TheEighthDoctor, to world in Video appears to show gang-rape of Afghan woman in a Taliban jail

Is this the so called morality police?


This is how they find their wives


That’s an iranian thing.

pandapoo, (edited )

No, it’s a religious fundamentalist thing and is hardly unique to Iran.

If anything, the Iranian version is relatively more moderate then their counterparts in places that practice forms of Sunni fundamentalism like Saudi Arabia, or Afghanistan.

Not trying to pretend the Iranian morality police are good, or reasonable, but relative to those other two examples, they aren’t as bad. Which is saying something, since they are clearly awful in their own right.

Although to be fair, it might be less philosophical or theological reasoning that account for those differences, and just more the practical reality that Iranian women generally have more rights than those in Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan.

Belastend, (edited )

LuL, absolutely not more moderate. Saudi arabian morality police hasnt beaten someone to death in the last years, as far as i am aware. I did not knkw the Taliban called their force by the same name.

edit: You guys understand the difference between morality police and normal police right?


Thats not the morality police. Thats a regular old political assasination.

Morality Police tries to enforce “societal norms” such as the hijab and not showing public affection.

ZombieMantis, avatar

No, this is the Taliban of Afghanistan. The Islamic Republic of Iran has Morality Police. A different flavor of terrible.

HomerianSymphony, to world in Germany’s first African-born MP to stand down after racist abuse

His constituency office in Halle, Saxony Anhalt, has been an arson target, and has had bullets fired through the window.

Weird that this doesn’t come up until the 10th paragraph of the article.

girlfreddy, avatar

That means an editor decided to draw attention to it. The journalist still buried it deep in the article.

girlfreddy, avatar

It was still mentioned at the top of the article and you missed it.

HomerianSymphony, (edited )

No, I saw it there, and I was still surprised it appeared so late in the article.


For context the shots fired on his office were in 2020 and the arson was last year, while that is awful I wouldn’t try to frame them too much as the cause for his retirement.

Buffalox, to world in Negotiated outcome most likely result of Russia-Ukraine war, major poll says

Negotiations can mean many things.
The only acceptable outcome is that Ukraine gets all its territories back including Crimea.
Then we can negotiate on maybe lifting some of the sanctions. There will probably also be negotiations on reparation for Ukraine.

Even in case of a total Russian defeat, there will probably be negotiations regarding many issues.

footoro, to world in Video appears to show gang-rape of Afghan woman in a Taliban jail

Absolutely horrifying to imagine the situation of women in Afghanistan right now and especially women like in this article. The Taliban are crazy monsters.


Coming soon to a country near you.


What do you mean with that? Who do I need to look out for :/




fascists are gaining ground all around the world. people love to point to situations like this where colonizers destroy a country and authoritarian regimes rise from the chaos/power vacuum left behind, but then they turn around and willingly vote for fascists because of their own bigotries, not realizing they’re asking for the same shit without the circumstances that led to it elsewhere. it’s wild.


Okay I couldn’t agree more with that.

victorz, to world in Man busted for carrying Master Sword from Zelda in the street

Some NotTheOnion type shit.

VelvetStorm, to world in Should cuddling koalas be legal? Here’s why there’s a push to ban it in Queensland

Ya, it should be banned. We have no right to force what we want on the animals. It’s just going to stress them out.

DarkDarkHouse, to world in Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer avatar

Not with that attitude

Atin, to world in Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer

Time to bring out Madame L’Guillotine?


Hope you’ve got enough whetstones to keep the blade sharp as you chop off 30% of the country’s heads.

I don’t like the fact we’re out of the EU, but you’re not going to convince that portion of the public that we’re better in the EU until the public LIVE through being outside the EU and watching them outpace us.



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  • rammer, avatar

    As it is, the EU is only attractive for impoverished peripheral countries. We can wait until UK is one.


    With this kind of crab mentality, it’s going to be a race to the bottom.




    The UK won’t get concessions if it rejoins or at least not the same ones it had.


    I’d be willing to introduce national backsides to Euro notes so they can put their King’s mug on it.


    I keep hearing this but have problems believing it. Wouldn’t everyone just be so happy it happened that they would be willing to just go back to the way it was?


    Iceland and Norway aren’t joining, because they want to control their waters and fishing permits. They still implement all EU regulations not touching those. Switzerland has a weird fetish about being neutral, which currently is just a code word for being the EU’s tax evasion haven. Through agreements with the EU, they too adhere to most EU regulations. And the EU is absolutely attractive to its bigger economies, they get to pull from cheaper labor pools.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    Last I checked, 30% was a minority.

    Why cater to them?


    Because they’re really noisy and politicians tend to listen to noisy people


    So put boomboxes on the guillotines?




    Dammit, no matter how you slice it, this joke is a cut above.


    Decent band name.


    Because they went to Eton which teaches important skills such as talking utter bollocks with absolute confidence. People trust them.


    Umm, they already are? Noticed how shit our veg is after brexit? Or how about selling anything outside the UK any more? Or how crap basically all service is as we can’t get the staff?

    benvars, to world in Germany’s first African-born MP to stand down after racist abuse

    This is just sad, will things ever change?


    It’s Germany… probably not.


    Only if we do a better job teaching our kids to not grow up to be nazis, racists, or easy marks for manipulate dishonest politicians.


    I don’t think so. There are so many fronts on the war on bigotry and little progress has been made in 100 years. This feels like an innate property of human beings and humans will always be easy to manipulate to make them hate those that look a little different. About the only practical thing that might help is we criminalise bigotry that might damp it down a lot but people will still behave in bigoted ways they can get away with.

    li10, to world in Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer

    If that’s what it takes then I’m sorry it had to come to this, Keir 😔🔪

    FlyingSquid, to world in Should cuddling koalas be legal? Here’s why there’s a push to ban it in Queensland avatar

    My dad got to “cuddle” a koala on a trip to Australia back in the 80s. He said it dug its claws into his back and it smelled bad and it was just a highly unpleasant experience overall.

    Just because something looks cute doesn’t mean you should cuddle with it. You probably shouldn’t cuddle with a hedgehog either.

    He did say that he also got to pet a wombat and it was very sweet.

    itslilith, to world in Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer avatar

    then perish

    xc2215x, to world in Video appears to show gang-rape of Afghan woman in a Taliban jail

    Very disgusting but not shocking knowing the Taliban.

    xc2215x, to world in Germany’s first African-born MP to stand down after racist abuse

    Sad he faced so much racism. I understand why he is doing this.

    ynthrepic, to world in Germany’s first African-born MP to stand down after racist abuse avatar

    I often wish people in these situations tough it out, because of they don’t, who will make the difference? Stepping down gets you one news article and then everyone forgets.

    I respect his choice though, and it’s another kind of heroic to put yourself and your family’s safety first.

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