kratoz29, to games in 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates

The hardware that became an app, good thing it has updates yet.

Rayspekt, to games in 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates

I wish they'd still sell those as hardware units. Same with the Steam controller.

ono, to games in 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates

I bought one during the clearance sale for the price of shipping, assuming that it would be abandoned but maybe still useful as a low-power linux server. I guess I ought to set it up and take advantage of it.

Thanks, Valve, for not letting these things become instant e-waste.

Ashtear, to games in 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates

I wish I had one of these 😩

I used to run the service through the app on my Samsung TV and it ran mostly ok before Samsung pulled the plug on it last year.

I tried setting up a second PC to run it through but I get awful frame loss even on a wired connection, and even in the Steam menus!

Kolanaki, to games in 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates avatar

Don’t even need the hardware anymore. The Android app is really good on its own. I can even play games while not on my own home network with minimal lag so long as I am on 5G or wifi. I use it to play a few rounds of Civilization when waiting at the doctor.

ChaoticEntropy, to games in 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates avatar

I swapped over to a Sunshine host (non-NVidia version of Moonlight) + Moonlight client combo for game streaming and it absolutely blew Steamlink out of the water for me. Went from lag, resolution switching and disconnects to buttery smooth on my Pi400 at 1080p.

dbilitated, avatar

huh I was using the nvidia shield and switched to sunshine when they shut it down. had heaps of issues then went to steamlink which seemed better. last game I tried was slow as though, maybe I should give sunshine another run

Drusas, to games in 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates

This post reminded me that I have a Steam Link. Somewhere.

CH3DD4R_G0BL1N, to games in 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates avatar

But…but…vAlve doEsNt suPpoRt iTs haRdWare

Honytawk, to games in 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates

And what are those updates?

Are they adding new features? Patching security? Fix bugs? Or just update their DRM with new encryption codes?

ipkpjersi, to games in 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates

That’s the thing about Valve. They really know and do software as good as anyone else in the business.


Let’s not pretend alt tabbing a source game was possible pre 2013


True, but the Steam overlay is a good workaround

EmoDuck, to games in 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates

This post reminded me that it’s supposed to be used for gaming. I’ve had mine since it was first released and have always used it to turn my TV into a PC monitor to watch YouTube and Movies from my bed

CameronDev, to games in 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates

My steamlink always updates when i power it on. Its like the updates are not persisted anymore. There is nothing new being added.


Ah, the Discord strategy of updates

trackcharlie, to games in 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates

That’s because unlike most other businesses steam understands that if you want people to keep buying your products, you need to provide a decent service

p03locke, avatar

Which is why you can’t buy a Steam Link, amiright?

I use mine regularly, and I would be sad if it completely breaks.


I own and like the steam link, but the reason they don’t sell it anymore is because the steam link app is on most smart devices now, and if your TV doesn’t support it, you can buy a streaming stick that does for like $30, give or take depending on sales. And those devices are more portable (less wires) and more versatile than a steam link.

Any competitive price for the steam link would be less than what Valve can produce them for. Weren’t they selling it for $5 at the end? Pretty sure I picked mine up for $10 or less. Steam can’t show ads to subsidize the price of the hardware like every other smart device does.

p03locke, avatar

the reason they don’t sell it anymore is because the steam link app is on most smart devices now

Not available for Roku or webOS. That’s hardly “most smart devices”.

CosmicCleric, avatar

Not available for Roku or webOS. That’s hardly “most smart devices”.

From this article…

Steam Link connects your device to any computer that’s running Steam.

Get it now for:

  • iPhone, iPad, & Apple TV (11.0+)
  • Android (5.0+) phone, tablet, & TV
  • Android users without access to Google Play
  • Raspberry Pi 3, 3+, & 4 *Windows
  • Linux
  • MacOS
  • Meta Quest 2, 3 and Pro

I wonder if you added up the percentage of ownership for all those devices listed above, versus all smart devices including Roku and webOS, what the numbers would look like.


I’m not sure if Tizen OS (Samsung TV) is lumped under “Android” (I’m not even sure if it is Android?) but it also works great on every Samsung TV I’ve tried it on!

MaxVoltage, avatar

Bruh they sell 50 meter hdmi cords

WalrusDragonOnABike, (edited )

Do you just plug the controller/mouse/keyboard into the TV USB port?


The Steam Link itself has USB ports, the Steam Link apps all use Bluetooth controllers


I’ve never tried, that might work? Connecting via bluetooth works. You can even use the tv remote!


So, a product that has been discontinued doesn’t mean that it needs to lose software support, was the point I was trying to make. It would be nice if they still sold them but still good that the people that own them can continue to use them and are receiving security updates for them.

I think it’s important that companies like google, samsung, apple, etc are held to at least this standard where products don’t need to be changed unless they actually break, rather than forcing software changes that break or reduce effectiveness of the product to try and force the consumer to produce e-waste and buy a new product.

Nothing wrong with wanting new products, however that should be a personal decision made at a personal level by a consumer not one forced onto them by a company who designed products using the planned obsolescence doctrine.

finn_der_mensch, to games in 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates avatar

Valve being a cool company might be true and all but I think there’s also the real reason that steam makes money by selling games, and making it easy for users to stick to gaming (with steam) ensures ongoing income. Imagine someone who now loves gaming on TV but being annoyed by their broken steam link - what are they going to buy next? A PlayStation and years without a game sold to them.

RDAM_Whiskers, to games in 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates

I love this little piece of hardware.

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