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we used to do this to my mom in elevators. “Ah jeeze mom what did you eat?!”

poor woman was a saint, she should have tossed us into the river and never looked back.


Have one of these trees near my house and fucking HATE it. My dogs keep getting the balls in their feet pads! It creates a huge mess (and it’s not even on my property where I could remove it!)


man we’re so lucky in the PNW… it’s been mild and downright cool all summer so far. Shit’s gonna hit the fan come july but oof - low of 48 and high of 62… life on easy mode


If you get them young enough, you can avoid that troublesome think for yourself phase.

sounds a lot like the plan religions use.


well put. And:

Putin’s a bigger fascist than anyone else.

No right wing wave in Finland as Left Alliance take record result in EU elections (

Finland’s results in the European election bucked a continent-wide trend of rising support for parties on the outer fringe of right-wing politics, with the Left Alliance and the National Coalition winning big at the expense of the nationalist Finns Party....


ok but can you share the trick to keep the dicks from voting?

We could have a lot of nice things (like you’ve already got!) if we could, uh, drive the bus…


Russia was (I don’t know the current status) playing games on the border by dumping thousands of migrants at once -…/finland-says-thousands-migrants-see…


What did the right wing make of Russia’s stunts re: dumping migrants on the border? Where do they stand on putin etc? Thanks for insights from Finland, always wanted to visit.


appreciate the details!


Was wondering how long it would take someone to try to replicat Helldiver’s success with this same narrative.


This is a co-op FPS with 16-player PvE and by looking at the teaser it also involes base building, so not exactly the same type of game.

spot on

As for the narrative, Helldivers is obviously based on the Starship Troopers movie (the plot, the action, even the “patriotic theme”), which itself was heavily inspired by StarCraft.

!?? I read Heinlein’s Starship Troopers in the early 80s lol, not sure you meant that the way it reads. ST the book and subsequent verhooven movie were not inspired by Starcraft.


I probably should have been more specific in that I’m surprised it took a studio this long with the Starship Trooper’s license to build something with similar FPS gameplay and mechanics as Helldivers 2.

I know the book (great) and movie (entertaining af verhooven at his best) predate Helldivers.

I probably could have worded things better sorry for the confusion.


the book is fantastic but doesn’t really emphasize a lot of the fun themes you’ll find in the film. worth a read, it’s short af.


yes, but also, it explores the universe heinlein created in ways i’m certain he never anticipated (talking heads on TV shows being a great example).


sid was just a kitbasher ahead of his time.


Those polish farmers are defending their homeland for sure. /s


just as you’re skewing this entire conversation because you were too fucking dumb to read the article. goddamn this whole thread is a fantastic example of conservatives just being too fucking dumb to participate in debate.


meanwhile two of three republicans can still taste their colons.

when will these people pull their heads out of their asses?


it’s important, critical, to remember that Israel didn’t blunder into this conflict; they were warned by internal and external intelligence that Hamas was going to attack, that it was going to be big.

Any rational actor would have readied their defenses, Bibi didn’t care. This is because Bibi needed the conflict to stay in office. And now Bibi’s jerking around POTUS.

Bibi’s been growing Hamas for decades. It serves his needs.


New spells like Morgana’s Mighty Mammary Malice


I remember when it was THE issue that re-elected bush - every single church-going person I knew came out with rafts of talking point bullshit how it would ‘cheapen’ hetero-marriage, how children seeing married gays would confuse them and mess them up, how there would be rafts of fake marriages for immigration and other specious reasons.

They had a ton of bullshit, none of it plausible.

Bush won in a landslide. :|


I keep telling people they need to learn the true threat about the gay agenda, it’s rule 34. Don’t search about it unless you’re a true conservative.


ah yes, the WIDE STANCE party…


The honorable @tenchiken is recognized for House Bill, “AMERICA DEMOCRACY AND TACO DAY”, which will enshrine Taco Tuesday and Election Day as a combined federal holiday to encourage universal participation in democracy by voting, carnitas, guacamole and salsa.

this shit would pass with a landslide


I agree with you, especially when viewed with an eye towards practicality. It opens so many cans of worms that it’s probably not worth Valve investing any resources.


it’s not hush money. there’s literally nothing illegal about paying to kill a story. this case was about election interference, and the media’s inability to report that is such a key tell.

trump didn’t pay to hush people up, he paid so they wouldn’t wreck his campaign. that’s where the crimes come from. that and tax evasion.

Now, all that said: I spent nearly a decade in the army. The way he handled sensitive and secret info during his term, and then taking it home after - this shit cannot stand. How can we expect an 18 year old to take their responsibilities seriously while letting this shit slide?

it’s fucking bonkers. if anyone else tried this they’d be waiting for their trial in federal prison, they’d never see the light of day etc.


right? it’s all so painfully stupid.


Palestinian civilians would also be allowed to return to their homes across the enclave

Trust me, if Bibi were allowed to craft policy unilaterally this WOULD NOT HAPPEN. Yes, tens of thousands of homes have been destroyed but THEY CAN AND MUST BE REBUILT INSTEAD OF CONVERTED INTO NEW SETTLEMENTS.


It says something about the state of our democracy that Biden even needs to make another move.

In any sane society, Trump would have been run out of town on a rail.


it’s not his supporters who need to hear it on repeat.

it’s the 30% of people who don’t decide until they go into the voting box, who claim to dislike both sides etc.


Bet he’s got some really good ice cream going on tonight lol


two people read your statement and think: nah, they should beat the kids because fuck them if they don’t give into the pressure.

good to see this move from unions.



the worst part about it is, we know, have proven beyond any metric, that he was making shit up the entire time, terrorizing people for bullshit, that he was a vindictive bastard, and provided corrupt testimony that destroyed the lives of thousands… but we never went back and fixed the damage their bullshit caused.


Use it to find a new job, hopefully swiftly, where your talents will be appreciated.

unfortunately the entire game dev industry has been righteously kicked in the balls, they’re competing against 100,000+ who were let go over the last year.

I hate leaf blowers with the passion of 1000 suns.

Everywhere I am there is a guy running a leaf blower. At my house, leaf blowers everywhere all day long. At work, of course, leaf blowers blowing dirt and allergens into the air. It’s such a special noise, it goes through walls and headphones so effectively. They are the most pervasive, annoying things on the planet. I hate...


Gas run ones for sure. I have a battery operated job that’s perfect for cleanup but doesn’t fill the neighborhood with WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRR


She’s exceptionally competent in one area of law: fucking it up.


she’s doing exactly what she was appointed to do.

I still find it mind-boggling that she’s even participating in the case, much less judging (adjudicating?) it.


well, compared to the last hitler youth…


Ukraine will never be a prosperous country again in either of our lifetimes.

and who’s fucking fault is that? you have absolutely no sense of decency.


would have saved the lives of half a million russians lost in ditches. but putin doesn’t care about them.


I doubt your motives.

Decency would be supporting the victim, not justifying the aggressor.


That’s because they’re not unions in the traditional sense, they’re rackets. From overtime schemes to protecting criminal cops, police unions are not trade-unions. It’s gross.


eat that much garbage and there’s sure to be some buildups


As far as conspiracy theories go that’s pretty mild.

PROJECT 2025 lol


if there had been an ounce of melanin in that crowd, it would have been a blood bath.

Biden is dramatically out of touch with voters on Gaza. He may lose because of it | Moira Donegan (

Many voters believe, with good reason, that none of this would have happened without Biden’s assent. Biden has continued to speak of Israel’s attack on Palestinian civilians using the absurd language of “self-defense”. He has insulted Jewish Americans and the memory of the Holocaust by invoking them to justify the...


least have the good sense to STFU for fear of alienating people even further?

gee, you’re doing such a great job of that already…


I wouldn’t waste my time talking down to you, sport.

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