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I feel like aside from full-on accessibility settings for those who need them (which absolutely should be implemented and the FromSoft devs don’t get a pass on this), they could do something as simple as a 2% speed, health, & damage nerf to all their enemies and it could be enough for most newcomers that have paid for the game, but didn’t get anything out of it. Like me. There are probably a huge amount of people that bought the game because of glowing “this is GOTY” reviews and couldn’t get past even Margit.


It would be far from “slavery” in the typical sense.

If this happened, those people would get food, housing, healthcare and job training while getting paid for it.

Though I’m definitely not in favor of conscription because how can you call yourself free if you’re required to do involuntary military work for the government.


Pretty sure my wet farts would be more popular than Ron DeSantis.


It’s like conservatives using “Let’s Go Brandon” so that they avoid the appearance of impropriety, when really, they’re just self-censoring because they’re too scared to say it outright.


I didn’t even know it was out. I thought it wasn’t coming until later in the year.

There no way this wasn’t a flop


And making sure to tell the USA how stupid they are at the same time.

A bit hypocritical, eh?


So it seems we don’t create our own hero? Which, I get that it would limit facial animations and dialogue, but becoming your own hero was such a huge part of Fable.

Anyway, it looks stunning, graphics-wise. I’m looking forward to it for sure.


Hoo boy, Kevin Hart doesn’t even look like he knows how to hold a gun at all. Did nobody think to give him any semblance of weapons training?


As a very new PC gamer, supplementing my long time Xbox gaming, the biggest advantage of consoles is that games always work OOTB (or OOTDownload).

Sometimes with PC gaming, a game just doesn’t run for whatever reason, or you get crashes, or any other weird issues. Most people don’t want to have to tinker in settings just to get consistent framerates.

Including myself, because I don’t have a lot of time to play and I don’t want to waste that time troubleshooting.


Needs to explain why they think the clutch would be so far to the right.

I’m thinking the OP doesn’t understand how to drive a manual.


Joe Biden is courting an unexpected group of voters: the other half

That’s basically the headline.


“It happens to the best of us,” they wrote.

They should have said the worst.


I liked Wonderlands, even though it felt a bit short and wasn’t really as funny or gritty as the first two.

Since BL 3, it’s felt like the games devolved into a very childish humor, not in a clever way, but just an unfunny way.

Like, I know the first two games weren’t the peak of intelligent humor, but at least it felt they were intentional about how they utilized less mature jokes.

And the gameplay and stories haven’t been as good since BL2. Handsome Jack really stole the game in the best way.


And the DLC though was absolute garbage. I had paid for the season pass and it felt like they released a bunch of stuff that should have been free.


The MAGA heads would explode because they love the truck but hate the flags.


Some of those religious nutter comments are absolutely unhinged.

Religion is a mental illness and it’s astounding that it’s still acceptable.


Hey Marj, you are the “feckless, useless Republican party.”


Of course, the border problem is Joe Biden’s fault, enough to impeach, but Trump has/had no responsibility. Amazing cognitive dissonance from the dumbest member of Congress.


The fucking pickle udders on that logo is a travesty.


Motherfucker (not you, just general expletive), the dude is a habitual liar, crime lord, and violence instigator.

If Marchan lets him walk away with a slap on the wrist, I’m going to riot. Just because he was president doesn’t mean he’s “of high moral character.” He’s dancing all over our legal system with zero consequences.

The Best Email Aliasing Providers in 2024 (blog.thenewoil.org)

Email aliasing is one of the most underrated privacy techniques that has yet to go mainstream. For the privacy-conscious user, it offers a degree of separation between all your accounts, making it harder for data brokers to correlate your various accounts across different services by not using the same email address to sign up....


I’ve been really enjoying the Proton suite of mail, drive, and VPN. Don’t use proton pass because I have to log in to sites from locked-down systems too often, but the aliases tool in Proton Mail is great.

(Not a paid shill, I pay proton because I want to get away from Google)


Is she fighting inside a cherry cheesecake?


I enjoy a lot of these long-form critiques. I literally spent the whole 4 hours to watch that 4 hour critique of Galactic Star cruiser by Jenny Nicholson.

Not all the long critiques are good, but some of them really are great.

I also watch upwards of 3 hours speedruns of the Fallout series so…


I fully expect more ridiculous “culture war” stuff being ratcheted up by the unhinged far right.

It’s already being done. Just look at what DeSantis has done.


The obsession with meat as being a mandatory part of a manly human diet is ridiculous.


Please do, I’d never heard of this before now, but it looks interesting.


support for declaring gold and silver as legal tender; and demands that the U.S. government disclose “all pertinent information and knowledge” of UFOs.

Also these, which… Fucking morons. Who the fuck is going to pay for things in gold? Especially because at this point, cash is more of an accessory than a primary payment method.


Because only one of those matters and it’s not population.

Sorry, are you saying land area matters more than population and That you support that? Or that it’s just the way it currently is?


But only if we take these radical steps

So… Not gonna happen then?

RGB3x3, (edited )


These definitely fit the bill. I have a Farer and love it.


Maybe these too


It’s not a political comic.

Don Quixote (fictional character from the book of the same name) mistook windmills for Giants and tried to fight them.

So he’s mistaking the small fan for a child, in the same way as the windmills.


Mr. I-Got-Mine-Fuck-You pulling up the ladder behind him.


I always thought Bussy was a portmanteau of Butthole and Pussy.

Because I’ve definitely heard people use it in context where I can’t imagine they were talking about a “boy pussy”


It’s not Trump the shitheel being president forever that’s necessarily the problem. It’s that he’ll set things up for Trump the idea being president for life. The next person to take the reigns from him, likely someone more competent, will be that US Emperor because of the damage Trump and the Republicans cause.


Ironically, you can enjoy sucking dick without being gay. Because sexuality is a spectrum.

If the Republicans would stop being so defensive, they might find a lot to like about the sexuality spectrum.


Same here.

What “creation and self expression” means to corporations is micro transactions in the form of skins, textures, and single bits of paid content. Like buying a horse, then having to pay for the farming bundle.


“They’re really gonna make me vote for Joe Biden…”

-Bo Burnham



Bernini was only 12 when he wrote the guitar solo in Stairway to Heaven.


The solution? Rental vans…

It’s like people think they need mega trucks for the time once a year or less that they have to move a couch.

“But what about when I have to haul wood for my yearly porch renovation?”

“Rent a fucking truck!”


Start dressing in drag and watch their heads explode.

Actually, maybe don’t. They’d literally murder you.

RGB3x3, (edited )

This was me. Not that I was racist in any way, but I was brought up with a father that absolutely did not (still does not) think that systemic racism existed, that wokeness was damaging, really that any issues the left focused on were mindless and stupid and damaging.

I went into my first sociology class with that kind of mindset, and the moment I actually started doing research for papers, I realized how wrong I was.

Really the only people who rail against “woke” education are the ones who haven’t gone to college (my dad) or those making money and power from the grift.


I more and more believe that religion should be treated like a mental illness.

If you told people that you heard voices in your head, they’d put you on meds. If you tell them Jesus spoke to you they’ll put you in charge of a country.


2K, a subsidiary of Take-Two, published all the other borderlands. Based on that history, it’ll probably be fine.

But based on “growth opportunities,” it’ll probably run the game.


People need to address the state in the only language it knows.

All the state knows is obstruction and violence. So that’s what they should get and deserve.


They’re cosplaying as strong people, but really they’re just stupid.

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