
I remember reading that statistically women actually think about sex more than men, we’re just better at hiding it lol

FlyingSquid, avatar

All I ever think about is sex.

I really should not have taken this chicken sexing job.


Yeesh, being tied off like that is in no way comfortable. I have done the whole safety harness in a scissor/boom lift, but I have zero desire to be one of those crazy tower climbers or be near electrical utilities. I like the Klein bag though.


relevant xkcd


I wanna reply, if not for all this sex in my head.


Missed opportunity to say “I’m feelin’ hot”

pH3ra, avatar

Well people who get enlisted get fucked in a whole other level

MeanEYE, avatar

And not a feminist in sight when these jobs are discussed.


Generally feminists/women don’t think like the first panel. I’m not saying shitty attitudes like that don’t exist, people can be shitty no matter their gender, but let’s not lose sight of the fact that this is a strawman meme.

Also, women do these jobs too.

Rodeo, (edited )

Never heard any calls for equal representation in the coal mines.

Edit: feel free to replace “coal mines” with whatever unpleasant trades job you like.


That’s because anyone with a conscience and brain wants to shut them all down right now.


No, mostly just calls for NO ONE to work in coal mines because conditions are generally terrible. Plus coal and coal mining are horrendous for the environment.

STRIKINGdebate2, avatar

The ones that want to keep people working in the coal mines are probably not feminists are likely deeply opposed to the ideology


Yes you have. We want an equal number of men and women in the mines and we want that number to be zero.

And to be clear, we want that in all dangerous jobs. Undersea welding? Robots.


Dude, you want to know what’s it’s like to be a woman or a gender non-conforming person in trades lemme tell you. It doesn’t matter how good you are at your job 3/4 of the crews out there won’t hire you because they are afraid the other guys on site are gunna cause a sexual harassment claim so instead of them dealing with the potential of you pursuing mediation for harassment or heaven forbid acting like a boss and telling people to fix their shit attitudes they just don’t hire you. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never even filed a claim.

Yup “mens” jobs are more dangerous and “men” are expendable… Because when you don’t fucking fix your shit they stay “mens” jobs. You wanna whine about something whine about how so many bosses take the path of least resistance and don’t make things better long term.


Im sorry that you have to deal with a culture like that ☹️


Yeah it sucked. I had a couple of friends in some of the places that I applied to and they told me that the on the floor / worksite reaction to me applying was straight up that they’d never let someone like me in because they wanted to “protect their crews”. I couldn’t even get regular construction labor because me existing in their spaces was a threat.

I ended up finding an amazing boss who was running a smaller crew doing contractor work and I worked two years doing concrete forming, framing and siding until basically he got injured and took the opportunity to retire. Went back on the job hunt and even with a sparkling referrence to the exact same shit.

I ended up in film which is a bit more egalitarian but I know that being hard working and knowing your shit only gets you the fourth spot on a crew if you are lucky. There’s some crews out there in the world who kick any trans or female hall calls back and never have one as permenant crew. The reality of the world is that to some I am a second class citizen. All I can do on my end is kick ass, do more than my share, not complain and hope for that fourth spot and that things get better.


Hey man. That’s not nice. I tried to study mechanical engineering only to discover I was too autistic for it. Which is bad because the majority there has something, along with 2/3rds having dyslexia.


How were you too autistic for engineering?


Fr, from my encounters, I’d say it’s a prerequisite for some roles.


Maybe because the goal of feminism is to have more equally not to bolster the ranks of marginalised people with even more women.

Maybe if men wanted to have more women in these jobs they shouldn’t be so fucking hostile and sometimes dangerous to women.

Maybe if men hadn’t built a society with only men in mind, including when designing equipment, procedures, etc., for these jobs, maybe women had a better chance doing them?

STRIKINGdebate2, avatar

There’s been a feminist push for women to get into male dominated jobs. You just don’t hear about it because no one can make rage bait articles about the female firefighters and electricians. Rest assured female soliders, electricians, and fire fighters

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

All of these but unironically.

gandalf_der_12te, avatar

You could say, the dude in the last picture is on fire.

Kushia, avatar

Well, maybe bring more to the table then I guess, if that’s what the men in your life only think about around you.


what’s up with the casual misogyny today on lemmy?

urist, avatar


oh no


oh nooooooooooooooo


it’s not that it doesn’t exist ordinarily, it just seems way more out in the open today.

or maybe I just happened to have seen it all back-to-back

urist, avatar

Ah, yeah, sorry. Didn’t mean to come off as nitpicking.

I think I just need to be more choosy with the meme communities I’m reading.


Sometimes it really is like that. I’ll go weeks where I don’t see it, and then it’ll rear its ugly head for what feels like several days in a row, with little resistance. It sucks :(


Today?? This is an issue, especially on the meme communities here.

And that’s the irony of the meme, isn’t it? I am guessing it was done by a man.

urist, avatar

Well, I guess maybe black people should bring more to the table, if [insert racist stereotype] is all white people think around them.

Well, I guess maybe gay people should bring more to the table, if [insert homophobia] is all straight people think around them.

Well, I guess maybe Australians should bring more to the table, if spending your entire life living upside down kangaroos is all the rest of the world thinks of you.


Like… Yes. Is it wrong to think about sex?


You missed the joke “as hot as sex”


Those dirty bastards


Well, maybe it’s just that everytime she’s around men, they do think about sex. There’s no way for her to have a different experience.

gandalf_der_12te, avatar

Maybe it’s also just projection. Like, she sees men as only fucktoys and a necessary evil to have. So the men treat her likewise.


Maybe it’s just a meme where the context has to be interpreted, and the only projection that exists are those revealed from those interpretations.

gandalf_der_12te, avatar

tbh, it felt wrong while i wrote it. But i wrote it anyway.


The real friends are the projections we made along the way.

Zagorath, avatar

A Rorschach meme?

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