
Wow, thought it was like 2 years if you asked me


Wow, I’m feeling old.

OozingPositron, avatar

They could take 30 years to make it, but it would still be made by Bethesda and it would still suck.


and then they’d re-sell it a bunch of times after that too.


Because it was such a bad game that people gladly bought it again?


I have great memories of Morrowind


It was still a glitch fest, but at least the world was top notch.




*netch bully


You’re madness forking right.


What the hell man. Don’t nix hound me about this.


Me replaying New Vegas, lol I had it crash on me like 7 times during my playthrough. Classic Bethesda engine


7 is pretty damn good for that engine. Were you doing a speedrun?


You mean you didn’t enjoy sending giants flying?


In morrowind?


I also liked Skyrim and oblivion. Not sure how people can think they suck.


Those games don’t suck. But Bethesda is so washed now

ripcord, avatar

I have great memories of Skyrim. And FO3. And New Vegas. And Fallout 4. And Fallout 76 actually got not bad. And Elder Scrolls: Online had one of my favorite quest chains in a game. And…


Lemmy is way too edgy to enjoy good games that are also popular.


Lenny indeed lacks some casual fucks, almost every thread has some extreme opinions. I had someone unironically try to explain to me why it would be beneficial to the human race to go extinct.


Excuse me, I’m a casual fuck thank you.


Ah you’re a fellow Heroes of the Storm enjoyer?


Ok so, I didn’t enjoy Skyrim as much as I enjoyed Morrowind, in fact I never finished it; I skipped Oblivion 'cause at the time it came out I… had other things to deal with.

I liked FO3 (weirdly, I liked it better than FONV), but in my opinion the new ones don’t hold a candle to the first two.


I agree almost 100% with you on this. I did play Oblivion, but Skyrim has the more interesting world IMO which makes it a slightly better game. The strength of Bethesda games that makes them good, in my opinion, is the same every time: explore a large interesting world with your own created character. This explains (in part) why people like Morrowind so much: the world is just so weird and interesting.

The problem is they don’t know how to improve on that concept. Instead they are mostly adding features that either don’t add anything to it or actively detract from it. For example, Fallout 4 received settlement building and weapon crafting. But, the time I’m spending on my town, I’m not actually out exploring. If I can craft weapons, I care less about the cool weapons I find in dungeons. Now, Starfield got rid of most of the crafted world altogether in exchange for procedural planets that aren’t interesting to explore at all.

Aan an aside, I don’t think it even makes sense to compare the first two fallout games with the Bethesda ones. Fallout 3 and beyond are not really sequels, they’re a completely different series set in the same universe.

Klear, (edited )

Fallout 3 and beyond are not really sequels, they’re a completely different series set in the same universe.

I would argue they’re not even the same universe. While F1 had its share of of people living in post-war rubble, by F2 the world was mostly newly-build cities or primitive societies but there was a sense of progress, like having actual money (and by Tactics paper money was in everyday use). Then F3 comes and everyone is living in a pile of rubbish, with unreadable burnt pre-war books on their shelves like they want to pretend the world is how it used to be, nevermind that generations have passed, and everyone is back to trading in caps.


Yeah, that’s weird of the new Fallout games, there’s people sleeping on 200-years old mattresses (what are they made of, asbestos?). I get the destruction, and I understand how they may not be able to rebuild civilization to the old standards for a long while, but ffs, at least patch your walls!


There’s an industry to make new guns but people just step over the skeleton in the lobby of the half-collapsed hotel the three dozen residents call “Halftower” without a drop of irony.


This explains (in part) why people like Morrowind so much: the world is just so weird and interesting.

I think you’re right. Maybe they should make a game based on Scavengers Reign.


I liked Daggerfall, too, despite serious glitch issues. I just saved a lot and it was fine.


God what a fucking boring and wrong opinion to be have


They literally said Starfield was in the making for 25 fucking years. And you see how that ended up


Yeah, a pretty cool game that hoards of nerds have a weird hate boner for.

Game developers do not owe anyone anything, but you’d never know it from this comment section


This is a forum about games and you’re calling people nerds? Lol, go play more Madden.

And it’s not a “pretty cool game”, it’s a step back. But hey, some people are just impressed with scale and graphics.


Sports games suck (almost always) so no thanks. I’m sorry that you’re this sensitive to people who don’t take every opportunity to talk shit about Bethesda. It is a fact that they’ve released some incredible games and also that they actually don’t owe anyone anything at all


I love Bethesda, what are you on about? See, that’s why making assumptions is bad lol.

No they don’t owe anyone anything. Unless you consider the fact that a company owes fans a good product or else they lose those fans. Like I said, I love Bethesda, but I’m not a blind fan boy. I can see them slipping with each new release. Do you think Fallout 76, with its issues and lies they told about it never having P2W is good? So you think a huge number of barren planets adds and entertainment value? They need to start doing better because they can’t rely on their past success forever.

ICastFist, avatar

I don’t think they ever said that. It’s their “first new IP” in 25 years, and was “in production” since 2013, likely just planning stages. In reality, production only really started after FO76, when more people were available to do actual work.


They did in one of their marketing videos


I like the bugs. The Giant Space Program was nice


Yay, six more years til they release a buggy mess


Do you want another release of skyrim? Because that’s how you get another release of skyrim!


The Skyrim releases will continue until morale improves.

-Todd Howard


I have a feeling they’ll be pushing different releases of Starfield so they can act like it was good.


As much of a joke as all the re-releases are, I’m super happy Skyrim VR exists. It’s one of the best VR experiences with the right mods that make it an actual VR game instead of a cheap cash-grab


I’ve wanted to try VR. Any recommendations?


Quest 3, no doubt. The Index is old and overpriced at this point. HP Reverb G2 has great picture quality, but the controller tracking isn’t great and the cable is super thick. Plus Microsoft stopped supporting its mixed reality stuff. Vision Pro is not for gaming, just forget about it even if you can afford it. PSVR 2 might be a choice now that it supports PCVR, but I dunno. Its future support is kinda in doubt.

The only real downside of Q3 is being owned by Meta, which is obviously blech, but it’s an amazing piece of technology otherwise, and the price is a steal, since it’s heavily subsidized to grow the market.

A cheaper version is expected to be announced soon, so that might be an alternative. But otherwise there isn’t much competition unless you’re looking into a very particular niche.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

why are so many people absent mindedly pushing this buggy mess narrative? starfield was their least buggy release ever (i personally only encountered one terrible bug that was easily fixed with reloading a save)

its not like bethesda ever released a game as buggy as fallout new vegas or cyberpunk, besides 76 but, like new vegas and cyberpunk, it got fixed


New Vegas gets a pass because it was made in 18 months.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

not too much of a pass though, because it was obsidian who gave the timeframe

egeres, avatar

The teaser itself is some generic terrain with procedural grass anyone could do in blender in 3h


That’s what I thought at the time “yes that does spell elder scrolls VI, Bethesda, and?”


Tbh it was 100% a move to avoid pissing off the fans by only announcing Starfield


My theory is that they’ve been reallocating teams into Zenimax Online studios for projects like ESO. TBH I’ve been playing it and it’s pretty cool compared to the dated feel of Vanilla Skyrim. If any of you own it, ESO Plus is free until June 19th, you just have to head to the Crown Store and click the free trial button.

rayquetzalcoatl, avatar

I did try ESO for a few weeks but it just felt a little bit… Not TESy? Like the actual movement feels different, the combat feels different, it just feels like a bit of a different beast! It’s fun for what it is though, for sure. What do you play as? :)


I wonder how much different it is now, compared to when the game was in closed beta.

It was a literal floating camera back then, lol.

Never played the game afterward due to subscription-based access.


I risk sounding like a fucking shill, but it’s a purchase to own the game, the subscription is only for ESO Plus which gives access to all DLCs without having to purchase them individually.


It used to be subscription only back in the days.


For sure the mechanics are wack, but it’s got fully voiced dialogue for tons of quests, it’s got material gathering and a bunch of other exploration based activities to do. It’s also got equipment and consumable crafting, but TBH not much of it is actually useful except for Provisioning.

Argonian Templar, stuck with the training gear until summerset isles and swapped to Psyjic Gear to prep for trials.

Stalinwolf, (edited ) avatar

I’ve tried to get into ESO multiple times, always hyping myself up to just ignore the combat/difficulty and pacing and do it for the story alone, but it wears me down quite quickly every time. The vibe is just entirely off in every way. It’s like playing with a cheap McDonald’s toy with stiff legs and a weird button that makes it move it’s arms vs. a licensed action figure.

Save for my issues with the lack of real risk or challenge anywhere outside of running end-game group content solo, I always get irritable with the weird class themes the developers went with. I think if they had three guardian base classes (Thief, Warrior, Mage) and allowed players to spend their limited pool of points into other Elder Scrolls trees (Destruction, Alteration, Restoration, Conjuration, Blunt, Blade, etc.) it could have been balanced well enough and felt true to what we’ve come to expect from that universe. But instead it feels like they made the game as an entirely different MMO, then at the last minute agreed to put an Elder Scrolls skin on it.

I’d like to be a Warrior with minor specialization in Restoration and Alteration, but if I want to play that sort or archetype I basically have to be a Templar who uses sun spells and does all of his fighting with aetherial javelins, maybe joining the Mage’s Guild or something to simulate some sort of Alteration type buffs. Or I roll a Dragonknight who is themed entirely around fire and lava spells. Or I run around labeled a Sorcerer and use daedric spells/buffs to simulate Alteration, and ignore the rest of that classes abilities to branch out into melee and armor abilities. It’s all just so convoluted and unusual.

Beautiful soundtrack, though… Moth, Butterfly and Torchbug really does things to my heart, and leaves me hopeful that even without Jeremy Soule, TES6 may still have the type of score it deserves.

FiniteBanjo, (edited )

Combat Difficulty? I haven’t experienced that yet and I’m at CP 385. When does the difficulty start? Are you talking about the super late game trials?

Oh you mean lack of difficulty, yeah I feel that it’s sort of a let down.


They should just release a new game with the graphical fidelity of Fallout 4, but with better performance and animations. They could probably cut their dev budget in half if they made a game with Skyrim’s scope and FO4’s graphics.

No one plays Bethesda games for their graphical fidelity so they really need to stop wasting time there.


Frankly, they could rebuild skyrim with the fallout 4 mechanics for base building, shared item storage for crafting, weapon modding, and for shits and giggles throw in steam centurions being unobtainable dwemer power armor frames.

Fuck, sell me basic ass skyrim but integrate the top 30 mods on nexus into the base game. It’s honestly not hard to do better then they’re doing.


I’d be willing the buy another expansion for Skyrim. I want to return to Skyrim so badly but I’ve done literally everything that game has to offer


Get VR.


Motion sickness. I can use vr for simulators though


People can always mod them for increased graphics to their hearts content after the fact anyways


Meanwhile me with shitty laptop & Skyrim LE be like… Nah…i don’t need that thing bc my Skyrim already perfect


Make it IBM T43 and Oblivion.


They just released this teaser to shut everyone up at the time

GoodEye8, (edited )

It’s like people have completely forgotten that fact. That snippet was at the very end of a 30 minute Bethesda presentation that had Fallout 76 with its multiplayer being a significant move away from their traditional formula, Elder Scrolls Blades (which is a mobile game nobody remembers) and the reveal of Starfield, a completely new franchise. Of course fans are going to question where is TES 6.

And a few months later Blizzard showed what happens when you don’t tease Diablo 4 after revealing Diablo immortal.


I played Blades for a little while until it got too ‘gimme gimme’ about me paying. Then I stopped. Not paying to win.

ICastFist, avatar


But what really hurts is that diablo immoral is a HUGE money printer.


It was 5 years and 8 months between the release of Oblivion and Skyrim. Oblivion was released on March 20, 2006, and Skyrim was released on November 11, 2011.


Yes, but we didn’t have AAAAA gaming standards back then. Do you think they could have made a masterpiece like Skull & Bones in those days?


Skyrim is almost three times as old now. I’m going to be honest, I’d rather just have another Skyrim expansion than a modern Bethesda game.


Check out Beyond Skyrim

ripcord, avatar

…which is 9 years old.


Still gonna be done before ES6


This looks awesome

scrubbles, avatar

Just in terms of timeline, Dragon Age 4 was teased at about the same time with the same level of teaser trailer. It’s releasing this fall.

So a full modern RPG being fully developed in that time by a smaller studio, and for elder scrolls we haven’t heard squat.

Who knows how DA will turn out, but we know modern Bethesda quality thanks to starfield. Not having any news in 6 years proves this trailer was made just to shut fans up

ampersandrew, avatar

Often times trailers that early are used as a hiring tool, too. Cyberpunk’s original CG trailer was back in like 2012, and that game came out in 2020, but we know from an interview at E3 before The Witcher 3 came out that there was a very small team working on Cyberpunk before Witcher 3 was done, and Cyberpunk at that point was mostly just design documents.


And DA4 got almost remade to remove the live service features

What’s Bethesdas excuse?

acosmichippo, avatar

they were working on starfield?


Who knows how DA will turn out, but we know modern Bethesda quality thanks to starfield. Not having any news in 6 years proves this trailer was made just to shut fans up

Pretty sure they flat out said this was true



“Bethesda and Todd Howard announced Elder Scrolls 6 when they did because of fan demand, or in the words of Skyrim’s lead designer Bruce Nesmith, because ‘the pitchforks and torches were out.’” Source

Elder Scrolls VI exits pre-production, development begins (August 2023)

yamanii, avatar

I wouldn’t dare to call Bioware a smaller studio, pretty sure people said that Bethesda is the one that is strangely small for a AAA developer.


If they take too much fucking longer I’m gonna look for my RPG fix Elsweyr.


Didn’t they make an MMO in the mean time? It is like asking when Warcraft 4 is going to be released.


They can keep it. Bethesda sucks


Is there literally a single opinion in this thread that doesn’t reek of entitlement and rage?

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