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rule (lemmy.cafe)

as much of a PSA as this is a meme lol. don’t seek dietary advice from randos on the internet. everyone is different and the advice you see from @bonerfart on !memes can be dangerous and should be taken with a grain of salt (metaphorically, not a dietary recommendation 😜). instead consider one or both of:...


Do not take dietary advice from randos on the internet, yes, but also unless it’s in relation to a medical condition or you are talking to a professional nutritionist don’t take dietary advice from your doctor either. Med school teaches basically nothing about nutrition, and it’s pretty sad how often you can figure out when a doctor went to med school by which fad diet they recommend.

9 years later, I finally played fallout 4

Having dropped New Vegas in the past due to lost interest, I decided to try this game out finally since a friend of mine was having a fallout 3 playthrough himself. It was it 8 bucks, so I figured why not. I have to say, I put way more hours into this game than both other Bethesda games I’ve played through (Skyrim and...


Fallout 4 kind of in a weird place where it’s simultaneously a bad Fallout game and arguably the best Bethesda game. How much you like it really just depends on which of those things you’re more into. I’ve personally never really gotten the appeal of Bethesda games. I usually end up spending 90% of my time going through my inventory analyzing the price to weight ratio of all the worthless junk I’ve accumulated, and the worlds have always just felt really shallow to me personally, but clearly I’m in the minority. I am sort of curious why more people seem to have agreed with me on Fallout 4 than on Skyrim though. I guess maybe it’s just that the people who talk about it the most are more likely to be Fallout fans than Bethesda fans.


Okay, but if you aren’t making a single multi-billion dollar game that doesn’t need a storefront because it functionally is one, then Steam is by far the biggest and most dominant player out there.


No, you don’t understand. The only acceptable amount of money is all of it. If you are making less than all of the money, then it can never be enough and your daddy will never love you.


It’s not really direct cause and effect, but yeah. The incentives for a publicly-traded company make enshitification far more appealing then it would be for most other organizations.


Oh, also, it’s a common misconception that publicly-traded companies are required to maximize profits. They can have whatever goals their shareholders want. It’s just that the way modern publicly-traded companies work, most of their shareholders are people quickly buying and trading shares based on who they think will earn them the most money this month, so that sort of inevitably becomes the goal of any publicly-traded company.


I don’t know why people keep saying that flatpaks don’t support cli apps. They do. I know it’s awkward to type out flatpak run io.github.zyedidia.micro or whatever every time you want to use a text editor, but aliases fix that pretty neatly, and that example wasn’t hypothetical.


Jokes on you then. I’m probably staring because I’m trying to figure out what’s going on with that eye makeup, and I have no idea what that face is supposed to mean.


They’re still neutron stars though. As far as we know the only ways for a neutron star to stop being a neutron star is for enough stuff to fall into them that they collapse into a black hole, two merge to become a black hole, or if they get eaten by a black hole. Otherwise neutron stars are just about the most stable things in the universe.

Surveilling Alone: In the U.S., home security cameras are booming in an era of rising crime and declining trust. But they’re driving neighbors further apart. (www.thenewatlantis.com)

Today, a different form of efficient design is eliminating “eyes on the street” — by replacing them with technological ones. The proliferation of neighborhood surveillance technologies such as Ring cameras and digital neighborhood-watch platforms and apps such as Nextdoor and Citizen have freed us from the constraints of...


I mean technically yes? There’s kind of a post pandemic return to normal still going on, and before that there were consistent record low crime rates for the first half of the 10s, so they’re not that low, but they’re still pretty low. Nowhere near as bad as the terrifying dark ages of the 90s.


So uh… how exactly does a 3D printer use AI? Is the AI running the stepper motors? Or is this person actually suggesting that an AI could design a bridge? Because, uh, no. No it can’t. Maybe someday in the distant future, but large language models aren’t structural engineers. Those aren’t even remotely the same thing.


Did you actually even read the article you linked? It’s about a type of generative AI that’s slightly better than humans at finding the most efficient way of providing structural strength with minimal material. If you think that’s all there is to designing a bridge I can only hope you aren’t allowed anywhere near a bridge I need to drive across.


Engineers using a specialized AI to make a design slightly lighter and then using a 3D printer to print that design isn’t a 3D printer using AI.


Yeah, and none of them can actually design bridges. Some of them can be useful tools for engineers to use while designing bridges, but this isn’t tech bro fantasy land. You’re gonna need some engineers. That’s gonna take more than a day.


I think the question here is how is this money laundering? I could sell Sherlock Holmes for $60, and that wouldn’t be Arthur Conan Doyle giving me money under the table. How is this any different?


Is there any evidence of churches buying these stupid bibles? If there is that’s a pretty serious accusation. If it’s just weirdo Trump cultists then that’s not actually money laundering.


Holy crap, you’re making accusations that the guy who’s out of money is illegally recieving tons of money and I’m the unreasonable one? From everything I’m seeing and hearing outside of Lemmy churches are actually pissed off at how tacky this is, but sure, baseless accusations make you the reasonable one.


Just because he does worse things all the time doesn’t mean this isn’t serious. Don’t let him move the goalpost like that. But also maybe have some actual evidence instead of just paranoid conspiracy theories. That’s their thing. We need to be better than them.


Look, campaign finance in the United States is absolute bullshit. Chances are that anyone dumb enough to buy an overpriced Trump branded bible could already legally just give him the money though.

Yes. He is a con-man and a grifter. We all know that here. Trying to pretend this is money laundering when the money doesn’t even need to be laundered just makes you seem like a crazy person though. I would like for us to all stay in touch with reality. Election finance reform would be great. Wild criminal accusations based on nothing but vibes won’t help that happen though.


So your argument is that he’s money laundering because money laundering doesn’t mean money laundering.

Okay. This conversation was a mistake.


Cool. Guess you won’t be able to reply when I tell you that I’m sorry I mistakenly believed you might be reasoned with. The idea that somehow “money laundering” actually means openly selling things to suckers totally legally is just an obvious lie because you don’t want to admit you were wrong. You’ll never get to hear that though.


How is changing a number fudging the science? Dude just liked powers of 2 so he set arbitrary things to be slightly different numbers. Heck, even Celsius is pretty arbitrary. The triple point of Hydrogen Hydroxide isn’t actually some magical mystical temperature that’s more important than all other temperatures, and the boiling point of one particular chemical at our best estimate of the average atmospheric pressure on the surface of this one particular rock is almost completely meaningless.


Partly it’s just worse lighting, but also 3 months of sleep deprivation isn’t conductive to looking your best.


Free speech means I’m allowed to say whatever I want, and everyone else is also allowed to say whatever I want, right?


Heck, sign me up. That’s basically time travel to a future where presumably humanity has gotten its shit together if they’re still around inventing better ships. I see no downsides.


It’s really only more secure in the sense that in general more complicated programs have more things that can go wrong with them. Either bugs, or just user error.

That is a valid concern, and most people don’t need or use any of sudo’s extra features, so it’s completely reasonable to switch to doas because of that, but it’s not like there’s some glaring security flaw in sudo that most people really need to worry about. Especially if they’re not doing weird things in the config, which would mostly be the same people who could easily switch to doas anyway.


When someone supports fascist regimes and spouts fascist talking points they are what they are, no matter what they like to call themselves. The Nazis called themselves socialist, too.


Wow, that was the longest and most pretentious “nuh-uh” I’ve ever seen. You realize that we are specifically talking about people who support fascists, right? If you think you can rationally talk someone out of any belief, let alone one as irrational as fascism, then I’d love to see you try. It’d be funny.

zephr_c, (edited )

Sadly there is mountains of evidence that you can’t. Studies consistently show that trying to rationally argue someone out of a belief just makes them even more defensive of it.

Edit: Fixed hilarious typo. Ever fence. Heh.


Heh. If you think I care what they call me you are sorely mistaken. If someone wants to ask real questions and learn something I’ll be happy to answer them. If they just want to spout fascist talking points and side with fascists I’m going to call them fascist. Because they are fascist. There is no point in engaging with them beyond that. You will accomplish nothing.


Hey GOG! How about you make an actual Linux client instead of giving me another useless way I can’t play my games? Because unfortunately I live in the third world shithole with abysmal internet known as the United States. Cloud gaming is about as useful to me as a safe to store all the gold I don’t have.


You can do that, but some of the features only work if you launch the game through Galaxy. Cloud saves only work that way. Some games need it for online matchmaking or leaderboards. It handles updates. If you care about achievements or statistics you won’t get any of those without Galaxy.

Just downloading the game from the website is usually good enough for actual old games, but it’s just a second class experience for most newer games. That bothers some people more than others. I’m mostly just annoyed by the principle of the thing, really.


Oh wow. The invasive programs given total authority to see and control everything on your computer at the most basic level made by companies famous for their terrible security practices can be used to do things with your computer that you might not want? What a total shock and surprise. Nobody could ever have possibly seen this coming.


I still prefer traditional packages, but I get why devs of complicated graphical apps with lots of dependencies hate them. As for Flatpak specifically, I’m not super impressed. It’s just going to get more annoying over time having more old versions of all their libraries and more and more apps that aren’t updating to the latest version so they eat up a ton of drive space and give constant notices to harass the devs, but out of all the major distro agnostic options they suck the least and they’re getting better the fastest, which is why I think they’ve pretty much won at this point. I’m not currently using them, but it’s pretty much inevitable that I’ll have to at some point, and overall that’s probably more good than bad. I think AppImages could have been better if the lead dev wasn’t a walking, talking collection of weird hills to die on, but I’m afraid that ship has already sailed.


If you’re going to use flatpak from the command line you’re definitely going to need to start aliasing those flatpak run commands. It’s still annoying, but at least that way it’s only annoying once.


Well okay. I agree that it’s a flaw in Flatpak, but if you think adding a single line to your .bashrc is some kind of unbearable burden that you shouldn’t have to endure and you’re willing to make your own experience far worse just to avoid it, then I think you’re being a bit silly. I mean, be as silly as you want. Don’t let me tell you what to do. You are being silly though.


I don’t even like flatpak very much, I’m not currently using it at all, and I already agreed it was flawed right at the very start of the quote you cut off there. I was just trying to be helpful. Sorry. Won’t happen again. If you want to make things hard for yourself and no one else as a weird self-defeating protest then don’t let me stop you. Don’t pretend I didn’t do the thing I just did and you had to edit out of the quote though. That’s a real dick move, frankly.


Not really. It’s actually pretty common for simpler, unmaintained apps to get small changes in each distro made by the distro maintainers to stay compatible with their current library versions. There’s nobody doing that on Flathub.


Sure, they can, and yeah it is pretty easy, but people have lives. They move on. A distro always has someone checking to make sure things aren’t broken. On Flathub it won’t even break. It’ll just waste drive space and start giving users annoying error messages, and there if the maintainer isn’t interested in maintaining it anymore the only option for doing anything about it is to fork the whole project, and who’s going to do that for something that isn’t even really broken?


How exactly do you update the github of a flathub package with no one actively maintaining it? Not sarcastic. That is an actual question.

And I’m not worried about big officially supported apps. A better example of the kind of thing I’m talking about is older open source games. Flatpak could be great for games. No distro out there is maintaining a current version of every open source game that has ever been released, but Flathub can, and it could be great. Unfortunately anything that’s not being actively maintained is rapidly going to become a 200MB download that whines about security every time you update your flatpaks, even if it doesn’t connect to the internet at all. Even if it’s possible for any random person to update it, who will?

Of course, this doesn’t just have to be about games. There are lots of open source programs out there that just kind of get completed and abandoned. And that’s not even bringing up all the closed source software on flathub that definitely won’t be updated eventually. These aren’t unsolvable problems, of course, but I don’t even think anybody working on flatpak even cares.


Being the first major distro to force the adoption of new technologies is kinda Fedora’s whole thing, so it’s not really surprising. It’s annoying for people on Fedora who use features Wayland doesn’t have yet, but they can jump through a few hoops to get X11 back, or better yet switch to a distro that cares more about giving users options than they do about beta testing new technologies for their corporate overlords.

Still, somebody has be first, and it’s past time to get serious about this whole transition, so I can hardly try to claim this is a bad thing.


Wait, is that Wanapum dam? I did not expect to see central Washington here today.


I’m pretty sure there’s someone, somewhere at Nintendo who knows how google works. I would be shocked if they don’t know more about Switch emulators than I do, and Yuzu wasn’t even my first choice. Yuzu didn’t get sued because it’s popular. They got sued because they ran a profitable company in a country that enforces IP laws pretty strictly and tends to side with large corporations over people.


Yes. Yes I would. In this purely hypothetical situation I would tell you that I prefer Ryujinx. It doesn’t perform quite as well, so it’s not great if you’re on a Steam Deck or something like it, but in my experience it tends to be less buggy, and it’s also run like an actual open source project.

You know, hypothetically.


A small Patreon to cover expenses isn’t so bad. Paywalling releases and running a $30,000/month Patreon out of a company in Rhode Island was not a smart plan.


Funnily enough making the day the same length as the Moon’s orbit is enough to stop the Moon from drifting away by itself. It’s actually the tidal forces caused by that mismatch that are causing the Moon to slowly drift away.

Another fun fact: The Earth’s day is getting slower due to those forces faster than the Moon is drifting away. Given enough time the Earth would end up tidally locked to the Moon and the Moon would stop drifting away on its own. Of course, they’ll both be consumed by the Sun long before that would happen, but I think it’s kinda interesting anyway.

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