
qprimed, (edited ) to world in Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"

israel has become the very definition of a rogue nation.

…exactly what the us wants from its middle east attack dog.

theacharnian, (edited ) to world in Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"
@theacharnian@lemmy.ca avatar

How dare they threaten one of the few democracies in the Iberian Peninsula! Spain has a right to defend itself.


I’m confused in the comment on few democracies on the peninsula. What others should there be?

@theacharnian@lemmy.ca avatar

I think 4 counts as a few, no?


I guess I didn’t see why you thought to mention it. It’s fair to say that all of the peninsula is a democracy, unless you’re from Cataluña.

Tryptaminev, to world in Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"

Weird just a few days earlier they said Spain should look to the time of Muslim rule in southern Spain for atrocities against Jews. Which there weren’t Jewish people and culture prospered under the Muslim rule and then got pogromed when the Christians took back over. Now they refer to exactly that.

It is weird that Israel is hellbent not only on revisionism for its own history, but other peoples history too. Or rather it is pretty straight forward as Israel is a fascist colonial entity and shares its interest in revisionism with the Nazis and other colonial genociders.

Cybermonk_Taiji, (edited )

and other colonial genociders.

Strange how no one ever seems to mention the United States when talking about colonial genociders considering it’s the OG and role model for that.


Hilarious that people who are vehemently anti Israel for being “colonial genociders” would down vote me for bringing up US history.

You people are really fucking stupid.

Edit 2:

Look you stupid fucking dick weeds “OG” doesn’t mean “the first ever in recorded history”




lol there were plenty of colonialist genociders before the US. The British empire, the Roman Empire, etc.


Were there any that were as WILDLY SUCCESSFUL in their complete genocide of the aboriginal population?

One has to wonder.

Segregation era US was the literal inspiration for the Nazi regime, and even they thought the “one drop rule” was too extreme.

The United States was too extreme in its racism for Nazi Germany.


You complete lack of knowledge of the British empire is hilarious in the context of a discussion on colonialism.

Cybermonk_Taiji, (edited )

Gosh! I hadn’t considered that!!!

How fucking stupid are you?


Can you name the largest British Colony in the Western Hemisphere and what became of it?

You absolute fucking nonce.


the United States when talking about colonial genociders considering it’s the OG

The OG huh?

What’s OG mean you inveterate cunt?

What came before the US you dense motherfucker?


The Native Tribes you fucking disgusting prick


No one is denying that indigenous American people were genocided.

Everyone is pointing out that others did it first, to other populations, and the USA in no way can considered the “OG”.

You dumb fuck.


How is the US the OG???


Are you serious?

Like really?

Did you learn any history at all?

Here’s a hint, was anyone already living there before it was “the US”?

Edit: bonus question

What happened to them? Hmmmmmmm


The US isn’t the original coloniser. Ghengis Khan did a bloody good job 900 years ago. Alexander the Great was Over 2000 years ago. The US is just shy of 250 years old. So how the fuck is the US the OG (Original gangster)…

I guess your history knowledge is pretty pethetic… Either that or you don’t know what the terms you’re using means


You clearly don’t know shit about your own dick.





Navajo weren’t the original genocide, it also wasn’t one of the biggest, History doesn’t begin when the US was founded.

Albigensian Crusade (Cathar genocide) where they killed 1 000 000 people was back in the year 1209, it is one of the first documented genocides.



Gosh I just love how much you ghouls love to downplay the AMERICAN GENOCIDE

hypocrite cunts.


Enraging yourself because you don’t have the mental capacity is hilarious. History didn’t start 250 years ago with the US. If you had a proper well-rounded education you might understand that.

I suggest you go read a book within your ability. Try “Spot the dog goes to school”. It.might be a little advanced for you but you can lift the flaps.


I just LOVE how no one wants to talk about the AMERICAN GENOCIDE

just saying “it wasn’t the first you’re dumb lolol”

Fucking ghouls.

invisiblegorilla, (edited )

Its funny how its the only thing you want to talk about and no one gives a shit because your delivery is retarded.


No one gives a shit because they are HYPOCRITICAL TWATS


No one will ever take you seriously if this is your way of responding to anything. I appreciate you might have some passion about it, but resorting to insults isn’t going to strengthen your argument. Besides that, you don’t listen and get stuck on a loop like a broken record.


Have you considered that I DON’T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU THINK

hypocrite fucking ghouls


Clearly you do. You can’t help your impulsive self. I bet you’re stewing in front of your phone/computer taking it out on anyone unfortunate to be around you.


Bro… you are so far off that you aren’t even in the same ball field


You’re full of shit

The United States of America was built on the most complete GENOCIDE ever committed.


Do you know what OG means?


You know he doesn’t. Honestly I’m surprised he knows where the reply button is.


Tell us more about how awesome and great the AMERICAN GENOCIDE was you fucking ghouls.


It means Original Gangsta, not the first ever Gangsta in recorded history you fucking nitwit.


Go look up the definition for original.

Also resorting to insults shows your lack of capacity and you lose the argument immediately even if you’re right.



Go look up the definition of “go fuck yourself”

You fucking hypocrite trash


O.G. Original Gangster is the fourth studio album by American rapper Ice-T, released May 14, 1991, by Sire Records. Recording took place from July 1990 to January 1991 in Los Angeles.

Just how FUCKING STUPID are you?


Irrelevant to everything.

@livus@kbin.social avatar

the OG

Not even close.


Which there weren’t Jewish people and culture prospered under the Muslim rule and then got pogromed when the Christians took back over.

It’s incredibly difficult to overstate how damn correct you are.


7-8 centuries of Muslim rule, and Jews become renowned as artisans and philosophers.


The Catholic kings finish conquering the last bastion of Muslims in Iberia, and immediately next they tell all Muslims and Jews to either convert to Christianity or to flee the peninsula, because they aren’t going to like what’s planned for them next. A very different ruler in Europe welcomed them, however:


Basically, the Turks managed to help Constantinople regain some of the economic importance it had gained during the centuries of collapse of the Byzantine Empire because they welcomed Jewish artisans that had been kicked out of Iberia.

DancingBear, to world in Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"

I can no longer take anything the Israeli government says seriously.

StaySquared, to world in Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"

lol Netanyahu is begging for the entire world to hate Israel.

Aux, to world in Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"

Bring it on, you fucking genocidal piece of shit!

mineralfellow, to world in Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"

I didn’t expect the Spanish Inquisition.


More like Israeli Inquisition


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

small44, to world in Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"

Israel have trouble defeating hamas which is not even the stronger group and they think they could really threaten another country?


It’s probably intentional though, Bibi wants to prolong the conflict to stay in power. It was the main reason he got elected back then after all.


In all honesty, I don’t think Israel has the manpower to completely wipe out Hamas even if they wanted to, unless they kill or expulse all Gazans. Gaza has plenty of places to hide, even moreso nowadays with all the rubble, and they have guaranteed that even the Palestinians who for one reason hated Hamas will now hate the IDF even more.

When Israel declares that they have completely wiped out Hamas in a specific area, then Hamas immediately attacks them back from the zone they had supposedly been wiped out from, it’s difficult to explain it with anything other than incapability, because you’re setting up a situation where your own population is going to distrust what you tell them.

Netanyahu is incredibly lucky to have the US support him no matter what he does.

@Semi_Hemi_Demigod@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think Israel has the manpower to completely wipe out Hamas even if they wanted to, unless they kill or expulse all Gazans.

And if they do that they’ll get the West Bank up in arms.

Adults are just the mean, dumb kids from school only older, and now in charge.


Huh, it’s almost like conscript armies are shit at their job.

I realize that sounds like sarcasm aimed at you, SuddenDownpour, but it isn’t meant that way.


There is no “defeating Hamas” at this point. Even if they kill very single current Hamas fighter, the traumatized children whose world they have just destroyed will grow up in squalor and be full of hate . Their choice is to complete the genocide and wipe out Palestinians completely (the only true final solution), or to accept that they’ll be fighting the same war in 12-15 years.


They don’t have to fight the same war, if they respected the people and helped rebuild after decapitating Netanyahu and consorts.

Cognitive_Dissident, to world in Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"

So, what, is Israel going to commit an act of war on Spain by attacking it’s embassy?

Netanyahu and his government have become all the things they claim to hate.

@cupcakezealot@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

they did it with iran like a month ago


Yeah, sometimes (most times?) that’s what happens when you hate.

cupcakezealot, to world in Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"
@cupcakezealot@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

threatening a nato state should go over well


not if you got AIPAC


It’s all about the Benjamin’s.


Lol, if they broke article 5, would the US respond?

TheObviousSolution, (edited ) to world in Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"

This isn’t the funniest bit so far, the funniest bit is that Netanyahu’s is now meeting with Spain’s far-right, the party that attracts real antisemites. Of course, they are truly anti-semitic, as in hating anything recognizably brown enough and not just colozioniolists changing names from Mileikowsky to Netanyahu, so I’m sure they would love a repeat of the Haavara Agreement anyway with a leader they clearly share a lot of values with.


Neo-nazis banded up with zionists to attack US college student encampments. These right-wing zionists wield antisemitism as a shield while they accomplish their zionist agenda and throw in together with whomever is willing to ally with them. They even freely admit it.

@OfCourseNot@fedia.io avatar

In Spain antisemitism is rampant left and right, that's why the government (Socialist Party) has done this. Make no mistake, this is not solidarity or justice or shit, just a smoke screen so their voters forget about the cost of living, housing, unemployment.. and all the hard-to-solve pressing issues they don't want to do anything about.



Unemployment levels are at the lowest since 2008.

@OfCourseNot@fedia.io avatar

Which is saying nothing: 12% unemployment, 27% under 25. Do those numbers look good to you?


They look promising, yes.


But … they do want you to think about it. Spanish politicians talk about that stuff all the time and some party platforms run on it. Spanish Congress is literally voting on housing laws as you comment and there’s heated debate between coalition members on unemployment measures as well. Are you sure they are the ones throwing smoke screens or could the source be closer to home?

@OfCourseNot@fedia.io avatar

Oh they're talking aren't they? Of course they are, that's the only thing they do: bla bla bla and then nothing


I mean, it sounds like you are informed, so you should know that the current government is leading only through a coalition of different parties that are barely a majority, so they have to talk.

The opposition parties don’t mind DoS’ing Spain (just look at the expired Supreme Court that has still to be renewed) just to create unrest. The only opposition who tags along are those that don’t want to see society dragged along for political maneuvering.

@OfCourseNot@fedia.io avatar

it sounds like you are informed

I try to avoid the news as much as I can, for my mental health's sake, but something permeates

you should know that the current government is leading only through a coalition of different parties that are barely a majority

That's how it usually goes in Spain

The opposition parties don't mind DoS'ing Spain (just look at the expired Supreme Court that has still to be renewed) just to create unrest. The only opposition who tags along are those that don't want to see society dragged along for political maneuvering.

And somehow when the current opposition has been the ruling party they could do all kind of things, fascist things that fucked us all over but they were perfectly able to do as they pleased, but the "left" (this "Socialist" party is a monarchist party!) seems unable to even undo a little of the damage.
You do sound well informed, so before you mention the work reform, which was surprisingly good, that I have the unshakable feeling was a mistake on their part. It was meant to NOT pass, but this one fash fucked up his vote and it went through. I don't think the psoe (and maybe podemos, who knows) wanted that reform, they just thought it would be good pr.


I try to avoid the news as much as I can, for my mental health’s sake, but something permeates

You do like to pretend you know what you are saying for someone who isn’t informed at all.

Draegur, to world in Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"

soaring to new heights of hypocrisy, Israel is acting as an inquisition in Palestine and crusading there.

sapetoku, to world in Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"

146 countries recognize Palestine as a sovereign state so I guess Netanyahu will declare WW3 on his own.


Netanyahu could and the US would happily follow them.


“Think of how fast the stock prices will rise!” - Lockheed


wouldn’t be out of character. he did the book burnings and the genocide. why not a world war to complete the set?

unreasonabro, to world in Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"

that’s right moron, bring up something from hundreds of years ago so as to remove any doubt you weren’t really living here in the real world, now, with the rest of us, as we try to stop our murderous governments from carrying out agendas nobody actually wants except sociopaths and murderous cowards like you

LordWiggle, to world in Israel sharpens its tone to Spain: "The Inquisition is over. Those who harm us, we will harm them"
@LordWiggle@lemmy.world avatar

Is this a deceleration of war? If the inquisition is over, why is Israel continuing their inquisition?

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