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Geordie is the incredibly competent and intelligent Chief of Engineering on Starfleet’s flagship. He’s also pretty handsome. Geordie is quite the catch, not someone who a woman would need to lower her standards for.


He’s awkward when pursuing, like a lot of engineers, but he’s quite the catch once he’s comfortable.


Ha! I wish.

Who would win: Borg Cube or Death Star? (

TranscriptionTumblr post by arctic-hands: > When I was a teenager and still on Neopets I was part of a pretty big Star Trek guild and eventually became part of its council, with the solemn duty of creating weekly polls. Well one day I created the poll “Which would win in a fight? Borg Cube or Death Star?”. Naturally, since...


I find it hard to believe they could improve that much from one version to the next.


Doesn’t the death star have no shield? It has been years since I watched the movie, but I remember the shield coming from a generator on the planet. So, just move the fight somewhere away from the planet and light them up.




Plasma is trivial for Star Trek shields. We’ve seen Starfleet hide inside of stars before.


Thanks! How was Luke able to fly along the original death star and launch a torpedo into its exhaust port if it was shielded?


That doesn’t make sense to me. If a ship can fly through a shield, then a torpedo can fly through a shield. They’re both physical objects moving at a fast pace. If it was an issue of specific kinetic energy being rebuffed, then they could just modify the torpedo to slow it down. I guess that’s why I haven’t been a big Star Wars fan since I was a kid. I can’t stop myself from asking these questions, and Star Wars usually doesn’t bother answering them.


Unfortunately we can never personally experience everyone’s situation which is why empathy is important, and seems to be sorely lacking in a lot of people.


Sounds like a great time to be a carpenter!


Should you guys clamp down on your immigration policy until you get the housing situation under control?


A sense of fashion and social expectations. The recognition and acknowledgement that the true 80’s are gone.


Replace Karlach for Wyll, and replace literally every other party member for Astarion.


My son and I talked at length about this one, and we agree with Bones. You wouldn’t get me to go through a transporter unless I was already going to die. If there’s any sort of afterlife, or soul, then that’s where the people who have been transported are, and everyone else is a facsimile of themselves.


That’s exactly how they would each dress. I love the “burning” label on Karlach’s underwear.


Yes please! And ping me when you do so I can see it!


My first solo playthrough lasted 138 hours. I see no reason why co-op would be shorter, so probably about that long.


True, but act 3 has as much content as act 1 & 2 combined.


Of course they do, they’ve already scanned all of them and updated their respective user profiles.


I doubt it is that. It’s probably over-roasted garbage like most “gourmet” coffee.


They better offer a rakajino or however that’s spelled.


No, because D’Artagnan wasn’t a member of the Musketeers.


Ah, I haven’t read the other two. I actually didn’t even know they existed until you told me just now. But for the first book he’s definitely just a friend of the Musketeers until the very end.


Even if they don’t create a secret account, they get left out of groups, and probably mocked because everyone else is doing it. Not being able to do things that everyone else does when you’re a kid sucks. My wife and I were just talking a couple nights ago about how we’re glad we didn’t have to deal with that with our kid. We probably would have said no, which would have caused our kid some issues for sure.


We’re really behind schedule if we’re supposed to have FTL by now. We haven’t even started eugenics projects…


I wonder if that’s how they’re suddenly innovating instead of just stealing everyone else’s IP. They must have super babies in the design department!


Kirk would just fire torpedoes at those babies.


It’s an amazing movie! The original story was written by Carl Sagan.


I was a master at Virtua Fighter. They had it at the PX when I was in the Army, and I could play all day long on a single quarter, as long as people kept challenging me. Nobody could beat me!


That was the intent with this industry specific wage hike though, that it would drive wage hikes elsewhere. So it sounds like it is working as intended.

Could the Federation defeat Star Wars' Empire in an all-out war?

Would a Federation warship like the Defiant out gun a Star Wars Star Destroyer? Who has a bigger armada? Who has the tactical advantage? Don’t forget that The Federation includes the Klingons, who love warfare and have fast, agile, heavily armed ships, with cloaking devices, and the Vulcans with superior logic and tactical...


Starfleet generally doesn’t use cloaks, and they’ve never hidden from a fight. They will try to resolve it peacefully, but they have no qualms about going to war when it’s necessary. The Federation includes Klingons, who do use cloaks, but they definitely never shy from a fight, usually preferring aggression over negotiation.


That would be even worse than paying for a Mike Tyson fight in his prime. It would be over with the snap of Q’s fingers. He can do literally whatever he wants with a mere thought. Shooting lightning and jumping really high doesn’t mean shit against a god.


And I suppose that would end the war, since the rest of the Empire is only there under subjugation. No Emperor, no Empire.


That sounds awful. I’d like to go home to Star Trek now!


Ha! The Sisko is Palpatine confirmed.


There are 17 breeds considered “giant” by the AKC, so they could be a lot of different things.


Yeah man, some of the coolest concepts I’ve ever read were in that series. The crusader’s ship that fucking demolishes their bodies from hyper acceleration and then rebuilds them during flight, all without their knowledge, was wild! My biggest fear about it being a series is that idk if there’s a way to create the Shrike in a live action recreation without making it look cheesy. The Shrike definitely benefits from the fogginess in the theater of the mind.


I couldn’t get past the first few episodes of The Foundation. I’m one of those people who read the books who wasn’t happy with what they did for the show. It did look beautiful though, absolutely amazing.

Three Body Problem was excellent. They had a budget of 20 or 30 million dollars per episode though. I’ve been thinking about watching the Chinese version to see how it ends, since that version is finished, but I doubt they can make a show look as good as the Netflix one. The only part of that show that I didn’t like was Augie. Man, that’s the worst character I’ve ever seen. Not only is she terribly written, but she’s a terrible actor, and terribly miscast. The most unbelievable part of that show was that Augie would have any friends, and it’s a show about outer space aliens! LOL. But overall I really enjoyed the show. I watched the entire season in two days.


The sex of the characters honestly never even occurred to me in the foundation TV series. What I didn’t like about it is that they seemed to be making it a show about people, and the original stories are about concepts. They play out over thousands of years, and the individual characters only serve to illustrate those concepts. So a lot of the character interactions weren’t Asimov, who is an excellent writer, they were Apple TV writers, who aren’t even in the same category as one of the greats. It seemed contrived to me, and I got bored. I’m glad that people enjoyed it though. Even though it was changed, it’s cool that newer generations are still being exposed to Asimov.

Asimov is a great creative story teller, but I never got a sense while reading the books that his actual writing style was outstanding. I know the feeling you had though. When I finished reading 1984 everything else I read for at least a year seemed dull, and inferior. Orwell’s writing style amazed me. There were times when I’d read a paragraph and then think about it for several minutes and go back and read it again, just because I was so impressed with how wonderful Orwell’s phrasing was. I don’t mean to take anything away from Asimov, as he is obviously in the same league as Orwell. I think it just comes down to personal preference. They’re both outstanding writers.

I should also kind of amend my previous negativity towards Apple writers since I was incredibly impressed with Severance. They did an outstanding job with that show. They probably did a great job with Foundation too, it just wasn’t for me having read the source material first.


It has been soooo long! When is season two coming out?!?

I loved Altered Carbon, but it got pretty cheesy after his sister showed up. She was not a well written character for the show. Are the books good? I loved the show, even with his cheesey, smoking hot sister.

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