doylio, to technology in ‘The tide has turned’: why parents are suing US social media firms after their children’s death

Good! We need to hold these companies accountable. Around the mid 2010s they realized that it’s more profitable to have addicts instead of users. Casinos, bars, and cigarette sellers are forbidden from selling to children. These addictive platforms should be subject to similar limitations

BestBouclettes, to world in ‘Giving us oxygen’: Italy turns to Cuba to help revive ailing health system

We’ve had the same issue in France. During the pandemic health professionals were hailed as heroes, deservedly so. But once it was over, they started asking for better conditions, and more money towards public health infrastructure. They got shut down and belittled pretty quickly.

Sanctus, to games in ‘People laughed at it’: the unlikely story behind the music of Crash Bandicoot avatar

That bass riff in Crash 3’s hub menu lives rent free in my conciousness 24/7

Chet_Awesomelad, avatar

The main theme does the same for me, those opening bars are just pure bliss to me

ninjan, to games in YouTube’s video games are almost impossible to find – but once you do, you’ll wish you never looked | Dominik Diamond

That was the funniest shit I’ve read this year!


Dom Diamond use to present the Gamesmaster TV show in the UK. He’s been a games journalist since pre-8 bit days I think.

elgordio, to games in YouTube’s video games are almost impossible to find – but once you do, you’ll wish you never looked | Dominik Diamond

I wish premium would stop trying to add more stuff. I only want ad free videos, just do that, rather than adding loads of crap no one wants and then charging more because of the ‘increased value’.


Just use an ad blocker then, I haven’t seen an ad on YouTube in years. If they charged a reasonable amount for their ad-free experience (say, about what they earn from ads, so like $1-2/month), I’d pay. But $14/month is way too much, and I’d rather just not use YouTube than pay that.

helenslunch, to politics in Claudine Gay’s ousting reveals that the messenger is still an easier target than the message | Kenan Malik avatar

Kinda weird to see something like this + the war in Palestine where left and right haven’t really chosen a specific side.

OpenStars, to politics in Claudine Gay’s ousting reveals that the messenger is still an easier target than the message | Kenan Malik avatar

In her PhD dissertation, and in around half of her journal articles she is alleged to have taken almost verbatim paragraphs from academic papers without acknowledging them as quotes or with proper attribution.

Plagiarism is no laughing matter, in academic circles. If a student did this they could not only flunk but be automatically expelled (depending on the rules of the University and/or Department involved), so why allow it from the literal President of the entire University?! Supposedly in at least one of these cases she later wrote to the journal and asked for it to be edited - but does that simply mean that she was caught and wanted to cover it up? Though it does not matter b/c regardless: why not be careful and precise and do the job correctly the first time, as is expected from a true professional, most especially an academic one? (correctness is kinda their whole schtick? at least usually)

This only gives the conservative media the win that they need to keep going, in pushing against DEI and other matters. It also subtly underscores another point that conservative media sometimes makes: how American universities have become profit-generation machines, at the expense of their prior role as sources of learning, i.e. since they apparently picked her over candidates who were legitimately qualified.

CrypticCoffee, to games in YouTube’s video games are almost impossible to find – but once you do, you’ll wish you never looked | Dominik Diamond

I wouldn’t pay for Youtube…


Tbh paying for YT was pretty good but the company kept making decisions that were worse and worse for creators, repeatedly failed to protect creators, and they raised the price so i cancelled it.

My current stance is that i will quit YouTube before i watch ads.
I’m open to being a paid member again but for the older, lower price and YT will need to be more on the side of creators. This will not happen, so 🤷‍♂️


Google has been dreadful for a long time and do not care. They only need creators so they can milk the content and take the lion share of the revenue.

YouTube are pushing more and more adverts so people are more likely to pay them. Straight up manipulation.

Prewash_Required, to world in Carrefour pulls PepsiCo products in four EU countries over price hikes

Pepsi Frito Lay is big enough not to care about the profits from one market globally. In Canada a couple years back they had a pricing dispute with the country’s largest grocer which resulted in all of their snack products being unavailable nationwide for that grocery chain. Pepsico increased prices during the heart of the pandemic and the grocer refused to pay the higher price so Pepsico just stopped shipping product to them. It lasted for 2 months, and in the end the dispute resolved with no benefit to the customer whatsoever. Lays, Doritos, etc. remain the highest priced chips in the store by a long shot.

ArugulaZ, to gaming in Nintendo’s design guru Shigeru Miyamoto: ‘I wanted to make something weird’ avatar

Mission accomplished. Many, many times over.

belated_frog_pants, to technology in Value of X has fallen 71% since purchase by Musk and name change from Twitter

Looool idiot, i cant believe anyone ever thought he was smart


There are still people around who believe that he’s the tech messiah sent to deliver them to Mars.


I wouldn’t go anywhere this guy tells me to go, nevermind to fucking Mars


Of course you wouldn’t. I’m talking about the mob that would. A mob with no more than a few neurons collectively is a danger to everyone else.


But would you let him put a chip inside your head, potentially controlling your thoughts and access to information?


No questions asked!

crandlecan, to technology in Value of X has fallen 71% since purchase by Musk and name change from Twitter

Brilliant business strategy, you just wait!! 😂

Powderhorn, avatar

I’m pretty certain I know how Musk would respond to this. It’s inappropriate for Beehaw.


Something something woke mind virus something


Or some bs like I didn’t make my money by being nice.


He’s a genius playing 8D chess. You just don’t understand. By this time next week, Twitter will be the only website in the world and Lonnie will laugh at you from mars. Just watch!


Insert Bond Villain Plot™ where he’s secretly buying all the EMP-hardened server parks in the world, and it’s getting ready to orbital-nuke everything except Shitter servers back to the stone age.

And of course he will brick every phone and computer everywhere, so nobody will be able to use Shitter, but God damnit, it will be the only site left!


Literally only the best strategies here! I mean lets recap:

  • Threaten to buy company then double down and agree in writing as a bullying tactic: check
  • Roll a nat 1 on your intimidation check: check
  • Be forced to follow through when called out on being mentally an 8 yo by the feds: check
  • Fire critical employees, like basically all of them: check
  • Yoink verification away from public news orgs: check
  • Let anyone pay to be “legit,” even if they’re parodying you: check
  • Rename twitter to the stupidest thing imagined since head-on (apply directly to the forehead): check
  • Gut content moderation policies but also stop enforcing regardless: check
  • Post own hate content and racism to the platform: check
  • "Accidentally" run ads next to hate content: check
  • Be told your sign sucks and to take it down by city: check (lol)
  • Become a living embodiment of “big yikes” energy while telling aforementioned advertisers to “go fuck yourselves” on live TV: check
  • Hallucinate about making x into a libertarian wechat alternative: check
  • Tank the value of the company while blaming literally anyone else for your failures: mission in progress, #1 priority

10/10 solid buy, gonna grab some long calls rn. The koch boys and rupert murderjock must be holding back a tsunami of jealousy by now 🤣


See! This guy gets it!! 😍


You left out “throttle diaster information accounts when the disaster is happening” (Japan earthquake).



Also, I forgot all the tomfuckery he pulled with starlink in Ukraine, cutting off access and the like.

It’s truly a testament to how much shit this guy has done that we forget so much of it.

CrypticCoffee, to technology in Value of X has fallen 71% since purchase by Musk and name change from Twitter

Maybe, but I don’t think Musk is running twitter for money. He’s probably doing what every billionaire is doing. Buying media to shape public opinion. Turning twitter right leaning to build public support for conservative policies that will benefit his other business is probably the play.

Why worry losing 20bn when he could gain 50bn for SpaceX(SeX. Just seen that…) and Tesla? Sounds like a good return on investment.


SpaceX(SeX. Just seen that…)

And Tesla’s first few car models were S, 3, X, Y (Ford owned the trademark on model E, so Musk had to go with 3).


I did not know that. He really is a manchild.

Thisfox, to technology in Value of X has fallen 71% since purchase by Musk and name change from Twitter

When the Japanese Earthquake information twitter account was throttled a few days ago, after the earthquake, there seemed to be this general realisation that they were not going to be able to use it for disaster communication any more…

Auzy, to technology in Value of X has fallen 71% since purchase by Musk and name change from Twitter

Honestly, the only thing keeping X relevant, is news articles at this time.


It feels like news agencies run these stories just to rub it in his face.


That and jokes about refusing to call it X

Zozano, avatar

What’s X?


It marks the spot.

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