Suavevillain, avatar

This got me laughing so hard.

JusticeForPorygon, avatar

Might be the best shitpost I’ve ever seen.


Then she pulls a guy with a MAGA hat out of the crowd and pegs him on stage.


They’d probably like that


It’s all they really want in life.


Oh man, that’s nothing. Did you know that during her song Style she takes a random man from the crowd, assigns them new pronouns, and transitions them into a femboy?


She turned me into a newt!


Clearly you got better though…


Taylor swift confirmed to be made of wood


A newt‽


I got better…


What’s the average speed of an unladen Taylor Swift?


African or European?


Brb, buying front row tickets to every single Taylor Swift concert.


Surely “The Man” would be a better song for that.


Bro I was there at the Phoenix arena when she actually punched her hand straight through dude’s chest and out the other side of his body.

Straight up the best concert experience of my life





She’s got a blank space on her hit-list and she’ll write your name.


Taylor swift? More liek Taylor Yagami


Does she ever do the Indiana Jones heart thing? DAHLI MAHHH


Nah, that’s tame as hell compared to what Taylor has in store for the next sound guy


“Conservatives” are dumber than dogshit.


So, so dumb. It’s like talking to a bag of hammers.


Sharp as a rubber mallet

ArbitraryValue, (edited )

Your options are “a powerful blow from the fist of Taylor Swift” or “never even getting close to Taylor Swift”. Which do you choose?


It strictly depends on what the pay’s like

MxM111, avatar

It depends on what you mean by blow.


I will note that the sort of blow you have in mind cannot be performed with only the hands. Regardless of that, whichever sort of blow you receive will leave you writhing in pain.


Id chance it

kellyaster, avatar

I choose: c) "Taylor Swift off the top rope with a steel chair! There's blood everywhere!! By gawd, would somebody stop the damn match!"


She’s a king maker. The person who takes a chair from taylor swift off the top of the ropes. Instant celebrity.


I prefer d) “Taylor Swift throws me off Hell In A Cell and i plummet 16 ft through an announcer’s table”


It’s ok. We all know you secretly want sweet little Taylor to beat you with jumper cables.


Just like my dad used to do!


I would drag my balls through a mile of broken glass just to hear Taylor Swift fart through a walkie-talkie.


Just the single blow? If I pay extra, can she kick the shit out of me behind a McDonald’s car park?


She hasn’t had only 70k fans at any show this year. Most stadiums are well over 100k, plus 20k more people dancing in the parking lot, that’s how you know this is fake.


Oh, was THAT the giveaway? Not the fact that Taylor doesn’t have “sound guys” she just has Apple’s cloud do all the work? They really are talking over the world, what do we have to do to get back to SIMPLER TIMES

smuuthbrane, avatar

Oh FFS, don’t just randomly post shit you see on Facebook.

It’s the road manager, and she literally kicks him in the ass, hard enough that he falls down.




I was at her last concert it was definitely a random roadie, and she just slapped him in the face, after which he begged for more.


As. Did. We. All.


Is the road manager big and fat?

smuuthbrane, avatar

He’s the one that blocks the door when the tax collector comes by!


Other posters here are saying it’s a homeless person which is disgustingly roadiphobic. Probably reverse CRT white racism too. And farther more is likely a HIPPO violation since we know his medical history since we saw him get injured.

She should get the book thrown at her.


I was so disappointed at the concert I went to. Instead of the sternum punch, she pushed a homeless person down a flight of stairs.


Are you trying to make the Republicans like her? Because this is how you make the Republicans like her.


Let’s just put up wrestling quotes but replace the names with Taylor Swift


What mics does the sound guy use to really capture the sternum punch?


I hear they permanently implanted a contact mic in her nuckles so the audience can feel like they are the sternum itself.

gibmiser, (edited )

I don’t understand, is this a real thing? Why?

-edit: I mean why did this claim come to exist. What loose connection to reality brought this claim to be made? I am not asking if she actually does this…


It’s an American tradition.


No . It isn’t real.

snooggums, avatar

Somebody clearly hasn't been to a Taylor Swift concert.


You guys can actually afford to go to one?!?


That’s a good point.
If she truly cared as much about her fans as she puts on she would drastically drop ticket prices.

Then charge extra for the human sacrifice encores.

NegativeLookBehind, avatar

My favorite part of her shows is when she picks a random child from the crowd and sacrifices them on stage, in the name of Satan


Swift sacrifice.

NegativeLookBehind, avatar

Swift indeed, dipshit. Swift indeed.

1984, avatar

Why do we care what Taylor Swift says…

MxM111, avatar

Who “we”? Conservatives?

1984, avatar

No, people. What makes her worth listening to?

She makes music. :)

I don’t get the celebrity thing I guess.


She's reached a level of popularity where her super fans, people listen to her opinions, are a significant number of people.

Also the news just loves to talk about her.

1984, avatar

Yep that’s how it works. The news and media talks a lot about some artist, so both the artist and the media companies make bank.

But im still surprised she just came out of nowhere like this.

DrFuggles, (edited )

“Out of nowhere” he says while her albums have consistently reached peak charting positions globally for the past ten years:…/Taylor_Swift_albums_discograph…

ForestOrca, avatar

Years Active: 2004 to present - 20 years of work, "out of nowhere". I don't really care either, but the facts say this is a significant musical career. And she doesn't seem to be slowing down. 14 albums, 14 films, 6 major tours, you can add up the live performances for yourself (


I’m not even close to a Taylor Swift fan, and I’ve been aware of her since about 2010…

Out of nowhere? Where is this rock you’ve been under?


When you close your eyes, does the world vanish?

GladiusB, avatar

Did you even read the text?

1984, avatar

No :)

GladiusB, avatar

Try that next time

ares35, avatar

sign me up! getting decked by taylor swift on stage would be an epic way to get my '15 minutes' in.

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