Trump slow to invest in states that could decide election as some in GOP fear 'skeleton' campaign

In his bid to retake the White House, few states hold as much promise for Donald Trump as Michigan.

The former president has already won the state once and President Joe Biden, who reclaimed it for Democrats in 2020, is confronting vulnerabilities there as he seeks reelection. Trump’s campaign promises an aggressive play for Michigan as part of a robust swing-state strategy.

But, at least for now, those promises appear to be mostly talk. The Trump campaign and its partners at the Republican National Committee haven’t yet made significant general election investments in the state, according to Michigan Republican Party Chairman Pete Hoekstra. The national committee, he said, hasn’t transferred any money to the state party to help bolster its operations heading into the general election. There are no specific programs in place to court voters of color. And there’s no general election field staff in place.


Oh haven’t they heard? The plan is to have another insurrection. They don’t need a campaign.

GladiusB, avatar

This system sucks. Pandering to one state when they are 50 doesn’t help any citizen. I know it’s important and I will vote. But I can’t help but think it’s fuckin moronic.


Trump doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself. This should t be a surprise.


Trump would need to spend far too much money to win an election just to stay out of prison. Even then, it’s dicey. The smarter play would be to fleece the RNC and anyone else as much as possible, and then take his money to some ‘shit’ nation that will let him walk free for a price. Russia, are you listening? Melania want to go home.


He should not be allowed to leave US soil. Too many security vulnerabilities that our enemies would love to exploit. Once he’s gone; especially if to a non-friendly nation-state; it becomes near impossible to secure.

At least with him here he can be monitored and babysat by highly-trained security personnel.


I don’t know if that is even possible, given our laws, rights and so many sycophants.

AllNewTypeFace, avatar

There’s a lot of extremely wealthy people who effectively have infinite money and want to see the Republicans in power. Trump’s probably hoping that, after the rubes’ donations have been diverted to his legal funds, these shadowy plutocrats will quietly step in and ensure that the races that matter are amply funded.

FenrirIII, avatar

Look at the Truth Social IPO. They already are


You think that money is going to down ballot races instead of directly into Trump’s pocket,??? Lol


They don’t give a shit about down ballot. Down ballot doesn’t matter when you control all three branches of government, imprison or kill all your enemies, and replace the entire federal beauracracy with toadies.

They don’t care about consequences because they do not intend to suffer them.


Fear will keep the local systems in line.


My man, what do you think “down ballot” means?


What part of this do you not understand? They don’t care about down ballot races because they intend to install a dictatorship. You think Putin gives a shit how much funding down ballot candidates get? Fuck no. They just install whoever they want or have sham elections.


You: They will control the House, Senate, and Presidency.

Also You: They don’t care about voting in House and Senate races.

Somehow Also You: What don’t you understand about my previous statement?


Down ballot is where the gerrymandering and state supreme courts work together to kill democracy.


LOL the GOP is now a vehicle to pay off Trump’s legal woes.


Me (a serious reporter): Should I maybe write a story that points out weaknesses and flaws in the fascist candidate’s strategy so as to call attention to them and perhaps get them to fix those flaws? Yes, I think that would best serve everyone.


Making it clear that a fascist is weak also weakens them. They gain power on the appearance of strength. Pointing out that they don’t have any breaks this illusion.


I hope you’re right. I guess the laser focus on a swing state in the opening just struck me the wrong way. I understand and endorse blasting them for being underfunded/underprepared but the way it started read to me like “hey you are making a mistake, look at this!” and that grossed me out.


Honestly it’s good.

Trump is not going to stop embezzling from the campaign, and the more people point out the problems the more chance there is that the republicans start infighting, and donors drop out.

Witchfire, avatar

All the news networks have been hedging their bets on a fascist takeover. Many of them are also directly or indirectly owned by billionaires who would benefit from said takeover.


Why spend money when the plan is election fraud from the beginning?


They ran out of cash already? Good.


He is going to lose so bad it’s going to cause the greatest laughter this country has ever experienced.


I can only hope. I’m rather nervous about the election. Since his entire voter base in a cult. And the other side has their eyes on what’s going on in Gaza.


Me too, Biden has to fix shit in Israel real quick (doubt) or start actually telling Israel to fuck off to start reducing liberal dissidents.


I’ve been wondering why so many GOP reps are bailing early. Starting to lean towards internal polling shows them getting smoked.

Trump sucking up all the party funds for legal fees screws those down ticket races. Plus McCarthy is in the background working on revenge against MAGA candidates who forced him out. With Kevin having been the party fundraising champ.

Dumbass could still get an EC win. And the GOP is going to throw every way possible of cheating behind this election. But their chances aren’t looking as good as the news wants to suggest to keep some drama going this far out.


We said that in 2016 though. So.

Just saying. Don’t boo - vote.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

Boo and vote.


Give Trump the Boote [BOHT]!

👻 ➕ 🗳️ 🟰 ⛵

4grams, (edited ) avatar

while he will certainly lose the popular vote, he and the cult are busy setting the stage for Jan. 6th round 2. every trick to steal it will be tried and by how feckless our judicial system has been, I have very little hope of our institutions holding this time.

it’s got to be an epic, undeniable drubbing, else we’re all wearing red hats this time next year.

edit- in case anyone doubts it:…/rnc-2020-election-stolen-tru…


The problem is that about 30% of the country could be described as political zombies, because that’s roughly the proportion of people who support him unquestioningly. And don’t forget all the other rich assholes who are trying to help him, for no other reason than they want his tax break handouts.


Another 33% are clueless or indifferent morons who don’t even vote


So vote


All of us here know that. Gotta go to the booger eating festival and spread the word there for whatever idiots somehow still haven’t figured out wtf is going on.


Doot doot


Take a look, Republicans! You’re emulating your hero Russia, where the top officials steal everything! Isn’t it great!?!

ptz, avatar

They probably do think it’s great.

The only problem they see is that they’re not the ones on top of the pyramid. So instead of seeing / fixing the problem, they’re focused on grifting their way up there.


I guarantee those two idiots got eaten by COVID.

The circle of life and all that.


Trump wants all the money of the RNC to go to his legal bills. He doesn’t have time to worry about trifling things like “battleground states”.

Jaysyn, avatar

Trump's not retaking a fucking thing.

Trump's dying in Federal custody.

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