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It’s a dog that hunt primarily human gorbage.


It’s actually still doable, but requires some creative thinking to undo the damage done for half century. Train can carry people from suburb into the city, the last mile can be solved either by brt, tram, or by micromobility. Bus, tram, and bicycle need their own dedicated lane for this to work nicely. This won’t necessarily prevent people from driving but it will make driving not the only way to go to work.

Places that were developed around the automobile and climate contril are very difficult to convert.

Iirc Amsterdam is basically that, it used to be car-centric but the government take away that monopoly and give it back to bicycle and micro-mobile. Paris is another recent example on how bicycle usage is rising if given the proper safety infrastructure to ride around. It’s also a car-centric city before this.

It’s not that it’s hard, it’s just lack of political will and dinosaur way of thinking. It’s something that never crossed their mind.


It can’t be -30°c 2m of snow for 350 days a year, right?


It’s weird because all, and i mean ALL, furniture and electronic shop in my country will do delivery for you, most even do it for FREE.

Then there’s 3rd party delivery service via an app.


Cities design around walking is technically harder because the space limitation if they want to share it with car, but tend to have everything in close proximity, which in that case it’s far easier to just ban car from entering and cater the street to just pedestrian and bicycle/non-electric scooter. Cities design around car however, is easier to convert, as they tend to have wider road and more lane for car. They just need to take away one lane and give it to cyclist and that’s it. The only hard part is going through the legislation and carbrain.


Because your concern seems to be disproportionately weighted on extreme weather?


If that isn’t your intention, then i’m sorry, but i’m not the only one getting the same vibe, and i genuinely not sure why you bring out extreme condition where other mode of transport doesn’t work either.


It just moves the traffic to the transit stations

The first step and the mindset is already wrong, focusing on moving traffic instead of removing traffic. So yeah, of course it wouldn’t work. Houston failed at it doesn’t mean other city would fail too.


People can’t travel 30 miles from their home to the office entirely using public transit.

Does ALL Americans travel 30 miles for work?

Walkable cities and light rail are Last-mile. Heck - throw in high-speed for the majority of the transit and you still have a huge first-mile problem, which is by far the hardest to solve.

Foldable bicycle? Kick scooter? Skateboard? Frequent scheduled tram? Frequent scheduled buses? Walkable suburb?

The reasons modern cities are designed around cars is because cars are flexible.

So does all those micromobile.

Add a street for a new row of houses and every single one of those points is connected to every end point in a single step. No new scheduling, routing, or transit lines required

That’s what called lazy design, and that’s why american and all the people from car dependent city are so miserable about their daily commuting.

Problem solved with a little asphalt.

Our definition of “little” might be a bit different.

It’s an easy solution

And a costly one. Maintaining road for car is far more expensive than for public transport because of the amount of people each mode of transport carry.

backing out of it is very, very difficult

It’s difficult because it’s written into stupid law by stupid politician. That’s what i called lacking political will.

because it must be replaced with a complicated, expensive solution that’s less-convenient for most users.

It’s not even about replacing one for another, it’s about providing a good, viable option, and not a half done one then call it a day, to people who want to use such infrastructure.

I’m not anti-transit at all, but people around here seem to believe that a city can be fixed with the power of wishes and fairy dust just because another city that covers 1/10th the area and was developed hundreds of years before auto-centric decelopment ago managed to do it.

Nobody think that, that’s just strawman argument. You know why people around here don’t take you seriously? Because you never pay attention to what their stand are. There’s a reason carbrain is a popular term with urbanist/pro-strong town because car people just can’t seems to wrap their head around on the concept of giving people the option for viable alternative transport. Literally every car brain i met seems to believe everyone is living on some edge case hence car should be the only transport, they never seems to think edge case is just that, edge case.

I’ll just leave this video here.


The issue with DNF is there’s issue with its development, so arriving early or late, shit is going to be shit no matter how polished it is.

The issue that Haunted Chocolatier might find itself in is, when people waited for too long, the expectation of how good it is will be all over the place, or the hype is lackluster when people moved on after waited for too long. Though i genuinely doubt any of that will happen, he seems to really know how to communicate with the fans, so the hype might be “just right”.

meme lord rule (

alt-textMicah Follow the six year old, watching basketball: “is this live?” “yes” “aw, I was hoping it wasn’t so we can skip the commercials” something interesting about raising kids whose main experience of TV is streaming is that they have absolutely no patience for ads May 17, 2024 at 6:22 PM 6...


I’m raised in an era full of ads, from tv to radio to cinema to street, and i still have absolutely no patient for ads. Streaming and sailin really helps with cutting unnecessary time spend in ads. On the other hand my nephew and niece wouldn’t mind the ads.


My time it’s like 20min shows, 10min ads. At least shows back then make use of this structure, these day ads on stream/youtube just shows up like spanish inquisition.


I think class divide surely exists, but from my experience, it’s really about whether people are bothered by it. For me i based my living on ad-free mindset so i set my priorities on getting rid of ads and focus a bit more on privacy. My siblings and friends on the other hand, don’t mind any of those, so they continue using reddit/facebook and youtube(with ads), all with pay grade higher than me.


He’s a god, locked door ain’t gonna stop him.


Dude take care of the dead, if anyone you wanna take safety advice from, it’s him, he heard some real stuff happening.


He got the pick that bosnian bill and lockpicking lawyer made, nothing can stop him.


Maybe it’s friendly, i don’t see any healthbar.


I mean, you toot with your mouth, not your nose, so 1.


Dude please no, no more traffic light stop please

The amount of traffic light in my city is giving me ptsd


The lack of merging lane for those going out of that junction is weird.


And i haven’t seen a crash from someone launching themselves straight over the center in months.

I never heard of that sort of case short from DUI, which shouldn’t be include in any accident statistic other than DUI. They’re really magical people that will make all sort of edge case happen.

But yes, love roundabout, it’s a really good way to make traffic flow smoother on a lot of junction, though the downside is you can’t have a traffic light near it. Traffic light is always the bottleneck of every jam in my city


“those damn communist euro things instead of a proper stop sign”

They’re probably high or something thinking Stop Sign will make people stop lmao


I’m in my 30s and i just find it funny. It’s funny because it’s random as heck, just like dragon dream feet or free bird or engineer nope. The reason people dissing it is really just because they don’t want to be associated with kids.


Press the brake.


Nah bro if it’s the choice between raising insurance cost vs killing people + jail time for manslaughter + eating the guilt for the rest of my life, i’ll take the insurance.

Also wth america your capitalism and your priority is wack.


Press the drift button?


Neurolink existing “just because it can”.

“Aperture Science, we do what we must because we can”

You guys seeing this shit?

Joke aside, iirc Neurolink already been used on disabled people, allowing them to use a computer easily. Whether it will have any use case on healthy people it’s still not clear so far.


Dang, why do they love to ruin the good will they collected.


Making game is extremely risky gamble. Sometime studio can spend years working on one game and it might result in subpar sales due to element that’s not in their control, like Spec Ops: The Line. Take Obsidian Entertainment for example, over the year we kept hearing how they’re financially struggling despite created some of the best RPG, and Microsoft acquisition suppose to free them from this issue to some degree. Same with Tango Gameswork. Zenimax and to some extend Mojang is different case though.

Lot of game studio open and close, if Tango doesn’t sold to Bethesda and in turn to Microsoft, it might already closed. Though on the flip side it also mean they’re at the mercy of their parent company, it still undeniable that Microsoft is the one killed them in this case.


Close some division while they’re at it.


I’m also not voting Biden. In fact i refuse to vote neither of them, because i’m not living in US and not a US citizen.

Hashtag sorrynotsorry


Here we striving for equality, vote for everyone.

Microsoft says it needs games like Hi-Fi Rush the day after killing its studio (

Today, one day after Microsoft announced that it would shut down four of its games studios, Matt Booty, head of Xbox Game Studios, held a town hall to discuss the division’s future goals. “We need smaller games that give us prestige and awards,” Booty told employees, according to internal remarks shared with The Verge....


It’s the reason why Shinji Mikami quit i think, dude just wanna make small non-spoopy game while training the next generation of game dev.

With them axing that many studio and focusing on “high-impact” title, whatever that mean to them, m$ basically squeeze themselves dry without 1st party game to support their console and their own store.


What happened to r/196?


The issue is when people use chatgpt or whatever to form a reply for them, like i get that people can’t draw hence cannot implement said imagination, but…word? It doesn’t have to be fancy, just type out what they have in mind. It happened right in Lemmy as well.

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