fartington, to upliftingnews in Diamond industry 'in trouble' as lab-grown gemstones tank prices further


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  • BitchPeas,

    Yeah but it tarnishes. Gets an “oil slick” on the surface. Hard to remove.

    Rapidcreek, to politics in UAW president under investigation by federal monitor

    Every time big labor starts to make a come back this seems to happen in one of the big unions

    Sanctus, avatar

    They’re claiming corruption. Mans has been slaying corporations left and right what would he have time to abuse? Them?


    I’m sure it’s a coincidence and not retaliation from the most pro-union administration to ever break a rail strike.

    walter_wiggles, to world in Turkey's inflation passes 75% in what economists believe is peak

    What happens to salaries when inflation is this high? If you wait for an EOY raise you’d starve.


    Public workers, pensioners and minimum wage get raises when the government needs political capital. Not sure about private

    Edit: but most unions negotiate in the beginning of the year I think


    Here in Argentina, salaries more or less follow inflation (they always are a little behind anyway… unless you are a politician).

    Inflations isnt new to Turkey, so i guess they must be adjusting them


    And that’s what’s happening pretty much everywhere. Inflation is a godsend to employers for which work became immediately cheaper while they adjust the prices to either match the inflation or surpass it

    qwestjest78, to privacy in United Airlines launches personalized ads on seat-back screens

    A couple years ago I paid what I felt was quite a bit of money for good seats on a plane. Then they started playing ads on the screen in front of me during take off. There was no way to turn off the screen and it literally felt like this screen was being thrust my face that I had no co trol over. Airline is the worst way to travel and they are only going to get more predatory.


    Which airline?


    Air Canada


    I highly doubt you actually couldn’t turn it off if it was during flight. Also you could just not look at the screen, same as with any other ads you see in your daily life constantly.



    neuracnu, avatar

    Post-it notes. One pack is enough for like a third of the plane.


    I flew Icelandic air recently and they had A 4 minute long ad playing with no way to skip or mute that had to play before the entertainment system was available. It played a soon as you turned it on!

    I had to unplug and look away for 4+ minutes

    GasMaskedLunatic, to privacy in United Airlines launches personalized ads on seat-back screens

    We need augmented reality glasses with uBlock Origin now more them ever. Fuck United Airlines and the ad-riddled plane they flew in on.


    So we can see ads 24/7 in every space?


    Yes, perfect, you get it.


    XReal glasses shut everything off and mirrors your phone already.


    You mean a piece of cardboard and duct tape

    Weirdmusic, to politics in UAW president under investigation by federal monitor avatar

    “The consent decree followed a yearslong corruption probe into the union involving embezzlement, bribery and other charges. It resulted in several convictions of union leaders and Fiat Chrysler executives, including two past union presidents.”

    So, by that logic Federal Investigators will now be investigating Chrysler/Fiat, right? Right?

    toiletobserver, to politics in UAW president under investigation by federal monitor

    As a partial owner of the federal government, I’d be willing to overlook minor indiscretions based on the good things he’s doing.

    shortwavesurfer, to world in Turkey's inflation passes 75% in what economists believe is peak

    Confetti money. This is exactly why something like Monero has to exist. priced in Monero house prices, for example, are falling rapidly




    🚨Monero bag holder spotted🚨


    But how big is the bag?


    The bag is empty. That’s what the expression “left holding the bag” means. You just end up with an empty bag because you were cheated out of everything else.


    Moon wen? 🚀🚀🚀

    whyrat, to world in Turkey's inflation passes 75% in what economists believe is peak

    For those not keeping up: this is the fallout from Erdogan ignoring economics and keeping interest rates low for years; only in the past year or so having conceding to reality and finally letting rates rise. They’ll likely continue suffering fallout from his prior stance on interest rates for the remainder of the decade.

    From last summer:…/index.html


    obinice, avatar

    Aye, he’s an utter twat, is what he is.

    Said his economic policies were from his god or some nonsense too, going against all of his policy advisors (who he came down hard on).

    A nutjob deeply damaging the country he’s in charge of, economically, and in so many other dangerous fascist ways too :-(

    0110010001100010, to privacy in United Airlines launches personalized ads on seat-back screens avatar

    This article is short on details but what I really want to know is WHERE is that data coming from and how the fuck does United have access to it?! Also, a follow-up question would be how does one ensure they don’t get access to that data? Is that even possible anymore?

    inconel, (edited )

    I think they can retain customers’ past flight records and maybe list of media played in flights. That said it’s almost guaranteed some ad marketing corpo is behind, and EULA is always vague enough to allow sharing external party…

    redbr64, avatar

    My hope is that there wouldn’t be anything more personal about it than age, sex, and location… But I am sure there’s a lot more that even an airline (businesses that tend to be decades behind in systems they run) can get


    You seriously can’t understand how they would have personal data on you that every other company already has?


    Probably when you book from browser cookies?

    You could get around this but 99% of people won’t.


    The “media network” is and they have a link for US customers to opt out that leads to here ……/SV_88OQmAbr20oeHn8 but of course you’re going to want to also read Qualtrics privacy policy before using their services

    Clicking privacy policy links to…/customer-data-privacy-policy.html

    They collect the usual stuff you use for travel like name, address, payment details, biometrics, I.D etc and also

    Information collected in your use of our mobile application(s) includes, but is not limited to:

    • With your consent, your pinpointed physical location information from technologies like GPS, Wi-Fi, or cell tower proximity (geo-location tracking)
    • With your consent, while at or near certain airports in the U.S., your pinpointed physical location will be tracked continuously to provide you location-based offers, services and other information. For more information, see the Location Services FAQ located on the side menu of the United App;
    • Your domain name;
    • Device ID or alternative ID where required by the platform provider;
    • Electronic data concerning operating systems and computing devices/browser, including types;
    • Features you use and links you click;
    • Amount of time spent in the application;
    • Installs and uninstalls;
    • Transaction details and history.

    We may combine this information with information that we already have collected about you.

    We collect information about you from third parties. If you make a reservation through a travel agent, we will obtain your travel information from that agent. We may also obtain information about you from our marketing partners, advertisers and other third parties.

    We primarily use your information, including personal information, to provide our services to you and to fulfill your requests. In certain circumstances, such as for advertising purposes, we combine your information with other information that we have about you, that is publicly available and/or that we have obtained from third parties (either individually or in the aggregate)

    We also use your information for the following purposes:

    For marketing and advertising. United uses your information, consistent with applicable law, individually, in the aggregate, and/or combined with demographic information that we maintain or collect from third parties, for marketing and advertising purposes (via email, direct mail, telephone, web or other electronic advertising) and to send you news and newsletters. Specifically, information that we collect about you may be used to send you email, direct mail, or telephone communications about offers from United, its partners or other third parties, that might be of interest to you (please see the section on Disclosing your information below and the section on Changing your marketing preferences below). We also use your information to determine appropriate advertising channels and venues and to place ads on such channels and venues, including placing advertising on social networking sites.

    I’m sure the money they make from this will subsidies flight costs that will be passed on to the end user for cheaper flight!

    iAvicenna, (edited ) avatar

    no I heard that they will increase salaries!

    delirious_owl, avatar

    Data brokers sell the info. Its hardly private

    eveninghere, to privacy in United Airlines launches personalized ads on seat-back screens

    I’m okay IF the ads were only from novels of my liking. Never gonna happen though…


    Hmmm, yeah, see? This is why they shouldn’t be allowed to call the ads they have now, “personalized” when they’re really not.

    iAvicenna, to privacy in United Airlines launches personalized ads on seat-back screens avatar

    welp time to carry 100ml black spray paint

    Holyginz, to privacy in United Airlines launches personalized ads on seat-back screens

    I’m going to bring tape and construction paper to cover it up. Double sided sticky tape

    douglasg14b, avatar

    Super glue seems appropriate 🤔

    LunarLoony, avatar

    Skip the construction paper, just use a magazine

    Zerush, to privacy in United Airlines launches personalized ads on seat-back screens avatar

    Yeah. This. This is what will send me to live in a commune.

    Zerush, avatar

    Novadays they also use biometric to enter

    Roopappy, to privacy in United Airlines launches personalized ads on seat-back screens

    Oh good. Because if there’s a profile of my advertising preferences out there, it knows that when I am forced to view an ad, I look away from the screen, turn off the volume, sigh dramatically, and say “Fuck <this product> right in the ass.”

    Personalize away.


    You & me both, friend.


    I work for a company that does marketing, and they are seriously struggling right now because TV and Social media ads are getting more expensive, while at the same time becoming less effective.

    Yes. This is true.

    Because ads suck and people hate them. Whats the new way? Be good at what you do so people talk about your brand. Show up in searches when I’m looking for you. That’s it.


    Astonishing! Who would have thought that be the case? Actually doing the work instead of paying your way to success? That cant be correct! /s


    God forbid the enormous amount of money be poured into the actual product rather than spamming an inferior one.

    douglasg14b, avatar

    Naw, they’ll find some way to “incentivize” (punish you for not) viewing ads and enforce it with eye tracking.

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