
That’s like saying you’re “concerned” water is wet or the sun will rise tomorrow…it’s a certainly this scum won’t leave, even if he loses again I bet he still tries to take it by force.


I just can’t think of any reason anyone would think that. I mean sure he said he wants to be dictator and he acts like he already thinks he’s dictator, oh and that coup thingy… nevermind I see why.


Isn’t a bigger problem his base and supporters? They’re the ones giving him this power. Yes, we definitely want to make sure trump loses, but his supporters aren’t going anywhere. They’ll just support the next trump like person, who could be even worse.


I remember thinking George Bush is the absolute worst.

CharlesDarwin, avatar

Seriously, if that’s the only reason they’d vote for Biden instead? W. T. A. F.

Still, if that makes him lose, okay then. But imagine being able to see his threat to democracy, but still feel that there is nothing else about Ronald McDonald that is problematic?


I don’t agree with it but I can understand it somewhat. Some voters don’t care about (or hate) the people currently being directly threatened, and only want to see a major economic collapse. A Republican Party dictatorship could drag on for decades and deny them that quick decisive ending.

Accelerationists aren’t just a problem for the left. Crazies all over think they just need a little chaos to get their chance.

CharlesDarwin, avatar

Most (leftist) accelerationists I’ve seen are either people that are just trolling, elitist tools that are going to be able to flee the country and set up camp in the Riviera or the like, don’t actually live in this country, or just armchair revolutionaries completely ignorant of history (1). Almost no one comes out on top - eventually the revolution calls for your blood, too. To paraphrase Tyson, all these revolutionaries have a plan until they and/or their families are up against the wall and get a bullet in their head.

Actually most of the rightwing accelerationists I can think of meet the description in the first paragraph, come to think of it.

(1) I seem to recall someone (Lenin?) calling this last type eggheads because they were typically fodder when it came to violence. I suspect none of the accelerationist theorists will be on the frontlines; all of them can go fuck themselves. Just because they seem to have personal problems they want to make an entire nation, possibly the world, suffer. It’s just so childish.


Might not be the only reason, but it’s one of the reasons, and perhaps the most critical.

Of the reasons, this general idea is the most existential threat to our democracy. Everything else, in theory, could be undone in a subsequent election/term. The supreme court appointments are the second most dire, as those can stand for who knows how long.

CharlesDarwin, avatar

Oh, I agree it’s very important and perhaps the critical difference between the Republican and Democratic Party, however, I just find it baffling that there are voters that recognize Ronald McDonald is flawed enough to end this country but then being kinda cagey about it. Like they are still okay with his party’s terrible platform, but they just still want free and fair elections later…

And yes, the Supreme Court is a major reason to come out to vote even for those that believe that the Democratic Party is not filled with unicorns and perfect rainbows, or that , or that Ronald McDonald and his merry band of white supremacist fascist maximalist accelerationists won’t dismantle this country and plunge us into civil war and/or tyranny and genocide all because they have utterly insane ideas about how this country should work. Even if the worst weren’t to happen, Spanky is likely going to be able to name new justices.


Have you ever canvassed for a politician before and talked about these issues with random voters, because I have, and people are fucking weird. People who will vote straight ticket Republican except for President and then they always vote democrat. I met a woman who felt abortion should be legal except for rape or incest because it would be “destroying evidence of a crime”.

Don’t ever expect reason on sociological scales.


Hidden? That’s literally the main argument when anyone surfaces a complaint about Biden. It’s always some variation of, “If we let Trump into the White House again our democracy is over.”

The hangup isn’t awareness, it’s acceptance. People aren’t questioning that he’d try to be dictator for life, they doubt his ability to succeed. Once you’ve seen someone try something and fail it’s reasonable to think they’re just too incompetent to succeed.

Whenever I see people ask for support for the claim they’re typically met with a hail of downvotes and name calling. That may feel righteous but it does absolutely nothing to recruit that person. Instead they’ll walk away with even stronger convictions.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Let me give you a small-text infographic about all the things Biden’s done so I can shame you into voting for him.

Please don’t actually read the list, though.


Yes, we have two absolutely shitty choices for president. So why not focus on your senate and congressional choices. Or even look at your gubernatorial elections and local senators and aldermen. A lot of those determine how the parties get to interact with the federal choices. You want better choices? Get involved.

suction, (edited )

Why would anyone take that chance? Doesn’t sound like you truly understand the stakes

Suavevillain, avatar

Well he has gone on record saying he should be a three term President many times. You don’t have to really speculate, plus the judges are in his corner as well. I wouldn’t put it past him, he doesn’t care about rules or decorum.

Wrrzag, avatar

Dude, he’s old, obese and doesn’t take care of himself. If he wins he might not even end his term before his heart gives out.


So my grandpa is almost blind and his hands are shaky… the chances of him hitting my with that gun he is waving around are slim to none… so I guess it’s just fine to help him load the gun and make sure he has access to it whenever he wants… right?

menemen, (edited ) avatar

He is borderline senile and doesn’t live the healthiest lifestyle. He might damage the system beyond repair, but I doubt he’ll stay around for much more than one legislature.

Edit: Before getting angry and comment, do realize I wrote “he might damage the system beyond repair”…


He might damage the system beyond repair,

If that was the case, I’d say bring on Trump - but, somehow, I don’t think that’s going to be reality.


He’ll damage the system, but not in a way that will make easier to overthrow. It might be better to say he will exacerbate the system.


They’ve already done a large portion of it. The damage is done with the judges they’ve installed not only in the scotus, but around the country.

They now have the power to legislate via the courts. They just file lawsuits in favorable locations (5th circuit) and worst case scenario it gets to the rubber stamp that is scotus so they can pontificate about how some 2nd century pig farmer proposed a law that should actually be taken as official because AmErIcAn HeRiTaGe or something.

exanime, (edited )

So my grandpa is almost blind and his hands are shaky… the chances of him hitting me with that gun he is waving around are slim to none… so I guess it’s just fine to help him load the gun and make sure he has access to it whenever he wants… right?

menemen, avatar

What does that have to do with my comment?

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

I guess it’s just fine to help him load the gun

I would simply vote for him not to have the gun

CharlesDarwin, avatar

His dipshit supporters might be just fine with handing it off to one of his failsons. Or handing it off to the likes of Bannon and friends.

I mean, once the system is ruined, anything can happen. Just because he dies in office after instituting fascism, doesn’t mean we’d revert to normalcy.


He’s lined his kids up behind him to take the reins. We’ve already got Lara Trump as co-char of the RNC. It’s a takeover. From the party to the judiciary to even local level politics.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

He might damage the system beyond repair

A guy like Trump doesn’t break the system, he simply exploits the oversized flaws people choose to ignore.

One of the jokes in Trump claiming “I could assassinate a political rival of I felt like it” is the recognition that he’s absolutely correct. He could have rivals arrested. He could have rivals shot. He could have whole neighborhoods bombed.

We do this overseas all the time. We just call it “regime change” and insist we did it as a favor for a population that will greet us as liberators.

The only difference between Bush sending in the marines to snatch Saddam and Trump sending in the marines to snatch Ted Cruz is which bunker they’d be hiding in.



The United States Government is putting unprecedented money into science that may allow people to live potentially forever! AS A HEAD IN A JAR! What impact will this have on…”

Year 1 of Trump Presidency, probably.



Don’t you fuxin do that to my dearly beloved show


Man, I’m sorry. Go watch the Episode “Jurassic Bark”, it’ll make you feel better.


Dang man you woke up and chose violence


Luckily his age helps us.


I’d argue it’s even worse if he dies while dictator.


While he specifically is problematic, more damaging would be if he proves that the American people will sign up for a guy who refuses to accept losing and tries to underminine election results and who inspires and endorses folks who openly declared they wanted to control elections to force their party to win.

That green lights a possible destruction of democracy.

He must lose to show everyone that rejecting and manipulating elections is completely unacceptable.


The diabetes will kill him I’m the nearest 6 months, so its technically true.


Once democracy is dead, his death won’t take us back to what we have today — we’ll end up with one of his kids or buddies running the show, and that can be even worse.


Got news for ya. Democracy he’s been dead for a while now.


Democracy is a spectrum, it’s true that it’s getting less democratic, and the US is certainly less democratic than most of Europe, but it’s still technically a democracy.



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  • silence7,

    The rich have longer lifespans than the poor due to better access to medical care. I’m not going to count on it, especially when once you end democracy, you thend end up with the kids or friends of the dictator taking over after he dies, rather than a return to democracy.


    They fucking should be


    Wait why aren’t there any hexbearians or MLs here?

    irreticent, avatar

    I think a lot of the bigger instances defederated with hexbear. Not sure where the .mls are


    Hidden? Uhhh nope

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