afraid_of_zombies, to world in Germany passes law to legalize cannabis - the ninth country to do so

Dear Germans,

You won’t regret this as a whole but keep an eye on the old waistline.

-a guy from a place where it has been legal for a while


Dear whereever you are from,

We know. Some of us live next to the Netherlands, so we already had a steady access.


Your Germans


SrTobi, to world in Germany passes law to legalize cannabis - the ninth country to do so

The cannabis clubs are bullshit… But I guess the only way to circumvent EU law :/ still feels like a half ass solution. Well… Better than nothing


Yeah dispensaries are better but is there something in particular you don’t like about social club style laws?


There’s probably going to be membership/sign up fees and required unpaid shifts. For someone who might want to smoke a blunt once or twice a year, that might be excessive.


Also the membership lists are a terrible idea in the current political climate.

Che_Donkey, avatar

These are really common in Spain, IMO they’re…not great.

As an old man who prefers edibles I really cant stand the smell/smoke/atmosphere.

I would really appreciate if our governments allowed us to be the adults we can be, and this would include being able to open a “more refined” dispensary for people other than who they think uses “The marijuanas”.


As an old man who prefers edibles I really cant stand the smell/smoke/atmosphere.

Well, you won’t get that smell in German cannabis clubs, since the law doesnt permit smoking there. But you also won’t be able to get edibles at a club, only buds. So if you prefer edibles you still have to make them yourself, and it will still be illegal


So if you prefer edibles you still have to make them yourself, and it will still be illegal

Wait, you can’t make edibles yourself to eat? No cookie?


No, sadly not. But of course the likelyhood of getting caught in your own home is slim, unless you do something stupid or live with people that report you to the police


What about a hash pancake?
You could quickly eat the evidence of your crime? 🌿🥞🍽️

nexusband, avatar

In welchem Gesetzestext soll das stehen? Mit den 50 Gramm die Zuhause benutzt werden dürfen, darf man alles machen, was man möchte. Man darf natürlich weiterhin keinen Kuchen oder Brownies mit Cannabis backen und die verteilen…

Crude translation: There is no direct mentioning on use cases in the law, just things you can’t do in certain public places and selling hash browns or something like that. You can do anything you like in your home with it. And in those clubs, you are also not allowed to do anything with it, your just able to distribute a certain amount in leaf form.

meekah, avatar

I think your translation was pretty good but FYI hash browns is a food/dish more similar to Kartoffelpuffer than THC infused brownies ^^

givesomefucks, to politics in Biden budget proposal excludes UNRWA funds, renews $14 billion request for Israel

Despite knowing the UNRWA “confessions” were procured by torture and not factual…

Bidens really willing to let trump become president so he doesn’t have to stop funding a fucking genocide.

Americans lose no matter who wins this election. It’s just a question of how bad.

That depresses turnout and that’s how Republicans become presidents

JustZ, avatar

I’m sure it was all fake. Gaza’s largest employer, and not a single employee doubled for Hamas. 🤡

OccamsTeapot, to politics in Biden budget proposal excludes UNRWA funds, renews $14 billion request for Israel

$14 billion in funding for Israel and $100 million in humanitarian support for Palestinian civilians

So he wants to give the people being killed 140 times less the the people doing the killing? Wow.

I suppose bombs are more expensive than bread. Maybe one is easier to go without and maybe one is a humanitarian necessity while the other is a crime against humanity but we can’t say anything about that because something something Trump

hark, avatar

Somehow there are people who will look at this and think “he’s doing the best he can!”

Cowbee, to politics in Biden budget proposal excludes UNRWA funds, renews $14 billion request for Israel avatar

Biden is trying to speed run voter apathy, lmao. I’m still going to vote blue personally, but I am absolutely not surprised by his lack of support, as he’s been doing his work diligently to destroy his chances for reelection, and liberals will blame leftists before they blame Biden and his terrible policy.

Just stop supporting Israel, and watch support skyrocket.


Support will certainly skyrocket in Lemmy. I’m certain it’s an important indicator for him

Leshoyadut, avatar

There are a lot of people outside of just Lemmy who are upset at how Biden is handling the genocide in Gaza. Maybe not that significant of a portion of the population as a whole, but when he’s trying to win states with slim margins, even a relatively small number of people can make all the difference.


I doubt it matters. In fact, more people probably approve of what he’s doing or not doing.

FenrirIII, avatar

Honestly, Lemmy is an echo chamber. The average person on the street knows very little about what’s happening in Palestine and would support Israel over a Muslim state any day. It’s apathy, ignorance, and just being too damn tired to care. But Lemmy will have you believing that people are marching in the millions to stop Israel’s genocide.


On Reddit it’s the opposite, but with the engagement numbers. Millions support Israel with little variance. Obviously they aren’t all Zionists; they just want Hamas to go away.

FenrirIII, avatar

I was banned from Reddit for going against the Israeli genocide (because I reported every comment literally calling for murder or genocide).

JustZ, avatar

Ding ding.

JustZ, avatar

“Stop supporting Israel.” Brilliant plan, let’s give away all our leverage!

Rapidcreek, to politics in Biden budget proposal excludes UNRWA funds, renews $14 billion request for Israel

First, Congress hardly ever passes a President’s budget. They pass their own budgets that the president lives with.

Secondly, the Foreign Aid package passed by the Senate and dormant in the House specifically excludes monies for the UNRWA.…/us-pause-funding-un-relief-agency-p…


Congress hardly ever passes a President’s budget.

He’s certainly letting us know where his priorities lie, though.


So has your Senators and Representatives, who in the end have the most important say.

kokesh, to world in Putin dismissed US warnings about a potential terror incident as 'blackmail' just 3 days before concert hall attack avatar

To bad he want at the concert

i_have_no_enemies, to world in Putin dismissed US warnings about a potential terror incident as 'blackmail' just 3 days before concert hall attack


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  • redcalcium, to world in Putin dismissed US warnings about a potential terror incident as 'blackmail' just 3 days before concert hall attack

    US: “You should watch your border, Russia is about to invade”

    Ukraine: “Pfft, yeah, riight…”


    US: “You should be careful, ISIS is about to let loose in Moscow”

    Russia: “Pfft, yeah, riight…”


    Everyone besides Russia: “You should watch out, Russia is about to meddle with your elections.”

    US: “Pfft, yeah, riight…”


    The US went hard against Russian hackers just before the 2020 elections. They learned the lesson from 2016.


    Hackers aren’t the only way to meddle in an election, just the easiest to categorize and deal with.

    FrostyTrichs, avatar

    Hackers aren’t the only way to meddle in an election, just the easiest to categorize and deal with.

    Convenient strawmen anyway.


    Oh they knew…/fact-check-why-didnt-obama-stop-russia-…

    But Republicans didn’t want to stop it, and Obama was worried if he did anything without Republican support it would look like he was tilting the scales in favor of Clinton. Which makes zero sense to me but hey that’s just what Obama thought.

    Rapidcreek, to world in Putin dismissed US warnings about a potential terror incident as 'blackmail' just 3 days before concert hall attack

    Seems like there is a lot of dismissal going on. W did it on 9/11. Bibi did it on 10/07. It is a common thread.

    YeetPics, to world in Putin dismissed US warnings about a potential terror incident as 'blackmail' just 3 days before concert hall attack avatar

    Something about Putin and 72 hour windows in time.

    What a laughing stock.

    GlassHalfHopeful, to world in Putin dismissed US warnings about a potential terror incident as 'blackmail' just 3 days before concert hall attack avatar

    This is exactly what I was wondering. I was hoping I would be wrong, but damn…

    A White House official shared more information Friday evening in a statement reported by multiple outlets.

    “Earlier this month, the US government had information about a planned terrorist attack in Moscow — potentially targeting large gatherings, to include concerts — which prompted the State Department to issue a public advisory to Americans in Russia,” said Adrienne Watson, spokesperson for the White House National Security Council.

    “The US government also shared this information with Russian authorities in accordance with its longstanding ‘duty to warn’ policy,” Watson said, referring to the US policy in the intelligence community to notify potential victims, regardless of whether or not they are US citizens, of certain credible impending threats

    Putin addressed the warnings a couple weeks later, criticizing the warning three days ago as “provocative.”

    Per TASS, the Russian president said on March 19 the aim of “the recent provocative statements of a number of official Western structures about the possibility of terrorist attacks in Russia” was harming Russian society.

    “All this resembles outright blackmail and the intention to intimidate and destabilize our society,” Putin said, according to state media reporting on his remarks.

    Future humanity, if you even exist, please have mercy on us when you look back at this age. 😮‍💨

    Zuberi, to world in Putin dismissed US warnings about a potential terror incident as 'blackmail' just 3 days before concert hall attack avatar

    CIA trying really hard to cover their tracks here lmao

    AdamEatsAss, to politics in DeSantis’ office quietly backed ban on wind energy in Florida — onshore or off

    Just feels like a bad business decision that limits potential job growth.


    Yeah, the GOP has long since stopped caring about fiscal responsibility, if they ever actually did. It’s all about regressive vice signaling now, consequences be damned!

    herrcaptain, to politics in DeSantis’ office quietly backed ban on wind energy in Florida — onshore or off

    Gee, let’s ban one of the forms of power that can keep coastal states from going the way of Atlantis. Let’s see how that plays out.


    Republicans don’t believe that global warming is a thing.

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