
small44, to world in US to Hezbollah: Don’t count on us to stop an Israeli attack

Us arms and aid won’t save the idf from hizbollah

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

If we’re talking about just arms vs. arms, Hezbollah is far weaker. They probably have the ability to draw Israel into a lengthy guerilla war a la Afghanistan, which will eventually make Israel admit the whole thing is pointless, but that also would mean that Iran doesn’t decide to join in the fight. I still think Israel would have the stronger military in that case, but the bigger issue there would be that out of those three groups, only Israel has nukes and they aren’t concerned about the spread of fallout if they lob one at Tehran like they would be in Gaza.


Israel lost to Hezbollah twice before and they were nowhere near as strong now.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Lost in what way? In that Hezbollah still exists? Because see above re guerilla war.

RadioFreeArabia, (edited )

Lost twice: 2000 and 2006. You may want to read some history.

Let’s just say we went from the Zionist settlers having a security buffer inside Lebanon, to Hezbollah having a security buffer inside Occupied Palestine.

Anyways, I don’t care to convince you. You will see it soon enough.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Yes. Through guerilla warfare. Which was my point.

Linkerbaan, (edited ) to world in US to Hezbollah: Don’t count on us to stop an Israeli attack
@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Genocide Joe says he’s good for more Genocide. Not less Genocide.

More news at 11.


Me, as a non American, every time I read genocide Joe I feel the cringe vibes crawling to me. It’s genocide america


True. Blaming the genocide on Joe Biden misses the point that the genocide will be happening no matter who is president.


Which in turn ignores the fact that only Biden is CURRENTLY the president and accountable for his own actions (which include material aid and political cover to the point that the US in general and the executive branch in particular is an active PARTICIPANT in the genocide rather than just a biased bystander) and that he’s acting against the wishes of not just the vast majority of the people who voted for him, but also the majority of the population in general.

I don’t like the use of the term either, as it makes legitimate criticism seem disingenuous if not downright Trumpian, but that doesn’t mean that it’s inaccurate.


I do agree with you. Biden can stop it but chooses not to, he is a Zionist. But no one will become US president unless they are Zionists until something is done about AIPAC. Biden is as guilty as he can be, and it the same time completely irrelevant, just a warm body that will be replaced with another.


I get what you’re saying, but I strenuously disagree with your central assertion that there’s no point in legitimate criticism of a sitting president as long as there isn’t currently a better president available.

You don’t just get a free pass to commit crimes against humanity because there’s nobody lined up who wouldn’t.

That’s lumping the US president in with the likes of Viktor Orban, Vladimir Putin, Benyamin Netanyahu, and other presidents whose subjects aren’t allowed to criticize their worst actions.


What I was trying to say is that the president is a symptom and focusing on the president distracts from the system that elects them, because good people do exist and the majority oppose what Biden is doing, they just don’t seem to make it on the ballot. But you are right we can walk and chew gum at the same time, I am not taking any agency away from Biden, he is going to hell according to his own believes anyways.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Joe Biden is currently in charge of the Genocide weapons and protecting israel against repercussions.

If Trump takes his place it will be Terror Trump or something. But there is most definitely a final responsible person.

For now Biden is the one in charge and the one fully able to stop it if he wills. So Genocide Joe it is.


Firstly, you are mistaking the puppet with the puppeteer.

Secondly, we are still dealing with the consecuences of USA backed state terrorism and USSR backed terrorism in my country. Fuck Biden and Trump, im calling responsibility on you.


the AIPAC is $12 million balls deep inside Biden’s ass. He’s their bitch but he’s also s politician who says whatever pleases the public in the same time.

mindlight, to world in US to Hezbollah: Don’t count on us to stop an Israeli attack

Hezbollah attacked Israel on the 8th of October and supported Hamas attacking and kidnapping civilians on the 7th October.

Iran is actively supporting conflicts in the Middle East, Europe and Africa. So either we start talking about the religious fanatics or we just accept the USA as the world police and we should just do as they tell us to do.

I’d personally prefer the former…


Thank you for this comprehensive account of all the events that have led to the current situation and for presenting us with the only two options available.


I could write my comment since I live in a democracy with freedom of speech… something I would not be able to do if I lived in Gaza because of Hamas.


I know you think you prices something there but if you were right there wouldn’t have been any mass protests with thousands of people demonstrating against how Israel is currently acting.

I’m pretty sure 150000 people wouldn’t be able to demonstrate and publicly say things like “All of the rats in Hamas”, “Crime Minister” and “Stop the War” and get away with it unharmed.

When did you see anything like that against Hamas in Gaza?

Either Hamas, which were elected to govern in Gaza, represents the Palestinian people or Hamas rules with an iron fist, effectively oppressing the Palestinians right to express their opinions.

You can’t have it both ways.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Hezbollah did not attack israel on October 8.

Hezbollah attacked terrorists colonizing the Golan Heights. Those terrorists are illegally occupying Syrian land in violation of international law.


I’m m ok with you rewriting it as long as you agree that Israel was attacked by Hezbollah on the 8th and that Hezbollah supports, not condemning, the war crimes of Hamas on the 7th.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

No israel attacked Hezbollah this has just been clearly explained and is not disputed.

Hezbollah defended itself against israeli aggression.


Please elaborate and feel free to edit Wikipedia:

On 8 October 2023, the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, taking advantage of the Israel–Hamas war, fired guided rockets and artillery shells at Israeli positions in the occupied Shebaa Farms. Israel retaliated by launching drone strikes and artillery shells at Hezbollah positions near Lebanon’s boundary with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. The outbreak of the conflict had followed Hezbollah’s declaration of support and praise for the Hamas attack on Israel, which took place on 7 October.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

That Wikipedia article is written like pure Zionist propaganda and it still doesn’t say that Hezbollah attacked israel.

the occupied Shebaa Farms.

Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

Because no matter how many fluff words you include, the Golan Heights are not part of israel and those NaziDF members have absolutely no right to be there.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t want Israel and Hezbollah to go to war, but what will ‘talking about the religious fanatics’ achieve?


Nothing except for deflection of blame for the many war crimes of the fascist apartheid regime of Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir and Smotrich.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I agree that’s where the blame lies, but even if they were right and the problem was religious fanaticism, talking about it achieves nothing.


It does for the genocide denying Zionists whose ONLY goal is to convince people that the actions of the Israeli government are justified. I suspect that the one you originally addressed was one of them, if not just a thoroughly gaslighted useful idiot 🤷

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Again, I agree with you. But OP made the implication that if we just talked this out, then there would be no war there and I wanted to nip that in the bud from the source before we even got into whether or not the OP was being disingenuous.

I feel like the best way to attack such things is by talking about how they are illogical or irrational arguments irrespective of the intentions of the person making them.


Just because Hezbollah are not atheists does not make them religious fanatics. Sure, they talk about God every sentence but that’s just traits from being Muslims. There are Muslims who pray for safety before going into a bathroom. Muslims generally call on God for everything; even where it wouldn’t make sense to a Jew, Christian, atheist, etc.

If they were less religious, would you be OK for them defending their land more? You are failing into a trap that the Muslims defending themselves are doing it through religious fanaticism. You are falling into pro-Zionism propaganda. They just happen to be Muslims who are defending themselves while trying to process their actions internally in a way that fits their identity. It’s not a religious war; it’s Levantine people vs non-Levantine people.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I wasn’t the one talking about religious fanatics, I was criticizing the person talking about them. Maybe you should reply to the person I replied to rather than berate me for what I didn’t say and they did.


Looks like you’re right. Taking another look at your conversation, it seems you were arguing with a Hasbera (is that how its spelled).

RadioFreeArabia, (edited )

What you fail to understand is that Israel is a foreign colonial force and therefore has no right to self defense or to even exist. The only religious fanatics are the Zionist invaders who are trying to fulfill Iron Age mythologies about a Promised Land.


“The only religious fanatics are the Zionist…”

Yeah, I’m pretty sure millions of women in Iran beg to differ.

CanadaPlus, (edited ) to world in US to Hezbollah: Don’t count on us to stop an Israeli attack

The American message is designed to get the Lebanese-based Shiite militia to back down and de-escalate the brewing crisis along the Israeli-Lebanese border, a person familiar with the discussions said.

I’m not quite sure that’s the right approach. It discourages brinkmanship, but also encourages them and Iran to go all-in since broader Israeli action is coming either way. Y’know, the way Iran didn’t with that rocket exchange, because the US seemed present and reasonable enough to negotiate with.

realitista, to world in Immigration fears are pushing centrists to the right in the US and Europe

Get used to this being used as a weapon of hybrid warfare by enemies of the west

FuglyDuck, to politics in Signs promoting Biden’s infrastructure may break the law, Cruz alleges
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Ted Cruz is a penis, and posting his picture violates indecency laws, like displaying genitals to minors.


Genital Cruz🫡

BigMacHole, to politics in Signs promoting Biden’s infrastructure may break the law, Cruz alleges

The ONLY time you’re allowed to Promote Legislation is AFTER you vote AGAINST it!

-Literally ALL Republicans when claiming Credit for Laws they voted AGAINST.

SatansMaggotyCumFart, to politics in Signs promoting Biden’s infrastructure may break the law, Cruz alleges

Remember when Trump called Ted Cruz’s wife ugly?

jeffw, to politics in Signs promoting Biden’s infrastructure may break the law, Cruz alleges

Not a problem for Trump to write me a letter claiming credit for my COVID check though


Motherfucker held rallies at the White House so his campaign didn’t have to pay for it.

cupcakezealot, to world in Immigration fears are pushing centrists to the right in the US and Europe
@cupcakezealot@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

*Black people fears are pushing racists to the right

Badeendje, to world in Immigration fears are pushing centrists to the right in the US and Europe
@Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

Well, the people with migration backgrounds are overrepresented in crime stats, and crime is getting more violent. People just tend to ignore that the main driver for crime is lack of economic opportunity. These same people are also overrepresented in the low income bracket. Easy pret for criminals… hey wanna make 500? Just climb over that fence and get me a package from that shipping container.

  • There are traumatized war refugees that cannot function normal on a good day, they get no guidance and nothing to do… and people wonder why they flip out and do crazy shit.
  • There are young (adults), that get to sit in asylum centers and get to do nothing… months on end. And people wonder why they go out and do stupid shit.
  • And then you have migrants that actually come to these countries to profiteer, knowing they will get kicked out so they enjoy it while it lasts.

There is plenty to be worried about with migrants of varying generations. But most of it is not solved by repression. But also not by bussing in more while wagging your finger at people worried about the crime in their neighborhood while telling them they are racist for noticing it is always dark skinned people that break in or deal drugs in their street.

My main issue with the right is usually their anti immigrant shit does not work, and actually solving the issues meana they lose their main recruitment tool. So they implement a lot of other bad laws while ignoring the issues that get them elected.


The flip side of that coin is if there are not enough opportunities for the current population adding more people is not a good idea.

Ensign_Crab, to world in Immigration fears are pushing centrists to the right in the US and Europe

Centrists move to the right no matter what happens.


Then why are there still centrists? Checkmake evolutionists!


That’s kind of a weird take. Centrists have not always done that (otherwise society would get steadily more conservative century after century) so you can’t just wave it away as meaningless. Instead I think liberals need to look at what is driving away centrists. (it’s immigration)


It’s not that weird given that account is one of the idiotic “bOtH siDeS” posters.


Maybe that dismissive Attitude is the reason? Because you don’t take our worries and opinions serious?

Because you attack us the moment we don’t hold the exact same opinion as you?

No, I’m sure that’s not the reason!

Altofaltception, to world in Immigration fears are pushing centrists to the right in the US and Europe

Is this racism, or are there genuine concerns (they took er jerbs?)


Human overpopulation should be a huge concern.

@Granixo@feddit.cl avatar

As if they could overpopulate those countries.

If they are allowed to stay, then they must adapt to each country’s lifestyle.


Yes. But it’s not like we’re importing humans from other planets.


We shouldn’t support economic migration in our silly pyramid scheme system or we will end up turning canada into a desert too.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Is this some ‘great replacement’ nonsense about how “they” are outbreeding “us?”


There is a bunch of cults breeding like rabbits for sure, I don’t know what is us and them besides that we should protect and make better the land we were from and history has shown humans are a virus on the land killing biodiversity for shiny trinkets, so why bring more assholes here to pollute?

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

So that’s a yes.


Ok i guess so please don’t replace me with 10billion more homosapiens and extinct every other large mammal.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

This seems to be what you’re talking about. Are you aware of it? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Replacement


I’m aware and hope for it, Christianity hopefully gets replaced with some ideas whereas you’re not required to have your head up own ass like it and its brother religion/cults


Yes. Canada the infamously packed country with no space for people. Canada that is 10% larger than the US and has less than 10% of the population of the US. If there is anyone more person moving to Canada there wont be enough air to breathe anymore!


Have you been to the Canadian shield? You cant grow food on rock thats covered in snow 7+ months of the year. Overpopulating canada in our more temperate areas just leads to less farm land to continue to feed the world with.


Canada is still not overpopulated in the temperate areas. 90% of Canadians life within a few miles of the US border. Canada is a net exporter of food.


Canadian here. Our immigration levels are rising faster than our ability to build infrastructure. Our hospitals and schools are overcrowded. Also a large percentage of our immigrants come from a couple countries it is not very diverse.

I still lean far left, but this has pushed a lot of people right.

Gsus4, (edited )
@Gsus4@programming.dev avatar

Yea, but who builds infrastructure? Where I live, 50% of the workforce in construction is immigrants.

PS: I’m not saying what you say isn’t true, it’s just weird to see countries that were built by wave after wave of immigrants now say it’s not working anymore. What changed from then to now?

PS2: vox.com/…/3-theories-for-americas-anti-immigrant-… probably it’s inequality making the majority of people feel like if they don’t have enough for themselves, how can new people move in?

also: I was wrong, there’s always been some pushback against the wrong kind of immigrants e.g.:







Fell down a rabbit hole, sorry for the linkdump, this stuff really puts into perspective the stuff happening in american politics today.


It is not being built though that is the problem.

Gsus4, (edited )
@Gsus4@programming.dev avatar

Wasn’t there a new infrastructure bill recently?

PS: …wikipedia.org/…/Infrastructure_Investment_and_Jo… but it doesn’t mention hospitals specifically.


That guy’s in Canada. America’s hat doesn’t get that funding.

@cupcakezealot@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

so they vote for right wing parties who oppose infrastructure and healthcare? makes sense


Crime spikes and cultural incompatibilities

@Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

Racism, then

Wanderer, (edited )

Instead of training locals they hire foreigners. Instead of raising wages due to market forces they hire foreigners. Instead of letting house prices go down they get foreigners.

All the things that the average working class person cares about. Cheap housing, jobs, job training. Is pushed further and further away from them and instead what benefits the landowners and business owners is given to them.

The best bit is the left who used to push for work for locals has been taken on the ride and basically say if anyone is against immigration in anyway is racist and will not discuss it under any circumstance. The only people that listen to the working class is the far right. It’s literally the only answer that’s why people are going to them.

On top of that most people are not against immigration as such. No one minds people who have values of the country, who are educated and hard working.

But what do the stats say, literal government stats, that the people that come in are less educated than the locals, they take more from the country and they commit more crime. At least some of them, or from some countries. These are the people that the locals want to stop. But the left says its racist to even talk about this and will do nothing about it, for the right they benefit due to being land or business owners. So who is remaining? The far right.


they take more from the country and they commit more crime.

Source? My understanding is that immigrants commit less crime per capita because they don’t want the law enforcement exposure that could result in deportation.


Wanderer, (edited )

Thats in total. A lot can be hidden in averages. I agree that immigration can be good.

But break that down by country and by other metrics like education and skills. Things look a lot different.

Most people don’t have an issue with immigration as such. They care about the type of immigration, and that never seems to come up in discussion.



Break down non immigrants would paint a similar, worse, picture then.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Do you really think wages would go up if foreign workers weren’t hired? Why would they? What reason would companies have? If everyone pays shit, employees don’t really have the choice of finding a better job regardless of who is being hired.

It seems to me that if you’re worried about people not getting paid enough, then you should be fighting for higher wages, not less immigration.

But immigrants sure are a convenient scapegoat for those corporations, aren’t they?


Supply and demand.

If there’s less supply of workforce, workers are in a better position to demand better conditions or wages. Oversupply of workforce gives employers more power in turn.

More immigrants - or anything that balloons the workforce - helps the side of employers, even without considering the fact that most immigrants are satisfied with worse conditions and/or lower pay than western workers.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Like I said- convenient scapegoat you’re making of immigrants on behalf of those corporations.


Not really, it’s something I’ve lived through already before.

When the USSR collapsed, most of our industry imploded virtually overnight. Demand for work disappeared, and so did wages and worker rights; you are in no position to bargain when there’s a line of people to replace anyone at the drop of a hat.

Then we joined the EU and the problem slowly fixed itself by… emigration! A LOT of people left to work in Germany and the UK, making the workforce scarce (=reducing supply). And let me tell you, it’s a lot easier to negotiate with employers when people are hard to replace.

But go on, explain to me how bringing in a cheap workforce will improve the locals bargaining position on the job market.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

The USSR? Where there weren’t private corporations? How does that at all apply in a capitalist system?

And what I am explaining to you is that you are blaming immigrants when you should be blaming greedy corporations. You seem to think they will have your back if the borders are closed. They won’t. That’s not how capitalism works.


They weren’t private but the management wasn’t aby less shitty. And the moment the old system collapsed they turned even worse.

Also not sure how you came to the conclusion I think corporations would ‘have my back’. I literally explained they’ll only negotiate with workers as long as workers are not too expendable. It doesn’t matter what makes workers expendable - societal changes, AI, immigration - the workers positon will worsen and corps will push against their rights.

Why do you think our govt is importing hundreds of thousands of workers from Asia? To push the wages down and be able to loosen worker rights. Because as long as the worker is replaceable - oversupply, if you will - they aren’t in much position to push any demands.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, you think they’ll negotiate with you.

They won’t.

They don’t care about you, they care about making money. If they pay you more, they make less money.

You think they’ll pay you more if there are no immigrants. They have no reason to. They don’t like you more than they like foreigners.


As long as there isn’t enough people waiting on jobs to easy replace someone, there is room for negation because if the guy packs up, the work won’t be done and no money is made.

Sure, the company can pack up shop and relocate to a different country, but that also has a bunch of costs in itself. It may be more profitable to pay people slightly more - again, negotiation. But again, that is only possible if it isn’t easier to just quickly hire someone else.

You don’t need to believe me, just check how the average hungarian wage increased in the last 20 years. That’s the effect when there aren’t enough surplus workers, so employed people can’t be easily replaced.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

So your country has such a tiny population as so few people unemployed that if they banned all immigrants, corporations would not have enough employees to make profits and wouldn’t finds some place to be more profitable if that’s the case?

Because you’re right, I don’t believe you. Since that is not how anything works.


It’s literally how it worked. You can check the statistics.

ChowJeeBai, to politics in ‘Why haven’t you resigned?’ Senators torch Boeing CEO as he apologizes for deadly failures

Well there’s the problem: they didn’t SLAM him

13esq, to world in Rishi Sunak’s California escape hatch: His $7.2 million beach home

Only $7.2M? Can we start a go fund me? Ex PM’s shouldn’t be living in absolute poverty.

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