Thorry84, to 196 in The Glasses! They do NOTHING rule.

That’s roughly where the path of totality went tho

Neato, avatar

People misunderstanding and looking at it in partial maybe?


OP swing Texans messed up their eyes more.


It’s almost like, you stare at the sun, and it hurts your eyes regardless of whether the moon is in front of it or not.


Yes, that’s the story it’s telling


When I read OP’s comment I thought they were saying that people from that region of the country would be more likely to stare into the sun and then google why their eyes hurt. Maybe that just says something about me and how I feel about them.


Hey now. Correlation does not indicate causation.

But yes. That’s the reason because of course it is.

imPastaSyndrome, to lemmyshitpost in Lay them on me

That’s not an insult it’s a curse


Your elevator doesn’t quite go all the way up.

You have all the creativity and emotional intelligence of a manager


One that I like that is also a curse rather than an insult is “I hope the rest of your day is as pleasant as you are”

pseudo, avatar

This is both


May your children grow up to be like the politicians you voted for.


No! Don’t inflict them on the rest of us!


You fight like a dairy farmer.


How appropriate, you fight like a cow.

(because someone had to)


And you fight like a hen.


I don’t get what that’s supposed to mean… Wouldn’t dairy farmers tend to be more jacked than average?


Your elevator doesn’t quite go all the way up.



skooma_king, to lemmyshitpost in Stuck

Since no one else has said it, this isn’t a design flaw of the truck. The operator didn’t let air out of their tires. Before driving on sand you really want to let your tire PSI down to like 15 to be safe. I used to pull hummers out of the beach with my old four cylinder Nissan pickup because their drivers were often overconfident they didn’t need to deflate their tires (or just completely unaware). I don’t like Tesla but this is an operator error, not a fatal flaw of the truck.


I used to race cars, and would over/ under inflate my tires based on the weather and track conditions. Never thought about driving on sand, but that’s a super useful tip that I would wager most people have never heard.


Yeah it made me a lot of extra cash when I was in high school. I would park over the on-ramp for beach access and wait for a tourist to inevitably get stuck. Most of the time I wouldn’t ask for money but they’d give me a nice tip since they knew the only other option was to call a tow truck. The park service requires a permit to off road now, and that info is on the permit so fortunately for visitors it happens less often now.


It’s not just sand, rock crawlers will deflate tires down to single digits (that’s why they use beadlocks) so that the tires actually wrap around the rocks.


I guess you’re talking about psi.

(No offense to you, dear Buffaloaf, I just looked it up and thought I might share).

For everyone of the 191 non-USA countries, 10 psi is 0,69 bar or 690 hPa. That’s pretty low.

By the way, why is psi written in such a weird way? It should be lbs/ in^2


Because in^2 is generally said “square inches.”

So it’s “pounds per square inch.”

Sometimes “per” will get its own letter, like in PPM - parts per million - and sometimes it’s left off, as in PSI.


And why?

Because we said so.


Thanks, friend :)

I know how it comes to be, I just think it’s stupid.

For example, kW times h is not the same as kW per hour. That’s why kWh means kilowatt times hour.

If I wrote ms to denote meters per second that would create massive confusion.


That is an excellent point. Yeah, PSI would totally read as pounds times square inches which would be something else entirely. Adding in the extra P would fix it, too. PPSI. Suppose it’s another thing that people just have to get used to, haha.


I would even say, it reads as pounds times seconds times inch

Or pikoseconds times inch

Or pikoseconds times square root of -1 but now I’m being silly

Well, I don’t have to get used to it, but some people seam to handle it well.


Eh, it’s pretty unambiguous. kW/hour is a pretty useless unit. Power surges may be measured in kW/s or something, but they don’t really have any impact over a span of more than a couple seconds.

Likewise, pounds times square inches is equivalent go kg*m^3/s^2 in SI units - which also seems pretty meaningless. Maybe there is a use for it?

What really grinds my gears is that pounds are a unit of mass, not force. The “pounds” in “pounds per square inch” is short for “pounds-force“. It’s the force of one pound of mass accelerating at 1g. Preposterous.


Wait wait Wait, can you give me more on this kWh thing? I thought I understood this already.

A single kW is a unit of power, literally 1000 watts.

A kWh is a unit of energy, as in stored or delivered. Draw 500 watts for 2 hours? That’s a kWh. Or have a battery that can hold 1 kWh, then assuming 100% efficiency you could draw 1000 watts from it for an hour before it was empty.

All of this is kW times hour, I would say? But in my mind I would interchangeably say per hour as well, they feel the same.

Obviously I’m wrong, but I’d like to know why lol


If you use exactly 20 kW for an hour, it will translate to 20 kWh. But if your power usage varies over time, you can’t keep track of it so simple. It’s just how it is.

The unit is really watt [W] and the Greek prefix kilo (k) for 1000. This way it’s fast and easy to convert to different scales (like Mega, Giga etc) for comparing numbers


A watt is a derived unit for a rate of change, an amount of energy used in a unit of time, so P = E / t. A kW per hour would be a rate divided by time, or E / t^2, resulting in another rate.

More colloquially, think of watts/power by analogy to another rate, that of speed. Moving at a speed of 100kph for 3 hours results in 300 speed-hours of distance. Saying 100 kilometers per hour per 3 hours sounds awkward, but is actually a weird way to say acceleration, a rate of change of speed. (And probably a hint to get your car serviced.)

Anyway, the key is to think of a kilowatt as a rate, not a quantity.


Thanks, I guess I still don’t understand though.

I see now that watts and therefore kW are rates. So it’s silly to add another rate to the end by appending “per hour”. But what is the time component of the watt calculation? To me it’s essentially instantaneous, even if that’s wrong. Even if that breaks the math, it’s still essentially true on a macro scale. And if it’s instantaneous, or even just close like microseconds, then it doesn’t hurt to apend another rate to the end, does it?

So why not use it? Batteries come with capacities rated in Wh and kWh, and it weirdly still makes sense to me because of my usage rate per hour example in my last comment.

And if we shouldn’t use it, then what should we use?

Is this problem we’re discussing, one that only occurs if you try to get really accurate with the numbers and times? Because for my uses it’s always seemed to work well enough.

Not being argumentative, just trying to learn, thanks


Oh, hey, Jerboa is not so good about updating the Inbox tally…

I was responding to your question about kW per hour, and I was going for the intuitive sense of why that’s not right. The more “it’s just so” reason is that the math just doesn’t work, since the word “per” signifies division. So if we discharge a battery at a rate of 100 watts for 3 hours, that’s 100W * 3 hours, or 300 Wh used. If we say 100 watts per hour for three hours, that’s 100W / 1 hour * 3 hours. The hours cancel, and the result is 300 watts, which is a rate.

It’s totally confusing, I know, because people often use “watts” and “watt-hours” interchangeably, but they’re as different as speed and position.

Anyway, the watt is a derived unit in SI, and it’s equivalent to kg·m^2^ / s^3^. The per-unit-time is hidden when you write it as a watt, but clearly there when you write it in terms of base units. Of course, the joule is kg·m^2^ / s^2^, so energy also has time in the denominator, and I guess could technically also be a rate, but understanding that is way above my pay grade. 😀


Sorry, yeah I meant psi. And yeah, pressure units annoy the hell out of me too. There’s psi, kPa, Barr, Torr, atm, mmH20, in. Hg, and so on. It’s dumb.


Yeah same I was inflating all the bicycle tires of my family. On most of the tires it says inflate to x bar, but my electric pump only knows psi.


bar is just the sensible scale for Pascal (1mbar = 1hPa), where 1 bar is about exactly standard atmospheric pressure. Beware though if you see bar scales it’s often not an absolute but overpressure scale, if the tyre pressure gauge says “1 bar” it means 1 bar over atmospheric pressure, that is, about 2 bar. 1 bar is also about the pressure of 10m of water.

atm is metric, too, with 1atm being exactly standard atmospheric pressure, toss it for bar. mmHg is only used in medicine, not used for actual calculations back in the days where blood pressure was first measured they did it with mercury scales and there was never any reason to change, on the contrary, changing would only introduce confusion. Torr is the same as mmHg, forget about it. The rest is colonial nonsense.

Excrubulent, avatar

As an Aussie I’ve used metric for everything my whole life, but I’ve just realised that everything I’ve ever used to inflate stuff has been metered in PSI. I just know that ~30PSI is good for tyres, ~15PSI is good for soccer balls.

I wouldn’t know the conversions because there’s no use for it because that’s not what the pumps use. Weird.


Generally speaking you can hold in the valve for 60 seconds to let out enough air from your street pressure for off-road. It’s better to measure and you really want a 12v compressor to reinflate for the ride home but in a pinch…


This is definitely a Tesla flaw. Anyone dumb enough to buy one of these trucks is dumb enough to take it on the beach.


how? Or more specifically, what?


You attract the customers you advertise to, I guess.


i mean, i suppose so, but that’s not a flaw. That’s marketing.


It’s more of the taking $150k truck that doesn’t like sand, salt, or water to the beach.

You aren’t wrong though


That’s handy to know, but I believe the implication is that the owner of the car in the photo is dumb for buying the car and then dumb for getting it stuck in sand.


Does that still apply to vehicles that weigh 6600+ lbs?


I towed several hummer v2s. Wiki says they are 6400 lbs stock.

They do fine when tires are deflated.


Or just don’t drive on sand that is so soft you sink to your ankles walking in it.

Gigan, to lemmyshitpost in I am the xlookup of the world avatar

However thanks to feminism women can now also experience the joys of being a wage-slave! Congratulations!


The system needs them! The economy must grow! It needs moar workers!!

MantidSys, avatar

And single women, queer women, and women without families are able to survive by working, instead of being in extremely uncertain/abusive situations (or worse).

So without sarcasm: thanks to feminism, women can experience wage-slaving. Better than being treated as subhumans, even if it's still a crappy life.


Yeah, women get to be a wage-slave instead of a wage-slave-slave!


Wage slave better than actual slave

ogmios, avatar

Reminds me of when Bill Gates went to Saudi Arabia and argued for equal rights because it would double their workforce.

EdibleFriend, avatar

Literally the same fucking argument quark had


literally the reason women entered the workforce

nifty, avatar

I am okay with supporting my wage slave partner for our fam 💪 I am not okay with women not having oppys to support themselves if they have no one but themselves


punchline - now nobody can afford the rent on their own, so it’s all shit.


People thought that now, households can be twice as rich because they have double the income.

Then all the prices increased so it’s as if both partners are paid half as much as they used to :(


And trying to get by on a single income is a fucking nightmare for a lot of people.



CubitOom, to 196 in Trumpet rule

Trumpeters often don’t use their nose to play.


Have you heard my father blow his nose? I beg to differ


One time my brother played the recorder using his nose, we were all thoroughly impressed and never again touched that thing.

someguy3, (edited )

That was my first thought but can dolphins breathe out of their mouths?

*Searching say no. Can I say duckduckgoing? Ducking? Ducking says no. Separate breathing and feeding tubes. We should do that.

**More ducking says “Until recently it was thought that dolphins could not breathe through their mouths in the same way as people can, only through their blowholes. However, in 2016 scientists discovered a New Zealand dolphin with a damaged blowhole who had learnt to breathe through his or her mouth.”


I just say search, but Kagi brought me to this.…/mouth-breathing-dolphin-make…


Huh, interesting. This article has a scratch of the cross section of a dolphins head:…/scientists-discover-mouth-bre…


I’d just like to add that the colloquial interpretation of “mouth-breathing dolphin” is kinda funny. Like Kevin the Dolphin.


Thank you for this, great stuff.


*What do you reckon the past participle would be? Google/Googled is easy. Duckduckgoed sounds wrong. Duckduckwent is probably correct. Ducked might be easily misinterpreted/misunderstood.


DDGed gets my vote.


Computer says no.



I just say Google hoping that the trademark will eventually become generalized like escalator

InfiniteWisdom, avatar

You are correct that a dolphin’s blowhole is not its nose in the traditional sense, but it does serve a similar function in that it is used for breathing. However, the reason a dolphin would play a trumpet with its blowhole rather than its mouth has more to do with the anatomy of its airway than with the function of the blowhole itself.

Dolphins are mammals and breathe air into their lungs just like humans do. However, unlike humans, dolphins do not have a direct connection between their mouths and their lungs. Instead, their airway consists of a long, narrow passageway that leads from the blowhole on the top of their heads down to their lungs. This passageway is called the pharynx, and it is not connected to the mouth or the digestive tract.

This unique anatomy means that dolphins are not able to inhale or exhale through their mouths, and they cannot control the airflow through their mouths in the same way that humans can. Instead, they use their blowhole for breathing, and they have excellent control over the muscles surrounding the pharynx, which allows them to produce a variety of sounds for communication.

So, if a dolphin were to attempt to play a trumpet (or any other wind instrument), it would have to use its blowhole rather than its mouth because that is the only way it is physically capable of controlling the airflow to produce sound. The dolphin would essentially be using the trumpet as an extension of its own respiratory system, blowing air through the instrument with its blowhole and using its pharyngeal muscles to modulate the airflow and create musical notes.

In conclusion, while a dolphin’s blowhole may not be a “nose” in the traditional sense, it is the functional equivalent when it comes to breathing and sound production. And due to the unique anatomy of a dolphin’s airway, it would indeed use its blowhole, rather than its mouth, to play a trumpet.

Sestren, to 196 in iPad rule

These things were NEVER fucking left open at the park near me. Could wait there the entire day and the same fucking kid would be using it the entire time, completely oblivious to your attempts to get him to move.

I swear, I probably only touched the thing once when i was a child. I came back with my daughter a few years ago and nobody was giving it a second glance. Used my kid as an excuse to finally get to play with the thing…

Kolanaki, avatar

FYI: As an adult, you probably could have taken that kid in a fight. Possibly even if he used the crane as a weapon.


If he uses the crane is it just the first boss of nier automata?


But that kid is an angel!


Hahaha you and I had the same experience. Always watching, never actually getting a chance to use because of some kid hogging it the whole time you were there.

kamenlady, to 196 in Wage Slave Rule avatar

That’s exactly how I’m feeling right now, after working +20 years for a company that’s looking for the cheapest way for them to get rid of me.

halva, avatar

I don’t want to sound like an asshole, but why did you dedicate 20 years to a company? Stuck in a shitty location/education that only gets you employed in a few companies?


I’m nearly at 7 with my employer and I’ve found the situation to be quite good and I see no sign yet to jump ship. There’s still good gigs out there.

I’m sure the person you are responding to had good reason to stick around 20 years. It’s possible only recently did the math not work out for them.


There’s definitely something to be said about having a job that doesn’t suck too bad, pay is ok and raises keep up somewhat (though of course not as much as it would via job hopping), coworkers are alright, commute isn’t terrible. And then you wake up one day and realize that 20 years went by.


This is pretty accurate. For my current field I’m tethered to just a handful of locations in the country I could work at. This sounds like it will describe my situation in a decade or two as long as they don’t get rid of me before


They’re definitely out there. My mom, before she retired, was a very driven career-oriented woman, and was with her last company for a shade under 20 years. She always had head hunters after her (sales manager), but the company took damned good care of her and her team, so she never felt compelled to go anywhere else.


Probably bought a house and the industry he works in doesn’t have much competition or his skills doesn’t transfer. Also change is hard and they could be starting over. 20 years ago the dream was still in people’s eyes and they had pensions still


I grew up hearing about company loyalty. That world does exist anymore but the business world really wants you to believe it does


You deserve better. There’s lots of good info on how to leave a toxic work place, and how to highlight your skills. Don’t give those guys another second of your time. I left a tough place that I’d been at for 10 years, and it was the best thing I did for my life.

GrymEdm, to lemmyshitpost in I am the thing that goes *thump* 'Fuck!' in the night

“I’d love for you to meet our interior designer, Mr. M. C. Escher”:


I will never unsee Gomez throwing his whole hand into the snap. Lurch has a bit of wrist flick, but Gomez is going whole enchilada, I wonder if it’s his fingers snapping or his wrists.


Thanks for pointing this out. I’m loving it.

ImplyingImplications, to 196 in Words to live by rule

Please DO NOT announce to the server when you are going to go masturbate. This has been a reoccurring issue, and I’m not sure why some people have such under developed social skills that they think that a server full of mostly male strangers would need to know that. No one is going to be impressed and give you a high five (especially considering where that hand has been). I don’t want to add this to the rules, since it would be embarrassing for new users to see that we have a problem with this, but it is going to be enforced as a rule from now on. If it occurs, you will be warned, then additional occurrences will be dealt with at the discretion of modstaff. Thanks.


Brb, going to rub one out. Now where did I put my belt?


Just be a gentlemen and keep on chatting on discord while you tug

Uncle_Sheo217, avatar

Make sure to moan if you’re in vc, people love that :3


The person that posted a book lacks social skills

You just belong to a frat


I AM ANNOUNCING MY IMMINENT MASTURBATION. I am aware that the announcement of imminent masturbation has been a serious reocurring issue lately, and I am here with my bottom-level social skills to ensure that it will only worsen. I hope that this server full of mostly male members will appreciate the fact that I will soon be cumming, and offer me that coveted high-five that I so surely deserve. As the announcement of imminent masturbation is NOT in the current ruleset, I will continue to toe this line. Any and all action taken against me by the mod team will be considered extra judicial and I will retaliate by mobilizing my army of alts. If any males want to provide me a high-five or emotial gratification, please do so. If any females wish to provide me sexual gratification, ew. Thank you, and please remember: I AM NOW MASTURBATING .




Hey I’m taking a shit right now.

blackluster117, to 196 in Boat rule avatar

Unsinkable II got me.

fhqwgads, to lemmyshitpost in Musical Genius

I continue to contend that Weird Al would put on the greatest Superbowl halftime show of all time.

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

I’d be OK with a National Anthem with an accordion solo.

Sterile_Technique, avatar

But instead of hours of football, a break for music and commercials, then more hours of football, it should be hours of Weird Al concert, a break to let some jocks throw a ball around for a few mins while he takes a break to grab a drink, pee, etc, and then return for a couple more hours of Weird Al concert.


Eh, you can have both.

Have the Weird Al Concert be in the middle while the football match is happening, have balls and players swarm around the podium while Weird al is singing some parody of a sports song.

I’m sure he can pull that off.


I contend that you’re correct, except that he would put it on for the Puppy Bowl instead (and incorporating the usual kittens into the act, of course).

jballs, avatar

There’s gotta be a way to make this happen


I hate hockey but I’d tune in for that.

barsquid, to 196 in Voluntary Mandatory rule

Required to be by the phone = on the clock. This will be a lot of overtime for everyone.


This is incorrect in most states.

Employers can require an employee to be “on-call” and available to work on an emergency or as-needed basis. Employers are generally not required to pay employees who are “on-call,” unless the employee is actually called to duty. However, if an employer places significant restrictions on how an employee spends their time while on-call, this time may need to be compensated as hours worked.

The tenth circuit of appeals came up with this test to determine if the employers restriction constitutes on call hours as hours worked.

Where the employee is not required to remain on the employer’s premises, the critical inquiry is whether the employee is able to use the time effectively for his or her own purposes. Here, the report requirement necessarily entailed that the employee could not drink alcohol, must be able to dress in uniform, and must be able to travel to the airport, park, and pass through security within one hour of a call. She was not able to make or attend doctors’ appointments for herself or her children, do her weekly shopping, nor go on field trips with her children. The court compared these circumstances with many FLSA cases presenting similar, or even more restrictive, circumstances involving availability by pager, inability to drink alcohol, and ability to report within 30 minutes or one hour. In the FLSA cases, it was determined that the employees’ activities were not so curtailed as to require the on-call time to be considered compensable working time. The court followed this precedent.

MargotRobbie, to 196 in Give me those tots, rule

Of course, that’s because both of them are characters played by, you guessed it, esteemed Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie.

Klear, (edited )

I haven’t seen either of them, much less in a single room, so that sounds plausible.

girlfreddy, to lemmyshitpost in so fluffy avatar

Everyone should have to pass a basic automotive knowledge course before getting their driver’s license.

dojan, avatar

That’s not a thing where you live?


At least where I live, the licensing test covers rules of the road, not automotive knowledge. I think this commenter was referring to some test covering very surface-level knowledge of vehicles, with a focus on ways to tell if a car is unasafe to drive.

girlfreddy, avatar

That’s what I was trying to convey but obviously failed at. :/

dojan, avatar

I’m in Sweden, we get two big books of just theory stuff. There are entire sections on how deep the patterns must be, when you are allowed to use what type of tyres (summer, friction, studded), etc. along with what consequences there are.

You must have winter tyres between the 1st of December and the 31st of March, so long as there may be snow or ice on the roads. Studded tires are only allowed between the 1st of October through to the 15th of April as they wear down the roads and cause excessive pollution.

There is so much general car knowledge. Warning lights, optimal tyre pressure (which is variable depending on your car and the load), how to drive in an eco-friendly manner, child seats, it never fucking ends.

AdaleiM, avatar

holy shit, my book was like 50 pages total, mostly about what signs meant.

dojan, avatar

Oh the signs are in different books.


This, plus mandatory retesting every 5 years. New traffic signal’s & infrastructure, aging drivers, changing eyesight, refresher learning, etc


I got my license in Sweden and there are laws for when you must have summer tires and winter tires as well as how deep the pattern needs to be. This is all covered in the writing portion of the test. It’s quite possible that someone driving with wheels like that might get their license suspended at the least.

1984, avatar

Yes it’s illegal to drive on tires with worn out patterns. I thought it was the same everywhere in the civilized world.


TIL America is not civilized anymore.


Never has been. *draws gun*

experbia, avatar

it is. you’re correct.

us Americans, we seem to like to swerve deftly around many such useful civil universalities.

things you’d assume are vital to a peaceful, comfortable, safe people are often things that seem to baffle us.

i think this repeated swerving should disabuse anyone of any notion of the USA being a civilized nation, but somehow people keep classifying us as better than we are. lived here my whole life… not sure how someone could make that mistake, honestly. not unless they were really rich, I guess.

1984, avatar

One big part is because of Hollywood. The entire world image of America comes from movies.

Once you start to look into the prison system, the justice system, the financial system… Well, nothing actually builds on any feeling of caring about its citizens at all.

AnUnusualRelic, avatar

Hairy isn’t a pattern?


For the driver licence in France there is questions like that:

  • how to recognize a worn tire
  • where to find the right tire pressure
  • check the oil level of the engine
  • check the brake liquid level …

People can’t do this?

Jesus christ I’m losing faith in the average capability of humanity


I mean Americans build straight parking lots since they drive sequential/automate

1984, avatar

I lost it during covid, permanently. And I’m not joking. I saw things.


In new Zealand, the only question is what the best Fast an Furious movie was.


Wow, trick questions on it too? Brakes are a pad, not a liquid


Brakes on cars are a hydraulic system. The check is for the fluid levels of the hydraulics. Without enough fluid, pressing the brake pedal would not depress the pads.


Heat them up enough and they become liquid.

GladiusB, avatar

It’s in the driving course. They just only include two or three questions.

girlfreddy, avatar

In my province (Manitoba) there is zero basic vehicle knowledge provided in the Driver’s Handbook which is where test questions are pulled from.


Everyone should have a universal basic income!

In the long run, some renters wind up paying twice as much for their tires as they would have paid if they’d bought them outright.

Would only do that if you’re desperate. I’d bet 10:1, the tires in OP result from poverty.

PS: you’re not wrong!

RegalPotoo, avatar

Or, alternatively, we should build cities where owning a car isn’t a requirement to hold down a job, and keep piloting a two ton death machine as a privilege, not a right


Jesus, at $20/mo you would pay for a full set of the (expensive) OEM tires on my car in less than a year. They’re warrantied for 3 years of standard mileage, so even worse than double.

Track_Shovel, to 196 in Artificial Refugium rule

This is solar punk


I thought bats were nocturnal


Now this is lunarpunk


No, this is pod racing


This is Patrick.

SubArcticTundra, avatar

And so, Lunar Punk was born.

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