PrincessEli, to games in Why is the $180bn games industry shedding thousands of staff?

Funny how all the retarded NPCs cry about greed, over the fact that they think every random idiot is entitled to a paycheck for all of eternity regardless of whether or not anyone actually wants to employ them.

BolexForSoup, avatar

all the r—- NPC’s

  1. Who straight faced says NPC’s?
  2. It isn’t 1999 don’t use that word.
BeigeAgenda, avatar

Some people love universal basic income, other people love to see people starve.

DessertStorms, to games in Why is the $180bn games industry shedding thousands of staff? avatar


Deceptichum, to games in Why is the $180bn games industry shedding thousands of staff? avatar
JohnnyCanuck, to games in Why is the $180bn games industry shedding thousands of staff? avatar

They do this every year and nobody cares.

BolexForSoup, avatar

Not at this rate and not nearly as many studios close per year.


Hey don’t call me nobody! I have a whole body.

echo64, to games in Why is the $180bn games industry shedding thousands of staff?

There’s some off-base comments here that ignore why the industry is being hit particularly hard. Note that when it comes to companies like Microsoft, you’re right it’s pure greed. They don’t need to shed those jobs, but that will make shareholders money, so bye-bye livelihood. Fuck Microsoft in particular on this round of layoffs, money for a 65 billion purchase but nothing else, pricks.

But for most of the job losses, it really comes down to high interest rates. High interest rates disincentivizes investing. And the past decade or so has been highly investment based.

A lot of the traditional big publishers like EA and Activision went entirely in-house, so any studio outside of those big ones needed to find funding somewhere. They turned to investment companies.

This works whilst investing is cheap, but when it’s hard to come by, suddenly you have to make payroll and can’t. This is why Embracer has failed, for example.

FenrirIII, avatar

Why were people laid off by Microsoft? Were they redundant after the acquisition? Were they part of departments that were cut? Like 90% of acquisitions lead to layoffs.

stopthatgirl7, avatar

But Microsoft told the FTC they specifically were not gonna do that after the merger, which is why the FTC is angry at them.

ampersandrew, avatar

Very true, and Microsoft in particular could have just shouldered the cost of those employees and likely found more work for a lot of them. Some of what I've heard from Jeff Grubb in the past week or two is that ABK expanded by 3000 employees in the past two years while interest rates were cheap, so it was unlikely they did so sustainably; and hundreds of those who were laid off were basically the entirety of Microsoft's physical distribution department, which we'll probably hear in this upcoming business update no longer exists for Xbox going forward.

originalucifer, to games in Why is the $180bn games industry shedding thousands of staff? avatar

pure corporate greed.

i think its the stock market. it creates this false reality where things need to keep climbing.

if you have a company where everyone gets paid, and the customer is very satisfied and you have no profit you are somehow a complete failure. because we all just cant be.

the stock market is humanities downfall... human greed distilled, authorized and removed from all responsibility.

Jode, to games in Why is the $180bn games industry shedding thousands of staff?

It’s not that we’re not making profit, it’s that we’re not making ENOUGH profit.


A.K.A Capitalism.


This. I’ll be the last one to defend any of these megacorps but folks calling it greed are being reductive. These are publicly traded companies which means their loyalty is to their shareholders and their #1 goal is to make them more money than they made them last quarter. So it’s more than greed, it’s their job within this capitalist system. They have to do that every quarter for as long as they exist. The only ways to do it are to increase revenue or decrease costs. If they can’t make enough money they have to fire people. That’s the world we’ve built.

But it’s not only about making more profit than last quarter, but also the amount the profits increased by has to be higher than the amount they increased by the quarter before last. That’s how you end up with companies seeing record profits and still laying people off. They made more than last quarter, but only 2% more. The quarter before they made 3% more so now people have to go. It’s insane.


It will never be enough…

Marsupial, to world in Italy’s far-right government submits plan to decriminalise abuse of office avatar

Always a good sign!

You okay there Italy?

maniacalmanicmania, avatar

No we really miss doing the fascism thing. Cann we do it again for an little while?


No 🥲

Transporter_Room_3, to world in Russian anti-war candidate Boris Nadezhdin says he is barred from election avatar

I wonder if he actually thought he had a chance.

Like, does anyone really think they have any sort of possibility of being elected?

Against someone who wouldn’t hesitate to bomb entire apartment complexes to try and pin it on an opponent? Or who doesn’t hesitate to outright have people black bagged?


It still undermines Putin a bit, think that’s what the goal is


It is, partly. Nadezhdin has been part of the Russian politics for decades, authored and co-authored many laws and took part in many initiatives; him running for president is basically him exercising his passive right to be elected, but as he himself said, he’s been thinking about running for president since Summer 2023.

He’s been invited to the Russian propaganda TV shows numerous times as a liberal scapegoat of sorts - they’d just try to portray him and people like him (anti-war or anti-Putin or both, basically people who want freedom and peace for their own country and for everyone else), often failing, as there never was any clever way to make him shut up; the man knows many of Putin’s cronies because he’s been in politics for that long, and he’s very smart with what he’s saying because he knows what kind of narrative gets you assassinated or jailed.

From everything I’ve heard from him, Nadezhdin just wanted to act in the most influential way he saw for himself and for others, coincidentally being the safest one, too. He had hesitated at first, but quickly joined the race to get the signatures after Duntsova got turned down, and he really believes in change and progress and a brighter, non-violent future for Russia. It’s a good thing, too, because as we’ve seen times and times again, resorting to violence to deal with one regime in hopes of building a new, better system for each and for all is a sure way to attract and amass even more people who should never bear anywhere near any sort of power, and do so precisely in and around power, ultimately leading to greater terror.

To me, Nadezhdin seems like a pragmatic man who can believe, which is important, and he readily pursued the chance to become a candidate for the elections because of it, but also because he did speak, extensively, with the current Russian opposition (the ones that haven’t been murdered or jailed, at least) and cooperated with them (one would be more accurate to say that it was vise versa, actually, so props to them putting weight on the attempts and spreading the word, as well as assisting him during the process) under some shared understanding that, in times of great despair and misery and seemingly inescapable reign of darker, evil, greedy, murderous forces, when calling for peace and life is a crime, when people have been carefully manipulated into disunity and feeling small - it’s in these times that it’s important to do something to make people realize that they’re not alone, they’re not few, but that they’re many, that there’s something they can try and do to show the regime that they do not agree with it, nor do they want it.

Apart from this pursuit, very important and uplifting and very much needed by the Russian populace evident by the last several weeks, there is also an important factor of actually putting pressure on the regime - despite what many may believe, the current regime doesn’t completely ignore everything; very few regimes do or can, actually, but the Putin’s regime especially so, as we’ve seen time and time again through various displays and in various forms. Of course, it is far from perfect, but it’s not insignificant or minuscule for many reasons: it makes the regime move under pressure and uncertainty, which leads to rushed decisions, which leads to mistakes, which leads to opportunities… which is ultimately good for everyone, as without Putin and his regime, there is no war, for he’s the sole “benefactor”, if there’s anything of benefit left for him in this stupid mistake.

Last but not least, when the regime sees that some “irrelevant and small” candidate manages to gather an absurdly large and arbitrary number of signatures (try and find another country where you need to get 100,000 perfectly prepared signatures along with names and addresses and passport numbers before you can run for president), with lines of people popping all over the country despite what felt like its coldest days of the year (for larger parts, at least), then you know that there’s still a significant chunk of people that won’t be happy with, say, another broad mobilization or martial laws or anything like that - for every person who managed to go and leave their signature (along with some sensitive personal data), there’s who knows how many more people who felt too scared or simply couldn’t leave their signatures because there weren’t any collectors or posts near them (some had to travel 100+ km, some don’t have the opportunity, as Russia’s very, very big), and there’s even more people who probably could’ve signed if they had known about the whole thing if Nadezhdin had access to TV and radio to spread the word, as it should be during election such as these (in more democratic country). Nobody can say for certain what’s going to come out of these last several weeks, but Putin and his lapdogs surely have enough to consider now - and a lot of stress that, again, will ultimately help in turning things for the better.

ChunkMcHorkle, (edited ) avatar

deleted by creator


You’re welcome and пожалуйста. I consider my English skills one of (if not the) most important assets of mine and try to use it to offer some perspective from within the anti-war/Putin population; I can’t say I’ve seen many other Russians doing the same in places I visit, so I try to be the voice when I can.

Sometime ago I considered making a blog for that kind of thing or something, but ultimately fell out of it as I doubt I’d keep it well enough to gain proper traction; and it’s much more work than writing comments and talking to people on a more personal level, which may divert a huge chunk of my attention, too, resulting in a clouded perspective.

MomoTimeToDie, to games in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League review – straddles the brilliant and the banal | Games

Yet another example of why games journalists are shit and deserve less

wurzelgummidge, to world in At least 32 of remaining hostages in Gaza are dead, report says

according to available intelligence collated by the Israeli military

Not really a reliable source of information but I’m sure compliant media will wave it about as if it is fact

ira, to world in At least 32 of remaining hostages in Gaza are dead, report says

MBFC rating for The Guardian:

Factual Reporting: MIXED MBFC Credibility Rating: MEDIUM CREDIBILITY

Overall, we rate The Guardian… Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks over the last five years.

They go on to list 11 failed fact checks.


MBFC for Al Jazeera:

Factual Reporting: MIXED MBFC Credibility Rating: MEDIUM CREDIBILITY

Overall, we rate Al Jazeera… Mixed for factual reporting due to failed fact checks that were not corrected and misleading extreme editorial bias that favors Qatar.

Also worth noting, Al Jazeera is owned by the Qatari state and Qatar cut off ties with Israel due to a military operation in 2009.

I’m sure this will stop no one from posting links to their articles and treating it like gospel in the comments though.


Israeli military credibility rating: ZERO CREDIBILITY

YtA4QCam2A9j7EfTgHrH, to world in Yazidi woman held by IS for 10 years freed by Kurdish fighters in Syria

God bless the YPG and SDF. Fuck Turkey for killing them and the US for letting it.

IgnatiusJReilly, to world in Orbán boycotts parliament session called to ratify Swedish Nato bid

If you don’t show to the vote, you forfeit your vote.

Fu@k Orbán.

Digital_Prophet, avatar

hey you know you can just type "fuck," nobody will get mad at you.

Snapz, to world in Parisians vote in favour of tripling parking costs for SUVs

“But that will make it cost prohibitive to own an SUV!!!”

Yes… Yes it will.

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