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I realize I’m immature but I can’t help but laugh at the table heading of ‘Solid D’.

Looking at the house races is kinda crazy, I didn’t realize things were going to be so close there this election.


Anything reaching those kind of numbers is probably a music video or some sort of nursery rhyme set to music. Youtube is mostly a music service.

Beyond that, there’s a grammarly ad that hit over 500 million views, wonder how much they spent on that and a lot of random memes. It’s real difficult to find the most viewed real non-music, non-kids, non-ad video. Probably still Charlie Bit my Finger (again). Except Mr Beast, not many others regularly topping 100M.


I know I’m likely alone, but I’m actually kind of bummed on this change.

The old fluid system is janky and unpredictable and I have other complaints, but the way things flowed was sometimes part of the fun. I’ll kind of miss the puzzles of ‘Why are my flamethrowers not working again?’


But yes, what kind of unit is this?

How lifelong friendships are made.


So, I have a pretty alright VPN provider, but I’ve been looking for a self-hosted solution to allow me to say “Hey, if you’re trying to hit, go through this VPN tunnel instead” but still run everything else straight through. Lots of options exist, I have one that would be perfect that we utilize at my company, but I haven’t found a good solution that doesn’t utilize enterprise level pricing.

Anyone got any tips on that front?


If you get downvoted once, everyone else has to downvote you too before they read your comment, it’s the rule of lemmy.

BarbecueCowboy, (edited )

Yeah, I’ve seen that one, but I’m looking for something at the router level or something I can run on linux and just have everything run through. I have CLI-based options that are super janky… I’m probably just being too picky.


I know it’s doable in general because I’ve done it in an enterprise environment, just seems to be a real pain in the ass at the consumer level which is not surprising, it’s a weird use case.

Where I work we have a system that kind of combines a proxy and a solution that approximates the same functionality as a VPN, and it’s all in one cohesive package. I know my first stop will have to be some sort of proxy, but my ideal is basically just a friendlier UI to manage it and for whatever proxy or proxy-like solution to include tunneling options out of the box.

It’s a complicated ask, but I feel like it’s becoming more useful. Supposedly, Squid can do it with a few extra pieces and that might end up being the solution.


See, you read what I actually asked for, thanks my friend.


I’m not saying it’s completely okay, but I do think that’s one of those lies that is kinda almost expected now.

I might tease a bit, but no matter what age a girl tells me she is, I’m going to go with it. I’m not really expecting the real number there and that’s totally fine for me at least.


More importantly, Kenshi with a color palette.


You’re not wrong, but I feel that level of support for one of their releases would be a bit out of character for Bethesda (Without the long-term monetization present in games like Fallout 76). Especially so with the trend of Bethesda’s comments indicating that the consumers are the ones who are wrong for not liking some of the more problematic game design decisions.


Looking at demographics, predominately is almost an understatement for the Islamic population, looks like maybe up to 96%? I’m treading carefully on my wording here because I know anything along these lines is always sensitive, but it sounds like they’d be inclined to be supportive of Islamic standards, I just kind of wonder where this ban comes from?


Last I heard about this drug, it was focused on people who were missing teeth from birth / due to congenital defects, may work still but not yet applicable to regrowing teeth unfortunately.


A lot of the problems are already solved by probate/estate/etc.

Like, if you had property at a bank, you’d need a death certificate which you’ll have requested tons of if someone you loved died… along with potentially some sort of proof that you were the rightful heir (Worst case, you’d establish this through probate, likely going to end up being a simple document). This would be more overhead for steam, but usually not complicated documents once everything is settled. As for splitting up the account, your steam account would probably be classified as a singular item and any attempts to break it up in a will would likely just end up being void.


Pay closer attention to purchasing items on steam, they purposefully avoid using words like ‘own’ or even ‘buy’. You ‘Add to Cart’ and ‘Purchase’ and when you buy something, it says: “Any digital items in this order are now registered to your account on Steam. To access your items, simply visit your library in Steam whenever you’re ready.” I felt like I owned it when I paid money for it and that’s kind of the trick, but reading the wording definitely changes things.

On Steam’s end, it was already decided long ago. I’d say a lot of it is contractual and Steam likely couldn’t change it if they wanted to, but then they were also involved in drawing up the contracts.


2010 is calling.

Even with it settling down a bit, Covid is still very much outpacing H1N1, it’s still going to be the virus of the season.


A lot is kind of an understatement:

“In 2022, 81% of Mozilla’s revenues were derived from Google”….

With that level of support, I don’t think an ultimatum would be required.


I don’t know why, but I’ve never had a worse hangover than after having a few of those. Taste is alright, but do not recommend.


I know someone will say it’s for standardization and/or cost savings, but I love how it’s always the jankiest setup.

Go drill a hole for a camera mount to it’s head and glue a PTZ setup to it’s back for the gun. It’s like they just asked the security camera guy if he had any extra parts in their equipment closet and just ran with it.


Sudan isn’t popular because it’s difficult to tie either side of the conflict to a specific political party. No one gets too many political points for speaking for/against.


Yeah, but gas prices are currently considered reasonable and tying those to politics is also a bit unfavorable now since everyone blamed the president when they were extra high but then it actually went back down and then no one knew what to do.


I do really wonder if the dome is still hiding inside there. It looks like it might be big enough and that sounds like it would be the easy solution.


Here’s your source my friend. Sorry, original post only showed up on twitter:

Original Post:

Does have a few other socials though:


We all did, so much so that there was a petition to make it happen:…/pornhub-com-make-an-actual-porn-of-t…

400 signatures before it ended.


In terms of sheer military might, the size of Israel’s military is very substantial compared to the listed countries. Other countries would likely come to their defense if it happened, but if it came to a fight between Israel and just Norway/Ireland/Spain, it would be very hard to call Israel a small dog. Spain might be a bit of a challenge but Norway and Ireland would likely barely even register.

Obviously, all those countries have friends and are probably pretty safe because of that, but also not entirely idle threats.

BarbecueCowboy, (edited )

Not wrong from a historical perspective, but Norway would be outnumbered around 10:1 in manpower in modern times. Kind of hard to measure the… ‘level of military technology’, but Israel keeps it up to date and Norway hasn’t had to make that a real priority beyond posturing for awhile. Obviously not the likeliest scenario, but if everyone else stayed out of the way and they could figure out how to fight each other, that’s a really hard fight for Norway.

BarbecueCowboy, (edited )

It is definitely an unlikely hypothetical due to both sides having allies/etc and yeah, the logistics. It would kind of be like Russia declaring war on something like… Paraguay. The problems with logistics are mostly the same on both sides though, it’s just a matter of figuring out how they would fight. From there, and yes, there’s a lot to think about to get to that point… but, if they were determined to fight and everyone else was determined not to intervene, Israel has a pretty clear advantage in terms of military might whichever metrics you look at.

The real interesting piece is the Spanish Navy… as in Spain does have a legitimately impressive navy and even though it’s a long cruise, they could probably get to Israel with it whereas Israel does have a navy, but to my knowledge, the only area where they really excel there is with submarines. Israel would be completely outmatched in the Mediterranean if they could figure out how to fight in it.


Efficiency is a thing and Norway might have an advantage there, but for example… the Skjold, there’s 6 of them in existence and the complement for them is listed as 15 people.

The Norwegian Navy as a whole is 25 boats of various sizes, Israel is not a lot better with 67 and skews towards smaller boats and neither side is equipped to fight anywhere they both could reach. The entire Norwegian Navy is about 4,000 personnel compared to 9,500 for the Israeli Navy. It would be the weirdest Naval battle with two sides that have no business at all having a naval battle, but if they were determined to fight and could figure out where, the advantage is on Israel.


I guess it is relative, but that should be over 2000 miles, it’s hard to call that short. I don’t know the exact speeds of the Spanish Navy, but assuming perfect conditions and let’s give them 25 knots, that’s still going to run you ~4 days at top speed for the big ships.

I can’t think of a better method for Spain, but it’s a long enough voyage that no one’s going to surprise anyone.


I mean, no one said they were? What did you think we were talking about in like at least half the comment you’re replying to. I mentioned that other countries would step in several times, what did you think that meant? Like, are you just restating my comment for me? I don’t get it.

Really, the only scenario where this is more than interesting world building is kind of what you mentioned though. I.e., if NATO falls apart and the US also fucks up relations with Israel leading to them ending up on Russia’s side with others in some kind of World War 3 situation.


Oh man, you all are still thinking these guys have a navy at the same level as some of the top 10, none of the countries here are big enough to worry about a real aircraft carrier. Spain kind of has a singular one with a flight deck that can hold a few harriers, but they classify it as an amphibious assault ship or use it for helicopters. It’s definitely the big ship to worry about in the fleet and Spain has a pretty significant complement of larger ships, but we’re talking frigates, this is not that kind of Navy.

Beyond some big ships from Spain, think mostly patrol boats and a few submarines.


I mean yeah, that is exactly what I said in the initial comment at least twice, and then again.

I don’t understand how we’re somehow arguing and saying the same thing.


I’ve mentioned at least a few times that this theoretical would require both sides being dedicated to the conflict and no outside interference, with that I don’t see how that matters as both sides would have that problem to overcome.

Also, Ukraine does have a Navy. When you compare the actual ships to the Russian Navy or even just the Black Sea Fleet, it is almost a rounding error, but they still have a few dozen small ships floating around out there. The Ukrainian Navy still had 15,000 personnel as of 2022, but I’d guess that things likely have not been going great for them lately, not sure where that’s at now. I haven’t heard of any successful engagements using the few boats left, but they are very outclassed and I’d imagine outnumbered. Does exist though, several naval bases, and they are still fighting.

BarbecueCowboy, (edited )

You either misread a little bit or whatever you were reading wasn’t planning on getting those harriers off the deck. I’m not sure you could physically fit 36 harriers on the deck even if you didn’t have to worry about flying them off/on.

It can hold a few dozen helicopters, but the space required for helicopters is not interchangeable with the space required for harriers. The aircraft numbers you probably saw is assuming you take up the whole flight deck, no space to take off and land at all, and that is assuming the helicopters are small. You can find details pretty easily online, but just do an image search, it will make it pretty obvious that you are not fitting that many harriers on that boat. They’d have to hang them off the sides.

This still is probably the ship to watch out for, but comparing it to a real aircraft carrier is rough. Also, if you count this as an aircraft carrier, there’s 11 countries, maybe more depending on how you look at it. Australia has two of these that are the same class but they built and classify them exclusively as helicopter docks and don’t have anything else classified as a carrier.


It could just be me, but I feel like it’s one of those shows that is still good every single rewatch.


I’d hope so and square enix has been… improving, but their track record of ports even working properly on an average windows PC is not super great. I’m still hoping I’m wrong, but betting against it launching in verified status and kinda 50/50 on it working at all on my steam deck.


I feel like they’re going to try their best to do it in a profoundly stupid way, but I think games can be one of the places where AI really works.

AI as a means for building out conversations with NPCs and strengthening other world building makes a lot of sense, but like here… They’re talking about using it to guide players away from one of the key things that make Minecraft a compelling game. Asking AI ‘How do I make a sword’ is not as compelling as figuring it out yourself with the context you have available… The beauty of Minecraft is that you can figure out the basics on your own and can extrapolate to… maybe not everything, but most things from figuring out those basic concepts.


I don’t know that we’re bitching per se, just kind of a weird choice. It’s like they went to Popeye’s and tried to order a salad, it’s just like yeah, the ingredients are technically there, but why?

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