@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar



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@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

considering other articles linked on the website apparently include “the Case of the 2 Miners that met the Ctones” (which seems to be some kind of advanced civilization that lives under ground… that kept him from leaving for 5 years, but then paid him diamonds and let him go or something…) and “100,000 year old electrical connector found embedded in stone”… (Aliens!)

I’m gonna go with a great example of “bullshit”.

WANNABE DICTATOR Trump Demands that All Business Execs Be FIRED If They're Not 100% Behind Trump (www.dailykos.com)

On Tuesday morning Trump provided another example of his tyrannical tendencies. In a comment posted to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump issued a decree to the world that he imagines is attentive to his crackpot ravings. He demanded that…...

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

He’s already a nightmare.

He was a nightmare before he was POTUS.

I still have actual nightmares from him as POTUS.

(I wouldn’t say ptsd, I just have incredibly vivid and weird dreams.)

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

I’m aware, yes.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

There’s a democrat in the whitehouse who has a vested interest in staying there. And therefore they’ll have all the appropriate resources in place before they show up.

Things like machine gun nests.

(Unless Biden is dumb enough to do half measures for that, too,)

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

It’s intentional specifically to buy the orange turd as much time as they possibly can, maybe delay the trial until after the election.

Which is incredibly stupid.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

EVs that charge overnight don’t use solar…

If I had an ev it would. Because I have solar pannels on my rooftop and my annual energy usage is net negative.

A lot of people have solar panels. And in MN, 54% of our energy is carbon neutral (so, not “effectively NG”,) and the rest of the nation is 41%.

Shill harder.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Burry it in the contract clauses stipulating that the event can’t be used to spread hate. Then cancel as they’re spreading hate.

“Sorry, didn’t know who you were, or I would have said something sooner. It was brought to my attention yesterday and today we found you’re a hate group.”

And then hope your security is up to snuff.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

I’d suggest Pinkertons, but they’re pretty fascist. (They’ve been on the wrong side of history for most of their history.)

My company would drop you like a sack of rocks for the stunt.

FuglyDuck, (edited )
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Not to mention that it’s basically through a self-publsiher for the RNC. (Winning team publishing was founded after Trump got rejected by the big publishers on account of fact checking issues in his memoir.)

So she probably paid to have it published and actually lost money on it.

So much winning.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Make sure to use protection! Wouldn’t want to come away with what he has…

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Considering it takes 2/3’s of both houses to start the process, if they can’t get a bill through, they’re not gonna get an amendment through. And that’s just to get started.

FuglyDuck, (edited )
@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Just for the record, it was understood by people contemporary to John of Patmos, that his Antichrist was Nero.

I’m going to assume that Daniel was similarly being allegorical and referring to someone contemporary to the author- overall, the book of Daniel was largely meant as a message to the Jews of 2nd century BC; to bring encouragement. Literally, that as god protected them in the past, they’d be protected now.

It’s incorrect to say it was a prophetic work referring to the New Testament. (The four of the little horn are Babylon, the Medes, Persians and Greeks; and Selucid Syria and Ptolemic Egypt. The dream-statue-guy empire are Babylon, medo-Persian, Greeks and Rome.)

At no point is it referring to Trump, even if there are obvious similarities.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

A lot of the shares are held by people who generally don’t make snap decisions. The reality is Boeing is a military supplier and they’re gonna get taken care of, and they all know it.

The rest of us? When we dump it, the price doesn’t move… the market is as rigged as our politics.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Makes America great again, dump the chump!

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Might be a matter of highest pay check.

Wonder if she realizes Trump doesn’t pay his bills…

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

I’m sure there’s a stockpile we haven’t shared yet.

“Hey, I need some more weapons!”

“What kind? We got guns. We got bombs. Smart bombs. Drones. Tank shells…”


“No. Can’t swing that… already in enough hot water….”

(Turns around,) “WahHHhHa! Biden is woth holding weapons!!!”

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

There’s plenty of ranges that you can rent much more fun automatic weapons, and really the red tape isn’t that bad for that.

Bump stocks legitimately suck.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

So basically… musk. Just not as rich.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

I’m trying to figure out if she’s saying ‘vote red no matter who’, even if its somebody like Manchin or Sinema… whose not quite as “republican” as she is, if you know what I mean… or she’s saying vote for the shitiest people you know.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

people caravan to Canada all the time to get cheap insulin. Or more frequently do a ‘I fly you buy’ type arrangement; with lots of people and people rotating through who runs to get it.

just wait until there are no more legal abortions and they’re reporting deaths from trying to self-abort.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Yup, cuz that’ll make you less awful on immigration!

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

There really shouldn’t be a need for penalties in the first place. This is just more boring “I don’t actually want to fix immigration, but I need to look like I am, so instead I’m going to do this not-even-half-measure to get some good headlines” bullshit.

Generally, spouses of citizens can apply to get a green card (and a k3 non-immigrant visa while that’s pending… but apparently that takes just as long… fuck our goverment.)

Or maybe a K3 should just be granted when somebody applies for a green card to begin with. ask them to check in with somebody once a month until a background check clears or something, and once it does, the K3 is conditional on the green card. You know. Let them become “productive members of society” and that bull shit.

And before somebody says ‘TeRrOrIsM!!!’ or something like that. these undocumented immigrants are already living here. Think about that. if they really were terrorists, do you think they’ll go to the immigration service and ask for citizenship, or a green card? and do you really think actual terrorists are going to bother with getting a k3/green card visa at all? Most are already citizens.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

It’s not even close to what’s necessary.

I will say that the pbs article posted gives a better explanation- in that they are doing some of what I’m saying- it just waiving but actively ignoring penalties going forward- but that article is from undisclosed “sources” so I’ll have to wait to make final judgement.

In any case, it’s not progress when you consider how he’s gone so far to the right on every other aspect of immigration.

I’m not asking for perfect. I’m not even asking for good. I’m asking for sufficient, and on the whole, he ain’t.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

For those wondering, he’s 37, and he said 29.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

they should put them in a sound proof box, pipe in the what the other guy is saying when it’s not their turn, and mute the off-mic in the broadcast… but give us subtitles so we can still read what they’re saying.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

… does he not see the irony in calling the other guys nazis while directly (and knowingly) quoting Hitler?

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

wait… we’re not supposed to use expletives at work?!

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

I wouldn’t know. Every game I had dysentery within the first couple of days.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

DOJ special prosecutor, with a complete task force of IRS, FBI, and every other major alphabet soup agency in there. Hell, even the Postal Investigators get a crack. (what? postal investigators have brought down more mobsters than the IRS.)

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

It’s unfortunate that it’s hard to imagine Clarence Thomas doing a little mail fraud.

Then again, he strikes me as a cheap bastard, so it’s pretty easy to imagine him cheating on postage.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

If you use the mail service for any kind of crime at all, it’s their bailiwick.

Which is why they got most the monsters they did- sending checks in the mail for rico, running whatever scams were common “back then”, and that goes a fairly long way back… as you said.

They also have some interesting caveats on warrant law that makes it absurdly easy for them to drum up a useful reason to search your place

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

On one side, stove manufacturers and non-renewable fuel companies.

induction cook top manufacturers are usually the same people selling/making the gas stoves. For example, General Electric makes both.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

I be the pillow talk is boring as fuck too.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

I bet Clinton has a few cigars he could offer them.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

You can’t fake it. It has to be natural and authentic. Like Bernie’s grumpy mitten photos.

Like that’s just who he is, rather than him being a hard.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

I mean, do you really think racist-fuck trump would pick him?

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

The former president and presumptive Republican nominee referred to Texas Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson, who was the White House physician for part of his presidency, as “Ronny Johnson.” The moment came as Trump was questioning Biden’s mental acuity, something he often does on the campaign trail and social media.

“He doesn’t even know what the word ‘inflation’ means. I think he should take a cognitive test like I did,” the former president said of Biden during a speech at a convention of Turning Point Action in Detroit.

I feel like we should make trump compete on “are you smarter than a 5th grader”. I mean, the whole accusation-is-projection thing. You know. Like how stupid people always think they’re the smartest in the room… he doesn’t know what inflation is… so of course Biden doesn’t know, either.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Most natural-Americans would fail.

You’re right though. It would be.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

I was thinking the actual game show

I mean it’s depressing, but also, entertain me.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Whats funny is… it’s probably true in both places. well, the part about conservatives being scared little pricks.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Pretty much all bigotry, is fueled by fear- fear of the other.

And I’m only saying “pretty much” because it’s not like I’m an expert or anything

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

Boomers want another crack at the presidency… (Biden is Silent Generation,)

Then it’s Gen X’s turn… (lol…sorry dad.)

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

The joke is that Gen X is getting skipped over. the next pres is either going to be a millenial or a boomer, but not gen x- who has never had a president.

A Gen-X mentor of mine, once said “the worst lie we’ve ever been told is that if we work hard, then one day we get to be the CEO’s and leaders. And then they never retired.”

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

i want the right candidates. I think, most of the current crop of politicians are far from that.

we need to jump in fresh blood- we’re where we’re at because of politicians that have been there for forty, fifty years now, and it’s gone past stagnant into rancid.

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

“Work hard, and when we retire the company will be yours!”…

@FuglyDuck@lemmy.world avatar

“This is why we like him, and will drop millions in dark money.', they added.”

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