
I live under a rock, so whats a threads and who is Mark Zuckerburg?

I gest, I really dont care that Mark is on the fediverse. Till my Lemmy instance is full of threads crap and I have to route via the Zuckerburg hive mind.

MargotRobbie, avatar

One of the most tragic scenes in Dune is when Paul Atreides realizes that Stilgar is no longer his friend but another one of his fanatical followers. Follower counts on social media really means nothing.

But maybe there is someone out there who refuses to participate in a broken system of a fantasy world, and instead decided to leave for a part of the Fediverse where their follower count is, and will forever remain, zero.

Like what Stereotypical Barbie did at the end of the movie.


That’s why celebs should try to be friends with their fans /s


Well, that disproves the effectiveness of that metric!


We need 4 million bots to push arstechnica up to the #1 spot


Oh my! Why not Takei?

A_Chilean_Cyborg, avatar

that zucks


This has the same vibe as MySpace Tom being everyone’s first friend.

Apeman42, avatar

So, when you remove what I assume is an announcement bot and lizard people from the equation, the answer is George Takei? Yeah, that sounds about right.


Should I know who Adam Mosseri is?


Had to look it up, he is the head of Threads

gedaliyah, (edited ) avatar

So, when you remove what I assume is an announcement bot and lizard people from the equation, the answer is George Takei? Yeah, that sounds about right.

I don’t like threads at all, but referring to Mark Zuckerberg and Adam Mosseri as “lizard people” is pretty antisemitic, especially since they are both Jewish people.

I’m guessing that you were unfamiliar with this antisemitic dogwhistle, but I also understand that’s the point of a dogwhistle - It doesn’t sound racist unless you already know about it.

Here are a few links to learn more:……/7144513038274661675


Or just possibly it hasn’t got anything to do with Jewish people. This might come as a shock but not everything does.

This is from someone with a reasonable amount of that heritage telling you to shut the hell up already. You’re not the main character.

gedaliyah, avatar

Calm down there achi. You’re coming in with a lot of pretty unnecessary defensive energy. I’m just letting people know about some language that is harmful to a vulnerable minority in case they want to avoid it. You feel free to do with that information what you need.


Vulnerable. Sure.

I blocked you though so how am I even seeing your silly reply?


You’re talking out your ass. Do some research on David Icke, the dude who started the whole lizard people thing. Dude is an antisemite.


Henry Ford had a portrait of Hitler on the wall by his desk, doesn’t mean I’m not going to drive cars.


Nah, but you can recognise that his social/political thought and language used to express that is not something you should repeat mindlessly and accept and be appreciative of criticism when its given so you can correct future behaviour to make the world a more welcoming place for all. Right?

Leate_Wonceslace, avatar

I don’t think they’re Jewish.

Even if they are, that’s not why we despise them.


Mosseri has dual US/Israel citizenship, and Zuckerberg was raised Reform and has Jewish ancestry. So whether or not that’s why you despise them, the point about the dog whistle is legit. Maybe you should edit it to something more befitting the reasons you despise them. Be creatively critical!

Leate_Wonceslace, avatar

the point about the dog whistle is legit.

No, it isn’t; a dogwhistle is a message that isn’t detectable by someone unaware of it. Using lizard person like that isn’t an antisemitic dog whistle because people have been using it to disparagingly refer to the wealthy/politicians/etc. irrespective of their heritage for decades at the very least. Whether the term used to be used a specific way, or even how it originated isn’t actually relevant to the question.

Basically what I’m saying is you need to calm down and figure out the difference between being woke and being a wokescold. It’s hard to strike that ballance, but the first step is realizing you haven’t done it yet.


Hahaha, I think the only person getting worked up here is yourself. I mean really, what’s cringier than “wokescold”? Next you’ll be calling me a “wokewitch.” For the high crime of checking Wikipedia. Put down the torch and pitchfork, sweetie, you’ll hurt yourself.

Leate_Wonceslace, avatar

Yeah, things like calling me “sweetie” and implying that my mild criticism is me acting like you committed a high crime are not exactly going to change my mind. Telling other people what to do based on a misplaced notion of what’s harmful is exactly what I mean. It reminds me of that really creepy phase of internet discourse when a large ammount of people started insisting on saying “Latinx” as a gender-neutral inclusive version of “latino” or “latina”. The worst part about that was it was an exonym that was being forced on a minority community by a bunch of white liberals who had a notion of what was wrong with someone else’s culture and were actively trying to fix it. So instead of being slightly annoying and unhelpful they were being actively harmful in their ignorance. BTW, for anyone wondering: I’ve learned through speaking with people that the preferred term is “Latine”.

Now, obviously the same damage is not being done in this instance, but it illustrates why I’m saying this, and shows the dangers of bandwagoning as soon as you think something might be perpetuating oppression. No doubt that it’s good to be aware of how our behavior affects others and to adjust accordingly, but what I see here is people defending a billionaire against a term by saying that it’s antisemitic without being educated on it by the wider Jewish community beforehand, and so I find it largely unconvincing. If I see further discourse about it I’ll investigate, and if one of my friends starts talking to me about it I’ll heed their concerns. However, a small number of strangers on the internet saying something isn’t enough to change my mind, especially not without a good argument.


There’s billions of reasons to hate those guys that have nothing to do with their religion.

And using “woke” as a pejorative? Woke is simply having basic human decency and a modicum of common sense, so nobody who finds it used about them really minds. “Scold” has been used for centuries to shove outspoken and/or educated women into submission. It’s a label I’ll be proud to wear.

As for your defending dehumanization, and calling some people’s attempts to be gender-inclusive “creepy” rather than simply ungrammatical? Gee, sorry you find even the merest reference to anything other than heterosexual-male humanity so icky you can’t even.

Supporting the Reptilian Conspiracy puts you squarely in the same camp as David Icke, follower of Robert E. Howard, who referred to the “Kosher Nostra” and said powerful men in the Bible couldn’t have been really Jewish, but must have been “Aryan, like myself.”

You’ve told us who you are, and I believe you.

Leate_Wonceslace, (edited ) avatar

using “woke” as a pejorative

I am not using woke as a pejorative, but as a descriptor; it’s good to be woke.

“Woke scolding” is what you are in the process of doing, and it damages the cause. You’re misrepresenting me in ways that don’t make sense given the context and you’re bringing up history of terms that don’t reflect their present meaning to evoke unwarranted feelings of shame. If we were in a more public forum while you were arguing this disingenuously using the language of we who are aware of and opposed to oppression it would risk turing away once potential allies and further radicalizing individuals who have only been shown clips of visually identifiable “leftists” screaming while a chud pretends to be a reasonable centrist instead of a fascist who was just distributing Qanon pamphlets. I urge you to be more conscientious with your rhetoric.


I’m over here laughing, you’re completely playing out the “man can’t handle being corrected by a woman so he resorts to loading on the multisyllabic jargon in order to pretend his arguments are too complex for her to understand instead of facing his own prejudice.” You’re still supporting antisemitism. And that’s all there is to it. I’m not even Jewish, but bigotry is bigotry.

Leate_Wonceslace, (edited ) avatar

I’m autistic, asshole. It’s how I communicate because I have a disability.

I have no way to know you’re a woman, and you don’t even know if I’m a man. You’re assuming I’m straight you’re lying about my argument, and this shit is un-fucking-acceptable. You’re a bigot appropriating language. Fuck off.


You are strawmanning hard. You are ignoring their main argument and attacking their character, it’s not persuasive to anyone reading. It only servers to make you look like an asshat.


He’s correct and the more defensive you get the more I feel like you just wanna keep using the term. This is coming from someone who didn’t know any of this and won’t use the term in the future. I can always call Zucc a robot instead 🤖

Leate_Wonceslace, avatar

I asked some friends what they thought, and one of them mentioned they were accused of being antisemitic for doing exactly that. So what is true about the lizard joke that’s definitely not true about the robot one that you think determines antisemitism?

gedaliyah, avatar

They are absolutely both Jewish. I’m not sure why you would say that.

seathru, avatar…/lizard-people-conspiracy-theory-explain…

Or it could have absolutely nothing to do with Jewish people.


The article (correctly) names David Icke within the second paragraph or so. That dude popularized the “lizard people” thing and he is EXTREMELY antisemitic. This the whole point of a dogwhistle; it leaves room for plausible deniability. See also: Alex Jones.

So, sorry friend, try again.

seathru, avatar

Try what again?

It’s gone from the internet now but on the wayback machine you can see the list of confirmed lizard people from 2021. I just don’t see any correlation to what you’re trying to sell.


Nobody cares also fuck off with your tiktok link

squid_slime, avatar

So people calling the British royal family lizards are actually calling them Jewish?

I like lizard people being a term to put down the upper class.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Possibly. That’s basically what David Icke believes.

But I don’t think it is necessarily an antisemitic conspiracy theory.


Never heard this take before, lizard people has always been the upper class of non-human psychopath rulers and billionaires. I won’t stop using the term in that sense, certainly using tiktok and business insider as sources adds credibility to all this.

Then of course, if you ACTUALLY believe they are lizard people, you may have bigger problems.



vsis, avatar

You are not gonna block the most popular man in the Fediverse, are you?

Kalkaline, avatar

Day #1

moosetwin, avatar

I couldn’t find a blank version of this template with the actual background

moosetwin, avatar
wyre, avatar

Not only am I going to block him I’m going to defederate his whole deal.


Better change instances then…

wyre, avatar is now defederated on all instances I control.



Zink, avatar


wagesj45, avatar

Should probably disable PHP and HTML as well. I know Facebook uses both.


Dumb question but why tf is threads part of the fediverse?


Embrace, extend, extinguish

empireOfLove2, avatar

Ans vacuum up as much user data as humanly possible

gedaliyah, avatar

they can already do that really. Most of what you can do on the fediverse is essentially public.

basxto, avatar

I actually that might not work that well here. If some important people are located outside of threads and lots of people follow them, they need to keep at least some compatibility. Extinguish should work worse than it did for XMPP

swab148, avatar

They implemented ActivityPub 🤷‍♂️

FaceDeer, avatar

Because that's the whole point of the fediverse, to be interoperable with other instances using an open protocol.

vsis, avatar

They apparently bribed some of the ActivityPub protocol developers and fediadmins into signing NDAs contracts with Meta.

Now FediDB is showing Meta as “just another fediverse” instance. Pixelfed is very happy to work shoulder to shoulder with Meta devs.


Is that why ruud’s been real quiet?


…and Meta repays them by censoring all mentions of Pixelfed (unless I’m mixing up Fediverse names)


Ah, that’s why I don’t see him, because I moved to an instance that fucking defederated that shit!

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