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TheObviousSolution, (edited )

This isn’t the funniest bit so far, the funniest bit is that Netanyahu’s is now meeting with Spain’s far-right, the party that attracts real antisemites. Of course, they are truly anti-semitic, as in hating anything recognizably brown enough and not just colozioniolists changing names from Mileikowsky to Netanyahu, so I’m sure they would love a repeat of the Haavara Agreement anyway with a leader they clearly share a lot of values with.


But … they do want you to think about it. Spanish politicians talk about that stuff all the time and some party platforms run on it. Spanish Congress is literally voting on housing laws as you comment and there’s heated debate between coalition members on unemployment measures as well. Are you sure they are the ones throwing smoke screens or could the source be closer to home?


I mean, it sounds like you are informed, so you should know that the current government is leading only through a coalition of different parties that are barely a majority, so they have to talk.

The opposition parties don’t mind DoS’ing Spain (just look at the expired Supreme Court that has still to be renewed) just to create unrest. The only opposition who tags along are those that don’t want to see society dragged along for political maneuvering.


That’s why I avoid eating meat and only stick to eating vegans.



Spain: Erhm, ok … Doesn’t that affect Palestinians more than our-?


Totally not an apartheid state.


If electricity is a highway, current is the number of cars at any given time, voltage is how fast they are going, and high voltage are the driving sequences from The Transporter / Fast & Furious movies.


Shouldn’t they just beg Bethesda to incorporate the script extenders directly into the new releases or the script extender devs to update?


Please, don’t 2016 Hillary / Obama yourself before we are closer to the election.

The US is too close to electing its first criminally convicted president.


I wear Crocs because they are functional, for any other reason they’ve long since fallen out of fashion. Combines good insulation with good air flow and they are extremely durable. If being ugly makes me an idiot for wearing them, then I am a complete idiot who deserves his electrolyte laden future.


That’s why you get the fly mesh edition Crocs.


The problem with Star Trek politics is that they are not stereotypical enough.

I’m obviously referring to TNG, the only true Star Trek.


He was busted only because of tax evasion. Now think about that.


Except that,

  • Our objective news - is really just a mess of different slants, some being propaganda, that are not censured even when their content approaches slander due to heavy political bias.
  • Our combating disinformation - is largely unexisting to the point that several large social media providers have abolished or acted against the control they had for doing so and that their CEOs shamelessly meet with presidential candidates with ties to them.
  • Our glorious leader - is hardly accepted as a glorious leader and the portion of the society that does also tend to have absolutely no qualms about becoming more authoritarian by their own admission.
  • Our great religion - is criticized within the country and an increasing number of people are becoming atheists.
  • Our noble populace - Our heroic adventures - Ok, who is writing this meme? Who thinks their society thinks this way? Half the other populace disagrees with the other half, even going so far as to be described as hate, and any mythos of heroic is easily dismissed the moment it becomes convenient to do so not to mention the amount of criticism armed forces get.

This is whataboutism 101. Not all sides are completely black and white, but not all sides are equally grey.


Nice job joining the block list


Funny thing, at least we get to criticize it. They don’t.


Except that at least nationalists can be criticized in mine, creating such a mess in a first place. In theirs, if not explicit social censorship, there’s clear persecution of the barest opposition.


They are going up against billionaires paying for free busing and events to fringe supporters. Hell, they have spent way over that busing the poorest migrants all the way from Texas to New York. There’s a lot of money being spent to turn the US into a completely corrupt oligarchy, and it’s way more than $50 million and even the 500-400 million that Trump owes, all coming from the business empires making their record profits from screwing people.


Maybe it’s just a meme where the context has to be interpreted, and the only projection that exists are those revealed from those interpretations.


I think the only eugenics we need to perform is on InfoWars listeners. Could you imagine it?


North Korea 2024

People don’t seem to realize, as it becomes easier to automate and maintain oppressive systems, the more scarce that democracy will be. Ask Russians.


Trying to switch the term Troglodyte with Luddite makes your comment even more ironic. The British government ultimately dispatched 12,000 troops to suppress Luddite activity, and as Lord Byron denounced “I have been in some of the most oppressed provinces of Turkey; but never, under the most despotic of infidel governments, did I behold such squalid wretchedness as I have seen since my return, in the very heart of a Christian country”.

It isn’t the technology, it’s how it’s used, and authoritarians are being much quicker on the uptake because of the iffiness of democratic infighting that has also been unable to topple, suppress, or even stop the power of authoritarian states from growing.


Acorn uses decoy black guy already detained in police car. It’s super effective!


That must be nice, not having your life put in danger so you can feel depressed about hearing other people’s life being put in danger. Hope it lasts for you, but predictions for this century say war is going to become pretty rampant globally, so I’d recommend you find a way of coping with it better.


I hear at least one of the Jedi was a Sith, good thing they were defunded. Now if we could only defund all the conspiracy theorists about the emperor being a Sith as well.

TheObviousSolution, (edited )

Not what you were complaining about or even identifying with. About the only common theme is a desperate love for making yourself out to be the victim after receiving criticism.

The only one trying to live in a bubble of ignorance is yourself, my comment was leading up to the exact opposite, that if it does not affect you personally, it will, so stop acting and ignoring all the people it is affecting personally because of “me, me, me” and how and when it less severely affects you, and face it.

Getting assaulted by a stranger is bad, huh. Now apply f-ing empathy, get some off of ebay if you must. Just don’t try to get me to empathize with playing the part of an ignorant fool.


There’s a video going around that pretty much has a lot to say about what biblical scholars have found out about that, you should watch it. But the world as it is has everyone essentially belonging to “people” who would be oppressed if they chose to move someplace else in the world, they just don’t build their entire identity around it. I mean, look at the Canaanites, they even have religions that completely sanctify their genocide in their scriptures.

TheObviousSolution, (edited )

Imagine a nascent nomadic cult of a fictional kingdom called Canaan, grown and composed of the downtrodden of its society, that when the kingdom begins to encounter problems beyond its control because it does not know how to or cannot treat them, like plagues and disease, the cult begins blaming the rest of society for not worshiping their god, El, enough nor in the right way by their real name, and begin eulogizing killing the rest of society off in extremely violent ways after they manage to survive the plague and disease due to their seclusion.

Imagine then how no one would ever want to admit to being a Canaan because of the risk of getting persecuted when the cult begins to conquer territory, and imagine this happening to such an extent that even the members of the cult, now a full-fledged religion due to its conquests and expansion, denies any relation to said society, making up a story instead about coming from some far off kingdom like Egypt that most people in the region would know of but would not really know the specifics about. It would sound similar enough to already preexisting mythos.

Imagine if this sort of attitude didn’t just persist into the “modern” world, but involved offsprings of that very same cult holding power and influence in governments throughout the world. It would be a testament to a cultural unwillingness to overcome its own collective ego and overextended fictional narratives to recognize its flawed conception.

TheObviousSolution, (edited )

The problem is, it makes it far too easy to brush it away from a point of ignorance and people who consider themselves devout will never look into it. It serves the interests of Christianity and edginess more than it serves something that would identify itself as, say, biblical scholars. Plus, if they become Satanists, which you may consider a joke label, people who would have had a degree of legitimacy in the eyes of Christians who might be convinced to begin questioning their beliefs can now be much more easily discarded because “Oh, didn’t you know, he’s a Satanist!”

Trying to argue for the term is akin to arguing identifying as a Nazi not because you really support WWII Nazis but want to reclaim the term of socialism within the national perspective as something that can be realistic without the hate, racism, eugenics, and populism. You would be doing more harm to the point you are trying to argue for. It will get views, yes, but are those the views you want?


But those cases illustrate how what’s working out is its implied negativity, not how it’s getting those Christians to really inform themselves. I would even argue that part of it is what’s driving parties and political leaders to try to introduce religion more and more into governments, to get rid of the separation of church and state, which even New York’s current mayor seems to argue for nowadays. It’s a short term victory, and a long term loss that’s very beneficial to the rhetoric of certain parties.

TheObviousSolution, (edited )

I think it’s pretty clear not only what religion I’m referring to, but what branched off sects and eventually separate religions I’m referring to. I think it pretty much has a lot to do with being an atheist, although I guess you consider those the ultimate antisemites as well for seeing the world outside of a fictional religious shell.

Which peaceful religion are you referring to? I’m having trouble seeing through all the blood.

Not only are you not the only person, you are the norm of this sad trend.


Ah, but see, if you don’t call him by his real name, wackytoodlerpops, you are committing blasphemy by worshipping a false idol. Ergo, free grounds for some chop chop in my cult, at least until we get to the religious stage and actually have to establish a stable society which has to consider things like trade from and mingling with the outside world. That’s sort of why Scientology has had to tone down on its fair game policy.


You definitely like your strawmans, but I suppose it should be expected.

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