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I’m not sure why people seem to think that sentence says “purchases are beyond reproach,” but it doesn’t. Two things can be unethical with one being much more obviously worse.


If you ever smell that smell when you open a bottle of oil, it’s because it’s oxidized and it’s not great to cook with anymore.

✨ The more you know ✨


They get bad for a while, then have some weirdly good ones again later. But if you watch the first 3 seasons you’ll understand basically every SpongeBob meme, and I think probably 90% are in season 1.


AFAIK .ml doesn’t automatically block comments from other instances containing slurs, they only automatically block slurs from being posted by their own users.


Literally a spray painted arrow pointing to it! Sometimes the universe just speaks.


Lauren Windsor is a documentary filmmaker and executive producer of the grassroots political show The Undercurrent, who posed as a conservative activist at the gala. She used her own name to access the event.

Lmao, incredible event security. I’m pretty sure I’ve been to drag shows with more screening.

Alito being a piece of shit shouldn’t be news to anyone (although it’s always nice to have corroborating evidence of course), what’s shocking to me is that it only costs $500 to get within spitting distance of a SCOTUS judge.


This actually worked IRL on me, a huge drip of water splashed directly onto my sock when I was pouring myself a glass 😱


This is a good policy, it means school districts can’t force teachers to out students to their parents without the student’s permission.


The headline is a little confusingly written, I had to reread it to figure out exactly what it was saying too.


The Celluloid Closet is a good watch, it’s about the history of the portrayal of queer people in cinema and the history of queer actors. It’s from the 90s but it stands up well IMO.


The average American consumes something like 40 lbs of cheese a year per the USDA. I can’t tell you how much a gallon of cheese weighs but it seems like it’s a fair bit more than 2 lbs each.


I assumed it was Sonic going super saiyan


It takes a lot to get your license revoked. I’d be surprised if this does it rather than just being a ding on his insurance rate.


Sorry to hear about your step mom. Yeah, seizures are definitely one of the things they will immediately revoke it over because no doctor wants the liability of telling you that it’s safe for you to drive. If it’s been well controlled for x months (varies by state) usually you can get the license back.

I have a relative that’s had seizures since childhood and on the rare occasion she has a seizure, it’s always another huge stressor to lose her license for at least 6 months on top of having had a breakthrough seizure. Completely necessary obviously, where she lives just absolutely isn’t built for people who can’t drive.


Well this is how I found out she died. RIP.


There’s no evidence to support the idea that Target stopped stocking Pride merch in some of its stores because of criticism from ‘everyone.’ It was because in certain parts of the country unhinged right wing freaks were attacking employees and trashing displays. Rather than spend the money to increase security in those areas and support their employees being harassed by violent bigots, they decided to just let the violent bigots win.

No right wing wave in Finland as Left Alliance take record result in EU elections (

Finland’s results in the European election bucked a continent-wide trend of rising support for parties on the outer fringe of right-wing politics, with the Left Alliance and the National Coalition winning big at the expense of the nationalist Finns Party....


Seems like it would be a great quip when someone’s being an ass. “Go rake a forest.”


I assumed the button was supposed to be single use.


A million bucks is a lot of money to transition with! Instant transition or luxury transition, win/win 👍


Dems are incompetent even when gifts literally fall into their laps, episode 84726. Why the fuck would you make an attack ad saying “HE’S A CRIMINAL—but don’t worry not a thug, like a white collar one :)”



I wonder if this will impact their EU candidate status.


🔫 We can make it 96*

  • this is a water gun and it makes one less straight man because everyone’s straight until things get hot and wet

😂 The version of that joke I’ve heard is spaghetti, but I like the wood version too!


The fact he rejected it in part because (per the novelization) he felt Kirk’s thoughts across who knows how many light years, and he was wishing Spock was there. That’s love, baby 🥹 Don’t get me started on “t’hy’la”!


This was a (non-blahaj) mod too 🙃

Every day I’m reminded why blahaj is both wonderful and necessary for the fediverse


I’d settle for them just being afraid of looking like a bigot in public because of the social consequences!


Not sure, I’ve seen it floating around on social media without attribution. If anyone knows who to credit please let me know!


Thank you! Credit added to the main post.


In the title I had to find a way to shove ‘rule’ in there so I changed ‘really’ to ‘rule-y’ if that’s what was tripping you up. Your reading of it was basically correct 👍


This is such a dishonest reading of the text that I suspect you didn’t read it at all.

Nobody said that shark attacks don’t happen, just that they are rare and that sharks are incredibly ecologically important. “Sharks can, but almost certainly won’t hurt you” and “sharks are ecologically important” are only statements at odds with each other if your goal is to turn the entire planet into a daycare.


“Transgender people are individuals that you can just talk to if you aren’t sure how they prefer to be referred to” shouldn’t be a scarier way to live than memorizing a rule book of The Correct Way to be transgender and interact with transgender people, as though we are a monolith.

Not all trans people prescribe to a binary view of gender in general or their own gender. Some people are women who are fathers or men who are mothers. They don’t have to justify themselves or the nuances of their identity to be accepted, because understanding isn’t necessary for acceptance. I accept shit I don’t understand all the time, like sportsball fans or Funko Pop collecting.

Acceptance isn’t “I am always interacted with in The Correct Way”, it’s “I am given a basic level of respect and listened to”.


Should I take that these comments are still up near 24 hours later with no follow up to mean that they don’t break any rules?


So to sum up:

Posting “too many” true but negative things about Biden - Bannable

Posting denials of specific, provable homophobic incidents and only interacting with posts about LGBT issues to do that specifically: somehow doesn’t violate the civility rule despite being homophobic or the rule on good faith interaction

Thanks for being honest about where your priorities lie.

There were two comment threads by the way, not sure if you looked at the other since you only mention one.

Happy Pride 🥳


Sorry, I didn’t mean to give the impression that I was open to debate over whether it’s homophobic to deny a politician spouting homophobia (when he literally admitted he did so) and deny that a pastor called LGBTQ+ movement demonic when there is video of it (did you even read the second link to this thread? You still seem to think there was only one thread). It is homophobic, full stop.

There is not a non-homophobic reason to go to multiple threads about LGBT people having bigotry aimed at them and to deny that it’s happening.

So if you could explain to me how homophobia doesn’t violate the rules I’d appreciate it.


Oopsie, thought I was clear about this: I don’t care how you justify it as not homophobia. It is homophobic to come into posts only about bigotry being aimed at LGBT people to deny that it’s happening.

If it makes you uncomfortable to sit with the fact that you’re fine with running a community where homophobic comments are welcome, then good. It should. That’s a choice you’re making that you can change at any time.


I don’t know why you think I’m interested in hearing you deny that these homophobic comments are homophobic, but if you need to be told again explicitly: I’m not interested in hearing it and I’m also not debating it.

If you need help understanding why it’s homophobic to deny that bigoted comments are being aimed at LGBT people or don’t understand how that fosters an environment hostile to LGBT people generally, feel free to ask.


OK, since it wasn’t clear to you before, I understand that your position as a mod is that homophobia is only homophobia if it fits a middle aged straight man’s cartoon caricature of what homophobia looks like. Unfortunately that doesn’t fit the real world experience of LGBT people dealing with homophobia.

If you need help understanding why calling the LGBT community demonic is homophobic or why denying that bigoted speech against LGBT people even happens is homophobic you can ask for help at any time. Until then this is just a community where veiled homophobia is welcome. Again, this is a choice you have made and can change at any time.


If you don’t have anything to say other than “nuh uh this isn’t homophobia” then please just stop replying, it’s pointless.

Multiple times I’ve offered to educate you (which you are clearly not interested in). You denied that saying the LGBT community is demonic is even homophobic itself, by hand waving it away as Christian theology (as though the two are unrelated to begin with, much less exclusive). I did not say the user specifically said that. I’m saying that excusing and denying it is not a significant difference. Please at least read what I’m saying if you’re going to condescendingly explain to me what homophobia is.

I’m fine with this discussion being over, you’ve made your position very clear. Especially to anyone who wants a green light on what types of homophobic comments are acceptable here.

Again, if you want any education on this I am more than happy to help you out. But until you grok this you’re going to miss more homophobic comments and foster an environment where homophobia is welcome.


If you can’t finish reading my sentences please don’t respond to me. I clearly stated that I was not trying to say the user called the LGBT community demonic. I’m saying that defending that statement by denying that it even happened or saying that it’s not homophobic because it’s a Christian theological point are themselves forms of homophobia that LGBT people encounter all the time. If you are fine with that then you are fine with homophobia in this community.

If you believe anything else you’ve said has been misrepresented feel free to have a polite discussion with me about it. Right now it seems like you just want me to say that the comments weren’t actually homophobic when they are.

The Blahaj admins had no problems instantly recognizing the account for what it was and banning them as well as removing the homophobic comments. I don’t think I’m imagining homophobia here as you’re implying.

Again, if you have any questions about how this is homophobic I am more than happy to help you understand. But what’s not going to happen is convincing me it’s not homophobic. If that’s your only intent then this conversation is best left here.


I literally can’t downvote you or see downvotes, I’m on Blahaj.

If you don’t understand that someone can be homophobic without saying “I’m a homophobe and hate gay people” then you’re just illustrating my point here. Homophobia is welcome in this community as long as you give it the slightest veil.

If you have any questions about how the comments I linked are homophobic I am happy to answer them at any time. At this point you still seem uninterested.

Please do not contact me again only to attempt to convince me that the user banned from the instance I’m on for being a bigot wasn’t actually being bigoted.


Goodbye 👋😙

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