
I’ll believe it after it’s happened and has overcome the Supreme Court when the inevitable lawsuits sweep in.


Ah, the old ‘carrot on a stick’ method. That’ll win voters for sure!


They won’t do shit. Fuck the democrats.

But I’ll vote for them over the literal fascists (Trump). Watch your fucking back in 2028, though.

Snapz, (edited )

You can’t say it with all that umpfh if you’re actually paying attention. It’s more accurately, “they’ll do more than I expected, but they won’t do enough, even with the clear mandate to do so”.

You’re either not paying attention or taking a lot of progress for granted when making the initial statement.

You’re second half of the statement is correct though, we vote as adults to hopefully salvage democracy enough to be able to retain the use of it to challenge and push a functioning, rational person to actual progressive outcomes. Biden administration in a second term, with no professional work (or likely that much life) ahead of him, has the potential (talking potential) to do some amazing, “fuck it” things in pure pursuit of a lasting legacy with generations to come - Expanding the Supreme Court, Actual debt reform, Medicare for all, full legalization, “ma bell” style monopoly breakup of a giant tech conglomerate or several. Who knows where he could be encouraged to go with a nothing left to lose term and a strong vocal, public in the streets pushing him with protest and threatening his last chance to seal his legacy as a “president on money” sort of POTUS. Coin flip on if any actually meaningful change, but the great news is that if the coin lands on tails, we’re not living the Handmaid’s Tale first hand.


It’s very unlikely they’ll control the Senate. I don’t even think they’ll control the presidency.


I mean, they also could have done that this year, or 3 years ago, if they’d had control of Washington. You can actually change any laws you want when you control the lawmaking bodies.

Communist, avatar

I’ll eat my shoe if they do anything of real note

it’ll be better than not doing anything but not much

someguy3, (edited )

Excellent! I like this idea so much. To show my support I will not vote! (/s)


So vote


You can do more than that:

  • Check your registration. Do it now. Do it few more times between now and November.
  • Volunteer. There is nothing quite like talking to people.
  • Donate. Campaigns run on money, and Trump has been raising more than Biden.

It’s also worth paying attention to races further down the ballot; There are lists of close house and close senate races as well as a ton of competitive seats in state legislatures.


I realize I’m immature but I can’t help but laugh at the table heading of ‘Solid D’.

Looking at the house races is kinda crazy, I didn’t realize things were going to be so close there this election.


Absolutely. It’s already written and accepted by the Department of Treasury and the IRS.


I don’t know about the first link, but from headlines you are talking about adelson, federalist society, koch and uline… You’re representing as “they’ve already started” but along with the mercers, these are the oligarchs that have been finding trump’s entire political career and a long history of bullshit prior to him as well.

There is no “started” here. Same cabal working to dismantle democracy for decades.


while it should have been a walk in the park, that "if" is starting to seem extremely tenuous at the moment


Vote vote vote!


well, that would be illegal, but i will vote once on every open issue and every candidate put before me, as I always do

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