
This is a pretty old story iirc


This isn’t uplifting. It is sad that priorities had her born in jail.




“late state capitalism disguised as uplifting news”


Why? It doesn’t say why her mother was in prison for, so it could be justified.


You just argued that it’s good for children to be born in cages.


No - what I’ve argued is that it does not unjustify the mother’s imprisonment. I don’t think it really matters if a child was born in prison or not, as long as the sanitary and medical conditions were proper (that is - in the prison’s infirmary and not into the cell’s toilet). Growing up in prison is a different matter, which no child should be subjected to, but here it says her father took her and raised her outside.


She wants you to be sad, is all about prejudice. She even uses it on herself as her introduction. IMHO I would had done my best to keep that fact hidden had it happened to me (still, how would I know what it feels). She exploits that fact. Good for her, but it’s not sad.


Good take. I’d also keep that a secret for life.


Hey no one look at the corruption of the legacy admissions. Everyone get distracted with the shiny object.

Fuck Harvard

Taxpayer funded playground for rich kids to “network” encouraging a good ole boys system

bizzle, avatar

I’m not trying to make it sound like I’m NOT saying fuck Harvard, but I just looked at their financials for '23 and they’re actually not taxpayer funded, except for research funding.


They are a non-profit which means they aren’t paying taxes. There is zero practical difference between the government giving you money and the government not taxing you. Either way you get more and the state gets less. And that is just Harvard by itself, that doesn’t include all the tax breaks people get for donating to them so their spoiled brat can get a spot. Basically the taxpayer is subsidizing bribes.

This of course ignores that they openly defied the government when they were asked to clear the whole AA mess up. All it would have taken was them to just show their entrance criteria and put the issue to rest.


I cannot fathom that universities no longer can consider color/race/ethnic - but they can totally let rich alumni’s kids in no prob.

fuck all legacy bullshit.


I am sure they will find a way to still discriminate against Asians. It is kinda cool that Harvard considers you Asian if you have partial Asian ancestry. 21st century one drop rule.


I guarantee you that this is next on the chopping block, but it won’t be caused by conservatives.


I don’t know, Harvard is kind of the epitome of the ‘liberal elite’…


A place like Harvard is ultra conservative. Remember that Harvard donors are trying to out activists so that they can be blacklisted for life. Because you can’t support Palestine and study at Harvard.


Partially true. I know a non-legacy, non-rich, Asian person that went there. Of course, he was incredibly smart and involved in many extra-circular activities in high school.


Only good thing about Harvard is David Malan, the fucken GOAT


Good for her, but it’s not like she spent her childhood in jail. Useless article in my opinion, without any details. Maybe she had a perfect childhood.


Top 10 dystopian American wholesome moments

Sir_Kevin, avatar

What’s the story with mom? I’m curious as to why babies are being born in jail to begin with.


Probably a twin situation. Sometimes one twin will strangle the other to death in the womb. In Texas this is punishable by jail as soon as you are born.

Obi, avatar

You’re kidding right.


it’s 2024, do you really know?

Carighan, avatar

It says a lot about modern republican shit that it’s not trivial to tell.



  • Woman commits crime.
  • Babby is formed.
  • Woman is convicted of crime, is pregnante. Goes to jail/prison.
  • gregrant women has baby during sentence duration.

it’s texas. She was likely pregante.

Sir_Kevin, avatar

They couldn’t bring her to a hospital for the delivery? Maybe postpone her sentence for the sake of the child. Do anything humane?

I could see maybe if she was a murderer and a flight risk but it’s also possible she’s doing time for something stupid like being black on a Friday. Which is why I ask, what’s the story with mom?

Carighan, avatar

Even in medieval times you could plead the belly to avoid being incarcerated.


I really doubt her mother was black

M137, avatar


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  • afraid_of_zombies,

    Given that fetus are now children, because of skydaddy, she should be able to go after the workers of the jail for kidnapping her.

    Cheems, avatar

    It’s amazing the adversity she’s over come in her life and still being able to come out on top. That’s an incredibly inspiring story, that even though you’re born in a backwards ass state like Texas, you can still go on to do great things.


    You left out the part about her being white, which is a huge privilege.


    I’m pretty sure the comment was a jab at Texas.


    She is SO cute! 🥰

    ivanafterall, avatar

    It's a strong argument for all children being born in jail.


    I was wondering what she did as a fetus to warrant being jailed.

    ivanafterall, avatar

    She was female in Texas?


    As an embryo you mean?


    This guy hates Freakonomics ;p


    If you are talking about the abortion crime thing it was disproven twice

    Carighan, avatar

    Nah, Freakonomics is a book that makes a good argument for needing to obtain a permit to be allowed to publish a book. 😅


    Hahahaha the meta in your comment is fantastic.


    Harvard earns enough off trust interest they’d never have to charge another student tuition and room/board if they didn’t want to.

    They could just take all the smartest kids like this regardless of where they come from.

    It’s why having the most important part of our education system be for profit has never made sense. Just because you’re wealthy or your Daddy went there doesn’t mean you should get to take up a spot at one of the best schools on the planet.

    sab, avatar

    It makes perfect sense the second one stops believing in the lie that America is a meritocratic society.


    Obviously, but I’m saying the only reason it’s like that, is the people calling the shots are the ones saying it has to stay that way.

    If K-12 isn’t enough of an education, we need to extend what counts as public education. Whether that means college or trade schools.

    Post secondary education is an investment in our country, not just a way to squeeze money out of 18 year old kids.

    sab, avatar

    You are completely right, and I think everyone in power realizes that. They also realize that they can buy a spot for their kids in a good university, but there is no way in hell their kids would make it to the top any other way. So they have no interest in changing it.

    Changing the way universities work in the US would require a freaking revolution. It's not about giving opportunities to those from worse-off backgrounds; it's about taking away opportunities from the rich and tearing down structures of inherited power. So naturally the resistance to doing so is going to be immense, and whoever sets out to do it need to know what they're up against.

    Probably why the republicans are so angry about forgiving student loan debts.


    All Republicans are the problem, but not everyone with a D by their name is your friend either homie.

    Even when Dems control everything we can’t get basic shit like this passed.

    sab, avatar

    For sure. There's a lot of talk about forgiving student loans, but there's a reason why they are more quiet about fixing the broken system.


    I agree there should be free options. State schools, community colleges, trade schools.

    However, I’d like to see some level of required service post graduation. Doesn’t have to be military. Some type of humanities service, eg: Peace Corps, Habitat for Humanity.


    Who ever claimed that it was?


    The man in the fancy suit on television.

    snooggums, avatar

    Everyone who repeats the myth about self made men pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.


    Harvard earns enough off trust interest they’d never have to charge another student tuition and room/board if they didn’t want to.

    They could just take all the smartest kids like this regardless of where they come from.

    They do, technically. The admissions process is need-blind, meaning they decide whether to accept a student before looking at any financials, then provide enough financial aid for them to attend. Something like a quarter of the students don’t pay anything.


    So they’re falling behind the rest of the Western world for 75% of their student body


    Yeah, 25% is what the website says, but that sounds like it includes scholarships. So pretty much every athlete and other scholarships.

    They have an estimate tool too…/net-price-calculator

    75k parental income and 10k in assets was enough for it to be 15k/year.

    That’s a lot of money to a family of four with 1 kid in college.

    And Harvard doesn’t need a penny of it.

    banichan, avatar


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  • NoIWontPickaName,

    I think we can all agree that if you were born in jail, most likely, your support system in life will not be the greatest.

    Don’t give me wrong, I’m sure there are exceptions, but I bet it’s a pretty good rule


    It’s all about the social capital. The social capital ( of someone born in jail is going to be less than someone born outside of jail.

    Xtallll, avatar

    Good for her, I wish her well in all her endeavors to kill the Batman.

    needthosepylons, avatar

    Almost spilled my morning coffee laughing. Also, that’s not kind. Also, that’s brilliant.


    People thrive when the community supports them. Imagine if we all helped everybody.


    But but billionaires are so cool and relatable 🥺🥺🥺


    It’s only a matter of time before they see one of my posts and throw me some cash

    RealFknNito, (edited ) avatar

    I NEED an impractical EV that corrodes from coughing on it from a guy who also posts Doge memes so they can use that money to put a car in space and buy a social media platform to crash it into the ground harder than any of their space projects.

    There are no good billionaires.


    I was just reading about a billionaire earlier and the wikipedia article literally takes a paragraph about him being sued by the attorney general for wrongdoing and tries to turn it into a feelgood story.

    As a settlement to the lawsuit, he (graciously) agreed to donate millions of dollars to organizations (as long as he got to choose them).

    Let us bow down to the greatest altruistic human to ever roam the earth! /s

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