Semi_Hemi_Demigod, to politics in One in six voters say Trump verdict could change their minds ahead of tight election, poll finds avatar

I am so jealous of someone who didn’t realize Trump was a complete asshole until now.

Imagine how peaceful their lives are. I bet it feels like walking through thick, warm clouds. You can vaguely see shapes and hear muffled sounds but none of it is important enough to trouble yourself about.

Just a fuzzy, happy brain, floating through the universe.

So jealous.


These kinds of stupid people are usually uneducated and have shit jobs, have failed relationships and marriages, have been disowned by their children and so on.

Don’t be jealous. Ignorance isn’t always as blissful as people make it seem.

Grayox, avatar

They are products of their material conditions, manipulated into being the army of ignorance that protects the Capitalist status quo.


Never be jealous of idiocy. It’s literally like watching Idiocracy and being like oh man wouldn’t that be so great,…

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar




negativeyoda, to politics in One in six voters say Trump verdict could change their minds ahead of tight election, poll finds

How is this the straw that breaks the camel’s back?

mipadaitu, to politics in One in six voters say Trump verdict could change their minds ahead of tight election, poll finds

Only 1 in 6 voters would change their mind about a convicted fraudster becoming the most powerful person in the country? And only after ANOTHER guilty verdict?


Wow you can read!

Moah, avatar

And they’re probably lying too.


Hmm, did the poll mention whether Sudan Collins was part of the one in six?

SuiXi3D, avatar

Well, it won’t change my mind about voting for Biden either way. There’s no way I will vote for Trump.

jordanlund, avatar

Technically, this would be the first guilty verdict.

The other verdicts were in civil court, so “liable”, not “guilty”. ;)


I still like to pepper in “guilty” every once in a while. Sometimes a little Trumpette will bite and try to correct it to “liable”. I then confirm that they knowingly support someone liable for sexual assault and defend the distinction as if it makes it better.

jordanlund, avatar

Not just sexual assault, the judge later corrected that to rape.

“Adjuducated Rapist Donald Trump”. ;)…/donald-trump-rape-language-e-je…


Now adjudicated rapist felon Donald Trump.

That guy’s gonna have SO many initials after his name.


I think that includes the voters who won’t vote for him regardless. Like me. Whatever the jury finds, I’m not going to vote for Donald Trump.


Well, one in two weren’t going to vote for him anyways so it’s closer to effectively being one in three which lines up pretty well with the observation that 70% (about 35% on either side) of the electorate are uninformed voters who just vote based on party and don’t really care who the candidate is.


70% (about 35% on either side) of the electorate are uninformed voters who just vote based on party and don’t really care

Now, when people vote to try and elect an absolute wankglaze to office, we can be sure that they’re voting for their favorite sports team and will never stop.

But people voting for the least-worse option, how do we know they’re voting for teams and not voting in a marginally-less-horrific platform after careful consideration and a bit of a cry?

I have one team I’ll never vote for because they just keep proving themselves dicks, but I do like to consider the options while I can still convince myself there is a choice between what’s left after that.


To be fair, a guilty verdict wouldn’t change my mind because I wasn’t going to vote for him anyway


I mean, there’s a lot more than 6 people, right? This would mean 2 people at the very least. My math may be off.


I mean, it certainly hasn’t changed my mind: I was never going to vote for him in the first place

Leate_Wonceslace, avatar

1/6 voters is enough to swing it. The Texas split was 50-45. 1/6 is about 15%. .85*50=42.5 so (going with the wild assumption that Texas would have split along the same divide) if 1 in every 6 Trump supporters stay home just in Texas because of this it’s the entire election.

snownyte, to politics in One in six voters say Trump verdict could change their minds ahead of tight election, poll finds avatar

If allowing over 300,000 people to die by a manageable pandemic didn't change their minds.

If two impeachments didn't change their minds.

If the campaign trail consisting of yelling about babbling nonsense didn't change their minds.

If being induced to get involved in an insurrection where now many members are finding themselves jailed didn't change their minds.

What makes anyone think a guilty verdict would?


Guilty is extremely cut and dry. All the BS and fish gallops in the world can’t wipe the word convicted felon from trump.


Eventually only a single straw can break a camel’s back.

b34k, to politics in One in six voters say Trump verdict could change their minds ahead of tight election, poll finds

Well let’s see if they’re as good as their word.


Narrator: they aren’t

DarkNightoftheSoul, to world in Israel embassy set on fire during chaotic 'solidarity with Palestine' protest in Mexico

what a shame

Deceptichum, avatar

What’s the shame, that it’s only in Mexico?


It’s a shame to see such a nice building burned just because a few dozen thousand people got genocided.


This is the internet… You might have to throw a /s after your comments, even if it’s obvious


Would you have told Johnathan Swift to add /s to his Modest Proposal?

Deceptichum, avatar

Are you suggesting we are not literally meant to eat them?


That frankly depends on your social status and how literally you want to define the word “eat.”

Dreizehn, to politics in One in six voters say Trump verdict could change their minds ahead of tight election, poll finds avatar

What the top secret documents Putin's Sock Puppet stole and later sold from Mar-a-Lago and his latest comments about a Unified Reich? Fuck Trump and Trumpturds.


Trump’s pet judge slow-rolled that case until she could stall it.

mozz, to politics in One in six voters say Trump verdict could change their minds ahead of tight election, poll finds avatar

This whole thing of calling people on the phone and shouting questions like this at the ones of them who answer, and then reporting the result as if it was news relevant to how the election will turn out, is absurd.

It’s literally on par with calling people and asking them if they’re planning to get the flu this year, and then reporting that as a public health study.

AlwaysNowNeverNotMe, to politics in One in six voters say Trump verdict could change their minds ahead of tight election, poll finds avatar

They don't even bother putting the goalposts in anymore, they just argue about where they said they should be last.

Theprogressivist, to politics in One in six voters say Trump verdict could change their minds ahead of tight election, poll finds avatar

Goddamn, people in this country are fucking stupid.


look at education, nutrition, news fabrication, religious indoctrination, broken families, etc, i dont really blame the masses themselves.

Theprogressivist, avatar

I 100% blame them. It’s called critical thinking.

BigMacHole, to politics in One in six voters say Trump verdict could change their minds ahead of tight election, poll finds

And 5 in 6 Voters say we NEED Law and Order (when a black kids is playing in the Park)!

TropicalDingdong, to politics in One in six voters say Trump verdict could change their minds ahead of tight election, poll finds

Even 1:12 or 1:24 would make a huge difference this election cycle.

Its not even June and I’m already excited for July’s polling.

I wonder if both Trump and Biden can poll below 40% at some point before November.

SatansMaggotyCumFart, to politics in One in six voters say Trump verdict could change their minds ahead of tight election, poll finds

Ah, they are the RFK Jr voters I keep hearing about.

Linkerbaan, to world in Israel embassy set on fire during chaotic 'solidarity with Palestine' protest in Mexico avatar

That’s one way to cut diplomatic ties with Nazis.

Hope nobody got burned alive like israel does to Palestinians.

footoro, to world in Israel embassy set on fire during chaotic 'solidarity with Palestine' protest in Mexico


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