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The conservatives opinions bother me. But the authoritarianism is the bigger issue to me. This desire to force their opinions and wills on other people instead of living their lives as they want and leaving others alone is far more problematic.


Agreed. It’s why I’ll always oppose them.


Bacon, sausage, hash browns, English muffin(buttered and jam), 2 glasses of OJ.


Outside of the fries and pancakes the rest isn’t that bad. Hurr dürr hate on America and all because it’s popular to do so. But hash browns and home fries are just potatoes browned with butter in a skillet. Bacon and sausage and eggs are a decent source of protein. Toast is normal unless you live somewhere that hasn’t learned what bread is. English muffins are no worse than toast and biscuits aren’t even awful on their own. Juice, milk and coffee are all fine. I guess I don’t see the “prime American junk food” outside of the sugary pancakes and fries. And frankly as an American I wouldn’t eat any of those for breakfast. The blueberry pancakes on occasion but never the other two.


I played Blades for a little while until it got too ‘gimme gimme’ about me paying. Then I stopped. Not paying to win.


I can see a lot of DE Fans not enjoying this. But DE was a weaker entry to me so I’m excited to play this one.


Lol to be fair, if you are in a thread on Doom, Disco Elysium isn’t something I’d expect seen or abbreviated.


Yeah, the exposition was part of what made DE weaker to me. Too much plot lead to losing the plot. The gameplay was fun enough overall, and I enjoyed a lot of the changes. But it was also too fuckin much keyboard ballet and pattern recognition for my tastes. If I want to kill something in a way that’s not the prescribed way, I want to be able to do that. But it became a formula and that’s not a playstyle I like because it bores me. It becomes math homework. Couple that formulaic approach with the fuckin massive swarms of unrelenting enemies and you end up having to fight like a robot. I preferred the 2016 mantra of fight like hell.


Dammit. I didn’t think of them. I’m so heartless.


A people and it’s government are two different things. And frequently the government does not give accurate representation of its people’s desires.

But let’s say the USA, because I assume that’s what you are insinuating by westerners, is 100x more evil than all other countries combined. Does that mean the Russian government isn’t bad? Nope. Truth doesn’t change based on the moral character of another separate unrelated entity. Even if that entity is worse and even if that worse entity is the one saying the truth.


Because neither of those are forced imperialist occupations.


Yeah it’s relying in star power and the drooling masses to get money. It’s an awful awful attempt and it’s extremely apparent from the trailers that this is going to be hot fucking garbage. The only thing that would potentially save it, is if all this shit was promo trolling and the actual movie used completely different better suited people with better lines etc.


It would be the most on brand thing to do too imo.


Being serious, answer any question and get the money. I’d invest the money and ask the truth of the existence of God just to end the fucking debate.


One of many reasons is the issue of distribution at a distance. It’s terribly inefficient to deliver power to distant locations because you get drops the further you go. Another reason would be strategic. You don’t want to have too much infrastructure centralized on a single location in case of war.


Common sense is to lock your doors at night or when not home, and don’t take candy from strangers. It does not extend to nuanced and intricate discussions such as this. Sense needs to be applied but to insinuate that it is intuitive to the degree of common sense is a poor stance in this discussion.


“I’m not busy but I’m not available to take a call.”

Reproducing a Microsoft corporate environment on Linux.

Most companies I’ve worked at where employees had a Microsoft work computers. They were under heavy control, even with admin privileges. I was wondering, for a corporate environment, how employees’Linux desktops could be kept under control in a similar way. What would be an open source or Linux based alternative to the...


But not at odds with running a corporate environment.


I’m not going to support him because I agree with or like him. I’m going to support him because the alternatives are insane


Enshrouded has no plans for mods from what I’ve heard so far. Which basically killed the game for me. Not going to bother with it because there are some mechanics that would irritate me too much to enjoy the game. Mods would’ve fixed it.


Survivorship bias much…


They’ve conditioned him into blindly accepting and preaching the dogma.


Google it.


You assume a great deal based on a smart ass quip. Go jerk off to Ayn Rand some more you autistic twat.


Nothing as potent as what you’ve been doing.


There are few games that I wish I could selectively erase my memory of, this is one of them. Just so I could play it again brand new. Love that game so much


I wish these idiots would quit trying to tell the people playing the game that they are wrong for not liking it. Like, no man, listen to them, this is feedback. You can’t take all of it without a pinch of salt but if you see a common theme, then you should address it.


When will you learn!? That your actions have consequences!

Well that's disappointing. As excited as I am, I actually recall the distant events of this year....no preordering.

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