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You could go more petty than this, but this is plenty


Nobody actually cares about whatever weird fuckin she did in the theater. We focus on it because it’s hypocritical.


From what I remember of the Neverending Story (the book), Bastian Balthazar Bux is just some kid with a good imagination, and he ends up as essentially their god; so.


You’re a fucking mod on this sub? Grow up


I mean, they also could have done that this year, or 3 years ago, if they’d had control of Washington. You can actually change any laws you want when you control the lawmaking bodies.


Artificial gravity only works if you keep your ship flat.


So an option that is literally documented as saying “all files and directories created by a tmpfiles.d/ entry will be deleted”, that you knew nothing about, sounded like a “good idea”?

Bro, if it sounded like a good idea to someone, you didn’t fucking warn them enough. Don’t put this on them without considering what you did to confuse them.

Also, nfn, the systemd documentation is a nightmare to read through, even if you know exactly what you’re looking for.

(I’m still gonna keep using systemd because it’s better than the alternatives, though. OP, don’t write stuff off because 1 guy is a dick.)

"Moderation tools are nonexistent on here. It also eats up storage like crazy [...] The software is downright frustrating to work with" - Can any other instance admins relate to this?

After a year online the free speech-focused instance ‘Burggit’ is shutting down. Among other motivations, the admins point to grievances with the Lemmy software as one of the main reasons for shutting down the instance. In a first post asking about migrating to Sharkey, one of the admins states:...


I’d really love it if people stop saying “it’s by design” when they can’t point to any motivation for that design. When the quoted admin says “thinking this is by design” this is equivalent to saying “Lemmy developers prefer that there be no image moderation tools.”

Like, what. Why would they want that. They clearly don’t want that. They’re working on changing that.


This is literally how I got Lae’zel to sleep with me. Just booted her out of the party every time I needed to do something nice and brought her back in when I was about to be authoritarian.


This was literally the one thing that made me pick proton over mullvad. I know I’m not exactly alone in this, but inbound traffic does matter.


Look, teachers gotta be able to wind down in the break room.

Warning to Trump’s new pals on Wall Street (www.politico.com)

Republican donors – including those who had said they’d never support Trump again after Jan. 6 — believe the current regulatory climate for businesses is also an existential danger. Kathy Wylde, president and CEO of the Partnership for New York City — a nonprofit organization representing the city’s top business...


That’s because their personal concern about democracy is zero. Zero concern. They have money and power, they don’t need democracy. The threat that the store down the road will be closed when they want to buy tic-tacs is more concerning to them than Trump’s threat to democracy.


Just block, don’t argue. A person who would post this while ignoring everything he’s said in public, and then force you to debate them on whether he ever said anything in public? That’s not good faith. Block. This is not a person you want to talk to.

xantoxis, (edited )
  • Fair + maiden

“Neither” means

  • not fair (because she’s black); this would probably not be an issue for censors
  • not a maiden (because she’s had sex); they might not have liked this one.

Yeah it’s the literal meaning but not many people use it that way. I’m not surprised the censors let this one slide, even if it was in the script they wouldn’t have got it.


Yeah IDK I’m not a 1960’s censor so I kinda think maybe they wouldn’t care either way.


Whose art is this? It’s sick as hell


Thank you! I knew this had a cohost feel to it


I hate amazon as much as the next guy but the way this works is documented and well-known. The people who stored it there fucked up.


Four years ago he was a deranged fascist with limited mental faculties. I don’t think that dial has really moved.


Don’t dangle that in front of me you teases


This is true but also the way her date phrased the response was pretty rude af. If someone references a movie I don’t know, I don’t go “La-dee-da, look at Mr. Film Buff over here,” since that would be fucking rude (and I also like films, but that doesn’t mean I know most of them).

I would probably instead say, “Is that a movie you like? Should I watch it?”


Shooting two guns at once is something that only happens in movies, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see one of these Very Special Forces guys on the right try to do it because he thinks it looks cool. I’d rather face him than someone who’s properly handling only one gun.


If you aren’t Monica Lewinsky, I’m not really interested in hearing your opinion about the consent. She’s more than capable of talking about her agency in that interaction, on her own. It’s too bad she’s never talked ab–

oh wait, she most certainly has: www.vanityfair.com/news/…/monica-lewinsky-speaks

Talking about it in these terms makes it seem like she’s just a puppet. She’s a person, and she made choices. (Which she regrets, but she still owns that she made those choices.)


Sure. Inappropriate, a firing offense, etc. All true. She even describes the treatment she received after it came out as “abuse”. All valid.

Still consensual. Still not someone else’s place to talk about whether it was her decision or not; it was, and she has said so.


Copy cats? Trump is the copy cat. The original was born in 1889 in Austria.


His racism led to policies that harmed or killed or upended the lives of hundreds of thousands of people on the basis of their race, across multiple racial groups. I really don’t care whether he said the N word, and I don’t know how anyone could imagine he didn’t.


Kinda hoping for courtroom so we get a sketch artist’s rendering of it


Absolutely my #1 worry about all of these trials. Feeling hopeful about the others now.


This isn’t particularly plausible. Searching for news about it, I see stories about a collapsing bike lane and a story about an ebike operator being killed by a truck (this woman was Brazilian but the accident happened in Ireland). Nothing about an ebike killing someone else.

They don’t really go that fast. Anyone can be knocked over and killed by basically any vehicle (including a regular bike) if you land incorrectly, but ebikes are about as dangerous as regular bikes to pedestrians.


I think I’ve explained this too many times to do it again, but: teleportation doesn’t have to be “destroy and reconstitute” any more than going through a door necessitates killing you and reconstituting you on the other side of the door. The key is establishing continuity of your mind across the intervening space, which is mostly an engineering problem.


This guy is probably top 10 of the “I got mine, fuck you” GOATs.


This feels like the way email scammers operate. Send a troll so obvious that reasonable people are pre-filtered out, leaving only the rubes.

I’m not sure why they’d want to do that to influence an election, though

Microsoft says it needs games like Hi-Fi Rush the day after killing its studio (www.theverge.com)

Today, one day after Microsoft announced that it would shut down four of its games studios, Matt Booty, head of Xbox Game Studios, held a town hall to discuss the division’s future goals. “We need smaller games that give us prestige and awards,” Booty told employees, according to internal remarks shared with The Verge....


You’re right but let’s be clear here: Microsoft doesn’t care if it changes the industry for worse, so the only calculus that matters to the execs is whether it works

ajsadauskas, to fuck_cars
@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

The toll road scam: A government-made monopoly you pay for.

Here's a funny-because-it's-true take on Transurban and the poor tax it imposes, from Punter's Politics:




You’re right, the toll roads should be collected by the government, and the amount collected should be based on income so it’s not regressive.

Also, they should be placed every 15 feet, so people stop driving altogether.

SSH login without user name? (docs.gitlab.com)

I was reading GitLab’s documentation (see link) on how to write to a repository from within the CI pipeline and noticed something: The described Docker executor is able to authenticate e.g. against the Git repository with only a private SSH key, being told absolutely nothing about the user’s name it is associated with....

xantoxis, (edited )

EDIT: Noticed you’re talking about Gitlab in the question, and I responded about Github, but I’m certain that gitlab does everything the same way, because that’s all the technology is capable of. (I have no way to test the ssh -T command at the end for gitlab, though, so ymmv.)

To clear up some minor confusion here:

  1. Github knows nothing about your private key. There’s very little metadata stored in the private key, and github.com has access to none of it. That includes email address or identity.
  2. Github has identity information stored for you, and then, separately, you uploaded a public key. The public key also contains no information about you, but github knows it’s part of your account. Additionally, github enforces a requirement that your public key can’t be uploaded to any other account, for the reason I’m about to state below.
  3. Github has an index built of everyone’s public keys (or more likely their digests, although the technical details of the index are not something known to me–and it doesn’t matter). When it sees an authentication request, it looks up the digest in the index, which maps to a user account.

At this point it already knows who is trying to authenticate. Once your authentication request succeeds with your public key (the usual challenge-response handshake associated with asymmetric cryptography), github interacts with your ssh client (most likely git) applying the permissions of your user and your user account.

BTW, github has a documented method for testing the handshake without doing any git operations:

<span style="color:#323232;">ssh -T git@github.com

Depending on your ssh config, you might also need to supply -i some_filename.pem to this. Github will reply with

<span style="color:#323232;">Hi aarkon! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

and then close the connection.

Note that the test authentication uses the username git and, again, contains no information about who you are. It’s all just looked up on github’s side.


You merely adopted France. I was born in it.


Oh cool, love to start getting daily reposts, it’s just like we’re on reddit


“The democrats are mean to me so I didn’t vote” grow a goddamn spine


Is there an easy way to block one publication from appearing in my feed, this guy isn’t worth listening to any more

xantoxis, (edited )

I’m not gonna read this person’s Evangelion analogy, but I did go to the trouble to hunt down what Jon Ringer actually did.

Here’s a link.

I don’t agree with him, and representation of particular minority groups, including gender minorities, are important when they are particularly under attack. It is important to actively resist the marginalization of groups under attack by elevating their voices.

That said, I’m not sure what Jon did was actually “actionable”. I’d say, stop listening to him and treating him as a leader? As someone with lots of close trans friends, I think this guy lowkey sucks, but I think this suspension is weird.


Jon Ringer’s actual actions did include pushback against representation for trans people. I’ll take your word for it that this article didn’t mention those exchanges; I’m not readin’ all that.


Well I didn’t see the comment you’re apologizing for so, no apology necessary ig?


“Met his match”? Trump meets his match every time he encounters an 8-year-old boy with emotional control issues. He only gets away with shit because he’s a useful pawn.

Trump juror quits over fear of being outed after Fox News host says she should scare Trump (www.salon.com)

Those calls came after numerous media outlets reported potentially identifying biographical information about the woman, including her job and the neighborhood she called home. Fox News Jesse Watters highlighted the juror’s details while reading through public pool notes about the selected members. “This nurse scares me if...


The judge may have been anticipating this media circus. Now there’s a clear reason to remove the audience, so it’s safer.

Trump was going to spout lies and nonsense no matter what, and the people who believe him now will believe him no matter what. My money says the judge just wanted an excuse–and we’ll see a complete lockdown with no audience from now on.

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