Boddhisatva, to politics in What Trump promised oil CEOs as he asked them to steer $1 billion to his campaign

Alex Witt, a senior adviser for oil and gas with Climate Power, said Trump’s promise is he will do whatever the oil industry wants if they support him. With Trump, Witt said, “everything has a price.”

Isn’t this a quid pro quo? Give my campaign a billion dollars and I’ll do this stuff for you? Everything has a price?

In 1976, announcing the Supreme Court’s landmark Buckley v. Valeo decision, Chief Justice Warren Burger set this standard for corruption: “the reality & appearance of improper influence stemming from the dependence of candidates on large campaign contributions.”

The current chief justice, John Roberts, had led an effort to tighten that broad language. Roberts, delivering the McCutcheon v. FEC ruling last year, defined corruption as “a contribution to a particular candidate in exchange for his agreeing to do a particular act within his official duties.”

He was describing a quid pro quo – the donor’s money in explicit exchange for the politician’s official favor. It’s a felony.

Just to be clear, John Roberts, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the USA defined corruption as “a contribution to a particular candidate in exchange for his agreeing to do a particular act within his official duties.”

This is a blatant request for them to bribe him. New indictment incoming?


No, because that language refers to “a particular act”. Trump is not promising anything except “whatever”. It’s very non-specific.

Honestly it would be on brand for him to just lie.


Even still. Trump could be exceptionally precise, mention an exceedingly specific thing, and Roberts would just move the goalposts again.


You all are wealthy enough, [Trump] said, that you should raise $1 billion to return me to the White House. At the dinner, he vowed to immediately reverse dozens of President Biden’s environmental rules and policies and stop new ones from being enacted, according to people with knowledge of the meeting…

Sounds specific.


Add it to the list of crimes, then. Maybe a judge will give him a $1,000 scolding.


It’s his plan regardless. Now he’s getting paid in advance.…/…

Pronell, to politics in What Trump promised oil CEOs as he asked them to steer $1 billion to his campaign

Putin tactic. Give me a percentage so I can become boss and demand a larger percentage.

FlyingSquid, to world in Taliban plan regional energy trade hub with Russian oil in mind avatar

Does the Taliban really want Russia involved in Afghanistan again? I mean I won’t complain if this devolves into them fighting each other like in the 80s, but…


If I’m not mistaken Russia was fighting the Mujahideen during their Afghan war in the 80s. The Taliban then rose inside Afghanistan killing Mujahideen leaders and taking over Afghanistan in the late 1990s. So one could say the Taliban succeeded where Russia failed.

FuglyDuck, to politics in Biden won't set sanctions on Netzah Yehuda Battalion avatar

Sanctioning a single unit is a stupid thing anyhow.

The weapons are delivered to the IDF and at that point it becomes essentially impossible to enforce.

Which is why I’d expect decent people to sanction all of Israel…

natural_motions, to politics in Biden won't set sanctions on Netzah Yehuda Battalion

Why would anyone expect him to? He’s said repeatedly that he’s a zionist.

carl_dungeon, to politics in Biden’s handling of Gaza shakes his support in the Black community

Oh yeah well trump certainly loves black people.

theodewere, to politics in Biden’s handling of Gaza shakes his support in the Black community avatar

last time i checked Biden isn't the President of Gaza.. Biden doesn't "handle" Gaza.. he is "handling" the United States of America the way it should be handled.. fuck Gaza, fuck Israel.. they can all kill each other, that's all they know how to do.. they can take each other back to the Bronze Age if that's what they want, i don't give a fuck..

nondescripthandle, to politics in Biden’s handling of Gaza shakes his support in the Black community

I keep telling people this when they try to stand on the ‘You must be so privileged to not support Biden’. Biden is losing the Black communities faster than other communities, especially the women. What does that tell us?


Not enough people show up for primaries?

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

We didn’t have a primary. There’s never a (real) primary for a sitting president. It’s just ceremonial, like the Congressional Mace.


Biden wasn’t any better of a candidate today than he was when getting the nomination 4 years ago.


You do know like half the country hasn’t had their primaries yet and they already called the race over. So I’m just not supposed to get to decide?

return2ozma, avatar

Democracy! /s

BillDaCatt, to politics in Biden’s handling of Gaza shakes his support in the Black community

How about this instead? We vote for Biden to ensure that former President Orange does not get elected. Then, and only then, do we try to get Biden removed from office for his failure to protect Palestinian civilians.

Allowing Orange to win would make things worse for both Palestine and Ukraine.

hark, avatar

“Now is not the time” is the slogan used all the time.

nondescripthandle, (edited )

Been hearing that for decades and been hearing ‘no but its for real this time’ for about 12 years now. Reminds me of a quote,

“A liberal is someone who opposes every war except the current war and supports all civil rights movements except the one that’s going on right now.”

They tell themselves they want to do the right thing in every moment but the current moment.


Yeah, like 3 months ago was the time (to make sure neither one got the nomination). Now is too late to do anything other than vote for a privileged white guy, way passed retirement, that doesn’t mind a little genocide (I feel this accurately describes both candidates).

Ensign_Crab, to politics in Biden’s handling of Gaza shakes his support in the Black community

Are Black Americans Russian shills now too?

Chainweasel, to politics in Biden’s handling of Gaza shakes his support in the Black community

Hmm, I really don’t like that Biden isn’t doing enough to help Gaza, so I think I’ll just vote for the guy who wants to scale up the genocide instead.

hark, avatar

Hmm, genocide is unpopular but I can speak vaguely about the other guy somehow making it worse instead of listening to voters, so I can continue supporting genocide which I love doing more than winning elections.

/the democrat strategy

jimmydoreisalefty, to politics in Biden’s handling of Gaza shakes his support in the Black community avatar

Nice to see coverage on this, Sabby Sabs has been talking about this for a good amount of time.

For those interested:

Is Trump Gaining Black Voters? [31:18 | Apr 15 2024 | Sabby Sabs]

Not to forget to mention some of the support from HBCUs Trump may recieve.

She mentions article below early on in 31min video on black support:

Biden losing support among Black voters in swing states: Survey [Lauren Sforza | 04/11/24 | The Hill]…/4587742-biden-losing-support-among-…

For some, the conflagration 6,000 miles away has already changed their vote, edging out domestic concerns such as the economy, inflation and crime. Others say that the war in the Middle East, which has already cost thousands of lives and has a region on the brink of famine, mirrors other tragedies afflicting people of color — and that Biden’s support for what they see as a moral disaster should have consequences at the ballot box.

Where these voters ultimately land could play an outsize role in who occupies the White House next year. Pennsylvania is one of a handful of battleground states that both Republicans and Democrats see as pivotal to winning the presidency. In 2020, Biden won the state by just over 80,000 votes, including a 4-to-1 ratio in heavily Black Philadelphia. But there are signs that the coalition that elected him is fragmenting.

But as the Gaza war has raged on, Biden and other Democrats have faced protesters at virtually all of their public events, over the Palestinian death toll. In Scranton on Tuesday, after Biden gave a campaign speech on tax policy, the president’s motorcade was met by protesters chanting, “Biden Biden, you can’t hide. We charge you with genocide,” and “Welcome home, Scranton Joe — make sure Gazans have a home also.” Demonstrators also shouted at Biden as he visited his childhood home.

About 9 in 10 Black voters in Pennsylvania and other key states picked Biden over Trump in 2020, according to exit polls and comparable surveys, but a March Wall Street Journal poll of voters in seven swing states found that 68 percent of Black registered voters would “definitely” or “probably” vote for Biden in the 2024 election, while 20 percent said they were likely to vote for Trump. Numerous national and state polls this year have found similar results.

In 2015, she and other founding members of Black Lives Matter issued a statement of solidarity with Palestinians. “We don’t have to take a lesser-of-two-evils approach,” Abdullah said. “Lesser of two evils is still evil.”

kikutwo, to politics in Trump allies launch secretive scheme to divide Biden support: report

They already have RFK to siphon off the lunatics.


RFK siphons from both parties.


I guess the lunatic fringe has mass appeal?

yardy_sardley, to canada in NDP backs Tory motion, saying carbon price not 'be-all, end-all' of climate policy

That’s a massive blunder. There is about 0 chance the Cons are serious about finding “alternative plans” for climate policy. If they were, they wouldn’t be asking the likes of Danielle “blanket ban on renewables” Smith and Doug “let’s just develop the greenbelt” Ford for their ideas. Furthermore, if they think this tax is too much of an imposition on Canadians, then that rules out essentially all other forms of climate action, because the tax is one of the most conservative policies possible.

I’m not saying the carbon tax is perfect by any means, but up to the present, nobody opposed to it has been able to come up with a better idea, or even much of a coherent argument against it. I don’t know what the NDP are gaining from this deal, but I can’t see it being worth all the trust and credibility they had to concede.


Their ploy could be to let the Conservatives show that they have zero alternative ideas, and then present their own alternatives that just aren’t called a Carbon tax.

RememberTheApollo_, (edited ) to politics in Trump allies launch secretive scheme to divide Biden support: report

This thread is a dumpster fire. If you would vote for Biden but won’t because of some Israel BS here then you are handing the vote for trump, who says:

Former President Donald Trump declared Tuesday that Israel must “finish the problem” in its war against Hamas, his most definitive position on the conflict since the terror group killed 1,200 Israelis and took more than 200 hostages on Oct. 7. … "When President Trump is back in the Oval Office, Israel will once again be protected, Iran will go back to being broke, terrorists will be hunted down, and the bloodshed will end.”…/trump-israel-gaza-finish-problem-rc…

And we haven’t even discussed trump essentially saying he’d let Russia take Ukraine.

Voting tor trump? This is what you’ll get. So ***** you if you think not voting for Biden is some kind of solution, you’ll just get trump letting the Israelis hunt everyone down.

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