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Here I was thinking maybe I’d throw them a bone, maybe they were trying to be decent people that his public image and association made life difficult for them. No. Of course not. They just wanted his fame to bring them money. They are who they are.


Leaning pretty hard on religion lately, isn’t he?


Sounds like the Human Rights Campaign organization is crap if they just hand out good ratings regardless even if the reviewed corp donated to anti-lgbtq politicians.


I disagree. You can have low angle intercepts where the nose can be pointed well less than nose-on or almost the same direction even. Inertia in space would have the nose pointed away from the other ship in some direction to decelerate. I think your comment completely disregards vectors of thrust and velocity along with the relative motion of the target. Nose-to-nose would be an incredibly unlikely arrangement to intercept or rendezvous. Maybe you’re thinking more orbital mechanics where nose/nose would be right for say docking, but even then it disregards the maneuvering to catch up/decelerate/orbital altitude maneuvering needed prior to that meetup.


Because if you’re good at it you get rich yourself.


Put your salami in that and it’s gonna come out looking like chorizo

Sentences you never thought you’d read.


A hard thing I try to get my kids to understand. The bus time is at [what:ever]. That’s when the bus leaves. Not when you roll up to the stop. Not when you step out the door. That’s butt-in-seat-leaving-time. If you’re walking up to the stop and the bus is pulling away at bus:time - too bad, so sad. That applies to many things that require you to be on time for. 5 minutes early is on time. On time is too late. Astonishing what a difficult concept that is to get across.


I think for some it never takes hold. Ours are in the early teens and it’s barely starting to register.


Where’s all the tankies that post “Genocide Joe” comments? Voting for Joe makes you complicit?

They always leave out trump policy. Avoiding voting for Biden or choosing to vote for trump does far worse.

Edit: found ‘em! Still trying to get people to not vote.


Probably you, encouraging third party votes refusing to acknowledge it’s essentially a throwaway in a presidential election, or your commentary in this thread.

However, the ones like this that just come out and repeat, ad-nauseam, the don’t vote for Genocide Joe because you’re complicit in Israel’s Genocide or something.

First two pages of a search for “Genocide Joe”, I skipped the hexbear ones because they’re a caricature of themselves and they can’t help it, I also skipped the verbose ones because TL;DR, nobody wants to read it.


I would have been astonished if he hadn’t. I figured he’s the typical old white Republican where the answer to every irritant is to kill it.


They always make everyone else compensate for their failures.

Biden says the next president may get to name two Supreme Court justices (

LOS ANGELES – President Biden on Saturday night said he expects the winner of this year’s presidential election will likely have the chance to fill two vacancies on the Supreme Court – a decision he warned would be “one of the scariest parts” if his Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump, is successful in...


Not if the republicans have anything to say about it.

Florida Governor DeSantis rejects climate change rationale for record-breaking rain (

At this point, it’s fairly common for significant rainfall events to have attribution studies showing that they’re a result of the higher temperatures that fossil fuel burning has given us. Whether or not we end up with one for this particular event, it’s something that we know will be more common if we keep on extracting...


Of course he does. And he also just signed a law to remove the term climate change from state law.…/florida-gov-desantis-signs-bill-that-de…


One of the biggest walled gardens around. Also, they treat users like they’re stupid. No, you can’t do anything with your hardware or software that we don’t want you to. No, you can’t fix it, either. Windows/Linux you’re free to break shit, change whatever you want (not always for windows), repair a system you build yourself, etc. And I despise apple’s perceived “status” and premium pricing. We joke about , but there’s some weird social cache around messaging and even dating where you have to have an iPhone to participate. Tf is wrong with people.


Supporters interpreting what he says as what he means but he didn’t really mean what he actually said in 3…2…1…

RememberTheApollo_, (edited )

It’s the average they calculated they’d get in order to allocate the minimum budget and personnel to what the “normal” calculation would be and only inconvenience the customer when it rose about that amount.


Why not? They live with an abusive god who constantly threatens them with punishment if they don’t follow a bunch of conflicting rules and won’t love you or reward you unless you kiss his ass. You can never leave the relationship or check out any other gods, or just be single, either. You’re trapped.

They want everyone else to be trapped in abusive relationships, too.

RememberTheApollo_, (edited )

We’re not going to stop doing the bad things. We’re going to turn the people stopping us from doing bad things into political prisoners.

But republicans don’t want the courts to be used to attack political opponents.

Why scientists fear a second Trump term, and what they are doing about it: Several federal agencies are working to safeguard research, including climate science, from future political meddling. (

The Washington Post has recently started asking people to register in order to access gift links. You can put in a completely made-up email address, as there is no verification of the email address.


Theofascists or theocrats always try to hide or destroy what challenges their authority. Just like ISIS or the Taliban or whoever destroy ancient artifacts or temples to remove the idea that different gods or rules could exist. Except our Supply Side Jesus evangelicals also want to protect their business buddies’ bank accounts so they don’t have to do things like deal with climate change or respect LGBTQ people.


I don’t understand why people wouldn’t take it at face value without any further context offered to them beforehand. It’s a campy action film that’s a lot of fun but with just the faintest dusting of authoritarianism that could be easily disregarded as just part of the ambience of the filmmaker’s decisions. It ends on a hopeful scene implying better understanding of the Bugs in order to reach victory.

You’ve got to read the book to get it, but even then that doesn’t really shift the film out of being a Big Action Shooter that’s fun to watch.


Sorry if it came across that way, but no…the book is not like the movie. No disagreement there.


TBF but a parody of what? Sure it has a satirical look and exaggerates aspects of modern society, however we are trying to balance that against the book.

We could even say that the movie is taking shots at Heinlein’s own personal beliefs because arguably Heinlein’s personal politics paint him as a rabid anti-communist, pro-nuclear and -projection of force.

Personally I viewed the commercials and over the top stratified society based using a trope of a somewhat Roman or Spartan militaristic society, but it’s been a long, long time since I read the book to remember enough to actually compare Heinlein’s politics to the book and then the film to that book and modern society.


Flip it around.

They were authoritarian dictatorships and kleptocracies that paid lip service to communism.

The USSR was the closest to communism, but of course all the power and money got pulled to the top and the people got to live with the nominal structure of it.

Little bit like the US… a capitalist country with a free market, but again, all the power and money get pulled to the top to keep their bank accounts safe and the people get to live with the fallout of market volatility.


That’s what I said?

They’re dictatorships that someone slaps the world “communism” on? They have the trappings of communism for the common people but shovel all the money and power to the top like a dictatorship. Don’t know why it isn’t clear


Amazing how quickly these rabid bullies fold when they actually face consequences.

RememberTheApollo_, (edited )

So are you. You’re just pissed that he’s so public about it.

Edit: this is a fictional reply to the conservatives in the article, not the OP.


And the hits keep on coming.

As they should for this fraudster.

RememberTheApollo_, (edited )

No respect, definitely contempt, and probably fear.

He’s like the cartoon evil bad guy boss. His minions suck up to him, keep him in power and praise him in public, but behind his back they hate him, mock him, take joy in his failings, and want him to fail. But they’re always worried that they’ll fall on his disfavor and get booted.

RememberTheApollo_, (edited )

It’s rare, but it happens. They’re consenting adults.

E: look, I’m not a fan of this age gap, but everyone’s making up rules about what’s acceptable. Either they’re adults or not, 18 is the cutoff, and if no grooming was involved you can dislike it all you want but they’re still adults.

E2: looks like they met when she was under age. So, no…this doesn’t work right at all.


They only care about the law when attempting g to apply it to others, but get upset when it’s applied to themselves.

I think politicians have always said whatever suits them at the moment, but the absurd and immediate public hypocrisy these days is just incredible. It’s not even couched in subtlety, it’s immediate and in your face.


I’m glad you made that decision for everyone. So two 20 year olds having sex aren’t adults? Just admit you don’t like the age gap and be honest.


Read my other post. I stated I wasnt a fan of it. I wouldn’t do it. Don’t put words in my mouth. People here seem to want to keep shifting what constitutes an adult and restrict the autonomy of the individuals involved. That’s what I disagree with.


Ok, I was unaware of that, and it sounds like grooming.


Yeah, I agree. But someone just provided info that the met when she was as under age. This no longer seems like it passes for “leave them alone” territory.


Right wing: how dare you disrespect The Flag!

Proceeds to use and abuse the flag in every way possible.


That’s not how things work at all. Just because something’s free means you can’t criticize it? Where is that written?


“Choosing beggars” is someone who wants more or better than what they were offered. Criticizing the offering for flaws and problems is not.

IOW - I get a free chicken sandwich. I demand better toppings, a free drink and chips on the side. There’s a roast beef available, how come I didn’t get that? That’s a choosing beggar.

The chicken sandwich is undercooked, the bread is dry. That’s what’s happening here. Criticism.

RememberTheApollo_, (edited )

Let’s keep killing people so we don’t lose our jobs!



That’s true, but it’s better than no flowers. I see this comment pop up pretty regularly in reference to dandelions as a source for pollinators as if eliminating the flower would be of little impact. Dandelions are one of the first flowers to show up for the pollinators, even if they don’t provide the best food for insects it’s still something, especially in sterile modern suburban landscapes. .


Of course. In the typical way of losing an argument so he threatens and yells instead. Can’t pound facts so he pounds the table instead. He has no other way of working.


Damn. Haven’t heard this joke since like 1990.



Only takes one extremist in the bunch to do choose to do something violent.


You do not need to take away their faith for your own personal gain.

When faith is for your own gain? Science doesn’t get $ if people don’t believe in Jesus. Faiths certainly get more $ if people don’t believe in science.


You don’t get to silence her victory lap after the shit the trumpets put her through.

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