tesseract, to technology in Elon Musk’s X Has Started Selling Off Old Twitter Handles For Upwards Of $50,000

At this stage it’s starting to look like a Ponzi scheme. Squeeze out as much as possible before it sinks?

BillDaCatt, to politics in Biden’s handling of Gaza shakes his support in the Black community

How about this instead? We vote for Biden to ensure that former President Orange does not get elected. Then, and only then, do we try to get Biden removed from office for his failure to protect Palestinian civilians.

Allowing Orange to win would make things worse for both Palestine and Ukraine.

hark, avatar

“Now is not the time” is the slogan used all the time.

nondescripthandle, (edited )

Been hearing that for decades and been hearing ‘no but its for real this time’ for about 12 years now. Reminds me of a quote,

“A liberal is someone who opposes every war except the current war and supports all civil rights movements except the one that’s going on right now.”

They tell themselves they want to do the right thing in every moment but the current moment.


Yeah, like 3 months ago was the time (to make sure neither one got the nomination). Now is too late to do anything other than vote for a privileged white guy, way passed retirement, that doesn’t mind a little genocide (I feel this accurately describes both candidates).

Ghostalmedia, to politics in Trump allies launch secretive scheme to divide Biden support: report avatar

I don’t know how “secretive” the scheme is. Seems pretty out in the open to me.


Indeed, how is it here?!


Man, I didn’t write the headline. I’d have left the word ‘secretive’ out, or put it in scare quotes. Because yes, same shit, different year.

Ghostalmedia, avatar

Not blaming you. You did the right thing by not editing the title and letting it be.

febra, to world in U.S. told Russia that Crocus City Hall was possible target of attack

Just as the Shinbet ignored their operatives warnings about the incoming 7th of October Hamas attacks, the FSB ignored the US warnings about this terrorist attack. My opinion is that this worked for Russia as intended. Russia was just looking for its very own 7th of October moment that they could stroke in the media to garner more support from the population, including from regime critical parts of the population. The moment the attack happened the Putin propaganda machine started pouring with “Ukraine did it” and not even two days later Ukraine is pummeled by one of the biggest rocket barrages since the start of the war, the biggest tank assault launched by Russia, and a new conscription law is signed to throw even more meat at the wall.


Too much projection here. Russia is not similar to Israel in this regard, it’s similar to hamas. Russia didn’t need this “moment”, Putin did. Rocket and tank attacks are not related to the reaction to this event, they are completely parallel and would have happened anyway, just as many previous similar attacks show.


Russia is an occupying force that uses tragedy to justify inflicting horrors on innocent people, much more comparable to Israel.


Nah it uses lies and fears for that. Real tragedies for Russians are mostly a result of Putin’s own failures and idiotic actions and don’t help much since people are forced to believe his narrative long before those happen. His 24th Feb is basically hamas’ 7th Oct.

Metal_Zealot, to technology in Elon Musk’s X Has Started Selling Off Old Twitter Handles For Upwards Of $50,000 avatar

How long before the X-NFT campaign?


Maybe if your account is big enough to make money off TwitX some day, you’ll be paid in Dogecoin.


That would be great, even without a real use, DOGE is still above 0 USD. Just imagine if it did have some use! 🚀🌝


That would be lovely! I actually still own some DOGE, albeit more for teh lulz than because of sound financial reasons. Though I’ve yet to encounter one single place where I could spend them for something I actually need.

I’d be slightly disappointed if the bill simply read “69.99” instead of “very such wow point wow” though.


Hehe, yeah, I got some DOGE at 0.0695€… maybe should put an order for $0.069420, hmmm…

gedaliyah, to world in Chiquita found liable by U.S. jury for killings by Colombian terrorists avatar

So… Some executives are going to jail, right? Right?


By jail do you mean getting fat bonuses?

Cheradenine, to world in What Hamas Called Its Female Captives, and Why It Matters

This report is two weeks old. There have been many rebuttals to the translation. I can only assume this is posted in bad faith.

mozz, avatar

One of those rebuttals to "the" translation is contained within the article.

I.e. part of what they explain, alongside a lot of other context, is why the IDF's (which is I assume what you mean by "the") translation was wrong.


You don’t have to put the in quotation marks, the translation was released by the Israeli goveernment, that is what this article and many others are referring to.

When this was released, two weeks ago, when the article was written, most articles disagreed with the official translation.

So why are you posting a two week old article?

mozz, avatar

You haven't read the article, have you

I thought my message was short enough that it wouldn't have been missed, but this is one of the articles which disagree with what you're calling the official translation (along with providing a lot of other information.)


I have read it. Again, why are you posting this? It is not recent news.

mozz, avatar

Honestly, I posted it because (a) it was news to me; it was a detailed explanation of a news event which enhanced my understanding (b) I felt it was needed perspective to add the "IDF translation was wrong and so nothing to see here" narrative which as we are learning is pretty popular (c) I checked and it was within the 30 day window according to the sub rules

I suspect that the hostility is because people are interpreting it as anti-Palestinian and pro-Zionist. Which is a fair conclusion, I get it, but not why I posted it. Israel's crimes are objectively 10 times worse than anything Hamas has been doing, but I don't see a need to proceed from there to "and therefore anything Hamas does is okay and any attempt to criticize them is probably a lie and I need to support them."

Not that I'm saying you're doing that, but like I say, I suspect some of the hostility to this story lies somewhere on a continuum which does include that at one end.

Theprogressivist, to politics in One in six voters say Trump verdict could change their minds ahead of tight election, poll finds avatar

Goddamn, people in this country are fucking stupid.


look at education, nutrition, news fabrication, religious indoctrination, broken families, etc, i dont really blame the masses themselves.

Theprogressivist, avatar

I 100% blame them. It’s called critical thinking.

footoro, to world in Israel embassy set on fire during chaotic 'solidarity with Palestine' protest in Mexico


sin_free_for_00_days, to politics in Arizona officials say they can’t find Rudy Giuliani to serve him with indictment notice

They need to check gardening supply places.

Chainweasel, to politics in Biden’s handling of Gaza shakes his support in the Black community

Hmm, I really don’t like that Biden isn’t doing enough to help Gaza, so I think I’ll just vote for the guy who wants to scale up the genocide instead.

hark, avatar

Hmm, genocide is unpopular but I can speak vaguely about the other guy somehow making it worse instead of listening to voters, so I can continue supporting genocide which I love doing more than winning elections.

/the democrat strategy

veeesix, to canada in NDP backs Tory motion, saying carbon price not 'be-all, end-all' of climate policy avatar

Why does this necessitate being a televised event? Sounds like this is just going to be a set-up to dunk on climate policy for sound bites without accomplishing anything meaningful.


And in a televised event, Poilievre is going to clean up. The NDP’s worst case scenario for this motion is that the Liberals fall for it.

iamericandre, to politics in DeSantis’ office quietly backed ban on wind energy in Florida — onshore or off

Fucking hell, what reason is there to ban wind power. It’s like if a thing is remotely positive these idiots go straight to banning it.


Yeah, it’s cheap, doesn’t produce air pollution, and doesn’t need fuel. Even if you don’t believe that global warming is a thing, it has a lot of benefits.

Iheartcheese, to world in Chiquita found liable by U.S. jury for killings by Colombian terrorists avatar

Nobody will actually be punished and they get a tiny fine.

shish_mish, to world in Iran accuses Israel of killing Iranian military commander and others in airstrike on consulate in Syria avatar

It looks like Netanyahu is trying to draw other countries into the war. The longer he can keep it going, the longer he has to try to shore up his position. Once the war is over, so is Netanyahu.

Linkerbaan, avatar

Netanyahu just received a fresh new shipment of war crime machines. He can keep expanding this war as long as Biden is president.

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