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Linux Mint (I'd recomment Debian edition, LMDE) is basically what you want to try out. I've set up a PC with it for my stepfather that hasn't used Linux at all and he's happy with it. It's designed to be as newbie-friendly as possible. You won't have more issues with it than you'll already have using Windows.

Then if you feel unsatisfied with anything about it, you can go looking for other linux distributions (distros) because you have a general idea what's happening.

Planning on moving over from Windows 10 to Linux for my Personal Work Station. Can't decide which OS I should switch to.

Windows has been a thorn in my side for years. But ever since I started moved to Linux on my Laptop and swapping my professional software to a cross platform alternative, I’ve been dreaming on removing it from my SSD....


Maybe look into Garuda as an additional alternative to EndeavousOS and Manjaro. I'm using it on a gaming rog and haven't had any significant issues regarding stability.


Yeah it's gone full-circle like the whole situation with streaming services becoming cable. Funny how the world works so similarly in different places.


The one rogue nuke hitting New Zealand would be a heavy hit to Peter Thiel and his buddies' apocalypse plans as they continue to buy up the whole country.


Yeah Imma part with my Bionicles and Beyblades for the safety ranch.


What I don't get is the sissy sub fascists nowadays. The dumb fucks generally want to wage war with everybody and now that there are legitimate threats to their precious Vaterlands they are pacifists all of a sudden. I get it, they a funded largely by russia and china etc, but do they really think they won't get shafted when the west collapses? Absolute omega farts.


Tactical dot, because I want to know, too.



Small FYI: Those are named "Chaebol" in South Korea, if anyone want's to look further into this.


all the retieries who didn’t have children for whatever reason

Could be that the grind at work doesn't leave any space for having a familiy.


Garuda is very nice. Only thing I have atm is that there are some issues with updating the system where it doesn't connect to the garuda repo servers or whatever. I'm not proficient enough to know if it's their stuff that breaks or the base arch, so I wonder if doing the tedious thing and installing a base arch system myself would be better to understand everything. It's my first linux system for reference.


So there's no more or less stable distro based on arch?


Fuck. The. World.

Those scumbags got what they deserved.


If I should ever find myself with tickets for them I'll remember you, Macaroni Ninja.


I'm still bummed out by the new Suicide Squad game. Just look how great the characters look (artstyle, facial expressions) and sound. So much work went into this game only to get wasted because of the dumbest management decisions regarding what the game should be.

So much wasted potential, imagine a proper single player game on this basis. At this point I believe WB is truly cursed, everything DC will be fucked up thoroughly by suits since the original Suicide Squad movie. Such a shame

New to Linux? Ubuntu Isn’t Your Only Option (www.howtogeek.com)

Ubuntu’s popularity often makes it the default choice for new Linux users. But there are tons of other Linux operating systems that deserve your attention. As such, I’ve highlighted some Ubuntu alternatives so you can choose based on your needs and requirements—because conformity is boring.


Only last year I've switched from Windows to Linux and I choose Garuda because I wanted to learn Arch from the beginning. Boy am I happy how well it worked out of the box. The most annoying issue was to get the xbox gamepad dongle to work but aside from the it's so good.


Some of these names must be handed to the higher-ups with pure malicious intent, I love it


I wish they'd still sell those as hardware units. Same with the Steam controller.


The Starfield one has to be a result of sarcasm, there's no way. I burst with laughter when I saw that one.


Can you give advice about if arc gpus are a good choice for linux pcs? I'm planning to build a pc with my so and it will be her first linux machine (probably linux mint debian if relevant). She's tech savy but not the kind that fiddles with driver problems for hours, so it should work more or less out of the box. My reference is the rx 6700xt that I have at my garuda (arch) that runs genrally fine with minor sound bugs (hdmi).


After reading the headline I thought at first: "Which one?"


But muh Call of Duties on Playstation, oooweee


I hope the Crazy Taxi reboot will be good, the original game is such a trip.


Then you have the mainstream user that can't be bothered to even install an adblocker. It is mind-boggling.


You might want to buy this one because there's no way Valve releases a third one


Wild, considering how horny anime gets.


Plot twist: Pyramid Head is the janitor from Scrubs.


I did get the splash notification about adblockers a few times ago on a linux garuda system with firefox and ublock, but after popping up on two videos it was gone.


Haha I do this as well as they feel nice and their dongle is able to manage multiple controllers at once.

What is something (feature, modes, settings...) you would like to see become a standard in video games?

I’ve been thinking about making this thread for a few days. Sometimes, I play a game and it has some very basic features that are just not in every other game and I think to myself: Why is this not standard?! and I wanted to know what were yours....


Proper benchmarking tools in the main menu. Even better if there's a demo for this.


Who remembers that they delivered a half-baked Planetary Annihilation out of early access and then move their product to Planetary Annihilation: Titans to get rid of the bad steam reviews?

'cause I do.


Haha yes, I bought into it at early access as well. This game was my "don't blindly trust early access promises" experience.


Well check my other comment how they got rid of bad reviews on Steam with the original PA release.


Oh boy, I was not aware of this at all, thank you for the enlightenment. What utter douchebags. I think I've known them as Uber Entertainment from the beginning, but it's been some time now.

Seem like those turds have a pretty straight modus operandi in regards to changing name every now and then when they eventually shit the bed.


Consoles are walled-gardens altogether. Also poor Sony set the markt rules with their 3rd-party exclusives for how many generations now?

If you want to keep gaming as far away from enshittificarion as possible, then set up a linux gaming pc. It's not bad anymore.


It's awesome how user friendly Mint is. If you like it you might check out the Debian version of it (LMDE). In general it's similar but doesn't rely on Ubuntu which is maintained by a company, Canonical, that upsets linux people with some proprietary stuff. Ubuntu is just a derivative of Debian, so you just can go with the original.


Write a more stable gaming launcher on your own OS than a 3rd party company (impossible)


Which 3rd party exclusives are they sitting on except Bayonetta 2/3? I can't remember that many.

Nintendo has the same dumb practices, but they do it with their own IPs, which is a little less annyoing. Also they aren't the main player like Sony has been for the last two decades. They just own the Mario-and-Zelda-tablet.


Jokes on you, I'm boycotting the game since Epic bought it and forced me to create an epic account to play it. After I purchased it on Steam, mind you. Absolute douche move and they can go fuck themselves. It should be illegal to alter a game post-launch so that you can't play it under the same circumstances when you bought it.


My SO and I just played Stray after coming out of both Plague Tale parts and boy,do I tell you that was the weirdest crossover.

Now we at least kow what the post-credit scene in Plague Tale: Requiem meant.


If it runs on switch, then it should on my smart fridge as well


Started Plague Tale Requiem after finishing the first game. Story, atmosphere, and everything related is a lot of fun.

Only gripe for me is that the combat/stealth encounters are heavily trial and error if you try to not to kill. Maybe I'm too dumb but NPCs cover each others blind spots so good that sneaking past everyone is almost impossible, as they still detect you from roughly 30 m away. Most gadgets are either for killing or alert the whole map. Still a very good game, I'm just a little frustrated that going completely undetected doesn't work out for me.

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