Still Unable to Post Bond, Trump Has Most Crazed Meltdown Yet

Donald Trump has no idea how to post bond in the fraud trial—and he’s absolutely losing it.

In just shy of a week, Donald Trump’s $454 million judgment from his New York bank fraud trial will become collectible, either by way of liquid cash or financial assets—and it has officially sent Trump into meltdown mode.

The notoriously sleep-deprived GOP presidential nominee spent the better part of Monday night shouting into the void about the massive, half-billion-dollar judgment and his apparent inability to pay it off, bemoaning being required to follow the law before being allowed to appeal the case.

“I would be forced to mortgage or sell Great Assets, perhaps at Fire Sale prices, and if and when I win the Appeal, they would be gone. Does that make sense? WITCH HUNT. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!” Trump posted Tuesday morning.

“I shouldn’t have to put up any money, being forced by the Corrupt Judge and AG, until the end of the appeal. That’s the way system works!” he added, forgetting that he’s being held to the same standards as every private citizen.

pjwestin, avatar

I’m a little worried this is going to galvanize his base, but it is still deeply satisfying to watch his life collapse around him, especially knowing that the criminal trials haven’t even started yet.


We have to get beyond the fear of pissing off his base. The sooner we do it the better. This shit head should have been held accountable years ago, but we were worried about his base, now look at the mess. It will only get worse. Its time to get to work.

pjwestin, avatar

Yeah, I didn’t say don’t prosecute him, I said I was a little worried it might galvanize his base. It also might go the other way; it makes him look weak, and authoritarian strongmen can never look weak, plus it really dispels the myth of his vast wealth. But either way, pointing out this may be beneficial to Trump’s campaign doesn’t mean I said the civil/criminal trials against him should be dropped.


It should and this whole situation should make you mad too if you were objectively looking at what is happening. You guys are fucking all of us.


We’re not gonna see the criminal trials before the election.

Now if he doesn’t win, oh baby it’s gonna be juci


Russia if you’re listening… 🙏


He should borrow vast amounts of money from his loyal supporters: “Empty your lifetime savings accounts, I promise I’ll pay everything back with interests!”.

Then we’ll see how much his followers really trust him when they need to put their own future on the line…


I’m not sure if this a joke or not but he has already been doing literally exactly that for like, the last 7 or 8 years.


Was he not describing his fundraising as donations so far? You donate money you don’t think you need at all. But you should be able to lend money you don’t need in the near future. I would bet some of his “loyal” supporters would start to doubt if they were asked to lend too much of what they own.


Of course he cries election interference, but just a reminder that Donald Trump could have taken a few years off of campaigning to spend time to properly defend himself in court and then run again when it was over. That was always allowed. But we all know why he insists on running right now despite the mountain of felony indictments against him. He knows he is going to lose every court case because he’s guilty as fuck and wants to use the office of president to wash away these crimes he committed with a self-pardon.

The very fact that he can’t post bond is proof that he is at the end of his rope. Time to pay back all the money you defrauded the people of New York, Crooked Don.


I wish he would just die


No, that would be letting him off the hook too easy. i wish he had to answer for his crimes and die at age 105 in jail with not a single dime to his name, with mandatory daily therapy sessions so he can start recognizing the damage he’s done and feel remorse.

driving_crooner, avatar

I don’t really care if he got “off the hook” if that happens because he’s dead.


More importantly, it let’s other people like him get off easy if he isn’t convicted to set a precedent. I don’t care if he lives or dies. I care about the rest of those snakes.


With the threat he poses, I’m fine with that. Pay him millions to go to Russia if it means he drops off the face of the Earth with regards to socials and politics.


Remorse would be fatal to a man with that many horcruxes…


I’d rather he had a Game of Thrones-esque ending before that eventuality happened. He should watch everything he ever got in life get torn from him bit by bit first, before having some totally mediocre ending on a toilet seat shitting himself.


That is how I felt about the game of thrones ending, I loved that show and the books and the I watched it all get torn away by the writers in the last season and felt like I died alone shitting on a toilet. You’re right, that would be worse.


Poor guy, I feel really bad for him. Sure hope nothing else happens to ruin him. It’d be really bad if he was forced to go to jail too. On the bright side, at least he’d match the jumpsuit. Maybe he could write a script about his poor, difficult life and call it “The Color Orange.”


I’m sure people have been making “orange is the new black” jokes for a while now.


Yes, after Obama. However the color purple, switched to orange due to persuction is new to me.


Nah, call It “My struggle”


The last time a guy wrote about his “life’s struggles” in jail, not long after a failed coup, things didn’t turn out so good for us. Lets not give this magalomaniac any more ideas or access to writing materials if he ever sees the inside of a jail cell.


That’s right. No crayons allowed in his cell


If the script includes how he gets discriminated against unfairly he could steal the name Orange is the new Black


This is a perfect time for the people that have quietly tolerated him to do nothing.


When Trump gets really desperate he usually commits a bunch of crimes. I wonder what’s going to happen in the next week, and what we’ll hear about a couple months from now, and how the trial will go in 2032.


Simply lovely



-Rapist with a half billion judgement against him


I think he mispelled “Bitch Hunt.” Must be

HogsTooth, (edited )

The going price for the 2024 election is $464M. I hope not… But I bet somebody will pick up the tab.


I will Laugh my Arse off when he Loses his Properties.

tsonfeir, avatar

So when does he go to jail for failing to pay millions? Why should I pay anything I owe?


Because you don’t have enough money to juggle several cases and appeal to prolong them until after you die.

tsonfeir, avatar

It was rhetorical. But, apparently neither does he.


Nah but he’s crowdfunded by rubes who think they’re doing the right thing after years of indoctrination and manipulation.


They literally don’t have enough. There’s a gofundme but the small donors are donating like $100 max and the big ones know it’s a bad investment.


Not only are small donors drying up and big donors backing off, but what does trickle in is taking away from his campaign. Even in 2016, he was still dependent on donations to fund his campaign. He didn’t have enough back then to self-fund his campaign, and he certainly doesn’t now.

Harder to energize the base without being able to rent venues for rallies. Can’t get enough votes from centrists to put him over the top (even with the electoral college) if he can’t buy ads.

pjwestin, avatar

I’m not sure, “bring back debtors prisons,” is the takeaway here.

tsonfeir, avatar

I think we can make an exception.

OhStopYellingAtMe, avatar

LOL out loud


I’m also LOLing out loud


The sad news is that this is relatively sane compared to the water-defeats-magnets or the they’ll-rename-Pennsylvania-if-you-don’t-vote-for-me rants, just in the last couple of weeks.

His loss of great sums of money has likely sharpened his demented dysphasia temporarily.

Not that Oklahoma or South Carolina will not vote all out for him. Reality isn’t relevant to them.

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