SarcasticMan, to politics in Chubb CEO defends backing Trump appeal bond in E. Jean Carroll case avatar

Supporting rapists is an expensive endeavor and Chubb is just the company to finance it.

Jaysyn, to politics in Voters blame businesses more than Biden for sticky inflation avatar

It's not inflation, it's collusion. You don't get to have record profits for four years with 20% "inflation".


Collusion plus the fact that a significant portion of food brands are owned by a handful of companies:…/Companies-Own-The-Food-We-Eat-Info…

They used supply chain issues as an excuse to raise the price of all of their products to obscene levels, and then never brought the prices back down after the supply chains resolved, if that even was a real issue in the first place. I guess they figured people don’t really have the option to just not buy food.


Almost as if monopolies aren’t good for consumers. Weird.

alilbee, to politics in Judge dismisses several counts against Trump in Georgia election criminal case, others still remain

It’s important to note that this was not an exoneration, but rather more procedural. The judge’s argument is that the charges brought are not specific enough as to what elements of their oaths were broken. Now, the prosecutors will either have to drop those charges or refile them in front of a grand jury with more specific charges. The racketeering charges remain and are unaffected by this ruling.

We also still haven’t heard anything on the removal of the prosecutor for an alleged inappropriate relationship. This case is a clusterfuck.


The alleged inappropriate relationship, which was it’s own box of mess all on its own still never indicated why that was prejudicial to the case.

Y’know - the main point of brining it up? Unless the whole point was to create smoke and noise to delay and obfuscate. Or else they just got in there and then - didn’t have anything.


It’s one of those things where it’s obviously intended to derail the case, but I’m still pretty upset with everyone involved for leaving themselves open to this. When you shoot for the king, you better not miss. If you’re not interested in being a super clean goody-goody, don’t take this job. It’s part of the obligations for the important job you chose to do.

But yeah, agreed. I don’t think the defense’s argument is that it would be prejudicial to their case, but rather just arguing that there is other incentive for the prosecutor to be removed. Having the lead prosecutor removed just completely screws a case in the short term.


It’s also important to realize that this is how our justice system works. Participants will rarely file a single charge if there are thirty that may apply - it’s essentially free to file those 29 extra charges and it’s extremely punishing if you file one and choose poorly. The early stages of trial are throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks.

ganksy, to politics in Judge dismisses several counts against Trump in Georgia election criminal case, others still remain avatar

Judge Scott McAfee appointed by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp. In case you were wondering.


I might catch flak for this here, but I have watched a lot of the televised proceedings in this case and I think Judge McAfee has been more than fair so far in this case. This sucks but it is a legitimate procedural issue and a judge has to rule on these things. Frankly, I’m disappointed in the prosecution at this point. Between this and the relationship allegations, they have let multiple outside factors interfere in what might have been the best case against Trump for his election interference.

Rapidcreek, to politics in Judge dismisses several counts against Trump in Georgia election criminal case, others still remain

6 of 41 counts

jordanlund, avatar

6 of 91, but only 13 in Georgia, so that count is now 7.

littlebluespark, avatar

How are you 50 off? That’s more than twice your guess. 👀

CM400, to politics in Judge dismisses several counts against Trump in Georgia election criminal case, others still remain

This seems like lazy reporting in an effort to be first…

“On its own, the United States Constitution contains hundreds of clauses, any one of which can be the subject of a lifetime’s study,” McAfee wrote.

Why is this included? It seems like it would be important to the story, but there’s no context or explanation…


Full quote for visibility

“Defense lawyers for Trump and the others argued, among other things, that the indictment charging them with that specific count did "not detail the exact term of the oaths that are alleged to have been violated,” McAfee noted in his order.

McAfee agreed, saying that the language in the indictment accusing the defendants of soliciting elected officials to violate their oaths to the U.S. and Georgia constitutions “is so generic as to compel” dismissal of the charges.”

I understand dismissing a charge of “failure to uphold and oath” when the accuser cannot establish which part of an oath was broken through specific actions in a legal case.

I’m not exactly familiar with the law, or the oath in question.

Hopefully oaths become more legally binding with updated, specific, terminology and do away with generic, vague platitudes that are entirely open to interpretation.

jordanlund, (edited ) avatar

If you’re trying to keep track of where we’re at in the Trump prosecutions:

Updated 03/13/2024

New York
34 state felonies
Stormy Daniels Payoff

Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - March 25th, 2024
As with the January 6th trial, Trump lawyers are attempting to delay citing Presidential Immunity, despite the fact that Trump was not President when the crimes were committed.

Washington, D.C.
4 federal felonies
January 6th Election Interference

Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - The trial, originally scheduled for March 4th, has been placed on hold pending the Supreme Court ruling on Presidential Immunity. They are due to hear those arguments on April 25th.

40 federal felonies
Top Secret Documents charges

Original indictment was for 37 felonies.
3 new felonies were added on July 27, 2023.
Arrest <- You Are Here
Trial - May 20, 2024

10 state felonies
Election Interference
As of 3/13/24 - Judge McAfee cleared 6 charges, 3 against Trump, saying they were too generic to be enforced.

Arrest <- You Are Here
All 19 defendants have surrendered.
Trial - A trial date of Aug. 5, 2024 has been requested, not approved yet.
Three defendants, Kenneth Chesebro, Sidney Powell, and bail bondsman Scott Hall, have all pled guilty and have agreed to testify in other cases.

Other grand juries, such as for the documents at Bedminster, or the Arizona fake electors, have not been announced.

The E. Jean Carroll trial for sexual assault and defamation where Trump was found liable and ordered to pay $5 million before immediately defaming her again resulting in a demand for $10 million is not listed as it’s a civil case and not a crimimal one. He was found liable in that case for $83.3 million.

There had been multiple cases in multiple states to remove Trump from the ballot, citing ineligibility under the 14th amendment.

The Supreme Court ruled on March 4th that states do not have the ability to determine eligibility in Federal elections.…/united-states-supreme-court-overtur…


Prosecutors have a bad habit of throwing the kitchen sink at anyone they come across and tossing a charge because it’s too broad is okay - it can always be re-filed with added specificity. I would hope it would be.


The weakness of our system is that it often assumes everyone is acting in good faith

JDPoZ, to politics in Voters blame businesses more than Biden for sticky inflation avatar


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  • SoleInvictus, avatar

    I’d settle for where my parents were 30 years ago. One middling income, no higher education, and a 2500 square foot house purchased for $350k dollars (in today dollars adjusted for inflation) that’s ‘worth’ $750k now.

    Adjusting for inflation, my wife and I combined make as much as my dad did.

    mozz, to politics in Voters blame businesses more than Biden for sticky inflation avatar

    So now that some of the reliable drumbeat of “5 shocking reasons Biden sucks, you won’t believe #3!” stories are starting to get removed as misinformation, we’re moving to just putting “Biden” “inflation” and “blame” into juxtaposition in the headline while still being plausible-deniable, huh

    return2ozma, avatar

    Biden still sucks. But if anyone thinks Biden is solely responsible for high prices at the grocery store and not the greedy capitalist pieces of crap corporations, they’re idiots.

    mozz, avatar

    Biden still sucks

    You are, of course, welcome to your opinion on him. I honestly don't have time for an extended back and forth and I'm not sure it would be productive anyway. People can make up their own minds about what they're seeing; I'm just putting my observation in about this specific story.

    return2ozma, avatar

    I don’t have time either. But if anyone wants to follow along on holding Biden accountable, this account is a great read:

    bigMouthCommie, avatar



    return2ozma, avatar

    I agree but the info and discourse from this account is solid.


    We don’t want screenshots from Shitter any more than we want links. If “the info is solid”, then link it from a reliable source, not Nazi Playland.

    return2ozma, avatar
    ech, (edited )

    I have bad news for you regarding a large portion of eligible voters.


    But if anyone thinks Biden is solely responsible for high prices at the grocery store and not the greedy capitalist pieces of crap corporations, they’re idiots.

    These are the same people who were putting stickers of Biden saying “I did that” on every gas pump when fuel costs were high (conveniently not now that prices have lowered again). Yes these people are idiots. Unfortunately these idiots also vote.

    return2ozma, avatar

    Here, just for you…


    What are you on about? This is the original title of this article from CNBC.

    mozz, avatar

    Headlines from newspapers can be propaganda too.

    I mean, the core of what you're saying I will admit is sorta accurate -- I'm knee-jerking a response that may or may not be reasonable. A lot of it has to do with me seeing a pattern of weirdly Biden-shade-throwing stories on Lemmy, not that this one article or headline is anything wild or unreasonable.

    But I will say, on CNBC's side, it would be easy (and more accurate) to just write a story "Here are the reasons behind inflation" without tangentially bringing up the theory that Biden's involved, and without bringing polls of people who may or may not have a clue what they're talking about anywhere into it.


    Or even just “Businesses are the cause of inflation” if they want to skip the clickbait and get to the point.

    Could be worse, though. We could pendulum swing to the full extent of clickbait and make something like “Have beef with Biden? Wait until you hear the truth behind higher prices.”

    Tolstoshev, to politics in Biden says Medicare should negotiate prices for at least 50 drugs each year, up from a target of 20

    50??? How about 100….percent?

    FenrirIII, (edited ) avatar

    He wasn’t talking about percentages though.

    Edit: I agree that more should be regulated, but you need to start with the critical ones first. It’s easier to negotiate from that standpoint and build up.


    Yea, but instead of fifty drugs we should negotiate on all if them.

    There is no reason other than corporate greed to not negotiate drug prices.

    Badeendje, avatar

    Well, if you start with the 50 most used/highest line items on the budget… a lot of savings can be had.


    This is great news. And for everyone asking for “100%”, that’s not how politics works. Politics is “the art of the possible” not a magic wand that can make anything happen.


    Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.


    Honestly, I am always wondering why there is a negotiation at all. If Wal-Mart can get the away with telling the likes of Sony, Nestle, and Kraft how much THEY will be paying for the stock for their shelves, the fucking government can do it with abandon. Fuck these asshats. Like, who are they going to complain to besides their hand puppets in Congress and on the supreme court? The government should not be required to participate in the free market, especially if so many fuckwidgets want to tell them that they are not allowed to regulate it.

    UmeU, to politics in Biden says Medicare should negotiate prices for at least 50 drugs each year, up from a target of 20

    Health’care’ is such bullshit it’s infuriating. Wife and me, early to mid 30s, non smokers, no meds no pre existing conditions… $800 a month and it doesn’t pay for shit except for catastrophic.

    Meanwhile, these insurance companies are some of the most profitable companies on the planet.

    There should be a middle ground… maybe charge me $200 a month and still reap enormous profits. Not like I can ever charge them for anything unless my arm gets chopped off. Even if I lost an arm, something tells me they have the ‘bulk purchasing power’ to have an injury like that not cost much.


    Hear me out. You shouldn’t have to pay anything, those companies shouldn’t exist and it should be government funded. - sincerely the rest of the western world


    Oh I completely agree… I sadly just don’t expect that to happen in the good ol land of the free.

    The least they could do is completely screw us all at a rate of about one quarter of the current rates. That way I could at least forget about the complete absurdity of the whole situation for 5 seconds.

    Badeendje, avatar

    But the only way to pay for this would be through taxes, and taxes are theft remember.

    PoliticallyIncorrect, to politics in Biden says he'll ban TikTok if Congress passes bill, but he's campaigning on it until then avatar

    Biden it’s dumb AF and completely a joke.

    cyd, to politics in The global trade system has already started planning for potential Trump win, new China tariffs

    The US is decoupling from the global trading system even under Biden. Biden maintained Trump’s block of the WTO appellate judge system (apparently because the WTO had the temerity to rule against the US in a couple of trade cases). He kept the Trump tariffs against China, and he’s had fairly tense trading relations with allies like Japan, South Korea, and Europe, in an effort to court union support. He has strongarmed/blackmailed Taiwan into helping setting up chip production in the US, a distinctly Trumpy move.

    So while Trump might add a layer of unpredictability, the general direction of US trade policy is the same no matter who wins the election.

    go_go_gadget, to politics in Biden says Medicare should negotiate prices for at least 50 drugs each year, up from a target of 20

    How about making it available to younger people?

    Son_of_dad, to politics in Trump says a TikTok ban would empower Meta, slams Facebook as 'enemy of the people'

    Trying to pretend they’re not working together

    Crack0n7uesday, to politics in Trump says a TikTok ban would empower Meta, slams Facebook as 'enemy of the people'

    It would definitely empower Facebook, Google/YouTube, and Twitter/X. They are clearly winners in this decision. I don’t use tiktok but I don’t think it should be removed from the app store the same way Huawei was banned in America. With Huawei I can see why ISP’s aren’t allowed to use their products since it’s public infrastructure, but as a consumer you should maybe have the choice to buy their phones. If you want to be dumb enough to let another government organization spy on you, that’s your own fault.

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