
God, I feel this in my bones. I always hated the scumbags who acted this way so much. I’m really glad I’m not the only one…



Google: How to do xyz

7 million AI generated SEO optimised bullshit websites: Here’s you do xyz (we don’t know either but we use lots of words Google likes so we get put first)


‘VYZ is something i will proceed to give you a summary on and then multiple links all reciting the same data’

TotallynotJessica, avatar

I tried to get into making Skyrim mods, but some basic info just isn’t on any forums. I then find it discussed on discord servers as if it’s common knowledge discovered a while ago, but those same servers also perpetuate myths from Morrowind that were debunked a decade ago by an experienced modder. However, that modder is also a toxic asshole who’s now impossible to work with, so finding reliable info from him after 2018 is hard. All the while I’m just sitting here wondering if it’s even worth the effort.


Friends don’t let friends use gamebryo.

Thrife, avatar

Nevermind, have figured it out.

<thread closed with NO FUCKING ASWER kthxbye>

VinesNFluff, avatar

Described: Why whenever I figure something out myself after posting a help thread, I’ll write a whole report on what I did before it got fixed (because often I’m just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks, and I never know what exactly moved the needle)

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

Those threads with “fixed it!” and no instructions? If they’re on reddit, I’m posting “I deleted system32 and the problem went away!”

VinesNFluff, avatar

If it’s Linux related say “open a terminal and do sudo rm -rf /” for similar life-ruining effects.


sudo rm -rf /

Ok, so I retroactively removed the realm of France and now a bunch of Spanish people are pissed about living too close to Luxembourg and the number of great cheeses in the world has decreased by 80%!

What now?

VinesNFluff, avatar

Now you remove Britain as well, and the healing can begin.

Sorse, avatar

Why do I always click on these even though I know exactly what it will be?


xkcd is so good I don’t mind reading it over and over

SturgiesYrFase, avatar

Like I said in a previous thread that ended up on this topic. There’s a special place in hell, with Satan from Little Nicky, a few pineapples and some lobsters to hang off these asshole’s nipples…


Here is a comprehensive Guide how to do [x]:

{20 paragraphs of Background Story}

[x] is Impossible to do, you dumbfuck


Oh god you reminded me of this gem…/how-to-cache-contents-in-haprox…

Someone asks how to do http caching in HAproxy.

The one answer:

don’t use the wrong tool

haproxy is a wonderful tool. It does not provide caching. A quick scan of the fine docs can verify this. Unless you want to patch haproxy you need to use a tool that does what you’re looking to do.

don’t create impossible problems

By asking for haproxy to do something that it doesn’t and excluding the tool that seems to do what you want to do you’ve create an impossible situation. There is no technical solution for this. Don’t make choices that box you into a corner.

try varnish or anything that actually caches

If you get over that you might find this tutorial on using varnish with haproxy useful or try varnish by itself. Maybe squid or memcached would be more your speed.

In the comments to this ludicrous tirade we get this simple comment:

This was true and valid back then. Nowadays HAProxy does this.

And just in case someone found this looking for an answer, here’s the example from that link

<span style="color:#323232;">backend bck1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  mode http
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  http-request cache-use foobar
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  http-response cache-store foobar
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  server srv1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">
</span><span style="color:#323232;">cache foobar
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  total-max-size 4
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  max-age 240
smiletolerantly, (edited )


Nr. 1 accepted answer (lots of years ago): something something plenty of information available on Google, no need for this thread

Nr. 2 answer (way fewer years ago): seeing as this is now the first Google result for anything relating to this, here’s how you do it.

(shame I can’t remember what exactly the question was. Please still believe me? 🥺)


(shame I can’t remember what exactly the question was. Please still me? 🥺)

I think about half the threads on stackoverflow fit this criteria


i’ve been there too… i understand your pain panel 4

mypasswordis1234, avatar

Or someone asked a question on Reddit and got an answer, but then it was removed due to a protest. All you get is the reply “Thank you so much! It works now”


Honestly I was so mad when I noticed that whole thing kicking off… I had SO MANY PROBLEMS solved by finding answers on reddit…

Obligatory: Fuck Spez… Greedy POS.

Bishma, avatar

All those letMeGoogleThat links from the 00s have turned into Rick Rolls (figuratively speaking).


This is why I only search somethingawful’s archives for answers to my questions.


More than once I’ve had Google return a years old reddit thread with only 2 or 3 comments that just say “I don’t know, let me know if you find out.” What in the shit is going on that THAT is somehow the SEO winner?


Ad partner > relevance


“Have you tried rtfm?”


I hate that shit. People answer with “check page 72 of your car manual” and it’s like … you clearly pulled out the manual to pull that page number, I’m under my car right now, just copy the damned sentence.


Not sure about [x], but here’s how you do [y]

Gormadt, avatar

Literally happens all the damn time anymore

Whole first page is ads and threads of people saying, ‘Just Google it,’ ‘There’s a search function here for a reason,’ ‘thread locked due to frequently asked question,’ etc, etc.

I miss the earlier days of the Internet where people were more helpful. Or hell when Google wasn’t just ads and SEO crap.


Me scrolling through 150 stackoverflow pages and ‘helpful’ third party websites that don’t answer my question

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