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Palmer Luckey's FPGA Game Boy clone lands just in time for the holidays | TechSpot (

Former Oculus designer and founder of ModRetro, Palmer Luckey, is set to release a new retro handheld gaming device later this year, aiming to compete with the Analogue Pocket. This comes as great news for tech enthusiasts, as it adds another option in the FPGA-based market....


He also has a company that does anti drone tech for the Department of Defense.


Yes. You understand how pricing works. The stores charge what the market will bear. That’s why games had been stuck at $60 since the 360/PS3 era.


Even needing 60% it’ll pass. Medical Marijuana passed 71-29 in 2016. We’ve had cbd stores and dispensaries on every other corner here in Tampa for the last five years and no one gives a shit. Floridians travel to Nevada, California, Colorado, and other states and see that’s its not a big deal.

I predict at least 70% vote for it. I’ll be floored if it gets less than 65%.


Valve doesn’t set the prices for any of the products you buy through their store. The game developers and publishers do.

The exception is valve developed games which are mostly free to play and make money on useless cosmetics. Most of their successful games are built on mods that are only possible because valve takes the very consumer friendly position of supporting and encouraging modding of their games.

Hell, they even allow and promote fan made remakes like Black Mesa and unofficial sequels.

If valve is a monopoly, it’s only because they’re the only corporation in the pc gaming space (OK maybe include gog too) that respects their customers. They’re not perfect but they’re orders of magnitude better than the competition.


Literally all pricing is set by the devs and publishers. The guy you’re responding to has no idea what he’s talking about. The Steam store terms of service are public and easily available to read through. I know, I’ve done it. The only pricing requirement they have is keys sold off store can’t be significantly discounted under the store price. That’s it.


Bullshit. Games on steam that hit sales thresholds pay less to steam and the prices remain the same. Games on EGS only pay 12% and prices haven’t dropped.

Reality does not comport with your argument at all.

I’ve been in product development and management for 10+ years. I know how pricing decisions are made. You’re very naive.


Again, you are very naive. What you’re describe is cost-up pricing which hasn’t been a generally used method of pricing goods and services for decades at this point. The reason is that doing cost-up pricing is a really good way to go out of business.

The way pricing works today is that sellers set pricing based on what they believe the customer is willing to pay. From there you work backwards accounting for retailer margin, cost of goods, transport, discounts, etc… To find your maximum cost per unit. If you can’t produce the product for less than the maximum cost, you either need to scale back your features, add a feature that would justify a higher sell price, or abandon the project.

Your notion that companies would lower prices if they had to give retailers a small cut is not borne out by theory or by observed real world outcomes.

You’re wrong. Doubling down won’t make you less wrong.


No, the problem steam was originally created to solve was distributing updates for pc games. Before steam getting updates meant visiting shitty dev websites or ad farms that also hosted update files and manually patching your game.

It was awful.

ashok36, (edited )

That’s a valid opinion. It’s not one I share but if you preferred that situation then that’s fine. I feel pretty confident saying you are in a pretty small minority though.

-edit I just realized what you said and if it’s true that you did most of your pc gaming before steam got popular, you may be out of your depth in this conversation. It’s been like 20 years. If you did most of your pc gaming more than 20 years ago, I don’t see how your opinion is informed at all.


I think I just have responded to the wrong comment. My bad.


We can argue all day over when steam “got popular”. For me, I’d consider the launch of HL2 to be the most reasonable point in time to choose.


I think we’re talking past each other. By ‘popular’ I do not mean ‘well liked’. Just that it was used by a lot of people. 2004, in my opinion, was when steam took off and the downloading updates from random websites phase of pc gaming died. There was a transition, to be sure, but the writing was on the wall. We just didn’t know it at the time.


The first thing I thought when I read the headline was, “No, they’re not trying to push Christianity. They’re not Christians!”


It’s OK. We’ll just hang a lampshade on it.


People acting like Picard ran a tight ship are just deluding themselves. If Picard ran his ship half as well as, say, a modern air craft carrier then there would be no show. It’d be boring.


Stargate and Battlestar Galactica are closer to reality in that sense. BSG in particular.

PowerColor uses NPUs to lower GPU power consumption and improve frame rates in games (

PowerColor has come up with an interesting use for neural processing units (NPUs) in modern CPUs. At Computex 2024, it displayed so-called “Edge AI” technology that pairs a graphics card with an NPU to lower power consumption in games....


Yeah, I’ve been using a Google coral to identify people, cars, animals, etc in my security camera feeds for years now.


Jones is on record that he has untreated sleep apnea. He’s also an alcoholic. The dude has full on brain damage. I’m guessing he’s dead by mid 60s from early onset alzheimers.


He was in rotc or went to a military school, didn’t he? I have to imagine they did at least some rifle training. It was the 60s. Then again i wouldn’t be surprised if Donald weaseled out of training to go do whatever rich kids do with their free time.


One strap on in his butt, one in his mouth, maybe one sucking his dick if he’s into that.


Merchan allowed it, yes, but the prosecutors never asked for jail for his contempt charges. Trump also received a warning at his hearing where he was found in contempt and afterwards did comply (technically).


If the story hadn’t been about to come out in late October 2016 and the Access Hollywood tape hadn’t just come out, there’s a decent chance he wouldn’t have paid her off.

As in most things in life, it’s all about timing and that was a big part of the prosecutions case for establishing motive.


I wouldn’t take that bet but we have to acknowledge that this is progress. If you’d told me a year ago trump would be convicted on 34 felonies before June I’d have laughed at you.

The arc of history is long but it does bend towards justice. We are witnessing that bend now after decades of frustration. Enjoy this win at least a little bit.


It was not the weakest case. It was actually one of the strongest, with tons of corroborating evidence.

If anything, I think the weakest case right now is the insurrection one. Fulton county is the next strongest, then the hush money case just finished, then the classified docs case.

It’s a bit nitpicky though. He’s super obviously guilty in all of them just based on publicly available info. Maybe the defense in each case has a bullet proof strategy we don’t know about but… I doubt it.


By weakest, we are talking about which one has the best chance of beating a guilty verdict. Trump did a bunch of fucked up shit on Jan 6 and in the weeks beforehand but I think a good lawyer could at least get him a hung jury. At least with the publicly available evidence right now.

The problem for Trump is that, like in New York, he will want to interfere in his defense and end up making things way worse for himself.

ashok36, (edited )

She pled out in a RICO case. It’s standard for the first ones to flip to get sweetheart deals. Powell and Chesebro also got off easy. It’s to incentivize small fish to flip early on the big fish to bolster the case.

Does it satisfy our collective justice boners? No. This is pretty SOP though.


If you’re mad at Biden, why would you vote for someone that promises to be worse?

There’s no sense to it. The only message you will be sending is that you approve of even greater atrocities.

Also, in case you’re completely blind, Netanyahu wants Trump back in office. He’s going to do everything he can to stay in power and convincing rubes to vote for Trump because “genocidin Biden” is part of his strategy.


Yes, bibi would bomb even harder. Bibi would kill every last Palestinian if he could. Yes, Trump would give even more bombs, and tanks, and aircraft, and whatever else Israel asked for. Bibi would literally have carte Blanche with Trump in the white house. If that’s what you, along with at least two more supreme court appointments, mass deportation, an end to birthright citizenship, and oh by the way, the effective end of elections in this country then go ahead and vote against Biden. Maybe you’ll be second or third against the wall if you’re lucky.


Criticism of Biden is fine. Floating the idea of voting for anyone but Biden is fucking mental. This is as binary a choice as you will ever have when it comes to presidents.


Just repeat the mantra “three supreme court justices” over and over. Even if nothing else, the next president will almost certainly shape the court for decades to come. Alito, Sotomayor, and Thomas will all almost certainly retire or die in the next four years.


How could have Biden stopped it on day one? Really. Tell us.


If trump internal polling showed the same lead, there’s no way he would show up to try to eat away a slice of the libertarians puny 2-3% of the vote.

I think the numbers look way worse for Trump than national pollsters show and I think their polling indicates Trump loses in a landslide if he’s convicted in any of his cases.


Slight correction: the insurrection case is held up by the Supreme Court sitting on their hands. The classified document case is held up by Cannon.


No, the insurrection trial is held up by the scotus. It always would have been, with or without Cannon.


Cannon isn’t in charge of the insurrection challenge.


Five or six years ago I would have said this is hyperbole. I was registered republican then. At this point though, if you’re still a republican you are a traitor to this country. I just hope there’s enough dumbass es like me who saw what happened in 2020 and woke up.


It’s pretty much sterile if you have a catheter. That’s why the joke in Dodge ball about Patches drinking his own piss works so well. He’s a cripple, so he has a catheter, so “it’s sterile and I like the taste!”.


A six hour game that costs $50 and it’s on gamepass isn’t selling well? No shit.


So a guy that claims to have been working as Cohens lawyer took the stand. If he was Cohens lawyer though, wouldn’t attorney client privilege have prevented him from testifying about anything?

So the mere fact of his presence proves him to be a liar, right? What am I missing?


Sure, I understand that, but I can’t think of any way their relationship, especially what was testified to, would be covered by that.


This is a perfect example of perfection being the enemy of good.

Allowing, even encouraging, employees to work from home in order to temporarily care for a sick child is a good thing. The complainers must work somewhere that when you take off from work, someone else just comes along and does all your work for you. Needless to say, that’s a rarity and also sucks for your coworkers.


The last time trump showed up to a debate he was hopped up on steroids and proceeded to have a near meltdown on national TV. There’s a very good argument to be made that that performance was a not insignificant part of why Trump lost in 2020.

I for one cannot wait for Biden to goad him into an apoplexy of rage onstage with, hopefully, intervention by secret service. All Biden has to do is suggest trump isn’t very smart and hell spend the rest of the time fuming and making himself look like a moron.


At this rate, he’ll be convicted before the end of the month.


According to reports I’ve seen recently, Trump has no defense witnesses. If that’s true, all that’s left is closing statements and jury instructions. There be more motions, sure, but merchan doesn’t seem likely to be generous with delays at this point.


Steroids is the typical treatment for mild to moderate covid symptoms. Trump tested positive for covid three days before the debate. The fucker was feeling run down so he loaded up on steroids which made him more bonkers than usual and proceeded to spew covid all over everyone in Cleveland.


Software development is so fucking weird. If one bad (or even just mediocre!) product can ruin an entire company… The problems are way deeper than that one bad product.

Macklemore Attacks Joe Biden On Pro-Palestine Song "Hind's Hall" (

He hasn’t released on streaming yet or YouTube only insta and Twitter. Once it’s up on streaming he said all proceeds will go to The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)....


If trump wins, there will be no more Palestinians. Not in the Gaza strip at least. Israel will be free to take over all disputed territories and they will. Bibi is doing everything he can to make sure trump wins.

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