
main account for because it’s down so often

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I hope he finds a voice on the other side and fully realizes the error of his ways. Those who were once on another side and flip can be a strong voice and can help in getting others to see the error of their ways too.


We need to stop treating the people who have fallen for these things as idiots. They and their families have been failed by the education system and the support systems of their state. They’ve been told for generations who to blame and usually no one has ever taken the effort to explain that the people have been lying to them. America is one of the most propagandized countries in the world. The more we treat these people like idiots the more they will push back on ideas we hold and fall back into their old biases.

We must try to educate and communicate as best we can when people are willing to talk. Memes like this don’t help.


How do you think we get them to stop doing that?


Immich is a really good self hosted option


It’s only a matter of time before this leaks into all AAA games, I hate capitalism.


You’re not understanding what I’m saying. This is them testing the waters. All companies that are publicly traded will continue to do whatever they can to make a profit. Consumer be damned. I don’t buy AAA games, but it doesn’t change the fact that changes like this will propagate across the gaming industry and make it worse as a whole. The issue here is them trying to turn a profit for shareholders no matter what. So many of these companies are prioritizing making a profit why they happen to release games and not vice versa. That is a result of the last stage unregulated capitalism we have in America and those same tendencies that they’ve propagated to the global economy.

Don’t be so naive to say “just don’t buy it bro.” I won’t. It doesn’t really affect me that much RIGHT NOW. But it might, the more they’re legally allowed to and the more they get away with the more everyone will do it. It happened with DLC’s, then releasing unfinished games, in game purchase in games you have to buy, etc. God forbid I don’t want the entirety of AAA gaming to be a pile of shit. It’s time for lawmakers to step in in this industry and most others and put limits on what type of things companies can do to make a profit. And this goddamn law that companies must do everything they can to turn a profit for their shareholders must be done away with.


My point is this is a larger problem of capitalism and just supporting companies that don’t do this doesn’t always work. The gaming industry is getting worse, and there will be less and less devs that actually don’t do this. And there will be less and less devs that are fiscally able to not do this. I have seen it happen time and time again.




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  • candyman337,

    Misleading title, the article says that they can’t rule out Putin wanting him dead, this is probably not the circumstances or time in which Putin wanted him dead


    I HATE IT when I have to hold my extra legs so they don’t get wet

    otl, to privacy avatar

    Finally deleted my LinkedIn account!

    After putting my account into "hibernation" for the past few weeks, I finally closed it. But I'm still looking for work. Thankfully I can still find positions (SRE and software dev) by just going directly to the company's site and finding a Jobs page.

    Good luck to everyone else out there looking for work!



    Where do you get jobs from?


    Good to know, thanks, I’ll check out upwork. I just got laid off and they gave me basically no severance, so, I’d love to find something quick lol


    Convenient timing given everything else going on. You know they’re really scrambling to get the youth vote when they start talking about nationwide marijuana legalization.


    Because they hold things until election years, they also do performative bills that look good, or wait to progress good bills until a bill that hurts the working class comes up so that it’ll be more palatable in the short term even though we’re getting screwed in the long term.


    Psh, showing a screenshot? Consider yourself doxxed loser, I’m hacking into ur mainframe as we speak/s




    a bunch of shitheads spammed CSAM on lemmy communities, and since lemmy caches images that have been federated, a lot of the big servers basically had to fully purge their images


    Every time man, why are the edges so sharp


    Columbus and his men killed a lot of people brutally. He wasn’t really a conqueror, more a murderer and a monster


    Jfc that election cycle was 7 years ago, kill me


    What kind of throat goat vacuum powered mouth monster would be able to suck cheese sauce through that straw? Lmao


    Nah she eats metal

    candyman337, (edited )

    Tbh as a young dev without a lot of experience in today’s market (added because of some of the comments), you need to have a professional LinkedIn persona, and that’s true with many jobs. I can see this being useful for those who can’t afford/don’t have access to a way to get a good headshot.

    That being said I’d be wary of what service you use to make a headshot, because a lot of them will probably use your data to train their AI, and/or steal the data from your cellphone if it’s an app


    I found my current, very nice (for my area) dev job through linkedin. When I applied via services like indeed, I would almost never hear back. I heard back from one company and I didn’t get the job.

    I am curious what you would do instead. How do you and your colleagues usually search for jobs? I’m always open to hear about better methods of job searching.


    I think the company I worked at previously was stratified in a way that intentionally prevented people from being able to get good referrals. Most of the devs I knew worked at where I worked, and a lot of them didn’t leave until after we lost touch. I think once you’re established you can get referrals for people, but when you’re just starting out it’s not that easy. That can make it really hard for a new dev looking for a job, and/or a looking for a better job. I was a trapped with no referrals, in a horrible job that overworked me, and the only place that I was able to find a good job was through linkedin’s listings. The only thing I could do was make my LinkedIn profile really polished to stand out amongst the crowd


    New devs today definitely have to care more about LinkedIn than older devs, most older devs can hop from job to job with referrals from dev friends or something similar. The tech boom and venture capitalist funding of the tech industry is starting to die out, which is making jobs in this industry a lot harder to find. So having something like an incredibly polished LinkedIn and resume can be the thing that make you stand out in the crowd of new devs.

    Once you’re established you definitely need LinkedIn less. With the job I have now, I have a few friends who could give me referrals and put in a good word for me, but that was not the case at my old job. And before this job I was a junior Dev so my experience wasn’t that impressive.


    I mean I wouldn’t pick this photo, but there are some that look very real that I’ve seen. Like I said, it’s an option. Definitely wouldn’t be my first option, but if I had nothing else, it could work if executed properly.


    Cool, I was wondering about that


    I wouldn’t fuck with it either, Nintendo is fucking ruthless


    Wait what’s that guy on the left doing lmao


    After some research, it seems like your issue is pretty common, and that this game just seems to do that. Doesn’t really look like there’s a fix, my only suggestions would be to make sure your power supply is beefy enough to handle stress tests outside of the game, and plug your PC into a different wall outlet to see if that helps, but I’m willing to bet this is an issue with the game itself.

    From what I’ve found it seems like this game has always been a buggy slow mess on pc and in the past year or so I’ve seen several support posts reporting this exact issue, with no fix :/


    A lot of comments in this thread complaining about performance issues:…/full_guide_for_fixing_the_crashes_an…

    Thread that OP updates several times saying he’s found no solution even after several hardware changes and software changes:…/pc_shuts_off_while_playing_hell_let_…

    Another thread about it where people recommend changing the PSU:…/hll_causes_computer_to_randomly_shut…

    Here’s one where it’s even happening on a PS5:


    Here’s a steam post where the developer gives a big nothing burger response:…/3056240878559181348/


    Crashing it yes, preventing it from turning on no, I would say OP should def check his psu still, but it sounds like the game is exacerbating existing issues


    USPS has been incredibly reliable for me

    UPS has dropped my box off so say, only for there to be nothing, twice. The second time they provided “proof.” It was a form that said delivered with no image.

    Fuck UPS lol


    Oh boy can’t wait to have cups that burn a hole right through their coolers

    I’d really love it if we’d just have a generation or two where they focused on making cpus more efficient and less hot rather than ramping power every generation , same with gpus


    Yes the second thing about cranking power and cores is what I’m talking about.

    Also, as far as gpus, the 2000 series was ridiculously power hungry at the time, and it looks downright reasonable now. It’s like the Overton window of power consumption lol.



    As for as the 2080 goes, like I said, it was big FOR THE TIME, and power hungry FOR THE TIME. It’s still reasonable especially for today’s standards

    As for as the last two gens, 3000 and 4000 series, they are known to draw more than their rated power requirements, which, for their min recommended psu wattage, 3080 was 50 watts more than the 2080 (750w), and 4080 was 100 w more than that (850w)

    To add to that, both of these gens of cards, when doing graphics intensive things like gaming, can overdraw power and have been known to cause hard shutdowns in pcs with PSUs that are even slightly higher rated than their min rec. Before these last two gens you could get away with a slightly lower than rated wattage PSU and sacrifice a little performance but that is definitely no longer the case.

    And sure, the performance to watts used is better in the 3080, but they also run 10+ degrees hotter and the 4000 series even moreso.

    I just hope the 5000 series goes the way of power consumption refinement rather than smashing more chips onto a board or vram fuckery like with the 4060, like I’d be happy with similar performance on the 5000 series if it was less power hungry


    That’s because Nvidia still has the leg up on rtx, but that doesn’t mean Nvidia shouldn’t be thinking about it. I’m not talking about what the market directs them to do, I’m talking about what I hate personally


    Yeah I’m talking about Nvidia and Intel here, but tbh ryzen 4000 cpus run pretty hot, but they also optimized ryzen quite a bit before they changed to this new chip set, which makes sense to me. Seems like Nvidia and Intel are worried about what looks good power wise on paper rather than optimization sometimes.


    Well, Sennheiser was nice while it lasted, rest in peace

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