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Of course they are. Trap women in abusive marriages. Then if they get their national ban on all birth control, men will force themselves on their wives, and they’ll have no choice but to become pregnant. The only way out for them will be suicide – and then the religious assholes will talk to the rest about how that woman will spend eternity in Hell because she killed herself. Meanwhile religious assholes will indoctrinate subsequent generations of girls into believing that “”“Gods plan”“” for them is to get married, have babies, and serve their husbands, and that only sinful selfish women have educations and careers.

In my younger days I’ve seen women have their lives destroyed by one church or another, either stifling their minds, or forcing them to stay in abusive marriages.

Fuck all religion, it ruins everything every single time.


We don’t have “”“conservatives”“” anymore, all we have is the Fascist Pig Party. Anti-democracy, anti-American, racist, sexist, and taking their orders from Moscow. THAT is what we’re fighting against.


The ‘Fascist Pig Party’.


Basically they want to drag the country backwards about 200 years socio-politically, to a time where only white men had any rights at all, and women and children were more-or-less considered ‘property’.


Well well well, color me surprised!

Remember kids: Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt


You’re really remarkably stupid, aren’t you?


Biden and Trump are about the same age, but Biden is clearly in better shape both mentally and physically than Trump, and furthermore doesn’t run off at the mouth with irrelevant nonsense in public.


Uh huh. The military literally indoctrinates you, breaks down and destroys who you are and rebuilds you the way they want you to be, which does not include critical thinking skills or thinking for yourself at all, just ‘following orders’ and ‘conforming’. What they want here is clear: make young people into obedient robots who don’t question authority at all. They want to put religion in public schools, too, which also would discourage thinking for yourself and questioning things (“”“you have to have FAITH!”“”). The end result? An entire generation of obedient robots.


Long cow is loooooooooong.


The danger isn’t that it’s smart, the danger is that humans are stupid.



Here’s the thing: what they keep calling ‘AI’ isn’t really ‘artificial intelligence’ at all. It’s just language processing on a large scale. This type of software has no actual cognitive capability; it can’t ‘think’, it has no capacity to ‘think’ at all, but they’ve written it so it gives the appearance of ‘thinking’; it’s a trick, it’s fake.




It’s all garbage and I consider all of it to be a fad and I just can’t wait until the world wakes up and realizes what utter crap it is and it just goes away.


No, moron, I’m NOT. Go talk to neuroscientists; that’s what I did. They’ll tell you: an amoeba has more cognitive capability than the best of this crapware.

YOU get your “”“AI”“” information from media hype, who gets it from AI company marketing departments, who are told: “Sell this crap we created so we can get paid”.

You’re dumb. You’re so dumb that you can’t understand when someone who is actually smart tells you something, so you think they’re dumb. Get yourself a dog, name it ‘Clue’, so you’ll always have one.


It’s crap, too many people believe the hype, they see TV shows and movies with total fantasy AI in it, they think this crapware is like that, they think there’s someone alive in that box, they’ll come to trust it too much, and they’ll get wrecked because of that. THAT is the real danger of this garbage.


If we can’t even begin to understand how a biological brain like ours produces the phenomenon of ‘thought’ and ‘consciousness’, then how the fuck can you build machines and write software that does those things? Rhetorical question, we can’t, full stop. All we’ve got is fakery, the illusion of ‘thinking’, ersatz, not the real thing.

For fuck’s sake, I go round and round with people on this shit every fucking time because everyone believes the hype and are never told the facts. They watch TV shows and movies and think someone made that real. They take for granted what their brains can do naturally and effortlessly (…well, not so effortlessly in too many peoples case) and knowing nothing about software or hardware think it’s trivial to make machines that can do what their own brain can do. It. Is. Not.


You got a lot of fucking nerve calling me ‘ignorant’. Bugger off.


You can bugger off too.


The fascist pigs who create the inequality are throwing hissy-fits over so-called “”“wokeness”“” because they don’t want ‘equality’, they want supremacy.

Here’s why they’re braindead, though: if they got their way, and everyone who wasn’t lilly-white was either exiled, enslaved, or killed, eventually they’d start sniping on each other for not being “”“white enough”“”, until there was just two of them left, living as far apart as possible, armed to the teeth, constantly plotting how they were going to eliminate that “”“impure mongrel”“” living at the other end of the country.

All this “”“white supremacy”“” bullshit is a mental illness.


Kick their asses out, ALL OF THEM.

This country doesn’t want or need their fake-ass “”“god”“” or their fake-ass religious bullshit.


IDGAF if you’re white black or purple with pink polka-dots, there’s not a single fucking reason for you to play the race card there, jackass.


By all accounts I’ve heard she’s a really nice lady who’s done really nice things for many people and continues to do so, so I don’t at all understand the hate.


Putin is a piece of shit human being who needs to “”“accidentally”“” fall out a high window or “”“accidentally”“” get some polonium in his food. He’s already depopulating Russia of young men for this illegal and immoral invasion of a peaceful democratic sovereign country, and now that they’re fresh out of young men, they’re press-ganging old men and anyone else who can hold a rusty rifle and get their ass shot off in Ukraine. Wouldn’t put it past this motherfucker to start sending old ladies and disabled people over there too.

Here’s the thing, though: Putin knows damned well that if he fails to take Ukraine, the Oligarchs will have him killed, guaranteed. But here’s the other thing about that: he’s going to fail, so he’s dead one way or the other.

Putin should just flee Russia, get plastic surgery to change his appearance, and go live in some remote wilderness for the rest of his unnatural life, and Russia should GTFO of Ukraine now.


Second plot twist: I hear many of them just surrender the first chance they get


Putin’s getting his ass kicked.


If we could somehow manage to cut off material support of Russia coming from China and North Korea, I think it’d all fall apart.


I’ll forward your request to my CIA sources, look for their analysis in your inbox.

No right wing wave in Finland as Left Alliance take record result in EU elections (

Finland’s results in the European election bucked a continent-wide trend of rising support for parties on the outer fringe of right-wing politics, with the Left Alliance and the National Coalition winning big at the expense of the nationalist Finns Party....



I got maybe another 20 or so years of life left to me, I really don’t want to see my world turn into some fascist authoritarian hell-scape where everything is ruled from Moscow or Beijing. So please, fellow homosapiens: don’t let that happen, mmkay?


Nice try, FBI.


LOL Donald Trump is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Russia Federation, and Milania is his ‘handler’ posing as his ‘wife’. Wouldn’t at all be surprised if his kids are all born-and-raised sleeper agents too, and that he sexually abused his daughter.


The goverment and military of Israel have become just like the Nazis of World War 2 and seek to completely erase the Palestinian people and take their land. They have become everything they claim to hate.

Hamas is no better. They use the people they claim to be fighting for as human shields and have therefore participated in the mass slaughter of Palestinians.

The only people in this brutal conflict that are innocent are the non-combatants on both sides --and even then, only the non-combatants who oppose the war and oppose genocide.

The Israeli government and military deserve to be removed and tried in the International Court. Same goes for Hamas. Gaza deserves to be officially recognized as a sovereign nation, and Israel deserves to be forced to pay reparations to the Palestinians both for their loss of life and for the damage to their cities.

Furthermore when all is said and done I think that the U.S. should only continue being an ally of Israel if and when everyone in Israel responsible for the war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza are arrested and tried, and a new government formed that likewise recognizes Gaza as a sovereign nation. Otherwise Israel can just try hacking it on their own, because enough is enough.


If you’re actually defending the terrorist organization known as Hamas, then you can get fucked, they’re just as bad as the Israeli government and military and likewise deserve to be destroyed. So does Hezbolah and all the other Islamic terror groups wherever they are.


I am of a mind that it doesn’t matter whether it might or might not happen, we need to talk about how it needs to happen, because enough people start saying that, maybe it does happen. Being silent never accomplished anything.


Fuck you, asshole, I’m no gods-be-damned motherfucking Nazi, but you sound to me like YOU are the Nazi here, defending a government and military that is systematically wiping out an entire population.


I was hearing about this on NPR this morning. If he sells off everything he owns it’ll still be only a tiny fraction of the $1B judgement against him, and the plaintiffs will have the right to hound him for the rest of his life for the rest of it. So even if he ended up washing dishes or digging ditches for a living, they’d still have the right to garnish his wages to pay off the settlement. The sonofabitch will never have anything other than the bare necessities again, ever, which is how it should be.


Uh huh. This is just like women legislators who support draconian abortion laws being shocked, shocked, I tell you, when they discover that those laws apply to them and their daughters as well. As much as I don’t want to see any women suffer injuries or die due to these bullshit abortion laws in some states, I also must admit I want to see some high-profile women politicians who did support those laws directly affected by them in highly negative ways, so they understand how utterly stupid they’ve been.


So far as I’m concerned Netanyahu and his government are as bad as the German Nazis of World War 2 who tried to exterminate them. They’re now doing the same things to the Palestinians, while simultaneously swearing up and down that they’re not doing that, but really, who believes them anymore?

Additionally Netanyahu is a criminal in his own country and is desperately clinging to power so he doesn’t go to prison.

The real victims here are all the non-combatants on both sides, Palestinian and Israeli both. Hamas are animals who use the people they claim to fight for as human shields, and the Israeli government and military are genocidal assholes who just want to exterminate the Palestinians once and for all and take their land. The best thing that could happen here is that Hamas ceases to exist, Netanyahu, his government, and the elements of their military who are okay with killing Palestinian civilians all go away, and Palestine is declared a free and sovereign country, and this shit never happens again.


So, what, is Israel going to commit an act of war on Spain by attacking it’s embassy?

Netanyahu and his government have become all the things they claim to hate.


…and where the actual fuck do you “”“deport”“” a U.S. citizen to, anyway? The Moon???

Be so glad when we “”“deport”“” Trump to a federal prison.


I’d like to round up the entire Fascist Pig Party (aka “”“Republicans”“”) and ‘deport’ them to a life raft out in international waters.

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