@obinice@lemmy.world avatar



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@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Aye, he’s an utter twat, is what he is.

Said his economic policies were from his god or some nonsense too, going against all of his policy advisors (who he came down hard on).

A nutjob deeply damaging the country he’s in charge of, economically, and in so many other dangerous fascist ways too :-(

MLK death rule (pawb.social)

Imagine transcription: An image of Light Yagami, Misa Amane, and L from Death Note on a fiery background. The caption reads: “Did you know, in the anime ‘Death Note’ for copyright reasons, the milk has to be spelt ‘MLK’ on the cartons? Google ‘MLK Death Note’ to find out more!”. End transcription.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar


I’ve looked around but can’t find anything. Source?

Surely with it being a Japanese anime, the milk containers wouldn’t have English text on them but rather be in Japanese - which might make it harder for me to Google to find an article discussing it, as it’s probably not written up in English.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Ah yes, putting company logos directly onto our food. Just what I’ve always wanted.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Beyond £55? They cost £55 now?!

That’s a significant portion of the cost of a brand new console! That’s two weeks worth of electricity for my house! That’s 6 months worth of my mobile phone service! Jesus wept.

I’m not paying more than £40 for a video game, and at that price it had better be a GREAT game.

I mostly wait until they’re in the £20-30 range anyway, even if that means waiting for sales. I’m not in a rush, I’ve got plenty of other games I can play in the mean time after all.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Phew, whatever would we dumb simple Europeans do without the USA to warn us to not fall for the extremely obvious?

So glad they could warn us that China might not be entirely sincere in their relationship with the west.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

mmm that confused and then annoyed me too, 32c is far, far, FAR from 100c.

The content of this article is important, it’s something that is a huge problem and I’m glad I’ve been further informed and educated, but outright lies and sensationalist titles are confusing at best, and always annoying.

Just give me the information, article writers, without trying to turn it into clickbait. Thank you.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Capitalists ruining things for everyone else? Gasp!

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

There’s very few products which everyone can objectively say are designed for killing.

Agreed, it’s very rare, guns are absolutely one of those things though. They’re the perfect evolution of the personal handheld killing tool. You just point it at the thing you want dead, push the button, and you’ve got a good chance of deadding it immediately with your first try.

Guns don’t have a secondary use, like how a knife can whittle a tree branch into a nice spoon, or cut some thread, or skin an animal. Guns cause massive damage to whatever they are pointed at, and sometimes to the things around that thing too, if you’re particularly unlucky.

They’re the solution to a problem when you need the solution to be “escalate this situation to 1000% and start killing stuff”.

Gun manufacturers who say they’re made for defence and not killing must be delusional or confused about what their products do, or just lying to their potential customers for… who even knows what reason.

They are made to defend yourself by killing the person you need to be defended from. Pure and simple. They are truly as cut and dry a tool for killing things as there is.

Nobody is out there shooting people defensively with some non-lethal mode built in to their high speed projectile metal lumps that tear through the human body, causing parts of it to explode and massive trauma to the surrounding tissues and organs.

Do guns exist that fire beanbags, or tranquilliser darts, or such? Absolutely, but none of us here are talking about those types of more specialist guns. We’re talking about your standard gun, the kind they sell to lots of civilians in countries like the USA.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I already have a Steam account, I’m not giving yet another company my details and login data just to play a game on a platform I already have an account for. Nope.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

T his is a good reminder that if you work in ANY industry, no amount of good work, overtime, creativity, awards, or anything of the sort, can save you from the chopping block. Capitalism will ruin everything you love.


@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

You’re saying someone that calls themselves bomber guy is cool?

I mean hey a name is just a name, it’s just uh, not a good first impression 😐

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Russia would lose a war with NATO, Poland warns

Well, yes, in the sense that Russia would be a nuclear crater, as would the NATO nations.

Nobody wins that war. Nobody.

As soon as Russia runs out of other options, backed against a wall, nowhere to go, lead by madmen, they’ll do it, and we all die. All of us, together.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

That dude is (possibly) going to be elected leader of the USA not Europe, the place Orban is. I don’t see how his fortunes are going to change much, we’re not suddenly going to be really into fascist dictators and give him everything he wants 😂

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Can’t make a genocide without a few dead kids and a pile of free American cash, as Israel always says!

It’s an unusual expression, but it goes back generations now… O.o

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

If Europe falls, Russia will come for your country eventually too, once they’re done with the USA.

Not that you care, you’re probably working for Russia, or already in your 60s so this won’t affect you much, but ya know, just in case…

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Ooh this is the painting my parents have but their print is super faded and blue, I’ve wanted to get them a new one for years but never knew what it was!

Does anyone know what this is called please? Thank you :-)

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Ahh, takes me back to the ol’ coverup cleanup campaign enacted for the 1936 Olympics… 😊

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Jesus wept, if I earned HALF that I’d be very comfortable for the rest of my life. That’s an insane income.

Imagine earning almost two hundred grand a year as a family and then suggesting it’s a struggle. That’s wild.

I mean sure, if you live in a gated wealthy community and only buy the finest things, and have very high wealthy standards, then I imagine that would seem like pocket change.

But 14,500 dollaroos a MONTH? That’s enough to support multiple families. That’s equivalent to SIX adults working a full time minimum wage job. SIX!

Imagine being two people, bringing in the wage of six people, and suggesting it’s a tough life. I would kill to be in that highly privileged position haha.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

What the fuck is that, mince meat in tomato sauce? On a burner bun?

What abomination is this.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Why 👏 is 👏 every 👏 word 👏 padded 👏 by 👏 emoticons 👏 ?

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Our western society thinks like a Capitalist in how all decisions are made.

Either directly, or indirectly (usually both), our governments are run by - and for the primary benefit of - Capitalists.

So, look again at this situation. Not from a moral standpoint, as Capitalism doesn’t concern itself with morality one way or another. Look at it from the position of “How can we make the most money and assert the most market dominance?”.

Sometimes our Capitalist government’s goals happen to align with our morals, such as supporting Ukraine against the Russian genociders. Russia are hurting Western economies, and threatening future financial prosperity, and thus must be opposed.

The fact that it’s the right thing to do never factors in - a happy coincidence that’ll help governments garner voter support.

But the genocide Israel is currently perpetrating? The one that we’re directly benefiting from via weapons sales, the placation and strengthening of an ally in that region’s Market?

What would our government take the path of less money? That goes against the very core of Capitalism, which says that all actions must be towards the goal of making more money.

Everything has to be weighed and balanced of course. Let’s say you have a great way of making money, say, prisoner organ harvesting, but you know that doing so would lose you the support of your voters, and possibly start mass protests and riots (aka lost/damaged revenue streams).

Well, you can’t make the maximum amount of money if you’re no longer in a high position of power, can you? So, it makes sense to not harvest prisoner organs. Sure, you lose out on that revenue stream, but you can find 10 others that wouldn’t otherwise be available, and milk those instead.

So yes, “the people” can sway government decisions by taking action that threaten their bottom line, their profits, and we could stop them from supporting Israel’s current genocide, but that would take a huge effort, and that doesn’t seem to have materialised.

The Capitalist government have taken the temperature of the market, seen that it will tolerate these business deals, and concluded that the best way to maximise profits is to continue.

Capitalism is a force of nature, it doesn’t follow morals, superstitions, beliefs, it doesn’t feel fear or anger. It simply follows the most profitable path to the maximum amount of money.

With that in mind, our government’s behaviour sadly becomes quite plain and predictable.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, it does a fab job of giving me playlists in each of the moods/genres/decades I tend to listen to most, giving me a mix of tracks I know and stuff I can discover. I’ve found sooo much new music I love that way!

The AI voiced DJ is fun too, it’s surprising how psychologically satisfying it is to have a personal lil DJ, even when it’s basically just generating those same playlists under the hood, with a few tweaks.

I’m glad there are offline/open source solutions people are posting of course, I don’t want Spotify to ever be the only choice or some kinda monopoly. But yeah, if you’re happy using a service like that and spending a reasonable amount on a subscription, it’s fantastic :-)

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Fungus in general is incredibly alien. It’s not a plant, it’s not an animal, it’s… something outside of our traditional understanding.

Quite reasonable to be put off them, I love eating mushrooms but they’re… creepy…

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

The company will be hoping that by taking the Israeli business back “in house” it can restore its reputation in the Middle East and meet its key sales targets once more.

How is this clearly signalling the they’re against Israel in order to appease the boycotters?

Doesn’t seem to matter who owns them technically, if they’re still McDonalds and still there…

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Phew. The population needs to be reduced significantly, this will help!

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t rely on this and then not take action to make it happen, though.

Remember, nothing lasts forever. There will come a day when you will have your last good day, your last happy moment, your last good sleep, your last nice breakfast.

Do what you can to fight to keep that day as far away as you can for as long as you can.

Saudi Arabia to be appointed chair of UN’s gender equality forum amid ongoing assault on women’s rights (www.amnesty.org)

Ahead of the expected announcement that Saudi Arabia will be appointed chair of the UN women’s rights forum at the annual meeting of the UN Commission of the Status of Women today, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for Advocacy, Sherine Tadros, said:...

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Haha, the UN is such a joke.

They must do this stuff on purpose for the lols, no way a legitimate group that means well would actually put Saudi Arabia in charge of gender equality.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

They have ipads in schools now?

I wonder what they’re even used for, hm…

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

And which old rich boomer is going to give me money, exactly?

My family are poor, my parents were poor, my grandparents were poor, etc etc.

It’s all about what bloodlines you’re in. Which class you’re in. Obviously the rich ruling class are going to inherit their family money.

Remedy acquires full rights to the Control franchise from 505 (www.destructoid.com)

Today, on February 28, nearly five years after Control’s initial launch, Remedy Entertainment, the team behind the Alan Wake, Quantum Break, and Control series, released an announcement regarding a deal between them and 505 Games, detailing a full transition to Remedy acquiring full rights to the franchise. While Remedy...

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I dunno man have you tasted coffee? It’s like making out with a pack a day smoker

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Woah now hold on there just a second buddy ol’ pal, we millennials are all about emojis! We called them smileys and emoticons sure, for forums and MSN Messenger etc, but we were all over 'em!

Then text messaging and Facebook came along and didn’t support that stuff and we were sad, but now they’re back!

Except standard emojis suck, they’re better on stuff like Discord now where you can just upload whatever emotes you want and use them wherever, and they can animate too! Really feels like being back in the forum/MSN Messenger Plus! days 😁

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Now you listen here, Sins only came out a couple of years ago in 2012, that was what, …5 years ago? See, not so bad!

(Side note Sins is fantastic and I hope once the new one is out of early access that it will be a similarly fantastic game)

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Well, a company that happens to be located currently within the USA.

They could just as easily have been based in Australia, or France, or Canada. It’s not a public thing at all, just a private business thing.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Poor taste.

Let’s not turn any terrorist massacres into jokes, regardless of where they happened or when.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I thought they got rid of Klingon? I was excited to try it out but it was gone :-(

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t forget the “small boats crisis”, that’s the conservatives in a nutshell right now :-(

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Excuse me please, one doesn’t kneel for the cross, one genuflects.


@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Pickling in flimsy plastic containers? I’ve never seen a pickled product not in a proper glass jar, that sucks :-(

Especially as that’s how I source all my glass jars throughout the year for picking and jam making hehe

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t agree with the fascist lifestyle. I think they should keep it behind closed doors. On another planet. Not this one.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Literally everybody. Well okay, not literally. But figuratively literally everybody.

You’re a small child incapable of providing for yourself, what else are you going to do? You eat what you’re given or you starve to death.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Without knowing how many people are in the industry, this is hard to quantify. As I’m not in the business myself, I don’t have any way to gauge.

If there are 5,000 job loses and there are only 50,000 people in the industry, that’s very significant and points to extremely serious industry issues.

If there’s 5,000 job loses and there’s 5,000,000 people in the industry, that’s more of a drop in the ocean, and while it would suck for the people involved, such job cuts wouldn’t point to any issues within the industry in and of themselves.

In that latter case, it could simply mean that some individual companies are downsizing and shifting gears to weather economic issues.

Obviously these job loses are a problem, I just wish articles like this would provide that much needed context.

This article compares the number of layoffs this year to last year, and makes a big deal about it. But that tells us NOTHING. That’s just comparing two arbitrary numbers in a vacuum.

What I mean is - If the layoffs last year were 5 people, and this year so far it was 20, their headline would be “2024 layoffs QUADRUPLE in January alone!!!”.

So, the comparison they’re making isn’t very informative in a vacuum. Is the number of layoffs they’re referencing from last year significant for the industry compared to previous years/decades, or close to average, or…?

What we need here is context and more depth of information in order to develop an understanding of the significance of this data and come to some conclusions.

And of course, it goes without saying that it sucks people are losing their jobs and having their lives thrown up in the air like this, regardless of the industry they work in. I wish them the best in landing on their feet.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

I hate websites like this, I’m reading the article, and as I scroll through reading it, it starts to talk about something closely related but not quite the topic of the article, then it gets further and further from the point.

Then finally you realise it’s just feeding a bunch of DIFFERENT articles to you, making them look like they’re just subsections of the first article.

Especially as the first article seems to be incredibly short and ends abruptly without including the one bit of content they said they’d include, and there’s no reasonable separator or footer or spacer or anything to separate the article from the next one.

Eventually you realise they’ve wasted your time and duped you and you vow to never look at that website again, but christ, it’s annoying.

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Except that Turkish delight is delicious <3

@obinice@lemmy.world avatar

Vaseline is nothing like saliva. Take for example using it as lip balm, you certainly can’t use saliva for that!

It also works great to block hair dye around the edges of the hairline from staining the skin at all, and obviously saliva wouldn’t work.

Honestly I can’t think of any situation where you could substitute it for saliva, they’re in no way similar or compatible, completely different things.

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