Heavybell, to world in Japan to launch world’s first wooden satellite to combat space pollution avatar

Outer Wilds Ventures approves of this announcement.

linearchaos, to world in Japan to launch world’s first wooden satellite to combat space pollution avatar

God I can just see the team of little old Craftsmen widdling away at it for months forming all the toolless joints with sub-millimeter accuracy

Kualk, to world in Russia’s Avdiivka offensive is failing, says top Ukrainian officer

Top Ukrainian officer lied. Russia took Avdiivka.

Gork, to world in Air Canada ordered to pay customer who was misled by airline’s chatbot

“separate legal entity”

That the airline completely controls and has since updated the chatbot’s programming.

SonicBlue03, to world in Air Canada ordered to pay customer who was misled by airline’s chatbot

This chatbot no longer works for the airline according to its LinkedIn profile.

TokenBoomer, to world in ‘They lied’: plastics producers deceived public about recycling, report reveals

And nothing happened…

photoncollector, to world in Egypt scraps plan to restore cladding on one of three great pyramids of Giza avatar

@Wilshire The Pyramids were built by Donald Trump's ancestors and were intended to be hotels.

Grass, to games in The US military is embedded in the gaming world. Its target: teen recruits

Army has given of the impression of being pretty desperate for some time now but what mentally stable person would want to join after seeing how veterans are treated?


The poor.

jaemo, to canada in Canadian conservatives divided over trans policy

Every day since I left that province has confirmed and reinforced the wisdom of my decision.


I’m proud of you! Where’d you end up going?


BC! Vancouver Island specifically. It seems to fit my ethos and tendencies better here.

Bonehead, to canada in Canadian conservatives divided over trans policy

You know, for everything that Doug Ford has done that I don't like, at least he's not Danielle Smith.

cygnus, avatar

Ford is a mobster, not a religious zealot.

girlfreddy, avatar

He’s also sneakier, and lies so well it’s hard to tell the truth from fiction.


If you come in with the baseline that none of them tell the truth, it’s a lot easier to figure out who is lying.

avidamoeba, avatar

I’ll take it!

psvrh, (edited ) avatar

Ontario is also not Alberta: Smith’s cheques are signed by the oil industry, and you have to get deep into denialism to whitewash that industry, and denialism comes with a lot of anti-intellectual and protofascist baggage.

Ford’s are signed by real-estate developers and small-business douchebags (and the Venn with them and organized crime on it, well, has some overlap). They’re a very different crew, and they prefer to operate in the shadows. Shouty religious zealotry results in unwanted attention, which is bad for business.

streetfestival, avatar

This isn’t at all evidence-based, this is just a gut reaction and being an Ontarian I hear a lot more about what happens in my province that Alberta.

I find Doug Ford much scarier than Danielle Smith because I think he’s more effective at destroying this country, more people would vote for his destructive policies than hers (which are more clearly socially regressive), and I could see him being successful at the federal level.

Higgs scares me too. I’m appalled by the devolution of trans rights in AB and SK, but politicians gunning to increase corporate power, gut the public sector, and reduce labour’s power really unsettles me vis-a-vis the direction we’re heading in.

CanadaPlus, (edited )

more people would vote for his destructive policies than hers

Smith won by just 1300 votes, if you look at the close ridings, and has done nothing but unpopular shit ever since - starting with an attack on CPP, which is a sacred cow to the most vote-y demographic. And it’s still the first few months. So, yeah, she’s not on track to re-election, to put it mildly.


…and yet, she’d get reelected today.

She would, and she will. Rachel Notley has stepped down because she knows she can’t beat the UCP (or any single right-wing party), no matter what deranged psychopath is running it.

Worst of all, Poilievre is courting her hard - and has every intention of copying every one of her policies that can translate to the national arena.


I don’t know, her numbers seem to have gone down slightly since the election, and like I said she barely scraped in. Keep in mind this is FPTP and most of the real rednecks are stacked in the same rural ridings.

It’s more like anyone’s game than hopeless.


Everything you say is true, I just don’t believe in my heart that she would lose.

When she got the leadership nomination, we were cheering. “The UCP just lost the electiom by electing that psycho!”

Kecessa, (edited )

She won by 1300 voices but that’s not something to be proud of or celebrate as her being close to losing because it just shows how fucked first past the post is, she had a majority of the popular vote in the province by a good margin, if those 1300 had voted NDP instead the NDP would have had the power with 44% of the vote while the conservatives would be in the opposition with 52.6% of the vote.

CanadaPlus, (edited )

It’s not my preferred system either, but it’s what we have. In this specific case it works to the advantage of progress and stability.

If we had party list (preferably Norway style so there’s not constant snap elections) then the UCP almost certainly wouldn’t exist, and we’d probably have a coalition of centrist parties, with a sizable amount of more radical opposition parties, mostly on the right but also on the left (possibly led by Janis Irwin).


Thing is, if we don’t complain when it works to our advantage then there’s no reason why it would change for something better. You should be celebrating the fact that for once the party that has the majority of the seats is the one that got the majority of the vote and that should be shown as an example of why a reform is necessary.


Higgs scares me too. I’m appalled by the devolution of trans rights in AB and SK, but politicians gunning to increase corporate power, gut the public sector, and reduce labour’s power really unsettles me vis-a-vis the direction we’re heading in.

Trust me, Smith is still taking enough time away from attacking the trans community to destroy healthcare and then sell it to her corporate friends. Same with education. As for unions, the secret wage limits Kenney imposed were just opening the door to Smith’s plans.


politicians gunning to increase corporate power, gut the public sector, and reduce labour’s power

That’s been the Blue playbook for decades.

some_guy, to canada in Canadian conservatives divided over trans policy

As a USA citizen, I apologize to our neighbors in the North for this bullshit getting exported across the border. I’m very sorry.


Thanks, I appreciate it.


As a Canadian I have to wonder how accurate that is - we exported Proud Boys to the USA. This could just be the wave waves rippling back


Tribalist fearmongering horseshit is endemic to humanity. It is our default.


…and that’s ok.



Not like we have a choice how people think when they’re born. All we can do is fix it later.

ElCanut, to world in World Health Organization accuses Israel of impeding aid delivery in Gaza

Israel: What you gonna do about it bro ?

SoonaPaana, to world in Tobago oil spill spreads to Grenada waters and could affect Venezuela

I understand that we are speed running earth’s demise but can we please pick up the pace. I have a report deadline on Monday but I am in no mood to do it.

themeatbridge, to world in ‘They lied’: plastics producers deceived public about recycling, report reveals

Penn and Teller did an episode of Bullshit on this in 2004. They also concluded that paper and glass recycling were similarly worse that throwing it away. Glass because the energy required to grind, melt, and separate the raw material, and paper because the process uses toxic solvents and produces just as much waste as throwing it away.

Also don’t be fooled by people claiming plastics can be burnt cleanly. That’s another myth that plastic producers push to prevent people reducing their plastic use.

Gleddified, to canada in Canadian conservatives divided over trans policy

Anything to keep us arguing so they don’t have to fix the housing crisis

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