza, and displacement of 85% is a genocide.


What’s silly?


You know it’s going to be good when you link a tweet from someone who called people paedophiles in retaliation for saying he was racist, got sued for slander and lost!

There’s a difference between “the court didn’t determine it was plausible” (ie the court didn’t assess its plausibility) and “it isn’t plausible”

So you can’t use it as proof that it isn’t a genocide, because that’s not what she said at all.

As you say: but nice try, I guess! It’s a shame I’m literate!

Next time, I recommend actually watching your source rather than regurgitating what the racist says 👍


I’m well aware who she is - but as I said, and you clearly failed to comprehend, she didn’t say what you think she did

You Ave no there there

I was joking about the literacy thing but…


Like Russia and Germany did before WW2?


The difference is that China claims to be neutral, whereas the US explicitly supports Ukraine


The $1bn is the first batch of weapons being sent that were funded by the (now passed) $61bn allocation

The Israeli $26bn number is their version of Ukraine’s $61bn


I don’t know why you assume that everybody except you had just decided that Ukraine was going to easily take back Crimea

It remains the maximal long term outcome, but was never considered a likely result


What do tanks have to die with Crimea lmao?

Well yeah, if Russia annexed the entirety of Ukraine, that would also be considered the unlikely maximal outcome


Well thanks for clearing that up lmfao


In the wise words of Ordinary Things:

people turn to angry politics and alternative narratives when rotting institutions refuse to show them a future worth believing in. Yes, there are crazy, evil people in this world, but they only get a foothold when the sensible ones stop giving a shit.

Don’t let the bastards grind you down


I don’t think the primary complaint about Israel is that they don’t get on with Iran

Ukraine weapons package ‘ready to go’ once aid bill clears Congress (www.washingtonpost.com)

The Pentagon has a massive infusion of military aid for Ukraine “ready to go,” U.S. officials said, once a long-delayed funding measure, which is expected to pass the House this weekend, clears the Senate next week and President Biden signs it into law....


They’re literally getting invaded by Russia in a defensive war for the very existence of their country. That’s not “for the west”.

Regardless, whether you look at it as a moral duty to the Ukrainian people, or as a self interested opportunity to protect Europe and weaken Russia, funding Ukraine is an efficient investment.


I know right, those poor conscripted russians getting slaughtered on the frontline for Putin’s imperialism


you may be a victim of propaganda

He says, predicting the outcome of a frozen, attritional war with total certainty

If the Ukrainians didn’t think they had a chance they could win, they wouldn’t be bothering to fight

Yes, funding Ukraine is an efficient investment for the west, but that doesn’t mean that the Ukrainians fighting are doing so for the benefit of the west rather than themselves.

Propaganda is only the tool of the enemy, always

Well that’s just not true - in fact the vast majority of propaganda is focused on their own sides lol


How is turning it off an improvement over lockdown? I was under the impression that the security impact is basically the same

Argentina asks to join NATO as President Milei seeks a more prominent role for his nation (apnews.com)

Argentina formally requested on Thursday to join NATO as a global partner, a status that would clear the way for greater political and security cooperation at a time when the right-wing government of President Javier Milei aims to boost ties with Western powers and attract investment....


Milei is a POS, but Argentina would be a valuable addition to NATO, and hopefully set a precedent for accepting nations outside of Europe/North America. NATO rules would need an update though, I believe, since afaik they only cover territory in a limited geographical region, which I think Argentina may not be within?

Would the territorial dispute with the UK over the Falklands not be a prohibiting factor, though? Perhaps the low practical value of the Falklands would be outweighed by the benefits of NATO membership. It would be a nice win if this resolved that dispute.


I’m not sure membership decisions should be primarily based on whether the acronym works well


This seems like a great opportunity to just rename it to “the west”


And for bonus points, it’s basically just a list of every possible approach, starting with diplomatic approaches at the top:

  • diplomacy
  • military intervention
  • regime change
  • doing nothing at all

It’s “all going to plan” in the same way “guessing all 52 cards in the deck until one of them is right” is a magic trick

Actually given your comment, it’s more like someone else listing all the cards until it’s right, and then just saying “tada” when they say the right one


I, too, enjoy reading only half a comment.

The issue isn’t “providing background context,” it’s presenting an advisory document of all the possible approaches to a diplomatic scenario as being some sort of conspiracy, rather than the result of some people literally just doing the job they are paid to do.

By just linking an enormous document and presenting it as if it were some massive revelation, you’re basically just relying on people not bothering to read the document and accepting the inference that the document actually just says only the thing that has happened.


You’re (intentionally?) misunderstanding literally every sentence of my comment


Practically every decision America makes towards Iran has been planned


No shit they consider decisions before making them lmfao


This is a bit misleading, though, Taiwan doesn’t want to be recognised as a nation, it wants to be recognised as the one legitimate government of China.

Palestine just wants a seat at the table.


Yeah, I didn’t want to jump too deep into the specifics of the Taiwanese stance since it’s quite complex, just wanted to note the difference between the two.

seat at the table

Yeah probably not the best way of phasing this, my bad!


That’s not actually a viable solution though, in the same way as “deleting Germany” wasn’t a viable resolution to the second world war.

Their citizens won’t just magically disappear, forcibly displacing them would constitute a war crime, and transferring ownership of the entire region to a Palestinian state is just setting up the dominoes for civil war and extending the instability and suffering in the region.


One of the nations trying to enforce a one-state solution is exactly the issue that got us here in the first place


apartheid regime, the land grabs, the ethnic cleansing, the genocide

All of the above are consequences of Israeli colonialism/imperialism, not a direct consequence of its existence as a state.

The German example is odd, because not only did Germany not cease to exist, but in fact the exact opposite of what you’re proposing was done. That equivalent would be if a victim of Nazi Germany - say, Belgium - annexed Germany in its entirety.

There isn’t a one-state solution that creates an environment where both Palestinian and Israelis can live peacefully, because Israeli citizens are unwilling to live under a Palestinian state, and Palestinians are (of course) unwilling to live under an Israeli state.


Stop acting like you have a right to self determination but Palestinians do not.

xor, (edited )

Nazi Germany is not, but it is still Germany nonetheless. Your proposal is equivalent to the elimination of the concept of Germany in its entirety.

Basing your solution on a state that last existed in 1516 is an awful approach, and ignores the Israeli people’s right to self determination.

Additionally, the number of people who identify as Israeli significantly outnumbers the number of those who identify as Palestinian, so your one state solution still involves a state in which Palestinians continue to be a minority in a nation where Israelis have political control.

And you haven’t even begin to consider how you’d actually make it happen - are you expecting netanyahu to volunteer to join Palestine, or are you proposing a full fledged invasion of Israel, a regional military superpower?

Really, this is one of those situations where an idea is so bad, that it’s not viable to list all the reasons why it’s a bad idea


Jesus Christ, you racist bastard.


I believe I understand what they’re proposing, as the same as your interpretation.

But my point is that whichever way you cut it, it’s really not a viable solution in practice. It’s lovely to imagine a country where Palestinians and Israelis live together in peace and harmony. But in practice, there’s no form of such a state that is an acceptable outcome for either side in the short or even medium term. The Israelis see themselves as Israelis and the Palestinians see themselves as Palestinians, and both of them have a right to self determination. Maybe some form of federal/confederate system would be somewhat possible, but the federal powers would have to be so weak that it would really be a unified state only in name.

But it’s somewhat viable to find a two-state solution that is somewhat mutually acceptable, and so pursuing that is the best bet for finding a way to end the conflict.


One could tenuously make an argument that it was somewhat the case under Ottoman rule, in that non-muslims were much less oppressed than minority religious groups in other countries at that time.

But the conditions for non-muslims even then would still be considered an apartheid state by modern standards.


I’m not proposing any specific implementation, because I’m not a professional diplomat, and defining the terms of a specific two state solution is far outside my knowledge.

But the return of some amount of territory that includes settlements is well within the reasonable bounds of an agreement.


It’s not a “strawman” when it’s just quoting an actual comment you made - that’s called getting called out for your toxic bullshit


Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit


Those damn gay, white, Islamist Nazis!


It’s not whataboutism when it’s about the exact same thing, that’s just calling out hypocrisy


Isis is anti-Shia, considering them infidels, and has a long history of conflict with Iran, especially in Iraq and Syria. Islam isn’t some coordinated power system, it’s a complex, fractious religion with many internal and external conflicts.

Russia, too, has been involved in lots of conflict with ISIS, including in Syria and more recently supporting north African countries’ conflicts against them as well.



ISIS really doesn’t have any significant friendly states, so their international reputation isn’t exactly a priority


I don’t think anyone really sees it as hypocritical, especially not their potential members - they’re very open about their hatred for these countries


Okay, what’s your evidence? The public advance warning? Their long history of backing isis /s?

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