
Alright, I don’t generally agree with you guys in this subreddit since cars man freedom from landlords to me. This person in the pic though? Absolute lunacy! I’m just dying to see the look on their face when someone sets them straight!

whodoctor11, (edited ) avatar

since cars man freedom from landlords to me

what a fucked up society we live in…





Our housing supply is so shit that people have to sleep in cars.

And where I live, people were having too much fun living in vans, so they even made that difficult.


Ah yeah, they got me too. Made up fake charges to jail me.


How do workers carry goods from the ports to the stores?

Did they forget what century we live in?


yesyes the stores are all just there to be pretty, you can’t buy things from them, everyone was completely stumped by how to get the stuff into the place so nobody tried and now we’re all dead of brain herpes. Jesus.


Three entirely different use-cases there. Commuting, logistics and… Well, the port thing is also logistics but it kinda shouldn’t intersect with a city downtown?

Not to mention that nowhere are cars completely restricted, you can have professional trucks and such.

Now, does everyone need to own their own car to move pianos, or should it just be a piano-moving service you hire the one time a year you need a piano moved?

dumbass, avatar

I’m all for way less cars on the road, but, what do all these people with some form of physical disability that limits their movement abilities? I rarely ever see this brought up in the debate, what form of independent travel can these people use in a carless society that won’t be impeded by their physical issues? Something that gives them the freedom to live their life and not rely on some form of ride sharing experience that takes their freedoms from them?

We can’t leave people behind for a quick solution.


it’s not like a lot of disability that would still allow them drive in the first place, and if they need someone else to get them around, other form factors still work just as well. Just making places walkable will still accomodate mobility devices better than roads for cars anyways.

  1. None of this is about total 100% bans on cars, just making the option of not using a car nicer than using one. Even where car bans exist options still exist for delivery vehicles.
  2. Public transit exists and is often better than driving depending on the disability.
  3. In the current system we leave behind everyone that can’t afford to buy and maintain a car, which is a staggeringly large number already.

Mobility scooters, public transport, ect. Because of the overfocus on cars, acessibility is badly neglected and this needs to change.

What about the people that are unable drive a car because of physical or mental disabilities or age? Or the people that are allowed to drive but shouldn’t? There are vastly more of them than people who couldn’t ride a bike but can drive a car.

And yeah, unfortunately getting rid of cars completely is not going to happen, but cars will work so much better when the only people driving are those with no other alternative.

Fuck cars is about using our resources better to improve mobility for all.


And here I thought roads were for people… I’m so silly


i must consume!!!


Ok so before your anti car brain downvotes this… Read me out.

It’s a legitimate question for cities that do remove most car access, some essential items (fridges for example) do break and they do need to be replaced. A Bike won’t do to transport these types of things (mattress is another example) what’s the solution to this logistics issue?

I’m all for car fucking don’t get me wrong but the image does raise an reasonable question, and i feel it deserves reasonable answers not just ‘fuck you you stupid car brained fuck head’ which is the majority of these comments.


See, the way you’re phrasing it is a legitimate question. I notice you didn’t give a smug description of what a road is for and you didn’t continue to point out that bicycles don’t fit all use cases.

To answer the question, there’s a few ways. Some furniture stores rent out cargo bicycles (like IKEA) and inner cities do allow traffic specifically for delivery of goods in a lot of places.


I don’t think car access should ever be completely removed. The way it’s done in most pedestrian/bike areas around here is that trucks (delivery and trash pick up) are all done within a small window of time. Outside of that, no cars are allowed besides the one or two security vehicles that move at walking speed if they even move at all.


If the above is about the Netherlands then cars are rarely every completely banned. Mostly restricted and trucks for supplying businesses are allowed (although they often have to be low emission if it’s downtown).

The_Tired_Horizon, avatar

The Netherlands does have access for those things. Its the petrolheads who make up that they dont. Otherwise we’d see their cities failing. And there are cargo bikes for many things. My Cousin’s partner rides one thats like a mini boxvan, half electric with a solar panel on the top.


“WAAAH! hOw dO i GeT sTuFf??? i GoTtA HaVe mOaR StUff!!1

consumer mentality makes me want to stab things.


Car brain


I took a lawnmower home on my cargo bike (well trike), the box was too long to fit in our car.


I bet all those NYC bike messengers love this.


What about the bags on the cyclist’s steer? Those are goods.


Also many pedestrianized streets allow for deliveries with larger vehicles! These just have to drive more carefully and slower for the last couple hundred meters. Usually just a city block or two.


Here in São Paulo, services and goods can only be hauled at night, so I guess the argument doesn’t stand in its legs if you think about it a bit.

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