mlg, to politics in Hillary Clinton celebrates Donald Trump verdict with 'She was right' merch avatar

She is the reason Trump won and Bernie simultaneously got axed.

The voter turnout was poor and I’m convinced it’s gonna be even more atrocious this year.


The only reason Bernie was axed was because the DNC axed him. Bernie is too progressive for democrats.



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  • FreakinSteve,

    Fuck right off with your goddamn ‘Bernie bro’ bullshit. Getting pretty real sick of you fucking retards being completely incapable of taking responsibility for your shitty, pathetic candidate that NOBODY wanted.


    Literally a majority of voters voted for her. You ate the propaganda that Putin laid out for you.


    A majority voted for Biden and they didnt want him either. You swung, you missed.


    Nice delusion haha

    When the facts contradict, ignore the facts lol


    Trump won 2016. She was beaten by trump. Those are the facts.


    You said no one wanted Clinton. Literally a majority of voters wanted her. You’re in a bubble.


    You sadly cannot make the distinction between “wanted by the majority” and “having her be forced upon the majority”. Sone of us have been around long enough to know her history. A very small minority if Democrat voters thought she was a good candidate.

    Also, she lost to trump.


    No one rounded up voters at gunpoint and forced them to go to the polls and mark Hillary Clinton for President lol.

    You are in a bubble.



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  • FreakinSteve,

    See how fucking stupid tht sounds when you repeat it ad nauseum?


    Truth hurts, I know.



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  • jordanlund, avatar

    Temp banned for trolling.


    ROFL you must be a Russian troll. She literally came across as one of the evil characters from a Disney movie…

    Bernie didn’t do shit except campaign for and support her after she threw him under a bus to buy the nomination.



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  • jordanlund, avatar

    Clinton fucked up three ways that cost her the election:

    1. She told coal workers in Ohio and West Virginia that she wanted to put them out of work. Which caught the ear of Pennsylvania which is, you know, in between Ohio and West Virginia.

    Her attempt to walk it back was insincere and cost her PA.

    1. She completely and utterly failed to campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin, assuming she’d win them by default

    Those three states cost her the election.


    That would be some of the many reasons, yes.

    xerazal, to politics in Hillary Clinton celebrates Donald Trump verdict with 'She was right' merch

    Crawls back out from under her stuffy old bridge to make a buck and stroke her own ego.

    And yet she still can’t fathom that she lost in 2016 to a reality TV host because of her unlikability. Nope, couldn’t be that. Must be sexism, the Russians, Bernie bros, hell throw bigfoot in there somewhere.


    The Bernie bros thing is funny because more Bernie voters voted for Hillary than moderates voted for Hillary. And it was moderates the reason Hillary lost.


    Yeah, the “Bernie Bro” bullshit is just childish whining by pathetically irresponsible losers.

    Luftruessel, to world in Global concern rises over bird flu as experts warn of potential human pandemic

    Ah shit, here we go again

    KoboldCoterie, avatar

    We had one pandemic, yes…

    But what about second pandemic?


    Not until you finish the first one!

    jupyter_rain, avatar

    Alternative: “But we already have pandemic at home”.

    Phegan, to politics in Hillary Clinton celebrates Donald Trump verdict with 'She was right' merch

    Shut the fuck up Hillary.

    itsonlygeorge, to world in Global concern rises over bird flu as experts warn of potential human pandemic

    Pandemic 2: Electric Bird Flu Boogaloo




    Sponsored by Red Bull?

    Treczoks, to world in Global concern rises over bird flu as experts warn of potential human pandemic

    Just wait until enough MAGA heads have drunk raw milk out of pure spite and turn the bird flu into the MAGA Malady pandemic.

    The first pandemic caused primarily by human stupidity…


    The first pandemic caused primarily by human stupidity…

    I was going to bring up the killing of cats right before the Black Plague of the 14th century but some searching online showed me that most historians think it was a factor but not the major factor.

    So yeah I got nothing you might be right.


    Yep. Cats and the Black Plague. Actually, they were a complicating factor for some. The Christians killed (primarily black) cats, as they deemed them helpers of the devil and therefor complicit in spreading the plague. The Jews, on the other side, kept cats to keep house and storage vermin-free. So the Christians thought the Jews were in league with the devil, so they killed them, too - at least that was one of the “reasons” for pogromes. And it is also a reason why there are way less black cats in Europe than colored ones. It is a crazy topic…

    But even if they had not killed those cats, the Black Death would have come. Maybe it would have spread a tad slower, but not much.


    Bad things are happening -> a minority caused it. All we have to is eliminate the minority and double down on ideas that failed us.

    Guess humans haven’t changed much. On an unrelated note a friend of mine yesterday decided to tell me about the vast conspiracy of trans people to hurt girls and I am reconsidering our relationship.

    inclementimmigrant, to politics in Hillary Clinton celebrates Donald Trump verdict with 'She was right' merch

    Oh just fucking go away Hillary. You’re time in the shade is done when you ignored everyone telling you to stop taking the battle ground states for granted and were losing ground there while you quixotically attempted to win southern states you had no fucking chance in hell of winning, giving us Trump.

    Fuck off and fuck you Hillary.

    pjwestin, to politics in Hillary Clinton celebrates Donald Trump verdict with 'She was right' merch avatar

    Trumps conviction is the best news we’ve had in months, if not years, and she ruined it in 48 hours.


    Hillary Clinton: does literally anything

    You people, crawling out of the woodwork: OMG YOU ROONT EVERYTING!


    She bought her way into being a candidate. Pretty much took over the DNC and sidelined Bernie unethically.

    She’s a piss poor public speaker and just came across as an evil mean person.

    Although, she would have been much better than Trump and maybe even a decent president. That doesn’t make her a good person.


    Who gives a fuck. The position she was running for wasn’t “likeable person of the United States”.

    pjwestin, avatar

    Hillary Clinton makes every piece of news about Trump into an excuse to relitigate an election she lost due to her campaign’s spectacular incompetence

    Clinton chuds: wHy ArE YoU oBseSseD wItH hEr?!?!?


    How exactly did she ruin it?

    pjwestin, avatar

    By turning a victory for Alvin Bragg and the criminal justice system into a fundraising opportunity for a smug, self-centered narcissist.


    She was his punching bag for quite a while. I think maybe she’s owed a bit of smug narcissism. Do you not remember “lock her up?”

    pjwestin, (edited ) avatar

    I do. I also remember her campaign intentionally elevating Trump in the primaries and ignoring Michigan organizers who begged her campaign to focus on the rust belt. I think I’ll reserve my sympathy for all the election officials, prosecutors, judges, jurors and even assault victims who became Trump’s punching bags without helping him ascend to the highest office in the country through their own hubris, and not worry about what Clinton might feel she’s owed.


    You do you. I’m not a fan of hers, but I think she’s owed this- but if you want to be bothered by it- who am I to stop you?

    3volver, to politics in Hillary Clinton celebrates Donald Trump verdict with 'She was right' merch

    She is a part of the reason we got Trump in the first place. Could have had Sanders. The Democrat party is not all “good” in reality, and a growing part of me is starting to think they play into the Republican party’s hands.

    PeterLossGeorgeWall, (edited )

    It’s inherent in the two party system I feel. It’s analogous to that analogy about the two guys on the beach selling ice cream. They start at one end each but in the end they move closer and closer to one another in the middle of the beach or where the most people are. So the Democrats only have to be just “better” than the Republicans to look good and they definitely want to take some of the votes closer to centre.

    That being said, they have FAR better stances than the Republicans on many things.

    Edit: autocorrect and a typo


    They don’t even need to worry about looking good, all they need is to be patient and wait it out for people to get pissed off enough at Republicans and for things to swing back their way for a term or two.

    jonne, to politics in Hillary Clinton celebrates Donald Trump verdict with 'She was right' merch

    Was she right to spend campaign money in Texas instead of swing states?


    Always after that moderate republican vote while shitting on the working class has always been the default

    return2ozma, to politics in Hillary Clinton celebrates Donald Trump verdict with 'She was right' merch avatar

    That thing’s a travesty of graphic design.

    return2ozma, avatar

    looks like stolen artwork from a 90´s clipart cd lol

    pixxelkick, to world in Global concern rises over bird flu as experts warn of potential human pandemic

    My understanding is risk is low on this one as we already have a prepared and tested vaccine, and we have a known medicative treatment.

    So it’d suck if it spreads but we at least have the tools to fight it on hand.


    Unless a large subset or the population would inexplicably refuse to get vaccinated. 🤷


    Oh come on, that would never happen!


    Vaccines don’t work when 1/2 the population refuses to take it.

    rigatti, avatar

    They sure put a damper on the spread of COVID, even with a bunch of idiots refusing to take them.


    Covid had a ~5% mortality rate at the peak, H5N1 has a mortality rate of ~56%, a damper won’t be enough


    So the ignoreant will perish and the rest of us will pick up after them. Kinda sounds like climate change tbh.


    That’s unfortunately not how it works.
    The unvaccinated people become mutation factories and create new variants that we don’t have a vaccine for yet, that’s why you need a booster every year.


    I don’t really see the issue with getting a booster every year provided the government doesn’t fuck it up. I am already pretty much having to get a Covid and Flu each year this will just be another.

    rigatti, avatar

    Something makes me think people would be more willing to take vaccines when facing down a life or death coin flip. At that point their “concerns” over long term effects don’t matter as much.


    They were facing life or death and they chose horse dewormer…


    Yes, they do, wtf. It just may not achieve herd immunity.


    The unvaccinated people become mutation factories and create new variants that we don’t have a vaccine for yet, that’s why you need a booster every year.
    If you’re vaccinated and surrounded by unvaccinated people. You may as well be unvaccinated.


    If you’re vaccinated and surrounded by unvaccinated people. You may as well be unvaccinated.

    This is exactly what anti-vax people say. Vaccination helps, regardless.


    Are you retarded?
    Anti-vax people depend on heard immunity bullshit. My argument is that not enough people are getting vaccinated and you think that means I’m Anti-vax?
    Jesus Christ I’m glad stupid isn’t contagious.
    Get fucked asswipe.


    Getting vaccinated helps and is advisable, regardless of whether a mutation occurs in addition to the target strain.

    And yes, anti-vax people say it doesn’t matter if you get vaccinated, just like you. But thanks for proving yourself to be as vapid as them, too.

    cabron_offsets, to politics in Hillary Clinton celebrates Donald Trump verdict with 'She was right' merch

    She needs to fuck off permanently.




    War criminal and soulless establishment goon

    some_guy, to politics in Hillary Clinton celebrates Donald Trump verdict with 'She was right' merch

    I remember my father commenting to my mother when she was on the cover of Time or Newsweek during Billy’s time in office. He remarked about how smug she looked. That’s the word that came to mind reading this headline. Oh, wait, the thumbnail too. I wish she’d go away.

    TheFriar, to politics in Hillary Clinton celebrates Donald Trump verdict with 'She was right' merch

    Hillary. Just give it up. We don’t need or want you here.


    You don’t get to silence her victory lap after the shit the trumpets put her through.


    Victory lap is hilarious when she lost to the worst opponent in history because of her own hubris.

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