apfel, to ergomechkeyboards in A fresh delivery from JLC is always fun avatar

Ergogen is so good 👌 Writing the firmware is surprisingly easy thanks to zmk / qmk :) Fingers crossed for the future work!

cerement, avatar

so far I’m kinda in shock at how easy the whole process has been going – was expecting a lot more issues along the way

Bondrewd, to ergomechkeyboards in A fresh delivery from JLC is always fun

Generating custom boards is a thing?!


It is. The rabbit hole is deeeep.

cerement, avatar
JustBrian7872, to ergomechkeyboards in A fresh delivery from JLC is always fun

If you haven’t decided yet, I find ZMK is a breeze to get the running

cerement, avatar

already have one half working with QMK – still have to solder the second half before I can test it and then test the serial connection

freya_lou, to ergomechkeyboards in A fresh delivery from JLC is always fun

Is it also 4° + 4° splay?

cerement, (edited ) avatar

0° + 8° + 4° + 4° + 0° (outside to inside)


Oh, right I completely missed that! Yeah splaytoraid only has 4+4 on ring and pinky

markstos, to ergomechkeyboards in A fresh delivery from JLC is always fun

Gosh, it looks like you have some spare PCBs.

cerement, avatar

peace of mind when you bork up your soldering

ilinamorato, to 196 in Don't know what happened Rule

“This social media app is no more! It has ceased to be! It’s expired and gone to meet its maker! This is a late-stage social media app. It’s a stiff. Bereft of life, it rests in peace. If you hadn’t nailed it to the perch, it would be pushin’ up the daisies! It’s run down the curtain and joined the choir invisible! This is an X-Twitter!”

xantoxis, to 196 in Don't know what happened Rule

I kind of hate when a meme is built from something I already know about because it’s impossible to appreciate a mid-tier gag like this when I know the point of the original sketch.

John Cleese, here overlaid with Elon Musk’s head, is the protagonist in this sketch. He’s the one who’s actually being honest about what’s going on. Michael Palin, the vendor on the left, is lying about whether or not the bird he sold is dead. That’s the joke. That’s the point of the sketch. The humor isn’t that John Cleese killed the bird, it’s that Michael Palin sold him a dead bird.

This meme would make sense if Musk bought an already dead platform, but that’s not what happened. Twitter was at its peak when he took the helm. He’s actually the one that killed it.

This misses the whole point of the bit.

yes, to ergomechkeyboards in cinereus alep

ooooooh that looks cool

rutrum, to ergomechkeyboards in cinereus alep avatar

Do you have a 3d printer? Do you think you’ll investigate building a case?

You say “- adding in a base (Plaid or Seigaiha style)”. Forgive me, I dont know what that means. Can you elaborate?

cerement, avatar
  • nope, no 3D printer – but then nowadays it’s also just as easy to send a file out to be printed for you
  • I might do a proper case a few iterations down the road, but it’s not high on the list right now (I like the aesthetics of open FR4 kits like the Reviung41 or a traditional Corne and I’m also more a fan of low profile cases like the Unicorne and not a fan of bulky builds like the Chieftain)
  • Plaid was one of the first all through-hole keyboards designed by hsgw at 5z6p – Siegaiha was an all through-hole Alice style keyboard by Yiancar – neither keyboard used a switch plate, but both of them used a second (plain) PCB mounted underneath the main PCB as a “bottom” for the keyboard – mounting instructions for the Plaid and assembly instructions for the Seigaiha on page 7
Turbo, to ergomechkeyboards in cinereus alep


Whitebrow, to 196 in Not my Rule

Behold, the definition of “not my job”

squiblet, to 196 in Not my Rule avatar

Reminds me of when someone came to fix my bathroom floor, which had a hole in it the entire time my house was on the market because some morons from Home Depot who ruined it were disputing whether they'd fix it. So this guy removed the toilet and sink, finished the bathroom floor, awesome... then he said "oh, I can remove the toilet and sink, but I'm not licensed to put them back, sorry" and left. This was the day before closing.


Do you need a license if you DIY?

squiblet, avatar

Lets see, I just looked it up in the city I lived in and no. No permit to replace in the same location, but a license is required for people who don't live in the house where the work is being performed. I wasn't remotely qualified to do that especially in less than 18 hours, though. My realtor ended up finding a plumber who could come the next morning.


In my city you can’t diy electric without a license if you intend to sell soon. It’s a reasonable precaution to prevent shoddy flips. I assume plumbing works the same way. Just installing a toilet might be fine though, it’s pretty straightforward.


Had a similar issue with a dishwasher. Unhooked it without asking us, refused to reinstall it. Bonus is that for whatever reason we apparently have a complicated dishwasher installation (it’s not next to a sink like they normally are). $300 to redo it.

evlogii, to 196 in Not my Rule

Oh, can someone explain this? What is wrong? I kinda don’t understand what is happening here. Did someone cut out a piece of carpet to lay under the toilet so it doesn’t damage the floor in the bathroom? Why did they do that?


Appears to me that, when they had the toilet sitting in the now-carpeted room as contractors worked on the flooring in the bathroom, a contractor tasked with applying carpet to the room the toilet was temporarily being stored in had a typical “not my job” moment and laid down the carpet everywhere except where the toilet was temporarily being placed.

You can even see the garish cut the contractor made on the right hand side of the hole so he could get the carpet to lay into the corner, behind the toilet, instead of simply moving it.

DudeBro, to 196 in Gaslit rule

I feel bad for calling in sick because my department is horrifically understaffed and 1 person not showing up for work increases the workload of everyone else by about 50%. And since it’s a hospital, it’s not like we can just continue working like normal and let the company eat the profit loss; if our department is not working at 100% then innocent people’s health suffers.


Unfair of the company to provide this service without adequate staff. If the people requiring the service suffer because of short staff, they are suffering because of management, not the workers.

I really hate how management uses their failures to turn the screws on their employees that they often don’t pay enough.

yozhfyfyfy, to 196 in Lobster Holiday Rule


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