
Even Buster made it in!


But not Jessi :(



/s… I liked Jessi. They were missing the mechanic dynamic after she left the show.

meep_launcher, (edited )

She also died trying to break the land speed record. And she succeeded. At 522mph in a jet powered car, the front wheel failed and she went up in a fiery crash on the Alvord Desert in Oregon.

At the risk of romanticizing her death, it does feel poetic that her last act was to push the limits of woman, machine, and physics.

She was passionate about science to the end. I’d say godspeed, but even god had trouble keeping up.


Oh dang. I hadn’t heard she had died. :(


Less competency porn and more strapping a warp core to a photon torpedo in an attempt to make a black hole 😂 I’d still binge it

negativenull, avatar

It would be Shaxs’s favorite thing ever


This is why Vulcans learn how to say fuck.

ininewcrow, avatar

Which is why there is no longer a starship Enterprise or Myth Busters in space… the craft and crew were lost during an episode to bust the myth whether or not they could time travel by sling-shooting around the sun.

They went to the sun at maximum speed and were never heard from again.


Adam savage is on YouTube with his channel Tested

ininewcrow, avatar

He’s a copy from an episode they did on transport buffers

teft, avatar

Tori should be a red shirt.


Oh absolutely, his Wikipedia page is a trip if you’ve never read it. For instance we have this lovely excerpt near the top of the page:

At an early age, his father showed him how to make a Molotov cocktail. Later, he accidentally set part of his house on fire with a homemade flamethrower. When he was 19, he was nearly arrested for setting off a homemade pipe bomb near his parents’ home in Seaside, California.


… Is it bad that all of that sounds so absolutely normal to me?

Small southern coal mining town. Homemade flamethrowers and explosives were right up there with throwing empty beer bottles down at the railroad tracks for killing time.

I don’t know how none of us died. I think the worst was the rampant teen pregnancy, and one dude losing eyesight in one eye after getting shot in the face with a paintball gun. And one kid getting his hand caught in a stone crusher in the Masonry class.


I mean you said it yourself, if you’re surprised that nobody died, it’s certified red shirt status 😉


You can’t redshirt Grant that’s pretty fucked up


Too soon.


Holy shit, its 4 years already… feels like last week.


“Let’s see how the Enterprise-B team is doing…”

teft, avatar
Stamets, avatar

Is… is that an Epic Rap Battles reference in the title?

DacoTaco, avatar

Am i out of the loop or are you trolling me stamets

Stamets, avatar


DacoTaco, avatar

I think its a reference to the mythbusters quote “i reject your reality and substitute my own”, but idk if epic rap battle did anything with it

negativenull, avatar

Source of title (about 23 seconds in):

Stamets, avatar

Huh, I dunno how I never saw that. I guess that’s what the line in the Mythbusters ERB is referencing. - At about 1 minute and 30 seconds in they use that line

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