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It’s not that weird given that account is one of the idiotic “bOtH siDeS” posters.


And people should have known Iran was working on ways to help create a distraction for Russia. Hamas had been planning and building up for this attack for a while. They even intentionally chose October 7th which is Putin’s birthday. But I get downvoted all the time as some crazy person for pointing out how easily it was to predict Iran’s proxies were going to act up to help split US attention away from Ukraine.


That take on Pearl Harbor is not historically accurate though. US Naval command had Japanese radio transmissions as well. It was more hubris and incompetence than some secret desire for an excuse to join the war. The US was already preparing for war with Japan. And Japan was crazy enough to skip straight to attacking US Naval command in Hawaii head-on as an opening move. Whereas US command assumed they’d take smaller targets first and try to stretch the fleet across defending many locations.

Japan ironically was both more and less successful than intended because of US mistakes. US carrier groups were sent west out near Wake Island and the Marshall Islands to cut off the attack that was thought to be coming. But Japan sailed around Midway approaching Hawaii from the North. They even had their planes loop around to fly in from the East to cause extra confusion until it was too late. What they found was less resistance than expected because the carriers weren’t there. It didn’t end up being the kinda suicidal knock out blow Yamamoto was going for.

Congress demanded multiple investigations over the years after. They all bore out a similar conclusion that US command and intelligence fucked up. They went looking for the fight in the wrong place. Assuming the attack on Hawaii intelligence had to be a ruse.


All good. It’s a pervasive myth that on the surface seems plausible. There are other examples of what you mentioned that probably were a false flag or manufactured consent. Extending a conspiracy like that to Pearl Harbor takes a lot of credit away from Yamamoto’s strategic genius.


Well for better or worse they also tend to not vote. Which is why the parties ignore them anyway.


It doesn’t. They know that. They’ll say either throw away your vote/don’t vote. They know either helps Trump win.

Also, tag the account and help keep calling them out.


Stein is a Russian asset so I for one fully support this move to block her. It’s not even sly. They tried this shit in 2016 and it helped Trump so they’re just running back that same plan.


People are. The problem is the courts got stacked and are now helping him out.


Nice false equivalence.

But sure. If the left in the US exited and showed up to vote it could have taken over the DNC like the tea party did the GOP. I’ve voted Bernie every time I could. Others didn’t. But none of that is relevant to a legitimate action of keeping Jill Stein from helping get Trump elected.


Pandemic accelerated it a lot. Couple projects I was on were to move production lines out of China to Mexico, Malaysia, and India. The move to India was pre-pandemic to avoid Trump tariffs. The other two were during the pandemic to avoid Chinese lockdowns.


Sold. Not just gave away. Sold and Jared is keeping the $2B safe.


My favorite are the couple openly trans people who consistently simp for regimes that would gladly disappear them.


I’ve got big hands. Phones are great the size they’re at now.


Good to hear. The trailers have looked awful. Nearly as bad as some of the DC movies.


And that number will come down as these tests are run and the technology matures.


You’re correct. We need to plant trees too. Cut fossil emissions asap. But even that likely won’t be enough. Figuring out carbon capture is a worthwhile endeavor.

Russia Victory Day parade: Only one tank on display as Vladimir Putin says country is going through 'difficult period' (

On 9 May every year, Russia celebrates Victory Day, putting on a large parade in honour of the country’s victory over Nazi Germany 79 years ago - in what remains an important symbol of the country’s national identity....


Hell just say NATO is a defensive alliance and they go off the rails. I’ve picked up a few long bans for that alone.


Russia’s air defense had a backbone of Cold War era tech before the war started. Ukraine has been consistently plinking away at it. Most of it is naturally positioned near borders to prevent penetration. If you sneak past the coverage thins out quickly. Russia is a huge country so it’s also understandable to not have high density coverage throughout.

At one point Russia had a great setup. But that time was long ago. And oil money going to modernization efforts means less yacht money. Air defense also isn’t that critical when you’re mostly concerned about beating up on small countries like Georgia and Chechnya that can’t fight back.


My serious answer guess; it’s a demo of what can happen if fall prevention harnesses are not properly worn. Would help if there are a few more pixels.


Because it is. All the accounts on here I have tagged have said don’t vote at all or vote Cornel West/Jill Stein.

It’s so obvious after they pushed Jill Stein in 2016 for the same reason.


Iran has been shaping them into what they are now though.


Some time travelers just missed with the tree they dropped on him.


Bingo. IF anyone said something it was more like, “it would be terrible if you accidentally blew up this target at these coordinates following this route through Russia’s shit air defense. Why that would be a real shame and potentially piss Russia off.”

Netanyahu aims to trap west into war across Middle East, warns Iranian diplomat (

Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking to trap the west into a total war across the Middle East that would have incalculable consequences for the region and the world, Iran’s top diplomat in the UK has claimed, in his first interview since Tehran launched an unprecedented missile and drone attack against Israel at the weekend....


Well Iran did start this latest round (using Hamas for plausible deniability) at the request of Russia to make a distraction for Ukraine.

They might have even taken into account Bibi being a monster and going too far in retaliation. That makes attacking Israel the perfect target to split US attention.

So at this point I expect Xi to go after Taiwan as soon as the US election is over. While Russia continues on Ukraine. And Israel does Israel things with Iran goading them on indirectly.


Has nothing to do with Israel. Russia has been asking all their allies for help with supplies or support in Ukraine. This includes Iran. They met multiple times last year. Ultimately Hamas attacked Israel. Hamas doesn’t execute a plan at the scale that happened without Iran knowing. It doesn’t take any propaganda to put these pieces of the bigger puzzle together.


You’re touching on the most common misconception. Most people would pay less in taxes than they currently do in insurance premiums. The cost of healthcare would go down in the US with single payer. Even the ultra conservative Koch family funded Cato Institute found this to be true.

There is way too much profit motive in the US healthcare system. So much so we pay double what other nations do for some procedures with generally worse outcomes. Last report I saw is the US spends 16% of GDP on healthcare. The next closest nation was Japan at 10%. Yet the US was among the lowest life expectancy of all G20 nations.


Because they wouldn’t admit that. What they did say is costs over next 10 years with single payer would be $36T. Without then admitting the cost of keeping our current setup is estimated at $42T.…/covid-19-crisis-doesnt-argue-single-pa…


Let’s start our own tradition of mimicking Sherman’s March.


Iran intentionally caused all of this when they had Hamas attack in October. The whole point of Hamas starting shit was to derail peace talks between Israel and the Saudis. With one of the main focus areas being an official Palestinian state.


Russia and Iran met to coordinate weeks before the attack. Hamas then executed an attack plan they had been holding back on for 2 years.

It wasn’t a coincidence and acting like it was is idiotic. But you’re welcome to follow the crowd here and put your head in the sand.


Flag them and move on. That account is one of the dumbest tankies here on lemmy. No argument made will be in good faith.


Just flag them and move on. That account constantly posts brain dead anti-Biden takes. They’re not here for reasonable discussion.


Cars have nearly nothing to do with this. It started with the industrialization of farming.

Farm towns existed at normal intervals because it took a much larger labor pool to manage them. 200 acres was a lot to manage about 100 years ago. By the 1970’s 400 acres was a normal sized family farm in the US.

Modern machinery can cover nearly 200 acres in a day. There is no reason to have thousands of people per small town anymore. It takes a tiny fraction of that manpower to achieve the same output.

Trump allies launch secretive scheme to divide Biden support: report (

Saw this today, and … well, I’m not going to be so forgiving to people suggesting to vote Third Party rather than vote for Biden. If Trump wants me to do something, and you want me to do that same something, that tells me you’re aligned with Trump.


It’s not even clever. It’s the same strategy as 2016 promoting Jill Stein.


Bingo. Both is good. Not all life is precious.


Really? I just joined it cause I thought the instance name was hilarious.


My colleagues and I are all mechanical or industrial engineers. We travel around the country to project sites. I’ll be on a job site and hear all the trades guys saying the most vile shit. And be completely shocked I tell them to knock it off or I’ll tell the general contractor to get someone else out.

The part that pisses me off the most though is how often they’re union members.


I’m pretty sure he did. But it was all about campaign funding through the NRA. That little bit of news did slip out a while back. None of the GOP got in trouble. That’s why they don’t care now.


It’s definitely intentional. That account gives some plausibility to horseshoe theory.


They’ve been attacking intermittently since 2015. It’s just convenient now to claim they won’t stop because of Israel. They’ll keep going until Iran wants them to stop. Which won’t be anytime soon even if Israel stops.


Pretty neat. Like a carwash kinda setup.


I’ve been wondering why so many GOP reps are bailing early. Starting to lean towards internal polling shows them getting smoked.

Trump sucking up all the party funds for legal fees screws those down ticket races. Plus McCarthy is in the background working on revenge against MAGA candidates who forced him out. With Kevin having been the party fundraising champ.

Dumbass could still get an EC win. And the GOP is going to throw every way possible of cheating behind this election. But their chances aren’t looking as good as the news wants to suggest to keep some drama going this far out.

Voters don’t have a clue about how much worse Trump’s second term would be (

This BTW is how you involve in the story the reality of what the voters think, which is an important portion of election coverage, while still upholding your basic journalistic responsibility to communicate to people what's actually going on.

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