Blackout, to politics in Trump Pledges to Free Silk Road Creator Ross Ulbricht If Re-Elected avatar

Dude was a criminal, rightfully convicted. So of course Trump would pardon him.

dogsnest, (edited ) avatar

He didn’t know who he was 30 hours ago - now it’s between Ulbricht and Rittenhouse for VP…

Blackout, avatar

Don't forget the corpse of Noem's dead dog. Trump has seen him in the news a lot too.


This doesn’t make sense to me. Is someone paying Donald to do this? It’s just what he believes libertarians want to hear, he won’t do it unless he is being paid for pardons.


There have been multiple articles that you could get a pardon for 2 million USD. That’s the previous time he was president.


Yep! That’s what I am basing my thoughts on. Donald won’t do shit unless there is some sort of short-term profit or ego soothe.


Did he do something morally wrong? I’m confused by your statement if you’re only referring to creation/management of silk road. Heard some accusations about him being involved in murder-for-hire but I didn’t think that was ever substantiated

Blackout, avatar

He facilitated the sale of many dangerous drugs and weapons. You cant run a website without rules and claim ignorance. In the same vein, I think the Purdue family and executives of that company deserve to be in jail for life as well.


It definitely had rules. Purdue pushed drugs on people while misinforming them and doctors, and did kickbacks and all other sorts of corruption. Weapon sales I’m kinda mixed on, probably not the best idea. But absolutely fuck off with that drug war bullshit. If people want to buy drugs and overdose on them they should be free to do so. Drugs aren’t dangerous, lack of information is.

Blackout, avatar

Unenforced rules aren't the same. I know there are libertarians that think his incarceration was unjustified but they ignore all the bad things silk road did. And drugs are definitely dangerous. Back then you could get anything, there were listings for black market weapons. Don't try to gaslight me or the rest of Lemmy by trying to make this man a martyr. There are actually innocent people in jail now that need the attention more.


Drugs are not dangerous. Misusing drugs is dangerous. If you’re using clean, tested drugs at a dose that’s documented thoroughly to be safe, where exactly is the danger?

Blackout, avatar

Drugs aren't dangerous. My brother died of something other than opiate overdose. Morons everywhere.


Opioids don’t just jump into your mouth/nose/lungs/veins. Someone has to put them there. If you do that incorrectly, there is a risk of death. You sound like one of those cops that “overdosed” on fentanyl just by looking at it. Anyways, I checked out the “weapons sales” allegations and couldn’t find anything to substantiate that claim. Also, Wikipedia appears to indicate it was explicitly disallowed in the rules you claim did not exist.

“The site’s terms of service prohibited the sale of certain items. When the Silk Road marketplace first began, the creator and administrators instituted terms of service that prohibited the sale of anything whose purpose was to “harm or defraud.”[) This included [child pornography]( “Child pornography”), stolen credit cards, assassinations, and weapons of any type; other darknet markets such as [Black Market Reloaded] ( “Black Market Reloaded”) gained user notoriety because they were not as restrictive on these items as the Silk Road incarnations were.”

Blackout, avatar

It's funny they posted those rules yet no one followed them. How do you think the drugs got to their mouths? Silk road facilitated that sale and more and did NOTHING to stop them.


People bought them and ate them I’m guessing, unless… oh no! Did Ross personally force-feed your brother Percocet??? Now I understand why you feel the way you do. My bad man, very sorry they drugged your brother. In general though I think it’s probably more common than not for people to buy and voluntarily consume their drugs.

Blackout, avatar

He sold them illegally so he's in jail. I'm sorry you are having trouble with that concept. Blocked.


Ohhh noes! Not illegally! Whatever will we do??? Fucking conservitards everywhere. I have no problem with that concept, I completely understand it, and with that understanding vehemently disagree.


I would argue that attempting to have someone murdered is morally wrong.


Yeah I’m really just wondering if that actually happened though. I don’t see any charges related to that.


Because it never happened. The only charges ever brought on the topic were dismissed with prejudice.

It was just another lie and corrupt thing done like his entire case is littered with.


He kinda tried to have an imaginary person taken out…that’s what got him.


Oh whatever. Fuck Trump but Ross Ulbricht isn’t as bad as your glorious leaders would have you think. It’s time to end the fucking drug war already jfc.

Blackout, avatar

Are you ignorant of how other countries decriminalize drugs? It's not like it's a free for all. They have services in place to educate people, offer safe and clean environments and give them help when they stop.

You asshole libertarians just want to make it legal. No other thought, no government services or help. The people can handle it but then you get on the road and see how people handle traffic lol. If you haven't been paying attention the drug war is effectively over. Now they need to decriminalize it properly.


Yes yes and alcohol and cigarettes get a pass because reasons.

You’ll never convince me that running a marketplace allowing people to sell things to other people is worthy of life imprisonment. You’d even be hard pressed to convince me that people selling things you simply don’t like to other people deserve life imprisonment. You can take your high horse right the fuck on out of here.

KairuByte, avatar

You’ll never convince me that running a marketplace allowing people to sell things to other people is worthy of life imprisonment.

Never? Look, I’m not one to “think of the children” an argument, but you can’t think of a single thing that someone could facilitate the buying and selling of that is worthy of life imprisonment?

Not even CSAM? Not even human trafficking?


Well, “humans” aren’t “things” and CSAM while it could be argued is a “thing” necessitates harming an unwilling or unable to consent individual to create.

Also, ykwim goddammit lmao.

masterspace, to canada in NDP backs Tory motion, saying carbon price not 'be-all, end-all' of climate policy

Everyone: “Hey NDP, if you want to actually win a general election you need to be pragmatic about your talking points and messaging and not just alienate people with academic talk.”

NDP: “Best I can do is attack the only effective policy we have for fighting climate change to try and split the left vote.”

The NDP supporting the Conservatives’ plan of “nothing” is a fucking cowardly embarrassment. Yes your job is to listen, and you can do that by reading their written submissions for comprehensive action to reduce their emissions in accordance with targets.

You do not figure that out in a “meeting”, you figure that out through weeks of sober impact assessment and planning. This is political farce that is threatening to doom our future for fucking domestic politics.

applepie, to world in Israel embassy set on fire during chaotic 'solidarity with Palestine' protest in Mexico

Ohh no, anyway

OccamsTeapot, to politics in Biden budget proposal excludes UNRWA funds, renews $14 billion request for Israel

$14 billion in funding for Israel and $100 million in humanitarian support for Palestinian civilians

So he wants to give the people being killed 140 times less the the people doing the killing? Wow.

I suppose bombs are more expensive than bread. Maybe one is easier to go without and maybe one is a humanitarian necessity while the other is a crime against humanity but we can’t say anything about that because something something Trump

hark, avatar

Somehow there are people who will look at this and think “he’s doing the best he can!”

Head, to world in Germany passes law to legalize cannabis - the ninth country to do so

I fail to understand how you can only possess up to 50 g of weed at home. You’re allowed to have three plants and one plant produces normally over 100 g. What.


Makes no sense at all! I just pulled 10 oz from a single plant in a 60x120cm cabinet. Guess you’ll have to smoke & eat the entire plant immediately!


decarb and infuse in oil?


Edibles and extracts are still illegal, so no


The fucking what?


Yes, the law is still very restrictive, in some ways more restrictive than before even. Calling it a legalization is pretty dishonest, it’s a partial decriminalization at best


no it is very much legalization because now there is actually a legal pathway to acquiring, processing, and handling the stuff


German government: “It’s illegal to bake anything else than yourself”

flying_sheep, avatar

Dry weight


Yes, but he is right, a single plant can easily produce over 100g of dried buds


You have to destroy the surplus


It doesn’t make much sense, but conservatives are already losing their minds over the 25g we’re allowed to carry “nooo, we’re enabling drug dealers with those massive quantities”. If they went for 500g at home, there would’ve been a lot more negative press I imagine and it might not have gone through. Maybe it will be adjusted a few years down the line.

mozz, to world in Chiquita found liable by U.S. jury for killings by Colombian terrorists avatar

Nice to know that if you work for a company that can afford to pay the fine, you can literally just straight up kill people(*) and pay the money and it's all good

(*) certain types of people at least


That’s been a thing for a while.

When the military sees a problem that can only be solved by war crimes they literally just hire contractors to do them.

But you don’t have to be the US government to hire private companies to do war crimes for you. Any citizen* can hire private military contractors to go out and do war crimes for them.

*A citizen is anyone with a net worth of greater than 500 million dollars.

Cowbee, to politics in Biden budget proposal excludes UNRWA funds, renews $14 billion request for Israel avatar

Biden is trying to speed run voter apathy, lmao. I’m still going to vote blue personally, but I am absolutely not surprised by his lack of support, as he’s been doing his work diligently to destroy his chances for reelection, and liberals will blame leftists before they blame Biden and his terrible policy.

Just stop supporting Israel, and watch support skyrocket.


Support will certainly skyrocket in Lemmy. I’m certain it’s an important indicator for him

Leshoyadut, avatar

There are a lot of people outside of just Lemmy who are upset at how Biden is handling the genocide in Gaza. Maybe not that significant of a portion of the population as a whole, but when he’s trying to win states with slim margins, even a relatively small number of people can make all the difference.


I doubt it matters. In fact, more people probably approve of what he’s doing or not doing.

FenrirIII, avatar

Honestly, Lemmy is an echo chamber. The average person on the street knows very little about what’s happening in Palestine and would support Israel over a Muslim state any day. It’s apathy, ignorance, and just being too damn tired to care. But Lemmy will have you believing that people are marching in the millions to stop Israel’s genocide.


On Reddit it’s the opposite, but with the engagement numbers. Millions support Israel with little variance. Obviously they aren’t all Zionists; they just want Hamas to go away.

FenrirIII, avatar

I was banned from Reddit for going against the Israeli genocide (because I reported every comment literally calling for murder or genocide).

JustZ, avatar

Ding ding.

JustZ, avatar

“Stop supporting Israel.” Brilliant plan, let’s give away all our leverage!

troglodytis, to politics in Trump Pledges to Free Silk Road Creator Ross Ulbricht If Re-Elected

So… What happened to commuting his sentence in the first term? Too much golf, I guess

AdamEatsAss, to politics in DeSantis’ office quietly backed ban on wind energy in Florida — onshore or off

Just feels like a bad business decision that limits potential job growth.


Yeah, the GOP has long since stopped caring about fiscal responsibility, if they ever actually did. It’s all about regressive vice signaling now, consequences be damned!

givesomefucks, to politics in Biden budget proposal excludes UNRWA funds, renews $14 billion request for Israel

Despite knowing the UNRWA “confessions” were procured by torture and not factual…

Bidens really willing to let trump become president so he doesn’t have to stop funding a fucking genocide.

Americans lose no matter who wins this election. It’s just a question of how bad.

That depresses turnout and that’s how Republicans become presidents

JustZ, avatar

I’m sure it was all fake. Gaza’s largest employer, and not a single employee doubled for Hamas. 🤡

FuglyDuck, (edited ) to politics in House passes GOP bill to sanction ICC as it seeks arrest warrant for Netanyahu avatar

This bill? 42 democrats apparently voted to protect a foreign genocidal maniac.

how much you wanna bet they also have their names appear on this list

(edit: yeah. I just checked they all do. it’s possible every congress person does, but, uhm, after a cursory search the average is around 100k in contributions from pro-israeli sources. I’m not even going to be bothering to check the republicans that voted yea.)


What the fuck, Slotkin? Dangerous game you’re playing when you’re running for a senate seat in Michigan this year. Dearborn voters will remember this.

RememberTheApollo_, (edited ) to politics in Trump allies launch secretive scheme to divide Biden support: report

This thread is a dumpster fire. If you would vote for Biden but won’t because of some Israel BS here then you are handing the vote for trump, who says:

Former President Donald Trump declared Tuesday that Israel must “finish the problem” in its war against Hamas, his most definitive position on the conflict since the terror group killed 1,200 Israelis and took more than 200 hostages on Oct. 7. … "When President Trump is back in the Oval Office, Israel will once again be protected, Iran will go back to being broke, terrorists will be hunted down, and the bloodshed will end.”…/trump-israel-gaza-finish-problem-rc…

And we haven’t even discussed trump essentially saying he’d let Russia take Ukraine.

Voting tor trump? This is what you’ll get. So ***** you if you think not voting for Biden is some kind of solution, you’ll just get trump letting the Israelis hunt everyone down.

Bonehead, to canada in NDP backs Tory motion, saying carbon price not 'be-all, end-all' of climate policy

The federal carbon price is not the “be-all, end-all” of climate policy, and New Democrats are open to alternative plans presented by premiers, NDP environment critic Laurel Collins said Wednesday.

The provinces have had literally years to come up with their own solution. They are free to create their own solution right now. The federal carbon tax is merely a back stop for provinces that don't have their own solution. This is all pure politics that doesn't help anyone...

rockSlayer, to world in Chiquita found liable by U.S. jury for killings by Colombian terrorists

Every time it caused a coup that we know about.

FlyingSquid, to world in What Hamas Called Its Female Captives, and Why It Matters avatar

From the end of the article:

Reading too much into the language seems, at this point, to be less of a danger than reading too little into it.

So the answer to “why it matters” in the headline is that it doesn’t and I wasted my fucking time reading it.

mozz, avatar

The syntax they're constructing is working the opposite of how you said

You don't have to agree with them (and as they point out, one random solider saying one random thing doesn't mean anything "official" about Hamas as a whole), but they are saying that it is relevant that some individual in Hamas is talking about its female captives in explicitly sexual-slavery terms.

Put it this way, if a US prison guard or an IDF person were talking about female prisoners in an analogous way, it would abso fuckin lutely be some news.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Because U.S. prison guards and the IDF aren’t already declared to be terrorist groups.

Letting us know that bad people say bad things is not news.

mozz, (edited ) avatar

I would say that the reception it's getting indicates that a lot of people at least here have a lot of trouble classifying Hamas as bad people. If I were simply posting a two-week-old story about the IDF desert detention camp, or a US policeman from last November who shot somebody when they shouldn't have, I don't think it would be receiving this level of anguished scrutiny about timeliness and relevance and headline.

I get it. I think because Israel are objectively the bad guys, there's a tendency to interpret any story like this as supportive of them, and so start trashing it out of defense for the Palestinians. I won't say that's a crazy thing to do, but I don't think it should be all that difficult to accept Hamas as bad people. I meant the Israeli government has been giving them funding and support against their domestic opposition, specifically because they can be relied upon to be violent and corrupt in a way that tears down legitimacy for the Palestinian cause. Someone on Lemmy who's standing up in defense of Hamas in any particular war-criminal action they're doing is not making the bold stand for Palestinian people that I think they may believe that they are making.

FlyingSquid, avatar

It looks like it’s getting the reception it’s getting because, as @Cheradenine said, it’s two weeks old and it’s already been rebutted.

I realize rule 1 says within 30 days, but this sort of thing is a story that can change from one day to the next.

Very few people think Hamas are good. They just know, like I do, that Israel is not at war with Hamas. Not really. They’re at war with all of Gaza. They don’t care whether you’re a member of Hamas or not. They don’t care if you’re a baby or you’re 99 years old. And don’t give me the “Hamas hides amongst them” bullshit. That in no way justifies the thousands of dead children.

mozz, avatar

it's already been rebutted

What do you mean by "it," here? The IDF translation?

Israel is not at war with Hamas. Not really. They're at war with all of Gaza. They don't care whether you're a member of Hamas or not. They don't care if you're a baby or you're 99 years old.

100% agreed. I usually put "war" in quotes because it's much more accurate to describe it as a large-scale terrorist attack by the IDF (killing and threatening a helpless civilian population to influence their behavior) than anything remotely resembling a normal state-level conflict between armed combatants.

FlyingSquid, avatar

If you agree, what does it matter that Hamas says bad things?

mozz, avatar

Because sometimes there is more relevant information to be learned about the world and situations in it, aside from "who good guy" and "who bad guy"

FlyingSquid, avatar

And, again, I don’t see the relevance of this information. It changes nothing as far as I can tell.


indicates that a lot of people at least here have a lot of trouble classifying Hamas as bad people

Oh fuck off with this delusional bullshit. Nobody calls Hamas good people or has trouble saying they are bad people. 99% of the world would happily let every person in Hamas die. The only people who think anyone is supporting Hamas are the same ones who think it’s OK to blindly kill 30,000 civilians in response to 700 civilians being brutally murdered.

It’s not news because everyone knows that Hamas is evil and doing/saying evil things.

mozz, avatar

Buddy buddy. I'm on your side. If I need to say it, I think that the war crimes Israel is committing are at least 10 times worse than anything Hamas has done. That doesn't mean that all of a sudden a story about Hamas doing crimes becomes a non issue or a thing to react to with hostility. In my opinion.

I didn't say anyone here was supporting Hamas. I was saying that it seems like people are clearly reacting negatively to this story because it makes Hamas look bad, when they would be completely fine with a story that made the IDF look bad, even if it contained some of these issues which they are claiming are what they're so aggrieved about about this story.

Again, I get why there's a value judgement that the IDF is the bad guys. I agree with that judgement. I'm just saying you don't have to demand that your news coverage obey the same judgements.

To me, stories about the world have value beyond the conclusion being "Hamas good" or "Hamas bad," and can be important even if the conclusion along that axis is "Hamas bad" which we knew already. It seems weird that people are saying that because the conclusion is that Hamas is bad, the story is irrelevant, and also are pretending for some reason that the anti-Palestinian-looking viewpoint is not the entire reason they don't like it.

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