Hirom, to technology in Google Discloses That Incognito Mode in Chrome Isn't Entirely 'Private'

Of course, a better course of action could have been “actually” improving the incognito mode instead of just updating the notice.

An even better course of action is for people to switch to a browser that care about users’ privacy and block trackers by default.

Google makes billions from targeted advertising every year, don’t expect it to improve privacy unless it’s forced to by regulation or competition.


Yeah if you use a google product and expect privacy, you dont know how google makes money.


Google makes billions from targeted advertising every year, don’t expect it to improve privacy unless it’s forced to by regulation or competition.

Yeah, I have been wondering my whole life that there are so many people believing in ‘privacy tools’ by companies like Google. This is one of the things that mystifies me most.

helenslunch, avatar

Of course you’re correct but the quote you’re using is in regards to Google.


Yes. And my point is: the best course is a action is not waiting for Google to do the right thing, but to move away from Google


Agree! Here’s a video for anyone who’s looking for some help in this front from our friends of Techlore

conciselyverbose, to technology in Google Discloses That Incognito Mode in Chrome Isn't Entirely 'Private'

No shit.

It's never been a secret what incognito mode does. Websites have always still been able to do whatever they want with your traffic, because the browser doesn't control that in any way.

Engywuck, (edited )

Yeah. But you don’t get upvotes so easily by not shouting “Google bad!”.

helenslunch, avatar

While this might be obvious to you or I, it’s obviously not obvious to some people who think it gives them some semblance of privacy.

The only “private mode” of browsing is anything that’s not Chrome or Edge.


it’s obviously not obvious to some people who think it gives them some semblance of privacy.people who think it gives them some semblance of privacy.

As I said in a different comment, it should have been obvious to anyone with with basic reading skills. Google may be a shitty company (it surely is), but the PEBCAK factor is strong factor in this case.

The only “private mode” of browsing is anything that’s not Chrome or Edge.

Disagree. Independently on the browser you use, website may track you server side and you wouldn’t ever know.

helenslunch, avatar

it should have been obvious to anyone with with basic reading skills

Just because you have the skill to read doesn’t mean you read ever piece of text in the known universe.


Right. Much easier to avoid reading altogether and just blame someone else when bad thing occur. Typical.

jarfil, (edited )

The only “private mode” of browsing is anything that’s not Chrome or Edge.

Firefox’s private mode says:


helenslunch, avatar

I’m not reading that. I know what I’m talking about.


Ok. I’ll leave it just in case someone else doesn’t.

helenslunch, avatar

They lost a $5B lawsuit because the things on that page weren’t true.


Honestly, this article is pretty bad at explaining the problem here. It’s clear that other websites will try to track you, but the important part of this incognito drama is this:

The plaintiffs also accused Google of taking Chrome users’ private browsing activity and then associating it with their already-existing user profiles.…/google-agrees-to-settle-in-chro…


Of course they did. It doesn't take any kind of abuse of the browser to do that. It's all on the website side and everyone does that.

Ban most data gathering websites do. But this has literally zero to do with the browser.


That’s not true. If you’re intentionally logged in to a website, sure, but tracking without an account requires action on the part of your browser, assuming you’re using a VPN. Cookies, ad-IDs, user agent, preferred language, etc. is all information that the browser can decide if it provides or not.


I promise none of these people are using a VPN. IP is plenty.

Chrome never claimed it was spoofing any of those details, and spoofing those details without clearly telling the users what they're doing and why would murder the user experience. Their position as a browser had literally no impact on that tracking.

Bitrot, to technology in Google Discloses That Incognito Mode in Chrome Isn't Entirely 'Private' avatar

Before they switched to the two column layout I swear the message used to be about the same as what they updated it to. But it’s been a long time since I used Chrome.

Aatube, to technology in Google Discloses That Incognito Mode in Chrome Isn't Entirely 'Private' avatar

TL;DR: Chrome doesn't stop trackers, so they're gonna add a warning that incognito doesn't stop trackers.

peter, avatar

Does Firefox private browsing or Edge’s…whatever they call it stop trackers? If not are they being sued too?

Aatube, avatar

No, but they've included the warnings already, so they won't get sued.

peter, avatar

The edge message definitely isn’t clear. The Firefox one is better though

Aatube, avatar

Chrome claimed “Now you can browse privately”, which none of these do. Also, your screenshot for Edge is outdated.

peter, avatar

I couldn’t find a newer screenshot, I assume its just chromium wording now?

Aatube, avatar

Nope. It's very different. I'm pretty sure this was changed way before this lawsuit.

peter, avatar

Wow, I do kinda see why Google got sued now looking at those

FlashMobOfOne, to technology in Google Discloses That Incognito Mode in Chrome Isn't Entirely 'Private' avatar

I’m shocked.

TurboHarbinger, to technology in Google Discloses That Incognito Mode in Chrome Isn't Entirely 'Private'
d3Xt3r, to linux in ONLYOFFICE Docs 8.0 Improves Collaboration and Adds New UI for Plugins

Those are some nice improvements! Especially this one:

Creating new files is faster by up to 15%, opening normal files by up to 20%, and opening large files by up to 15%.

MangoPenguin, to linux in ONLYOFFICE Docs 8.0 Improves Collaboration and Adds New UI for Plugins avatar

I wonder if this will fix it crashing when opening large excel files. I don’t use OnlyOffice much because it’s so slow.

JackSkellington, to linux in ONLYOFFICE Docs 8.0 Improves Collaboration and Adds New UI for Plugins

Is this for the community edition?

KarnaSubarna, avatar
possiblylinux127, to linux in ONLYOFFICE Docs 8.0 Improves Collaboration and Adds New UI for Plugins

I don’t like how they basically are trying to make a office365 clone. They should so there own thing.


Do you have any examples of things they could try or implement?


A better UI and color scheme


Nice, I’m sure that adding a theming system would be do able. What type of interface do you think would work better than what it currently has?


This is it’s strength in my opinion. Libre isn’t great if you just want it to work coming from a Windows environment. I’ve tried quite a few options and this was my go to, it had far more of a friendly time with Word documents then Libre or others. Although I will say W3 was probably nicest but their sketch past of looking at people files and their local laws made me delist from my comparison list.

MangoPenguin, avatar

That’s a plus for getting more users though, people can easily switch to something familiar.

1111, to linux in ONLYOFFICE Docs 8.0 Improves Collaboration and Adds New UI for Plugins

Anyone have experience with this? I just moved off windows to Linux and I haven’t settled on an Office replacement yet.


I don’t gave a lot of use of it in my personal life, but I did switch from LibreOffice over to OnlyOffice and have been happy with it. The interface feels relatively modern and logically laid out. My spreadsheets tend to be basic tracking sheets and I haven’t made a written document file in ages, but for my modest needs, OnlyOffice is a clear winner.


I use it in my nextcloud. I really like it. I tried to use libreoffice, but I didn’t like it.

ikidd, avatar

Bit buggy printing and slower than shit to load. But once it’s loaded it generally works OK. A better one is WPS Office, but it’s Chinese and proprietary, though free (as in beer). LibreOffice is meh and printing doesn’t work great on it either.

ikidd, avatar

Bit buggy printing and slower than shit to load. But once it’s loaded it generally works OK. A better one is WPS Office, but it’s Chinese and proprietary, though free (as in beer). LibreOffice is meh and printing doesn’t work great on it either.


Also have a look at SoftMaker FreeOffice. The older 32-bit versions have worked well for me in the past.


A major problem with SoftMaker is that the equation editor does not work on Linux (and macOS)


I’m a heavy user of spreadsheets and in my experience OnlyOffice is inadequate in features, it’s slow, sluggish, and crashes whenever you try to open anything big. I’m surprised it gets so much attention and I can only assume it’s used by people who don’t do any really heavy-duty work with it. LibreOffice is full-featured and is what I’ve been using for years, I’m very happy with it.


I personally don’t, but a friend told me it’s his choice for his pop os laptop when he has to work with clients who use Microsoft products. Sounds like it has the best comparability, in his opinion.

rizoid, to linux in Fedora members plan on creating a Cosmic Desktop Spin avatar

I’d hop to this in a heartbeat. I do enjoy pop os and I’ve been looking for a reason to go back to Fedora since I’ve been on openSUSE for a while.


That does look slick!

TIL cosmic is the name of the pop! DE


It’s not the name of it currently. It’s currently an alpha, and will be released with the next major release of popos, which is due in April. 


Its Cosmic Epoch to be fair


If the performance playing Last Epoch is not flawless I’ll riot then. /s

0xb, to linux in Fedora members plan on creating a Cosmic Desktop Spin avatar

oh yes. I’m ready

Dehydrated, to linux in Fedora members plan on creating a Cosmic Desktop Spin

This would be awesome. Fedora has really been one of the best distros lately, hopefully they don’t get fucked by Red Hat in the future.


Didnt it get fucked once? Also what did fedora do lately? Seriously asking.


No, they only fucked CentOS, and they made RHEL proprietary last year. Since Ubuntu’s decline, Fedora basically took it’s place. It’s very stable but not extremely outdated, has great security, always supports the newest technologies like Flatpak, Wayland, Pipewire, etc., has good Desktop spins and constantly innovates. The next Fedora KDE release will even completely drop support for X11, which is a good step because it forces developers to adopt Wayland. They also have pretty good immutable spins like Silverblue, Kinoite and others. Other cool distros like Nobara and uBlue are also built on top of Fedora.

Hapbt, avatar

@Dehydrated but something something proprietary! waa!


I know that it’s a joke, but find me a distro that doesn’t include any proprietary blobs.

Hapbt, avatar

@Dehydrated this is my pet peeve everytime i try to discuss anything about linux someone interrupts me about how SOME COMPONENT is proprietary
like yeah, the keyboard on the laptop is proprietary, so are all the ICs, come on...


All the hardware is proprietary. The CPU, the ME in the CPU, the chipset on the mainboard, the BIOS, the RAM and SSD controllers, the TPM and everything else. Even the damn battery controller hardware and software are proprietary. It really doesn’t matter though.

Hapbt, avatar

@Dehydrated the car i drive to work is entirely proprietary!
but yeah, open source is awesome but not using something useful/good because of its license is just kinda shooting yourself in the foot IMO




It sucks a lot.


It’s not that big of a deal


I mean we have a monolithic kernel, with every single line of code running as root, that contains proprietary garbage. Thats even worse than Windows if you ask me, where you can see the drivers processes, which means they are seperate processes.

I will soon compile my own kernel, because I dont really feel good with running such a bloated piece of bad code on my standard intel laptop.


You mean besides Fedora?


No, because Fedora DOES include proprietary blobs (for a good reason)


Really? Which ones?


Intel/AMD CPU microcode


Wait, you object to their feely-distributable firmware updates? Seriously? Without those, your CPU is vulnerable to exploits and known hacks.


Did you read my previous comment? I spscifically said:

No, because Fedora DOES include proprietary blobs (for a good reason)


Its not really proprietary. Developers get the code, and everyone that gets the binaries also gets the code. Thats GPL compliant.


To quote Software Freedom Conservancy:

For approximately twenty years, Red Hat (now a fully owned subsidiary of IBM) has experimented with building a business model for operating system deployment and distribution that looks, feels, and acts like a proprietary one, but nonetheless complies with the GPL and other standard copyleft terms.


To quote both of you “nevertheless complies with the GPL and other standard copyleft terms”.

Were you trying to prove his point?


As shocking as this might be, I think he’s agreeing, and offering supplimentary proof


Obviously they comply with the GPL, otherwise they would get sued. But Red Hat acts exactly like a proprietary software company. That’s what the quote is trying to say.


Devs get the code but can’t redistribute it, so it’s proprietary code


They can look at it and change it, so it is not secret.


That’s not enough. Still proprietary

LeFantome, (edited )

There used to be a Linux just called Red Hat Linux. It was run by Red Hat obviously but a community built up around it.

Fedora was literally created by RedHat and staffed to be the “community” distro. They did this so that they could be “corporate” with Red Hat Linux ( now called Red Hat Enterprise Linux ).

I find it funny when people say that Red Hat is going to try to take away the community in Fedora and use their corporate behaviour in RHEL as an example. They literally created them both. The whole point of Fedora is to be community driven.

Fedora is a lot like RHEL in most ways but absolutely not a competitor to it. More of a testing ground. This is all by design.

Where things went wrong for them is that somebody created a bug for bug clone of RHEL. The story was that the clone would be a “community” but that is bonkers because ( by definition ) the clone cannot deviate from RHEL. It cannot innovate. It cannot modify or contribute code ( not even fix bugs ). So, it was just a zero cost version of RHEL. The whole reason for creating Fedora was to prevent that.

Anyway, Red Hat likes Fedora and WANTS it to be “free” and anybody that understands the history knows why.

In fact, the problem is somewhat that Fedora is not allowed to get too corporate. You will notice that Fedora is one of the staunchest distros with regards to including potentially patented codecs and such for example.

MonkCanatella, to linux in Fedora members plan on creating a Cosmic Desktop Spin

Fucking awesome. I love pop os but I’d probably switch to this in a heartbeat. Ubuntu has such a huge community so you basically have access to every package out there, but I’d rather deal with fedora’s package manager and flat packs then ever think about dealing with snaps


No way pop os will ship with snaps. System76 devs have already said they prefer flatpak


Yeah Snaps (and performance too) are not really Ubuntus stopper problems (you can easily remove them). I mainly want Plasma 6 fast (as I am sure an en par Cosmic will need at least 2 years) so Kubuntu is not an option really. Also snappifying core packages like Firefox, where I am not sure how that affects the tab isolation capabilities, is a bit annoying.

But Ubuntu is pretty quick!

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